Is this the most half chan/reddit character of all time...

Is this the most half chan/reddit character of all time? If you go to their threads they are obsessed with him the way they were with Kylo Ren.

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a big guy.

Tell me about Tom! Why did he took the mask down?

Pic related. Literally reddit: the character.

Fuck off hotheads

It's a numale fetish, since the cucked man was dumbfounded by hardy's portrayal as the biggest guy of them all, it's now drilled into their heads that any nolan films where hardy has a role is arguably canonical to the bane dynasty.

That, or they're trying to overmeme this plane guy into the new baneposting.

But does he crash the plane?

Idk i haven't seen it, might go later.

Tom Hardy's character is one big banepost
>lands plane on a Dunkirk beach when out of fuel. British troops have all evacuated. He knows enemy troops are coming so he sets his plane on fire. The fire rises.
>stays on the beach by his burning plane and gets captured by Nazis. Getting caught was part of his plan.

Yeah, I'd rather not. I'll leave that to you.

In fact, why don't you go back there and fucking stay?

Is Nolan become self aware? Is he going to upstage Bay for Kinographer-in-chief?

Tom Hardy is one big banepost himself.


Hothead detected

I can't wait to see this.

It's not right to see his nose mouth and chin. It's like seeing your dad's penis.

Except Bane actually had lines.

Nobody cares about the lines, all that matters it the mask!

It's almost like no one cared who he was until he put on the mask.

Could it be possible that he is Bane's grandfather?

Why did he land the plane in enemy territory and get himself caught to begin with? Why couldn't just eject with a parachute or land the plane in water nearer to his allies? Truly a BRAVO NOLAN moment.

every character in every reddit wars movie

bait ?

Clearly his next stage in his master plan is crashing the third reich, with no survivors!
Nolan remakes The Great Escape when?

you mean
the great banepost

All the actors from the Plane Scene play the prisoners?


Every role of Tom Hardys life is 4chan/reddit

Sounds pretty reddit




he lands """"""""safley"""""""""

This guy was the most useless character, why was he even there?
>Fall of some stairs
>Somehow get serious head injury
>Goes blind