Ohio Judge Blocks Trump Supporters from Exit Polling
Ohio Judge Blocks Trump Supporters from Exit Polling
Good to hear we are using the power of the law to stop people from intimidating voters and rig the election :^)
So existing is intimidating? I'm so confused. This is just like when I have to use my card and it's chip but they tell me to swipe.
what horseshit
Yeah, this one seems a little odd to me. I can understand not allowing voter intimidation when entering, but "exit polling" is called "exit" for a reason. There's nothing saying that you can't ask someone who they voted for in an election.
Maybe they're trying to say that exit pollers will be beating the shit out of people who didn't vote for Trump in order to scare others into not voting? Fuck, I don't know. It all seems fishy to me.
We'll see how it plays out. I've seen Dems do this stuff first hand here in VA. If they do it and aren't prosecuted we'll know this is political leveraging of the legal system
Under that ruling they very much can do exit polling.
Remember all those times Trump supporters went to Clinton rallies to attack her supporters?
Yeah me neither
Only one side has a record of voter intimidation
Just need Kikebart and Alex Jones to go as media outlets then
that last little bit concerns me, it seems a bit anti-democratic to not allow independent count of how many used a particular polling place…
What in the fuck is this shit?
Do it anyway. The Democrats would.
How else do you expect them to rig shit if you keep watching them bus people in? You guys are so inconsiderate.
most states have shit like that on the books. The idea that being documented as having actually been at a voting station is voter suppression is laughable and transparent as fuck
The ruling is literally nothing, any kind of electioneering within 100 feet is already illegal, the Judge basically reiterated Ohio law for voter intimidation, it is still possible to exit poll from 100 feet. Stop the steal is happening whether they like it or not, I already signed up.
yea but look at the way the article is written.
It is written to be misconstrued by people like that whole "you arent allowed to wear a trump shirt to vote" bullshit
There isnt a state in the country where wearing a party affiliated shirt is illegal, but if you are wearing one you have to be there to vote and then leave as soon as you are done. Anyone wearing party clothing that loiters around is electioneering…
They convinced almost everyone that its illegal to wear a party shirt so almost no one is doing it.
ya… it's truly sad some of the ridiculous shit on the books.
legally meaningless but great for the (((lugenpresse)))
Wouldn't the entire point of exit polling be to ask people who have already voted?
It's 2016 user. Exit polling now means beating niggers with poles if they exit their personal vehicle/bus in an attempt to vote.
Can't be intimidating the voters, goy, it's not 2008 anymore
Isn't that what the Black Panthers did to white people?
And they will enforce this how?
People should shoot any Dem that tries that shit. All the lawyers and cops in the world can't fix a bring a man back to life.
Disgraceful. We have objective, verifiable evidence of the violence of leftist supporters of Shillary. Casting all Trump supporters as violent is reprehensible for a sitting Federal Judge. Boot him!
These fucking Judges in the U.S.A. have so many fucking ties to lobbies and special interests, and they are purely anti-white in doctrine