You guys ready to see some real shit?
Turn on your TV Monday morning. It's gonna be one hell of a news cycle.
You guys ready to see some real shit?
Turn on your TV Monday morning. It's gonna be one hell of a news cycle.
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nigger this isn't Holla Forums
Nice timestamp faggot
Right, we're still waiting on our own Jo Cox
If Jo Cox died for nothing what makes you think it will work this time?
If you have something just release it, don't do something to tip them off and give them a chance to apply top-down pressure to get it suppressed.
fake and gay
Godspeed saving western civilization
>>>Holla Forums
do you operate operationally while operating operations?
Ironic that now that we've finally learned to sage meaningless bits of non-proof, we're saging probably the most legitimate-looking thread we've seen
No timestamp, though, what a waste
a better timestamp and we could have had a very interesting thread
They're gonna need like another 9/11 to cover up this fucking child rape shit.
The way things are going it's probably to announce that all White males are being rounded up by the lovely multi-culti LGBT U.S. Army and starved to death in the desert.
something like… nuclear war?
Death is better than living under kikes. That said everything has gone better than anyone would have dreamed just a few years ago. It took 80 years to fall this far. If it takes 40 to fix it, that's fine, as long as there is a future free white children.
Reminder that dozens of malls built in the last 10 years have been deliberately designed to be quickly converted to FEMA camps at a moments notice.
All the outlets I've seen are all structured like that. Spooky shit.
Man, it staggers the mind that human beings can behave this way, let alone the "good guys" in what is hailed as a "good war".
have a beelzebump OP, they'll be breaking into your apartment any moment now
timestamp op
Nice fridge magnets.
man you sure are retarded
I'll believe it when I see it.
I was being facetious. I'm getting fed up with the pedobait sliding. It's like CTR (or more likely, much better shills from somewhere else) finally found the one thing they could reduce Holla Forums to irrational morons with - the juicy idea of an elite child sex ring being blown open.
Until I see Bill and Hillary being shoved into a police van on Fox News, I'm not going to jump the gun on any of this pedo stuff, especially as there's no actual hard evidence and all statements regarding this "story" have come from sketchy-as-fuck sources on social media.
I agree.
I think they got more advanced in their shilling. I've noticed some 'elite' blackpilling and subversive tactics going on. I suspect they hired redditfags to troll Holla Forums.
That is, to bring the unrepentant arrogance of leddit 'rationalists' in to troll Holla Forums users.
They are the worst cancer.
I agree with you user, there's no way Bill or Hillary are directly implicated in this, even if the rumors are true, its gunna be some designated fall guy that they'll deflect about not reflecting their party's values or some shit like that, hell it may even be wiener/huma as punishment for almost fucking everything up, in any case, mark my words, monday Nov 7th Clinton will still be running for POTUS, and to top off that shit cake we might get a false flag bombing too
It's a tactic so simple I'm surprised it wasn't tried earlier.
>Rinse and repeat until the entire board is fractured between those smart enough to see through the ruse and those prematurely celebrating something that most likely isn't going to happen - ever
Why do people decide to post bullshit lies on the internet? Take it to Holla Forums, faggot.
Welcome newfag.
nice LARP
Thanks cheif of department
u are greatest ally
The voters don't fucking care about boring corruption shit dumbass.
So you admit it's just complete bullshit, then?
No CTR, learn how to read.
Why are you disagreeing with yourself?
No , they aren't called shills when they're Holla Forumss interested in weinergate you fucking retard
Nuke new york
whoops all the evidence is gone :^)
I take a print. Just in case OP is not a massive faggot.
Oh I thought you meant pedobait, not the OP's LARPing.
Al-Mossaed is gonna blow up Trump tower and give him the election.
Calling it now.
Jesus Christ no matter how long you spend trying to subvert this board you fuckwits just cannot learn to fit in, can you?
Like the burned down church?
How did that work out?
Holla Forums is my TV. I don't even check the news anymore, I just see what Holla Forums threads are at the top of velocity 3 times a day.
Honestly when it comes to timing it doesn't matter if the serial pedophilia comes out 6 hours before the election or not.
She will be absolutely fucking ogre.
They found the child sex ring evidence in the weiner emails , you spend all day on Holla Forums conviced you're some some of shill detecting spy, you don't even read the news
Y'all know nothing draws public attention quite like kids getting diddled by figures of authority. It's fucking Delicious normie bait and perfectly indefensible. Add a dash of occult mysticism and you got media meth. Trouble is that it's on one of their own, hence the spam and a lot of attention.
it's weinerghazi now buddy
That SOP was going on before the pedo stuff hit, at least for the last two months. It takes the form of cancerchan LARPing leaking over here
Usually the same topic will get reposted multiple times per week. Take for example the screenshots of (what reasonable people would conclude is) test voting results supposedly posted to local tv station websites. We've had at least 5 threads this week with the same screenshots and headlines:
Holy shit I just read all of your posts, you're either an extremely uninformed faggot or actually mildly disabled autist
There's even a soundcloud here
The pedo thing isn't just about the Podesta emails (that's all you see here so you shit up all threads not related to them? is that what you've been doing you fucking idiot?)
Yeah, great source you got there. Totally reliable and not at all spreading disinfo at the behest of his (((paymasters))).
Thanks for admitting you're a shill
Where did I say it was only about the Podesta emails? Oh, that's right I didn't. But you just confirmed that you want people chasing vapour trails on the Weiner enquiry we have exactly zero real information on, and not looking into the Wikileaks material.
Thanks for playing.
And it still would have been bullshit even though you would have fought tooth and nail claiming otherwise
That's more reliable and worth more than anything you have or are doing
You're not the smartest, are you?
Why would Erik Prince put that shit out there, and thus is reputation as a guy that "knows things" only to be proven wrong. That's not very good advertisement, now is it? But seeing as he's such a ZOG operative, then why would he piss potential money away like that? So making shit up or being one of (((them))) doesn't really work here.
I'm not saying I believe it all, but if Prince is putting that out there publicly, I'm going to listen to what he has to say.
Plenty of people are looking into the emails. Where the fuck do you think all of this spirit cooking shit came from today?
You don't announce a dawn raid is coming to your enemies three evenings in advance. Something is seriously fucky with sources like Truepundit claiming "THE ARRESTS ARE TOTES HAPPENING GUIZE BELIEVE US PS GIB MONI PLS". Supposedly these arrests have been happening since last weekend, yet I don't see anyone clapped in irons yet.
As for the spirit cooking thing, I think that was again probably nothing. Just some new-age performance art bullshit, which they've been deeply into in New York since at least the 80's. At worst Podesta probably ate his own fried cum.
The one nobody seems to have pushed is Obama wasting $65,000+ of taxpayer's money on flying hot dogs in from Chicago to a private function in Washington.
Listen to the interview. He offers specific and immediate details citing sources high up in the NYPD that we will know were entirely fantastical by Monday. He's completely blown all credibility if nothing comes of it.
So one of the following is true
- The founder of blackwater is being gaslit
- The founder of blackwater is gaslighting us (why?)
- It's true
Wait, I'm responding to a shill again, aren't I?
He could be talking about the press conference that the NYPD wanted to have Friday but are now doing Monday
The whole issue here, ITT I think is you trying extremely hard to put down and suppress the pedo thing and the weiner emails. For what reason , what do you gain by it. You're not being skeptical, you're actively attacking the founder of Blackwater and a former Deputy Secretary of State, calling them shills and liars. But you have no information for it.
God dammit you fucking shitlord!!! Look at those fucking digits… faggot….those are even more beautiful then some trips…this nigger speaks the truth fam. This is guaranteed to be a very shit on thread….and his probably one of the most underrated posts….thank you for your intellect user.
If OP is not a faggot….well…thank you for having the cojones and wanting to save burgerland for all of us. May the quantum memetic energy of all these blessed faggots (no matter how hard they refuse to lurk or dicks they may choke) support you along with Kek and coupchan in the coming days. Our bantz and shitpostz be with you. For who knows what is really real fbianon - and maybe - just maybe….try and take a moment this weekend, and in that moment imagine….imagine for that just even the smallest of seconds you may truly believe….truly, truly believe deep down in your most inner feels….that there is just the slightest possability that in this reality a bunch of shitposters have collectively given re-birth to a "new-god". The resurrection of an idea. An idea that has a massive amount of energy directed towards it every day….and that "prayer" of ours…it's probably amplified by our electronic medium and our connectedness.
So for just the smallest moment, if you can, imagine a quantum-fueled illuminating chaos god is beside you in spirit as support, and who knows what may happen when the days come.
This is the sort of link you'd 100% expect to be 404 not found, but it's legit. Thank you user.
nice dubs of truth there brother. Definitely some constant low-rent shit around here….I don't bother tracking it…but it does seem to come in waves. I honestly think it's clickbait with multiple "agents" weaving a conspiracy narrative in the thread attempting to distract any newfags from decent threads that may take a little more effort and intelligence….but aren't fucking click bait. Essentially, trying to keep normies away from the red pills on our own board.
The only real reason why the spirit cooking thing matters is because it shows how deranged these fuckers are. Whether or not they believe in it is pointless, they are still doing it and it is all matters of crazy shit. It's a tangible level of crazy the normal person can wrap their peanut noggins around and be revolted by. We can believe all day long that the average voter will be swayed by news of voter fraud. They won't. But this something would make the go "ewww" and becomes real to them.
Fug my outlet mall has those guard towers all over the place
There's currently nothing to suppress, you flaming retard. If I was a shill I'd be encouraging you to go further into prurient, pointless speculation on the currently-unknowable contents of his laptop.
Are you actually this stupid? Nobody will care if he's lying down the line, he'll just claim a bad source, or crossed wires, or it'll just get memoryholed like King Nigger being born in Kenya was.
I've thought through using outlet malls and shops in the happening as barracks and headquarters(especially furniture shops), but I never thought about this. It is a very good idea.