Cuck of Duty

New COD trailer just came out, and it's cucked as fuck:

Wew, normies are either buying this, or Blacklefield 1.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, missed the newspaper bit:

Its so blatant. I'm actually insulted in how little work they put into this. Even as an advertisement for a video game its terrible.

Don't forget the part where it's a lefty commercial glorifying WAR.

Literally just looked like a remake of action scenes from Star Wars with the COD logo. And that's not mentioning the obvious political message behind the ad.

This is the gayest shit i have ever seen. Who exactly is their audience? Fucking casuals.

>World gone mad? Screw it, let's go to space! Directed by Peter Berg

Hehehehe. Embrace diversity goy.

Ever since Call of Duty went into the future setting, everything has become pozzed and gay. It's no longer about men fighting for their country. Instead it's about womyn and minorities fighting against white males and robots.

Then again, Call of Duty has always been shit because the Germans were the bad guys in all the WW2 games.

reported moshe you already had this exact slide thread last week

That video tho. Haha. Shit.

The left has no coherent set of values besides hatred of the good. That's it. All leftists secretly hate themselves or are psychopaths.

Why can't leftist see that their so called evil ennemy, capitalism, just thinks like they do ?

Well actually that's what the new (((star wars))) do, and it works of course, thanks to the brand.

Fuck off, CTR



Thanks, nice dubs.

That's right goy! Why care about the future of your country? More escapism is what you need! bahahaha…..

From the recent game "Mafia 3".

idk man, I remember this thread existing a couple days ago at least. I remember because I replied about the "screw this, we're going to space" line in the trailer.


Maybe you can see the future, user.
tell us, when is Killary going to be locked up?

Its not like this board normally has 10+ stickys at all times


Can someone swap the models so you play as the KKK guy?

Also, what exactly was "good" about this movie? Watched 2 times and I didn't get it. It's pretty boring.

Even the average vidya cuck on youtube thought it was a terrible game, of course not for the shoehorned agenda, but for technical reasons

>Europe leaves the E.U.

Leftists don't call it war they call it liberation, except modern lefitsts don't believe in guns and if push comes to shove the entire movement will collapse.

They just guarantied that they would make less money with a game that everybody is predicting will be a flop! They could have just added similar jokes about Hillary and such and everybody would think it was hilarous, no matter what their individual politics were!
I can't comprehend this stupidity.

That's not so bad. At least not compared to Bioshock Infinite

Maybe it was deja vu or something but I swear I posted something about how "screw this let's go to space" is what we're aiming for, expect for real and not escapism.

Not following how this is related to my post. Maybe you didn't mean to reply to me.

Anyways, pic related is good news.

2016 Best Year.

It's pretty cucked, but at least it tried to get away by saying "ALL KINDS OF EXTREMISM ARE BAD". Still, it definitly mocked the "right" side way more.

I think they featured that line in another trailer. i swear I've seen it before.


Halo Wars 2 though……
I honestly think 4 and 5 are a tad underrated, to be fair.

Yeah, but they're not downvoting it because of that, they're downvoting it because of the meme associated with downvoting IW videos:

Also because most of the downvotes come from Battlefield 1 fans, which is slightly better than COD, but still leftist propaganda.


No but seriously, Halo used to be great, most of my dislikes of what 343i has done with Halo is due to gameplay and lore stuff, 343i has remained relatively based, politics-wise, when compared to COD and BF.


Oh that's disappointing. I don't follow gaming stuff so I thought it was more normies waking up.

Was this made under the guidance of hillary herself? shit


This must be part of their plan to get woman to accept the draft. But too little too late, Trump will be elected and is not having that shit.

Is vivian supposed to be getting high on tussin?

Yeah, 343 actually have enough Brain Cells amongst them to KNOW that doing some stupid shit like placing the Game in a completely inappropriate era that just wouldn't fit is a stupid idea (Call Of Duty)
And that making every second character a minority is retarded (Battlefield)


The kikes' total destruction of the videogame industry has forced me to seek out good shit from the mid-to-late 90's that I either missed or dismissed the first time around.

They can poz the other goyim with their shitty tacticool shooter. I'll be slaying niggers in Twisted Metal 2.

Fuck off cunt. Halo died with Bungie.

Halo was never good and was always globalist propaganda, Bungie a shit, the only good thing to come out of that series is the music and even that's pretty shit
video games haven't been good in years and years and years user, get out of the goybucks trap while you still can

The best part about that scene was that it didn't actually make her look like a stronk independent wymyn, it just made Space Nigger look like a fucking retard.

including GTA?



Always webm. That way, those fuckers only get that one view. Only post jewtube links if there is an agreed upon dislike bombing agenda.

Someone needs to wait for the good strategy/ww/history games, user. May as well be me… I will stand here waiting.

I mean, it's an unlisted video with no adds, so they're not getting any shekels anyway.

but I agree that posting a webm is better, I'm just too lazy to make one tbh

Nothing. It's literally just a soft reboot they made for the new generation so they'd buy toys and shit. Same story as the original, word for word.

Don't get the appeal. Even the RLM guys like it, which is a shame. Even if you're not redpilled and think having a gorilla-lookin nig as a lead in a movie is acceptable, I still don't know how anyone can think the villain was good. As soon as he takes off his helmet, which was the only good thing about him, he is revealed to be a beta looking faggot complete with an annoying beta voice. He acts like a 13 year old who doesn't get an xbox for his birthday and literally throws temper tantrums. Then gets cucked by a girl with the force, a girl with no training, and cucked again in a lightsaber duel. Who the fuck is this appealing to? Villains should be strong, evil and hate-able. Or smart, misunderstood people that you can like. He is none of these things. You cannot hate him or like him, he is just pathetic. Did I mention that he murders his own father? Wow, it's almost as if I can hear hand-rubbing in the distance.

Knowing that a generation of white boys will watch this movie and subconsciously think:
is fuckin infuriating as all hell.

JJ Abrams needs to be flayed alive.

With what money?

They will use blocks of frozen Canuckcuck tears.

Infinite was a stupid game but it didn't have retarded politics hamfisted into it. Oh, there was some shit about racism but it was never the focus of the story and was barely mentioned at all. Don't even compare it to this leftist cucked shit. Good visuals, a stupid game that's dun to play once, 5/10 it was alright.

I don't think there are enough of them for that, considering 65% of their country didn't vote.



It was pretty much the first part of the game. That and the fact that Comstock is an evil version of you whose main difference is… he was baptised. The whole thing is an anti-white, anti-Christian and anti law and order tale.

And you didn't even include Half Life 2

not my image and it's at the bottom for some reason.

Fucking kill me

it's ok, everyone hates it

they are just tying nwo shit with garbage games

Holla Forums was never good

I literally just googled "best games from 2004" and chose the first pic I agreed with after barely glancing it, which was from r/gaming

Another important detail: the only time war is ever good to the left is "muh racism." They like the Civil War for oppressed nigger slaves, and World War II for muh Holocaust and da ebil nadzees. I don't think there's been a game about the Balkan Wars yet, but they would like that one too, since it would be multicultural America bombing racist Serbia to save poor oppressed Muslims who dindu nuffin.

The "villains" in all these wars were white people so killing them is 100% acceptable for the cuck market.

Wasn't there an Ace Combat game about it? I think it was Zero.

Why did it went so right?

I understand what you're saying, but there's a difference between mentioning that the bad guy was baptized, and making it a very strong point that the bad guy is christian and is motivated by it. Booker, Elizabeth, Comstock, and the Luteces are all not motivated by religion or race. Those things are just a faint backdrop for a shitty metaphysical story that doesn't even make sense.

I'm not shilling the game, I just want you to be reasonable.

actually I just read the wiki for comstock, and I seem to have forgot that he was a prophet. But that's still not part of his motivation in the central story



No, I mean literally the bad guy is YOU, and you're in an alternate timeline that split off from the baptism, where the alternate you becomes the leader of the white, racist society.
You have to remember: Bioshock was written by a Jew (Ken Levine) so the whole thing can be seen as a cautionary tale for Jews. "Don't convert to that Christianity, little Sholomo, or you'll become an evil supervillain with a flying fortress city!" says the Jewish mother as her son shoots another policeman in the face.

Obviously the women would get shit on hardcore, but that numale faggot would clearly get eaten alive if he actually had to fight anyone.
Couldn't they have at least hired people that looked like soldiers?
You could go find some homeless veteran and it would be more convincing than these twats.

They represent the target audience of their video games.

Eh, maybe you're right. The story was so retarded that I don't even remember half of it.

Nu-males are indeed the target audience I can confirm, they always like the shittiest games and they also love the Nogamestation4. Tons of them in tech, they know computers but they they choose to game on the shittiest device, it just shows that knowledge doesn't always brings wisdom.

Well, it certainly was very anti-christian if anything. They should've wasted less time on the SJW pandering and more on the relationship between Elizabeth and Brooker, it felt very shallow considering he is her father.

Should of just made them lolis.

top kek pic related

COD : Gaming :: Capeshit : Cinema

She's taking red pills.

yeah, it's going to be shit.

Yeah, it's going to be shittier.

Them not looking like soldiers is the point. Games allow you to overcome your shortcomings and be the big badass.

Way to go, devs, you justified segregation.

They all look as if they have downs.

Was anyone expecting anything good from this crap? The second game was pretty much a movie and made Godfather 2 (game) look like an 10/10.

Tactics Ogre was practically that though.

Now that is retarded. May as well use the hunk of metal as a projectile and bomb the planet.

I cannot believe this is real.
Can humanity die already?


What relationship? The incestual father/daughter/waifu thing going on? More focus on how evil you, the White man is, seen in the expansion?

It just felt like Elizabeth didn't give a single fuck to Booker. The expansion only reinforced this impression.

This game has been getting shit on since the announcement trailer. I defended them a bit back then because it seemed like they were trying something new. But now I hope this game is a crippling financial failure and they lose millions.

I must be a time traveler then because we already had this thread.

Yeah Ace Combat Zero.

Sorry, I didn't remember the proper title, so I thought it had something to do with

because rentals go to redbox and not the shits who made this, I dropped $3 out of morbid curiosity.
Main character? White presenting spic.
Sidekick? Jewess.
Marine squad leader: Brit dindu.
Bad guy leader? Sandnigger.
The only fucking white male on the entire spaceship is the crazy redneck weapons dude, and he can't stop talking about how much he wished he lived in 9th century China because muh gunpowder.
The robot sounds like a white guy and the nigger shits on him constantly, only a dindu would feel the need to act superior to a piece of equipment.
So it's not just the marketing, their shootmans in space is as pozzed as you can get while still making a military story.

Maybe in the COD universe Turkey joined and everyone else left.

Lots of fags don't understand how actual killers move, I have noticed. I'm unsurprised this would be a thing in vids.

Don't talk to me or my Playstation ever again

I replayed the single player campaign of Modern Warfare 1 a couple of months ago just out of boredom and was kinda disturbed by the lore. Russian ultra nationalists involved in a conflict in Ukraine with western-backed forces, a nebulous war in the middle east (obviously inspired by the Iraq war at the time) where the villain is a man named Al Assad. Connections between the two conflicts lead to the launch of Russian nuclear weapons on the behalf of the Islamic faction, threatening the west.

Wew, lads! Was this shit being hinted at ten years ago, or is this just an example of even more odd coincidences like Pepe, Kek, Shadilay, that 5000-year-old frog Swastika from central Europe, etc.

that's not how you spell 1997 or 2007

Twisted Metal 2 is a classic

The most egregious thing though is

Perhaps the writer was clairvoyant to some degree.

Why do American Liberals care so much about the EU anyway? You wouldn't think it was any of their business.

I predict huge sales for this waste of time and money. It'll have the more faggotted millennials drooling on their sandals.

Maybe that's why they're (((remastering))) it?

The thought of being on the same planet as someone as racist and problematic as Nigel Farage is enough to stress them out.

Based ARE NIGE tbh.

the main one has over 40k dislikes

I thought this was a parody… They actually made this? Ho Lee Fuk! What a pos.

After COD:WaW the franchise has sucked donkey balls. Nothing compares to COD:BRO (Big Red One). Completely disgusted what the libshits have done to the Battlefield series. Rest in piece Battlefield franchise, you will be missed. Bad Company, never forget.

In Infinite, she tells you you should die and helps drown you. In Burial, she shoots you in the face… so yeah, I don't think she cares a whole lot.

The CoD fanbase have been super autistic over this game, because it's not modern warfare or WW2 again. Look at those comments. That's what this is about, unfortunatley.

They see themselves as a neoliberal empire, crusading to bring transgender bathrooms to those backward yuropoors.

What a bunch of faggots.

Not the cleanest set of predictions we've had to work with, but a lot of it is quite up there in believability if you get over the over the top Michael Bay nonsense.

All of their complaints are unfounded and dumb. If it isn't EA paying a bunch of shills to sell Blackedfield One it's the dumbest of dumb as fuck casuals, even for CoD standards. All their complaints range from not liking Space setting (even though they were perfectly fine with the half assed cyberpunk crap in Black Ops 2 and 3) to screaming some nonsense about "Boots on the ground" (because they don't know what the term actually means, and they either forgot or don't know that virtually all WW2 CoD games had a playable Tank section and most of the modern/sci-fi games have just turret sections and the majority of gameplay is always Infantry Combat), basically complete non issues or it's their inability to finally admit and coherently articulate that the CoD franchise has always been shit and every other game had things they hate that are in this game. It's really not worth trying to make sense of just how stupid they are because the mental defects they have beyond something I've seen in recent memory


I remember when warcraft was good.
But then they did a bunch of autistic features and suicided by taking away skill trees. It's as dumb as it sounds.

There should be a syndrome for companies that doesn't listen to three millions of their customers. Even after they lose all of them. It's so bizarre. It'll be like if I shot my best football player in the head and wondered why we're losing.

Please tell me there's a name for this weird behavior.

Not only is Holla Forums always right, kikes aren't even trying anymore. Even normies are getting sick of this shit.

I am going to share this with anons.

It's called employing leftists
When you believe that reality of what is should conform to your vision for what should be
In the minds of those who don't change when their enterprise starts to tumble down, reality is at fault, not them.

No footage of game, can already tell how bad it will blow. Basically, a version of fucking laster tag on the computer. Think of all the call ideas you could make for a REAL game without PC:

Instead, we get some sort of multiculti star wars ripoff. >but this is just as much fun, goy!

Are you fucking kidding me? The Halo Lore pretty much makes it clear that the United Earth Government and ONI are corrupt as fuck and pretty much everyone hates it. Hence why fuck loads of people rebel. Have you read some of the books? Earth is pretty damn dystopic from a political point of view.

Heck, Master Chief was intended to be some fucking globalist enforcer of the UEG regime. It's just that the aliens came along and ruined it all.

It's a pretty damn decent plot tbh.

Fo fucks sake, even if you took 2007 level graphics and put in in todays political situation, >you could have an amazing gig going– Ukraine (fight as Russian Loyalists or as separatists),

Fuck, now TAHT would be a cool game. am I the only one who remembers a time when it felt like at least indie developers could be somewhat competitive, and even the shit games then (COD, "blow up paris") were a lot more fun than now…

They think it's the only thing stopping us from turning into Nazis again.

Was this made by Sam Hyde or what?

and the lamest of all.. the "there's a soldier in everyone" but complain about fighting in real life



It almosts looks not like a vidya trailer, but like a short film, about scapism and CURRENT YEAR.

Yeah, cod is deader than ever.

Funny thing is, BF1 isn't even as pozzed as it looks, though that may be unintentional. I expected it to be about muh heroic superior dindus fighting evil Germans but instead it's full of funny nigger stereotypes. It literally begins with three black guys dying first, and that's it. After that, it immediately switched to the white British campaign and never looked back.

What's silly is its portrayal of mixed battalions of native Germans or brits with dindus. It's true there were dindu soldiers in ww1, but they weren't part of the white continental battalions, speaking accent free German.

All of the good cowadooty games are made by Treyarch anyway

Since everyone is pretending this is new (even though we already had this thread) I'll repost my OC lyrics for this ad:

Welcome to the jungle.
We got cucks and gays.
We got everything you want…
If you got shekels to pay.

Why are you bumping this obvious fucking slide? Oh because you're cucks and gays.

I can't help but feel they are looking to break some records for most downvoted youtube videos in history. Their last trailer made #2 on the list, but I think this one might just take the first place. I say we help them realize their dream.

I have to fully support the marketing efforts of our greatest ally™, everyone that doesn't like fascism should either get on with the times or buy a VR set and go live in his own little "only on Xbox™" fantasy ( pre-orders available ! ).

I think putting the jewtube link anyway is a good options for those of us who want to give a thumbs down to the video.

I am more hyped about the perspective distortion of the original ps1 render being fixed by emulators plug-ins than any new game being.

Why would you do this? This takes away the entire magic and nostalgiafeel of old graphics.

Who the fuck is supposed to be their target audience? The type of cucks that would enjoy this ad won't play the game because Beata Anita told them it's sexist and racist. So who the fuck is left?

Actually, pushing the nig front and centre harmed its take in China. Plus, even westerners are getting tired of talentless, 90lbs British waifs being pushed as amazing badasses free of silly emotions, stakes and weaknesses. The shit looking "interquel" movie is undergoing massive reshoots after the ads revealed it wasn't about the Rogue Squadron pilots from the original trilogy, but about yet another super British white girl and her Diversity Squad of niggers, gooks and wymyn.

Pictured: the real badass that saved the rebels from the empire.



Playing Gran Turismo 2 with floating-point precision was to me like using glasses for the first time.

I finally could see what the models actually looked like to the developers while they were making them, not the distorted mess the poor PSX can diss out that i was forced to see for 8 years.

I can understand not using filters but why would you deliberately play games with distorted textures on 320x200 is beyond me.

GO TO FUCKING Holla Forums

You do realise the only people who play it now are either trolls or those too young to drink yet?


This was already posted earlier this week you neet faggot


They are way past the point of subversion, they want to openly emasculate you with the subtlety of a nuclear explosion.

They want the MC to kill the misogynistic villain with some sort of helmet or rag on their head, take it off at his breath and say "Your got beaten by a girl, XDDD".


fucking KEK


Who is this semen demon?

Its still far behind the actual military in cuckoldry

looks like a mixed jew


It's Holla Forums

Into the trash it goes, you emasculated nigger.

Daily reminder that Serbia isn't even a dlc faction in Battlefield 1, gotta make way for them Harlem firebombers or whatever.