So what's the deal with hews anyway?

I just gotta know.. What is the deal with the jews?
After a poster wrote the jews was his biggest redpill I got curious.
So whats the deal?

Other urls found in this thread:


Jews are bad. /thread



i'll get to work

Quit posting and lurk or go back to wherever the fuck you came from. No one here owes you an explanation, you pathetic brat. We've been uncovering jewish influence for years, you don't get to just show up and have it spoon fed to you.

I get that. only wanted some archives to read

It does work but he typoed the name, just fix the typo and 208 will work


You did ask for it an a way that made you look like a troll.

I'm just genuinely curious. No trolling intended

great! thanx

Gas yourself


Read this.

Where to begin……?

To fuck off and go back to leftypol / 4cancer.

reported for 4cuck style thread

OP here. thanx for all the kind responces.
i gotta go. drinks to be had, games to be played. gonna read all this hungover tomorrow.
have a good day all!

I miss the days where people got red pilled on 4chan and then after realizing 4chan was cucked came here.

watch money masters, then die rothschilds, then tgsnt. in that order

Ultimately: A world ruled by them. A world of retards ruled by them.

Jews never created civilization or know how it works, that's why all the ideas they have dreamed up always ended up getting them hated.

The cycle is repeating again.
They look like humanoids but are more akin to pod people or fungus.

Always do the opposite of what a jew tells a non jew to do, unless it's no brainer stuff like "Keep on breathing", trying to be smart.
Then you keep on breathing, of course.

But anything else? It goes into the trash, every time.


gtfo loser. go read a book.