3DPD world is a mistake.
Tfw you will never be cute 2D 2nd year girl student gamedev programmer with other cute girls in the team helping you...
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Is this a CIA brainwashing program to get otherwise talented people into some weird cult?
you're mentally ill. end your life.
why even live ;_;
Sure is pleb in here!
that's pretty much what anime ended up being
But user, its not an anime. It's a manga about cute girls doing programming.
haha gud post opie xD
stella no mahou
No it's a Japanese brainwashing program to get otherwise talented people into low wage programming jobs to combat voluntary unemployment. They use manga as a vector for social improvement all the time, like those government sponsored anime about how nice it is being married and having sex for the purpose of procreation to combat low birth rates.
True otakus can see right through this shallow kind of baiting. That show was shit.
Pic related.
Enjoy your alimony payments, cuck.
It's also an anime.
Speaking of brainwashing, I wonder how so many people got brainwashed into basically having a psychotic episode every time anime is mentioned.
It's one thing to "mention" anime, but there are anons here who literally can't live without injecting moe shit into every facet of their lives. Even abstract collections of computer commands needs to have some big eyed cartoon attached to it they can fantasize about. It's fucking bizarre.
Sage for not being Holla Forums related.
I don't even... Why would you want to marry? Marriage was maybe reasonable choice in your life 40 years ago, now you would have to be insane to marry. If you choose to marry say goodbye to: time, hobbies, money, sanity and freedom. You'll be just another normalfag living life by the book. Get born, go to school, get a job, find a spouse, have children, work burns you out, get irritated, get mad at wife, divorce, give in to alcoholism, die of cancer. And then your children repeat the same cycle. I think, I'll take anime over marriage.
Even Stallman disagrees with you. stallman.org
It's not about fantasizing, it's just fun. It's also not even uncommon in Japan these days, a lot of things have anime mascot characters.
Why limit yourself to software?
That image is pretty old.
Why even live?
Rust-chan would be a trap.
> Even Stallman disagrees with you. stallman.org
Yes goy, listen to the autistic Jew for life advice. We don't want to have too many 卐卐卐white people卍 卍 卍 in the world, now do we?
Needs "Blood Type: AIDS"
rms really should learn his limits. The population growth is mainly among niggers, not humans. And the only people who can find ways to avoid or at least mitigate a global catastrophe are us. Yet it's us, not the majority of the population, who shouldn't have kids.
The UN is seriously a bunch of retards if they seriously don't believe niggers population is going to eventually plateau exactly like whites and Asians have as development rises. Likewise, they must have the foresight of a plank of wood if they cannot foresee a population rebound.
Stallman advocates for everybody to reduce the population. White people are no more special than black people.
That's not how the global human population works. Some countries are contributing to overpopulation far in excess of others. In first world nations the problem has become that not enough people are having children.
So white people should just try to outbreed niggers in a race to the bottom?
Kek, that actually caught me off guard.
Who said anything like that?
Your great grandparents had like 8 children each. It isn't a "race to the bottom" if your kids are doing remotely useful things with their lives instead of dealing drugs, robbing, raping, and collecting welfare checks.
Either way white people need to have more kids and niggers need to be "prevented" from (that is, stop being given enormous incentives to) breeding countless apes with strangers.
If niggers keep having kids, but now white people are having more kids, this doesn't solve any overpopulation problems, it just makes more people. You didn't really suggest anything, so I just drew a conclusion.
Mine certainly didn't. It's a race to the bottom if you think overpopulation is a problem in the first place. There's only so much space on Earth and only so many resources. The only reason people say white people need to have more kids is because other races are having more than them. There's never any consideration of what might be an ideal number of humans in general and when that threshold has been exceeded. It's always just about there being more of them than there is of us.
Overpopulation is not globally distributed and every country's birth rates have to be at least at replacement level.
I like how this thread quickly became a /a/r9k/MGOTW/pol/leftpol/ shit fest.
sage because not Holla Forums related.
Depends on the situation the country is in. Singapore is a very good example, they had campaigns for one, two and three kids per family, depending on how their economy was doing at the time. Africa should have 0-1, Europe should have more than 2.
Everything you listed is under YOUR control. The obstacles you imagine, raise up, and cower behind can be surmounted through strength of will.
We've each our role to play in making anime real. BE the change you want to see in the world.
there is a plataeu in the growth rate, and now it's just the rest of africa 'not dying by the time they reach 40'. also, i don't trust that graph, it looks shifty. africans are terrible at becoming cute anime gamedevs anyway.
My Great Grandparents lived in a world where women were still women, men were still men, and seeing someone that wasn't your own color in your neighborhood was rare. I didn't even see a nigger until I was 6 years old. Show me one 3DPD worth impregnating that will cook, has an IQ over 60, doesn't follow retarded trends, isn't brainwashed by the media, doesn't whore for attention on social networks, and won't leave me at the first sign of hardship. I'll gladly put a ring on her and have 10+ white children. I have the land, money, resources, and would make a good father. I don't even watch anime anymore and I don't have retarded dolls sitting around my house. I've stopped gaming for the most part and have interesting hobbies. I just post anime because it reminds me of the good times.
You can't find one among them because they don't exist anymore in general populations. Any real woman gets married off young and marries up. There is no good 3DPD left for the common working man.
Why dont you dress up in feminine clothes, lose weight to become qt and start programming like that? What's stopping you?