Dougherty is also the business manager of the International Brotherhood of Electricians Local 98, which is currently under investigation by the FBI.


Johnny Doc has always been a crook

just like in the 20s

God it's gonna be like old school Philly mob wars, can't wait

I wish someone would find the bus companies they are using to do this shit in each Mid-Western city and just sabotage them the night before. Or at least through some nails down while following them.

What's that like a mister-meaner?

Reminder that they also want to sue the union to force them to work on Election Day.

Won’t that just make the union strike longer out of spite?

Don't worry, leftist are to lazy to call for a ride. Too much work and too complex process to them.

That lawsuit was struck down lel. Honestly election day is the union's entire leverage. If they continue the strike and Hillary wins, they just gg'd themselves.

This. Nogs have nigh-zero agency. This will depress the AA vote by amazing amounts.

Aren't most of these polling stations in walking distance anyway?

Everytime this gets brought up. How many nogs are going to be willing to walk a few blocks to vote? White people with jobs who have to walk to work may or may not have time to walk to a polling station.


Not sure if you understand.
Nigs don't call for a ride for the polls, they get called. "Want a ride to the polls? Oh, we'll buy you a chicken dinner after you vote." That's not an exaggeration, it's always been done like that for decades.


In the past the vans were to supplement nogs going to the polls with public transport. Now it's the only method. This will definitely depress turnout.

Those is some nice vans ya gots there, chum…be a real shame if sumpthin' were ta happen to dem da night before da election, wouldn't it?
Maybe ya shouldn'ts use dem for a while, whaddya tink?

The kikes are rank iwth it.


I propose we call them out to random places and ask them to pick us up. When they call tell them we're about to come to the door. Keep this going as long as possible.

You think only one union will get their mob involved backers involved? Top jej

Ostensibly, this would facilitate further Democratic vote fraud. Masses of people would be driven around in vans from polling place to polling place.

Yet again, I small corruption.

When will this meme end?

This. Phillyfags should do this

Ohio voterID laws are still in place.

You could call them from anywhere really. I'll make an op thread when we find the number.

Anyone can, there are online services that can give you a temporary number or hide yours. We just need to get organized with a map of all the best locations to call to to maximize the waste of their time.

man.. if i were a pennsylvania Holla Forumsack id be destroying those building trades vehicles

If this is what you're doing, why not get picked up and vote Trump on all the stops while you're at it?

Ohio had VoterID so multiple voting is impossible. Also I'm not from penn.

Because I don't live there and it's a felony you retard, we're not niggers and mexicans with nothing to lose. Nor are we on the side of corruption which facilitates the cheating. Do you think before you post?




gee i hope no one does this.

If its a felony, why not try performing a citizens arrest on the drivers for facilitating a felony?

HInt: Have multiple guys with guns do it.

Yes. And I also know that the powers that be would not allow an investigation into voter fraud to happen, because more Dem votes would be falsified than Rep votes. And who the fuck cares if it's a fucking felony? What does a crime being a crime matter if no-one wants to touch investigating it with a ten-foot-pole? Depending on the state, they're not even allowed to ask for your names.

Wew laddies

The Democrats are not the people's party.

Obama used to drive one of the buses, IIRC. Got the same niggers to vote in a bunch of polling stations.

Some rented buses vs public transit will still make a difference.

If I was one of those bus drivers I would just drive in the wrong direction for a few hours. As long as possible until people notice.

I think you meant, "I would ghost ride the bus off a cliff"

I just stated I did.

Who says they aren't? Trump has been bringing the case against voter fraud, there's even a lawsuit against a particular office. I'm not going to be the one making the case for the Dems. Respond again with your asinine poorly thought out cuckchan tier bullshit and I won't bother.

That is a great idea. A cliff certainly counts as 'the wrong direction'.

PS I would also do this for migrants in Europe.
Drive a truck up to the border and 'accidentally' leave the doors open so hundreds of migrants climb aboard.
Then drive the truck to syria or off a cliff or whatever.


Technically that's illegal. Funny, though.

uh it's racist because society is white supremacist so blacks can't get car loans
It won't end until there are no more niggers in this country.

I think I could try to plead ignorance.

For instance how am I supposed to know there were migrants on board my truck when they sneaked on by accident without my consent?

For all they know, I was just parking up at Calais for a quick snack. Then I turn around and go the other way.
And then my truck loses control on a mountain road and I just about manage to escape the cab before it goes over the edge.

Apart from this thread where I have outlined my plan, nobody could prove that was my intent.

As long as nobody subpoenas your IP and gets your posts here, then yes, you could plead ignorance. "I lost the map!" is a decent defense.

Frankly, I think it would be worth the 90 days of jail time (that's in my State, yours may differ) just to "get lost" on the way to the polls.

Look at this fag's weird company logo. Remind you of anything? These dems are so unsubtle it makes me cringe.

most big unions are socialist schemes


We either need someone on every scheduled bus with a camera to verify none stop at multiple polling places,
Someone at every polling site to take timestamped photos of the licence plates of every bus that arrives to cross-examine.