Christian White Nationalist Moves To Russia, Starts Farm & Family, Becomes Internet Sensation

The American-born Siberian farmer who went viral after hitting out at Western sanctions in a memorable online video has issued a personal Christmas message.

With his distinctive laugh, Justus Walker won the hearts of the Russian people as he spoke about how he can finally sell his own homemade mozzarella cheese because the more famous Italian variety would no longer be available.

He was dubbed the 'Jolly Nazi Milkman' and became a YouTube sensation in the process following the TV news interview, in which he also described the measures against Russia 'an act of war'.

Mr Walker was more used to marking Christmas on December 25, with the early part of his life spent in the United States. But having lived in Siberia for the past 20 years he has grown used to enjoying a double holiday period, and now also savours his annual January 7 celebration in Russia.

And in a video posted on YouTube to mark Orthodox Christmas, he explains how his family marks the holidays, using both American and Russian traditions, and delivers a special holiday message to his internet fans.

Speaking in perfect Russian as he describes how his American-Siberian family marks the holiday period, he says: 'I congratulate you on the holidays, no matter how you celebrate them. I hope you also have some wonderful family traditions.

'I wish you all get together at one table and I wish that parents' hearts are always open to their children and children's hearts are always open to their parents."

Other urls found in this thread:

basically a variation on the "should white men move to russia thread" you really could have just pposted this as a comment to it.

Mr Walker came to Siberia with his parents in 1994 after they decided to sell their possessions and move from the United States to preach in rural areas of Russia.

They had spent a year studying Russian in Latvia before taking themselves to Krasnoyarsk, where they ministered in surrounding towns and villages, pastored a small church and fed and housed needy local children, as well as established youth camps and outreach projects.

In 2000 the Walkers returned to the US, but Justus decided to stay in Siberia where he continues to serve in the Boguchany region today. But it was his goat farming – and his mozzarella cheese – that attracted the attention of the Russian media, and won his legions of online followers.

During an interview at his farm for Channel One Russia in August he began laughing heartily at the fact he would now be able to sell his cheese in vast quantities because of the EU and US sanctions on the import of Italian mozzarella.

He had said: 'When we were talking to the buyers in the city, they told me 'why would I buy your mozzarella when I can buy Italian and it's not much more expensive?'

'But now? Ha ha ha. Why? Why? Because there won't be any of that Italian cheese any more. Ha ha ha ha ha!'

In his latest video, Justus tells viewers about his family’s plans for Christmas, and how it will be the second time they have marked the occasion in the space of two weeks.

On December 25, the Walkers – Justus, his wife Rebecca and their two children – opened up their Christmas stockings, exchanged gifts and enjoyed a traditional American breakfast of pancakes and maple syrup.

Thanks for sharing.

He's like, living my dream ;_;

shit, if that ugly fucker can get a cute russian waifu, why wouldn't I?


Looks like RIDF is in full force today due to that anti-Jewtin thread. Is this a response to your "Should white guys move to Russia for white stability?" thread? >>8077887

Good for him, that is an interesting story. It is a shame that the current US administration can't get on the same page with Russia.

Liberal swarthy money kikes user. That is why.

Maybe, but at least it is Pro-White.

Wow, his wife at least is super hot. Like seriously I just fell in love.

White flight is not pro-white. Fleeing your country to be a christcuck preacher in a frozen shithole won't defeat the kikes.

Really? How are you going to defeat the kikes then? how many kids do you have?

he… i swear, he has a lazy eye.
ever so slightly.

Cucking to the slavs is not nationalist in any way, shape, or form. True Americans stay and fight for their homeland.

Oh shit. Bummer. Now he'll have to move back. Bummer. Oh well.

What are you afraid that a White might inhabit and therefore bless another Nation other than America? What could make a nation greater? The land only gets blessed by those who inhabit it and by those in whom do goodwill. For our White flight is for our Armies to defeat those who would trample our very special people.

With that said, you are correct in the watchmen terms. Personally I would never leave the Amish. I am sworn to protect them.

Women don't give a shit about appearance. Women do give a shit about low T and autism.

Kek you people instantly pop up in every thread that even mentions Russia. I'm still not sure if it's the same person because most of the posts have the exact same writing style, but you still stick out like a sore thumb, Schlomo.

Dude needs to know when to cut his losses on growing a beard.

That scraggly shit is clearly not going to fill in.

Seems to be enough for his wife though.

He's a white nationalist, not an American nationalist ya fucking dingus. A white nationalist puts his family and kin first, a political nationalist puts his political nation first. And an ideologue puts his party first. A white nationalist can be a Russian, German, American, even a Brazilian huehue They can also be a national socialist, liberal, or conservative

Moving to Russia is dubious, but you have confused the idea of white nationalism

#YOLO, enjoying those DTF club sluts, m8?


there is no suck thing is christian nationalist

read the fucking bible


shit thread tbh, got killed by autistic faggots and slavspergs

You could say that … Americans are natural born immigrants

His wife looks more manly than me. :(

being christian doesn't mean you ignore politics and your society. You can be a christian nationalist just like you can be a christian powerlifter or christian vegan.

heh, I'm like this guy except my girlfriend is asian and we'll probably have eurasian masterrace kids one day.

He sort of looks like Weev.

At least he lives in a country where there are no niggers. Also russian muslim immigrants mostly gather in moscow and s. petersburg, and he isn't in any of them.

At least he makes kids to make up for his generation and work. Be proud of him. Muslims outbreed you every day, and you don't do anything against it.

Don't kid yourself, fucking racemixer. You aren't that guy. Better be virgin for life than racemix. You not adding anything to white people.


asians are honorary
high IQ
low disposition to crime
ive had two asian gfs and they've been traditional and easy to handle.

only difference is my girl is asian, his is white

The fallacy is that you are not WN because you are having mixed race children.

A valid comparison would be me saying that I am a vegan except I eat meat every meal.

Back to cuckchan for you
You better hope RWDS doesn't find you on DOTR, traitors get a far worse punishment than the enemy

#1 eurasian kids are sufficiently white.
#2 we live in a white country, chances are they will reproduce with whites and have white kids too.

there are a lot half asian looking in siberia

You're going to make the life of your sons a living hell, especially since you're autistic to begin with, and your paternal lineage and family name will easily die out.

Irrelevant. They aren't white. No positive qualities can outweigh the fact that you're a racemixing traitor with cognitive dissonance stemming from but muh dik.

50% white is not sufficiently white. What kind of fucking argument is that?

Fuck off. You don't belong here.

this type of cucks would be the first to fuck an asian girl if she approached them

All girls on this picture look mongoloid-like, with small eyes and flat faces.

your kids will hate you. They will be confused about their identity. Fuck off Holla Forums beta fagot. Stick to your race, for your children. Quit thinking with your dick.

Fuck and have children are two different things. I would fuck pretty much anything as long as shes hot. I would only have a family and marry with a white girl. preferably who looks like me, but, I can't be too picky


No I would not. I have no interest in hookup culture.

You have to hold yourself to the same standards you expect from women or you'll end up with a whore as the mother of your children.


To explain for Mr. Chad here you want a chaste woman who hasn't slept around. This means you want a girl who will only accept having sex with fully committed men.

Which disqualifies you yourself from having relations with that woman.

Hedonistic retard.

His wife doesn't look manly, women normally look like this, she obviously doesn't use makeup, eyeliner, eyelashes and other bullshit, she obviously has to be a very good and wise woman if she can resist using these products.

you don't have to agree with me. I'm a Christian White Nationalist so I want to see the white race carry on and prosper, but I also appreciate the east-asian race too. I'm going to do my part to spread my genes and make quality kids.

how do you respond?

I'll fuck and have kids with both an asian and a white girl if I find good ones

im thinking about going twoards siberia. i wouldnt mind it


is this what estrogen in the water supply does?


Wife isn't russian. Her accent hints that she is American, and also her name is Rebecca which is not a russian name, but an anglo name.

They look so very happy.



Am I a cuck faggot or are none of those three girls actually all that attractive facially?

they're shit

They're never going to cease with their yearning to be what we are by birth. At least they are inspired.

Good point. Hard to counter for in the past I have gotten whores. It's nice to know why, it's because I am a whore. Time to change that.

Nation is in the blood.


Man, this guy's living the dream and I ain't even white nationalist. Siberia though, how much does that suck? Does anyone know? Pop culture makes it out to be worse than the shittiest parts of Alaska, but pop culture is cancer and reality is often more beautiful by far. All I know is that Siberia is where they put the Gulags so it can't be that tolerable.

Every. Fucking. Time.
Shit like this is why a lot of us changed our minds about Russia. If you weren't so incompetent, I'd swear this was all an RIDF psyop to improve burger perceptions of Russia. People like pic related also helps.

there hasn't been any fighting in the US since the civil war, so nobody on Holla Forums is a true american

It's like Nevada, but with snow.

The gulags could be there because it is far from populated areas. I don't think it's the easiest place to live since way back people used to move there to escape persecution, but that means there are no niggers. Also:



Bruce Lee's mom was part white to being with. You can't get a Brandon Lee that way.

Are Russian women as difficult as western women?

I don't see where anyone fled anywhere. Although I do have the foresight to see you fleeing right wing death squads on the day of the rope. You will be caught hiding in an abandoned Jewish deli. You will piss yourself before they hang you. Then you will shit your pants, and the people passing by will be completely and utterly disgusted with everything that you ever were.

Now with subtitles.

Kill yourself.

Nah, I'm going to China because it's even more free of whiny bitch niggers and they have bans on supernatural nonsense. I remember reading here that they banned a movie (possibly Ghostbusters) because of ghosts. I think Jesus is the greatest philosopher but not interested in worshiping to get into invisible alternate dimensions. Enjoy being home to one of the world's largest mosques, Russia. So tolerant of going in the wrong direction.


Many of us were attempting to summon, our computers failed and it may be why Kek is with us now. That was a magical thread. I still say we have to go deeper.

There is actually a bunch of nigger immigration now that China has made its foray into Africa. They are obviously concentrated into small areas, and regularly get abused by police, but they are still present. Look it up online, little Africa's in China and shit.

I know you. You really need to stop asking fj about this chick. (npr 2012)

At 10,000, you can fit them all in Moscow's mosque. I'll be long dead before I see China in the incurable state America is in.


Are you fucking retarded or a shill? Yes East Asians are a good race, but they are still a DIFFERENT race and race mixing with them will ruin your entire lineage. Your ancestors would spit on you.

No. You are only white if you are 100% genetically pure European.

Dude half the people here are gooks larping as White (or vice versa).

Yet miscegenation with them produces mongrels of almost askenazim tier of mental issues.

This fucking guy, right here.

I'd let my husband fuck as many Asians as he wants, hell, I'd even let him have a harem of them in our house, but for Christ/Buddha's sake don't ejaculate into them unless your balls only produce X-chromosome spermatozooa.

Fuck's sake even the most White-looking, attractive, rich, successful, famous and generally loved and immortal male hapa in existence is absolutely miserable and the most famous female hapa is a neonazi pornstar.

What is up with the russiaboo invasion on this board? I remember it was not like this. Everyday we have a thread with 300+ posts debating on whether Putin is a white nationalist, and whether anons should move to Siberia because muh traditional orthodox Russia. Russia is a third world country. There are brown/Asian migrant people everywhere, and 70% of the inhabitants live in poverty. There is no freedom of speech, and no gun rights. It's exactly like Germany/Sweden, except shittier, poorer, and more mongrelized.

Stop fetishizing it. Stop trying to make it something it's not. Stop talking about how great it is. And please, for fucks sake, stop talking about how you want to move there. Mods should just delete these "argue/fetishize about Russia" threads that pop up daily.

It's been like this since 2014, goonie.

Butthurt hohols like you spamming "jewtin" is the recent development.



Unsurprising. Even when they get raped they fantasize of Asians.

It's a better risk than raising kids in countries doomed to force marriage with niggers, sandniggers, spics or, if they get rich enough, jews.

I'm a tenant farmer and can't afford my own land. I've been strongly considering buying land in Eastern Europe. Farmland here costs about $24000/hectare and you find farmland in Eastern Europe for as cheap as $2000/hectare. I'd like to be able to own my own land.

The truth hurts, doesn't it you anti-White D&C shill?

I want to do the same but I'd be confused as to how to get permanent residence. What countries would let you move to them without having a job offer?

If you're in the EU it's more simple. If you're not in the EU you can buy your way in by buying land and becoming a small business owner. If you own land and intend to make profit off that land you're a business owner and don't need a job since you're self employed. Buying property in a lot of countries will get you residency.

Thank you for the subtitled video. :-)