I just want to know what keeps the chinks from doing their own x86 chips without paying a license just like cyrix did back in the 90's and fuck intel in the ass
Any chipfags can explain why?
I just want to know what keeps the chinks from doing their own x86 chips without paying a license just like cyrix did back in the 90's and fuck intel in the ass
Any chipfags can explain why?
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Jews will get their ass if they do and try to sell them worldwide. Also, making good chips is actually hard.
I know but mediatek is literally the only real competition qualcomm has, if the chinks could do the same for desktop then intel would feel the pressure
OP I think your question would be better asked as, why doesn't someone start a company to challenge the kike held monopolies.
The answer is (((suicide))). The few smart enough and redpilled enough to realise what is going on will never, ever do such a thing. That's before getting assets and creating the chip design at that.
Patents, that and it would probably take too long to implement all the instruction sets that most x86 CPUs have. They'd get sued out the ass, and their CPU would probably be several years behind on performance.
Technically VIA is a competitor, but I don't think they've released anything since 2009 or so. They're still on Pentium 3 levels anyway.
VIA bought cyrix and all the patents they had
In a way I dont get why the chink gov dont bankroll this since all the intel/amd chips are backdoored as fuck by the NSA
My guess would be that ARM is already further along than anything VIA makes. That and ARM chips are pretty cheap to churn out.
The better question is; why would they? Chinks aren't autistic about CPU I/O management firmware like the 400 virgins on Holla Forums are.
How do you know they are not making x86 clones now and just selling them domestically?
Gooks had better be autistic about it, that's if they want their missiles to stand a chance of not blowing up at launch.
But not x86
Seriously nigger? why build chips without a foreign backdoor?
You think we wouldn't know that?
Yeah because the NSA apparently has magical powers where they can somehow identify specific PCs out of ~2 billion so they can somehow read out instruction I/O from the management engine remotely in realtime because that's exactly how this shit works for sure
The Chinese can't even into space station orbital maintenance, "backdoors" are the least of their problems
The chinks do MIPS rather than x86. Loongson is the name of the processor they use domestically.
All their PCs are x86. Longson is to China what PowerPC is to us. A niche architecture that the average joe never actually sees
Were you born stupid?
Loongson-3 can run x86 code at about 3/4 the speed of a real intel x86 cpu. But it doesn't matter since most are running bootleg XP anyway.
Aah yes, it's so secret they published it in a New York Times article. The scary spooky government hackers can literally blow up rockets from their terminala CSI style. Probably the work of those RUSSIAN HACKERS amiright?
Grow up
You didn't read the article, I suspect you can't read anything longer than a tweet. It explicitly outlines that the US is pursuing a campaign of cyber warfare and sabotage against the missiles, to destroy the rockets AT LAUCH. They do not get into specifics, but you can expect they are exploiting undisclosed defects in a variety of chipsets used.
It was a politically neutral article, not an editorial.
Oh I read all that believe me and you reiterating it does not do it any justice and no amount of reiteration can make it sound not retarded
A chip farm costs billions. Hardly worth it if you can't legally sell in the US and Europe (illegal sales would only get a few home users, not worth it). Instead they're making their own chips. Right now they can't beat Intel, but if they get there they'll be able to sell worldwide and we'll finally have competition again.
Btw, chinks were forced to speed up their chip development thanks to burgers being retarded and boycotting them.
They can't even build safely operating escalators.
Remain incredulous all you want, but if you were told about stuxnet at the time, you'd have never believed that either.
Stuxnet was a very different beast and infected Windows-based industrial control systems. Not missile engine controller firmware
They are not in the business of posting anything politically neutral. If you don't notice the hook, it just means it successfully made it inside your head.
Yeah, it went through windows machines and spread itself to PLCs; a PLC rootkit was hitherto unheard of.
There is no source that I could have linked, which would have escaped an accusation of bias or jewry. The NYTimes reporting is one of the more higher quality sources out there, which is why I chose it.
Don't do it, user. It builds up.
Don't worry, I get all my real news from TheGoldWater.
Patents die after 17 years, but copyrighted instruction sets are forever.
Source for the x86 emulation?
Cyrix was selling in the US without breaking any patents, they just didn't have the funds to compete
that's literally how the united states blew up a bunch of iranian plutonium refineries
Every chip technology is patented by jews and cucked to the skies.
If you sell on international market, you have to comply to international patent laws.
x86, AMD-64 - Intel, AMD, licensed to VIA and Vortex86 that have to develop everything else from ground up themselves.
ARM Holdings licenses their IP cores to Qualcomm, Mediatec, Huawei, other chinks
Imagination Technologies, MIPS - Baikal Warrior 5600 IP core, Fujitsu, tied to original company by NDA, Loongson Cheeky MIPS copy, but their DMI bus is licensed off AMD
POWERPC - Freescale, IBM, though IBM processors can run without external proprietary firmware.
Memerisc - Open hardware projects like LowRISC, RISCV are still in development stage, then you need a decent gpu that works with free software drivers and has hardware acceleration.
Or they'll just have a (((biker))) attack you.
Well, being a part of Jew paper money is problem. Why sell it anyway? Why not teach everyone how to build chips using their own built components? Cut out Jew paper money, cut out Jew companies, cut out Jew purchases, cut out Jew everything.
>The answer is (((suicide))). The few smart enough and redpilled enough to realise what is going on will never, ever do such a thing. That's before getting assets and creating the chip design at that.
couldn't they start companies anonymously? like having some figurants as CEOs etc. If they get (((suicided))) you simply replace them.
And why won't china government start such company? It's not like jews can stop chinese government.
ARMs are backdoored
So chinks don't give a fuck about being backdoored, spywared, controlled by jews and USA?
And what if a war or some conflict between USA and China happened, and USA would ban Intel and AMD from selling chips to China?
Exactly. They probably just use those Longsons for some military and critical systems, but that's all. Chinese people, companies, and most of government use x86.
Actually XP is pretty safe and doesn't contain strong backdoors unless you enabled Windows Update.
It's not that they can't, it's more like "we don't give a shit that someone dies as we have over 1 billion people".
cut out Jews. this time for real.
china works for the NSA, and will continue until manufacturing shifts elsewhere due to property prices
Let me guess, they co-developed Open Botnet Standard 1.0 and are totally cool with each exploiting it to attack the other's citizens and companies? The occasional news items about Chinese spies getting caught are false flags, right?
Brain cells I will never get back. Holla Forums really needs to stick to what they're good at; Linux distro and text editor wars
Maybe the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, at least in a strategic sense. Imagine being able to send out a signal to break every post-2007 Intel machine in China? As long is (((Intel))) and the NSA still have sole control of the ME keys, this could be a potent weapon.
China obviously knew about the capabilities of ME over a decade ago when they initiated the Longsoon project. Russia has caught on too, the newer Elbrus is even able to run X86 and AMD64 code.
I remember Dell selling Cyrix machines. Via bought Centaur and Cyrix and let them rot on the vine. There was another company called Nexgen that AMD bought. Nexgen's x86 CPUs converted CISC to RISC like AMD's eventually did. By the time the Pentium II dropped, AMD was the only real surviver to Intel's endless litigation.
Yes, it's actually called the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. See these links.
The thing is, there was such technology, one could bake 120nm chips at home with simple tools and chemicals, but suddenly this technology became (((patented))). I have no source tho, but remember reading it somewhere.
How do we keep developers and key figures anonymous? How do we keep secrecy of communications and have productive work without having developers meet in person? Where do we find manufacturing equipment? Outsource to TSMC? Some basement in Shenzhen? Because we are running out of time and China is already switching to full Big Brother mode. I can't imagine an electronics manufacturing company in current days of being selling it's devices on deepweb through drop shipping like some faggot druggies, giving the factor that drugs are dirt cheap to produce at source somewhere in Afghanistan or Bolivia, and corrupt border officials are bribed to allow trafficking but in hi-tech there are so many parts or chain adding up to cost, and are easy to break by infiltration.
Yee, I really wish those "hackers" you always hear about on news instead of leaking another mouthbreather politician emails would steal some juicy blueprints from chip manufacturing company or source code for proprietary drivers.
You can't mass produce electronic devices in secret.
You can still bake and etch silicone wavers in a home lab. It would just be wasteful and somewhat expensive.
Who cares about mass production? I just need one. And then maybe a few dozen for friends and family.
yeah bro, the government is good, we need to trust it and the jews. They care about us :^)
I'm just looking at a thread of cringeworthy retards misusing the word "Botnet" over and over again while rambling about "cucked" processors instead of actually discussing technology
But truly your intellect is far superior to that of my own. Are you perhaos a fan of the show Rick and Morty my good sirs?
No, it's a fucking botnet of the mind. Fuck off cuck.
Please tell me that you're just pretending to be retarded.
Are you twelve? Your reading comprehension looks like it.
How is discussing our PC being a botnet and taking control from us, not a technology related?
Don't you think it's pretty important that jews and feds see everything you do and press on PC? And that they can remotely get your files or destroy your PC?
The reaction is from the tone of the language rather than any good lessons that might possibly exist. Shitting up the discussion with meme speak does not promote clear understanding of the issues. "Cuck this" and "botnet that" deserves no respect in a respectable discussion.
Reality check: you're on the chans, not an ivory tower academic site. Get used to the memes, or gtfo.
nice tone policing and disruption there
Then don't complain that people are confused the issues. You are intentionally undermining yourself by obscuring your messages when you want more people to learn what you have to say. Don't complain that people are sheep who know nothing when you actively choose to be pure shit.
Not just Cyrix or AMD, there were nearly a dozen:
I think the main reason they tailed off was simply the sheer complexity of the ISA and increasingly tight compatibility requirements, as there were even more knockoffs in the 4004/8008 days like the Z80.
That said, IMHO the best approach nowadays would be a non-x86 CPU that uses emulation, given just how good a high-end cached JIT is currently.
Many CPU designers are "fabless" now, with their products made by contractor fabs happy to build whatever the highest bidder tells them to. Of course, Intel is a major exception, and in fact one of their biggest competitive advantages (offsetting their laughable designs) has long been their large and generationally advanced fab capacity.