Russian ultra-nationalists held a huge demonstration in Moscow. The march included chants like "Putin is the murderer of Russia", "For Russian friendship with Ukraine and Poland", and "Russia is Europe"
Russian right-wing nationalists protest against Putin
Other urls found in this thread:
can't blame them, i don't trust Putin at all and neither should you, he just wants a Russia lead EU like government.
Anglin on suicide watch
I wonder how the Russians will deal with their own problems.
theres like an 80% chance the funding from this group is secretly coming from putin himself
I would wager the funding comes from globalists trying to oust Putin.
The absolute madman.
Hi there, RIDF.
Like that time in the thirties when they thought they could destabilise germany by helping Hitler?
Or that other time in Chile?
More like that time when they funded and supported Nazi's in Ukraine and then once the coup was successful, turned around and murdered or arrested the nazi group's leadership and co-opted it for their own ends.
You're an idiot.
Go back to kissing Jewtin's arse.
God bless them.
Confirmed for CIA/Soros anti-White D&C shills.
I'm pretty sure the funding got sent there by a CIA agent. It would fit the narrative of them wanting to fuck over Russia on every front for shit that happened in the middle east over the last 15 years.
See how retarded you sound?
Russians will not accept liberal crybabies screaming about muh gay rights, muh refugees. So if any funded protests were to happen there about those things, russians would instantly reject them and side with putin.
However, russians are very patriotic and nationalistic, and this is much more likely to get their attention, and maybe turn some of them against putin. we already know our enemies hate putin, he is their enemy, and they haven't been against using nazis before, there were nazi regiments drafted by ukraine to fight against the russians.
gee it's not like putjew bends over to his jewish overlords and maintains his own (un)healthy amount of islamic heathen
Putin is civic nationalist cuck. Why would these ethnonationalists support him?
Enjoy your fully Islamized Russia by 2050
Try harder next time, CTR.
The only cucks here are you and your shill buddies.
Watch out, the idiot's going to call you RIDF for daring to postulate that Russia's enemies might be funding domestic groups to undermine Putin's control of the country.
The key would be connecting the leaders of the movement to money from globalists.
Who said they were ethnonationalists? You're making baseless assumptions.
No, Ukraine had a coup that was supported by the US and globalists, and they used right wing neo-nazis to commit some of the more violent actions during that. It wasn't 100% neo nazis, you drooling retard.
The only thing missing is
These are paid protestors or just fucking morons. Russia didn't have a better leader in decades
That's literally what Realpolitik is.
So many retards ITT. How many of you morons know the rule?
Read your post again. The leaders in the coup were kikes from the beginning, the "nazis" were nothing but useful idiots from the beginning.
This "Ukraine is ruled by nazis/had nazi coup!!!" distracts from who really planned and funded it
Not an argument.
It is an argument, if you don't about this rule then you have to go back to your cuckshed.
*know about
He's right. Look what they are protesting for. They are protesting FOR GLOBALIST EUROPE.
These guys have always been Soros stooges for decades all over the world.
But it literally isn't.
Friendship with European countries is not globalist, it's something we need to prevent brother wars.
Brit/pol/ got massed banned for breaking the rule, tread carefully, nigger.
It's a rule. If you don't like it, fuck off. End of.
They don't want friendship. They want to break up Russia to get rid of the muslim and asian regions and be integrated into Europe.
I shit you not, that's their program.
Putin is not a white nationalist. He's a civic nationalist at best, a crony just like anybody related to the US government at worst. It's hard to know where he's standing if you live in the west and are not related to the intelligence community because we only see two propaganda versions. Unlike people like neocohens and demorats which we can see through their bullshit because they are too narcissistic and make stupid errors which the US's opponents abuse the shit out of and thus releases all their wrongdoing in our faces.
Go back to TRS faggot. the "no enemy to the right" doesn't work here, otherwise >>>/liberty/ wouldn't be a thing and we'd still have a lot of christcucks preaching.
Top cuck. Wonder which generous Aryan funded these paragons of social upbringing.
Are these the same guys who want Russia to balkanize?
you act as if getting rid of non-whites in your country is a bad thing
This. The Putin-fellating really needs to die. Yes, he opposes American/European neocon kikes, but only because he wants to rule europe in a shitty, neosoviet superstate. We need to be playing these opposing sides against each other, not TAKING their sides.
So far Holla Forums has actually been straddling the line pretty well between "based putin" memery and actually claiming he's on the side of european whites.
oy vey that would be like another shoa. Fuck off RIDF
Breaking up your country and getting rid of most of your natural resources and military power is a bad thing. It's on outright treason.
Russia needs to balkanize because half the country or more is native and populated by non-Russians
confirmed either for kike, or vodka-addled central asian mongrel.
and that is the problem….might as well keep the chinks and the mudslimes
Then I stand corrected.
Regardless, no enemies to the right must be observed, and it shocks me that some ITT don't know about it.
Yes, let's just devolve into factional infighting and never achieve anything. Shifting the overton window right is the primary goal at present, breaking the rule inhibits this goal.
People also need to take note of these posts:
Stop hailing Jewtin as the saviour of the white race.
gee, I wonder who could be behind this
Nationalism is more important to us than imperialism.
fellate. a. shotgun.
I'm actually Russian and a real nationalist, unlike these Soros retards.
They will never succeed, because when the shit gets real real Russian nationalists will stomp them.
If you were a real nationalist you would know, that any ethnicity has the right to keep their heritage and tradition on their own ancestral homeland. Even if they happen to be a part of your empire.
That will never happen, and Russia will always remain a united empire against the globalist Jews. Russia is not a part of the west and will never be, we have our own path.
That doesn't mean that they support the E.U. , it means that they want to stop the further mongrelizing of Russia into an euroasian ethnicity idolized by Jewtin
Why do you sound like Uncuck the Right?
topkek Jewtin is probably a crypto himself
This thread is shills shilling shills.
very weird. Last I checked russia, despite its muslim population, managed to keep its heritage and tradition and prevented every attempt to hijack it, while cucked european countries such as sweden, which has less muslims than russia, totally sold out their culture. Maybe putin ain't so bad.
There is nothing more important than imperialism for a Russian.
Half of the population would gladly starve if Putin promised to crush the West in a war and rebuild the Eastern Block.
They are pawns to try and destabilize Russia, nothing more. The only reason why it bothers me is that Russia is pretty much the only country that keeps the US in check and having a unilateral world is practically game over if you wish to fight the corporate kike tyrannical world government.
and so? trump literally has jews among his family members, byt no one claims that he's a cryptokike. Same should go for putin
Believe what you will, we are winning and you are crumbling. Out churches are getting bigger, while yours are getting demolished, our culture and heritage is on the rise, while yours is perishing, our influence is spreading, while yours is shrinking.
In 10 years you will be just a memory and Russia will rule the world.
thats why soros hate putin
Get your head checked user.
nice try soros shill
translation:"I don't support russian ethnic nationalism b/c of my inferiority complex over looking like pic related"
Unless a group is confirmed as shills or something like that, yes, don't punch rightward, because otherwise you get a situation like here in Britain, with all the far right groups split over minor differences, none of them doing anything. Plus the leftists have also devolved into infighting because they keep punching leftward. It's a useful rule.
They sort of are, in a sense. 'To the right' can be interpreted loosely.
Jewtin sold his country out to Jewish oligraphs that now run his nation.
Trump has never kissed that sand wall. Until then, fuck off RIDF.
That sounds like exactly the sort of thing anti-russian globalists would fund and subvert.
Russia's borders exist as they do because it's critical to national defense. The majority of the asian continent that Russia controls is indefensible. Russia's borders, however, are not - having snuggled up alongside every major geographical feature they can.
Asking for Russia to dismantle itself and (((join Europe goy))) is fucking retarded.
And then we get a bunch of shills calling everyone RIDF if they say this is fucking retarded.
ah right, so that's why putin kicked off both rothschilds and soros out of his country. now that makes sense
toppest of keks
Once again you mongol rape babies are bolshevik useful idiots. Heil Hitler, Heil the West. Fuck Russia. Fuck bolshevism. Gas the kikes.
Name three ways in which Putin has encouraged the growth and prosperity of the ethnically russian population of his country.
Nice try RIDF shill.
Nobody accuses Trump of being a cryptokike because………wait for it………….PEOPLE HAVE LOOKED AT HIS GENEALOGY AND FOUND ZERO INDICATION OF HIM HAVING JEWISH ANCESTRY.
russia has the third strongest military in the world and the largest nuclear arsenal. Educate yourself
Ah, I see, that's why he does nothing about Muslim "Russians" moving into Russian cities, forming their own quarters and breeding like rats?
All this Putin cocksucking comes from some retarded burgers who have never set a foot inside Russia
The Jews aren't a monolith. There are competing factions.
did I mention trump in my last post? Nope. You failed to address the point, however. I just stated a fact: putin kicked out of russia both rothschilds and soros. You failed to answer. You proved my point. Now fuck off
Russian birth rates are being eclipsed by birth rates in kavkaz.
Interracial relations are sky rocketing, more and more russian women sleeping with xa4i.
Central asians pouring in everywhere, Moscow and Piter now have huge non-white populations.
Entire millionaire class in Moscow is full of armenians, chechens, dagestanis, uzbeks and jews that use russian cities as their own playground.
People from kavkaz shooting out of their car windows in Moscow, and get nothing but a 6traf on 1000 rubels.
You must be dumb and naive. Here in the diaspora we clearly see that our motherland is being demolished from outside.
All this Putin cocksucking comes from paid shills. Normal Russian aren't even allowed to post here.
Chaim, go count some shekels.
Soros' crew at work again as usual. The only color revolution that Russia needs is a White one and Russia is beautiful enough with its eternal winter, no Russian Spring neccesary.
There exists a world outside of America, nigger.
Probably Romanian
Yeah. Keep telling yourself that. If you LARP hard enough maybe Jewtin will do a little exercise for you in the Finnish border.
Dubs checked. And even as a burger, I can plainly see that putin is no friend of white russians.
Keep crying soros shills
Strange how the "white nationalist" in Russia are against Jewtin. It's like he doesn't have their goals?
Of course you mentioned Trump you filthy little shill.
actually they're all for putin. With the only exception of soros shills, of course.
If you defend useful idiots that are doing the exact thing the US hopes to achieve with Russia so it can get rid of its most important opposition then you're pretty retarded and probably wish that the Amerikike corpocraty take over the world. The multilateral world is literally the reason why we have not fully gone into slavery at this moment. As soon as there are no opposition to either side, you can kiss your freedom goodbye because the average plebs' morale will be useless to the ones at the top since there are no enemies to fight against.
I was talking about my other post, retard.
Keep moving those goalposts, Ivan. You're fooling nobody.
Russia has the exact same issue as western Europe, with native birthrates plummeting, Muslim birthrates exploding, Muslims moving into cities and forming their own ghettos, and all of that with the added bonus of them being legally Russian citizens and not even migrants.
No, I just guessed Slovak because from my experience they are the most pro-Hitler and anti-Russian, even though the latter is quite common among all Eastern-Euros.
I never said that we shouldn't denounced shills. I also said 'to the right' not the left.
fuck off kike
Du-ma acasa, mai tramvai
I can sympathize with White Nationalists in Russia, absolutely. The problem is that they're at best being used by Soros and the kikes in general and at worst are lying leftie agents cynically wrapping themselves in a good cause in order to discredit it and at the same time attack Putin.
It's a wonderful strategy of divide-and-conquer, if it's the latter.
putin keeps tabs on all social things in Russia in order to sniff out CIA/globalists psyop horseshit
hes been observed secretly funneling funds to multiple russian political movements that vary from pro putin to outright lefty opposition
I can really never understand why Euros are so fucking retarded that they can't have an ethnic identity within a larger racial one. Is it really that hard? Why are you even on this board if you don't believe there's any such thing as the White race? I mean, it's such a retarded proposition that I can scarcely fathom why you would think that, unless you were a shill or a braindead idiot.
Not even the Jews in America have been able to pass a fucking holohoax denial law.
I'd live in America, double nigger. You've showed yourself, now leave.
Don't answer to the cucks. They'll learn to come around or face mutilation at the hands of subhumans while they are busy fighting their white brothers.
you should read dostoevskij before talking shit
Now this I can believe, that the nationalist groups have good intentions but might be getting manipulated. I woudn't put it beyond the neocon kikes to fund ethno-nationalists if they thought it would hurt putin, but then again, Putin LOVES quashing nationalist groups to show off his version of magic soil, civic-cuck "nationalism", so funding them would only bolster his resolve.
Where were you when Russia became India?
This, before I got out of that shithole the muslim shitskins from the south were flooding to the bigger cities in the west. Putin is running the country into the ground.
It's the RIDF shills picked up from TRS and cuckchan. They like to LARP russia stronk because they bought the Russian propaganda.
I'm fine with being friends with other white nations, but there is no 'white race' as such. There are Caucasians, and then Aryans, Anglos, etc. I'm sick of 'white nationalists' trying to apply this in Europe when it doesn't work. I support it in America, but keep it away from here, we're doing our own thing. After all WN types don't see a problem with Poles, for instance. If they lived in the UK they would. So don't give me or any other European shit for not wanting foreigner, even whites, in our country.
Go back to your cuckshed.
Funny that you would bring up Dostoeyevsky. Did you know he basically called Russians a nation of liars?
You should follow Jewtin's speeches on Jews before sucking his cut cock. Soros shill ;^)
india is cocksucking putin's dick, if you didn't notice
Those fucking retards you defend are doing exactly what the US wants. You must be a fucking Jew, no one can be this retardedly dense by accident.
learn history fucking nigger, you'd understand why that retarded pan-European bullshit created by mutts in the new world is absolute horse shit if you're a nationalist in Europe. No way in hell is having a Brit rule over Germans or vice-versa a fucking good idea.
You fell for the east vs west narrative.
Ideally, after the Western kikes are finally crushed and rooted out, Putin will be made to step down and be replaced by a non-co-opted White Nationalist. If this happens out-of-order, it may be a repeat of 1917. I'd rather in 2017, symbolically, that the White Russians (both ethnically and politically) take over rather than the Reds getting back in. The Russian Communist party is still quite a big political party after all.
Can you direct me proof of this?
I'm not defending them, at first I just said we should ignore them, then I was corrected by another user, I know they're shills now. Nothing wrong with denouncing confirmed shills.
This confuses me. Shouldn't that read "left-wing globalists" instead?
I was thinking that same thing when I saw this.
It's got KGB written all over it. Putin trying to ally his nationalists with european nationalists in order to fund them all and help protectionism/separatism all over Europe.
Well, your average Brit/German will both be ethnically arab in a couple generations, so that problem will take care of itself, won't it?
actually is Nationalist vs globalists,
Who is the nationalist and the globalist when we talk about putin and soros?
You seem to confuse state and nation
Don't forget us croats, the magyars and the bulgars
They fall for it because they want to LARP "good vs. ebil" when in reality it's "bad jews vs. other bad jews" in petty powerstruggles (until a war breaks out).
dont fall for MSM disinfo, the ULTRA NATIONALIST should be researched, maybe they are kike founded like Azov battalion in ukranie
Top kek, at best one of his kids will get into office.
That's a lie. You get MASSIVE money for every child you have. If you have more than 3 you get a free house.
That's also a lie, racial purity is gaining momentum.
They are illegals, brought in to work as slaves in sweatshops and in construction. And they aren't staying, they are going back with the money they earned after a year. They are here because it's profitable. When it stops being profitable they will be gone.
That's Moscow, the capital is supposed to be a collection of the best and the richest of all provinces. And the Russians are pretty equally represented among the upper class. They just don't dominate it.
That's a lie, it happened 10 years ago, not anymore.
Then come back, instead of watching the liberal jewish media lies. You are a traitor, who left the motherland, now you sit abroad and talk shit.
Probably a kike too.
I'd love to give directly specific proof, but in that absence, Ukraine is the typical example of Nationalists being used and then disposed of for the kikes. Soros' tricks with the Pussy Riot and other events, even if Putin is Jewtin, they definitely want him replaced by a 'Western' kike puppet that will go along with a unipolar world order.
There's been many color revolutions in general since WW2 where the CIA used existing internal groups and ideologies to overthrow powers.
putin is in astonishing health and he'll soon mindupload his mind so that he will rule russia for all the eternity
Learn fucking reading comprehension nigger. No one said that a brit would rule over Germany you drooling retard. We all have a common identity that marks us as distinct from the mud people that are invading our countries. That's all I'm saying, but heaven forbid we work together to preserve what we have in common, while also preserving our individual national cultures, right?
You're ultimately drawing this false dichotomy wherein Whites are either all the same or have no similarities at all, and that's patently stupid. You can be White and also be Anglo or Aryan. You can recognize that Brits and Poles have a lot more in common than Brits and Somalians, while still calling out Poles for being shit immigrants to Britain.
Am I arguing with children or Jews?
I can only promote peaceful transitions of power, of course. It's up to the Russians to handle internal affairs, but I hope they'll be more patient until America has MAGA'd first and Europe's kikes are driven out of Strasbourg and Brussels.
Muslims ARE natives. Chechnya is a part of Russia and won't be going anywhere.
And these green parts in Urals and Siberia are populated by Russians, so your own picture debunks what you just said.
btw, who said anything about a brit ruling over a german anyway? You über-autists immediately start kvetching that white nationalists want to install some sort of racially-based EU, without realizing that it's more the notion of actual europeans coming together to expel the mudskins. But hey, if you're more concerned about getting Anglos and Germanics confused than Ahmed porking your daughter, fine by me. You can be like Jeremy Clarkson, and make nice, safe german jokes while the racial basis of your nation errodes.
not necessarily, putin just knows precisely whats going on
he knows who exactly is pro
he knows who exactly is against them
he knows exactly if someone is against, what kind of patterns follow that said group receives foriegn support
he knows whos legit and coincidentally opposition with foreign support and whos not
ignore all that moscow is the second biggest muslim city in europe now, because muh based put-in
Those are some nice talking points RIDF, it would be a shame if someone asked for non Russian MSM sources.
The real answer to this is both are globalists in their own way. If Russia had the level of power projection the US has all over the world, Putin would try the same that the US is currently doing. Instead of being bullied for trade deals with the US, Europe would be bullied by Russia so they'd do trade deals with them. You'd probably see another version of the IMF and UN, which would see Russia as its top guy with right of veto instead of the US.
It's not nationalist vs globalist, it's national interest vs national interest, Russia benefits from European protectionism and separatism
This gives me hope for Russia. Free yourselves from the corrupt hands of oligarch Putin and become a nation again.
And please don't make this friendship forced.
Yeah fam, I'm sure that after that time when the overall vote percentage was 107% and United Russia won there'll be a peaceful transfer of power.
At least they stopping pulling numbers out of their asses and make it seem believable at the latest election.
we're already free, thanks. now you better think about your sweden and france, since it seems that you're the ones in a shithole, not us
putins job is to construct russia to create a opposition to western kike.
the opposition is fake and putin told:
"no matter what happens we will take sides with (((west)))"
he literally told himself he is the controlled opposition
So it's that type of operation.
That is a completely different thing. Pussy Riot is a group of unwanted fucking literal hired whores to hassle and disrupt people while pushing for JEWISH degeneracy. It isn't WESTERN. They did this type of shit during 1920s Germany after WW1. They do this to weaken a nation.
There is a lot more things behind this. Apparently from some article many years ago Russia wanted to join NATO, but was laughed off and told to basically fuck off. Something about that probably about the West being fucking stupid and Russia being lying kikes like they are. They spend a lot on their Media. Say bad things about Russia in the media, you go away.
To understand all of this. Jewtin just has a power fantasy. He asked Bush how come he couldn't change the Constitution to be President forever.
I'm not drawing a dichotomy at all, as I said, I still wish friendship with white nations, given that we are more closely related. I'm merely attacking the idea of a white race, which doesn't apply outside America. Poles are good people if they stay in Poland, Somalis are shit anywhere they go.
Brit/pol/ got purged for being anti-white shitposters retard.
We are actually a superpower right now.
We are now stomping the western zone of influence and there is nothing you can do about it. You will lose the Middle East, then Africa, then you will crumble under Cultural Marxism and lose everything else.
In fact you a big chunk of your population is voting for Trump, because their are afraid of being nuked into oblivion by us.
Non-Russian MSM is all controlled by the kikes and you know it.
You're right Makhmud, everything is going swimmingly in the great united prosperous multi-racial (and proud of it!) land of russia.
Is this correct? At least you snow niggers can gang up on some foreign African students trying to ooga booga some slav whores if it bothers you.
People will always have something to complain about but they could do a lot worse than putin.
This also applies to the republics, and it applies to interracial couples too.
Bwahaha. What racial purity is gaining momentum? Among who? It was gaining momentum 10 years ago with Slaviansky Soyuz and other movements that were shut down.
Go to Domodedovo or Pulkovo and observe the passports they hold. You would be surprised how many have been granted the russian passports.
And they mingle together like a multiracial oligarchy that rules over Russian lands like it is their to plunder.
Happened just a couple of months ago.
We still have property there, and intend to go back. When situation gets better. For now, we are making our money here, as you know there are no rights for average russians in Russia. If bank wants your money, its gone. You have no rights. And most likely it ends up in Ramzans new car collection.
I was talking about the domestic politics of russia itself
its mostly just to keep foreign influence out
anything that makes it to CNN is probably foreign CIA nonesense, most of russia is isolated globally media wise when it comes to what goes on, you actually have to dig and search for what goes on
There is nothing wrong with a country being multiracial, when the races and ethnicities are separated and living on their own land.
60% of Russia is inhabited by Asians, Russia is not white, never was and will never be.
As I said, what the Russians decide to do in order to change power in Russia is up to them. However, if the White Russians try to depose Putin now, they'll be crushed by both the Western kikes and the Eastern kikes. Patience is neccesary.
What I mean with western in this context is the Western kikes. The neo-liberal, neo-Trotsky faction, basically. Still, I think the Pussy Riot debacle is one example where we can see Soros and others attempt to weaken Russia.
I do think it was strange that Putin was buddies with the Bushes. It doesn't sit all that well. He's been cautiously nice about Trump, we'll see what that entails. I can't blame the Russians for lying and playing political games, the neo-liberals treat honesty as weakness after all. Their oligarchs definitely shouldn't be walking free, though.
Russia now has a lot of power to gain over the collapse of the American/Western kike empire. That's also why I hope Trump will MAGA the USA first so that Russia doesn't get near-unipolar power and we have a repeat of the past 25 years, except mirrored.
How many bribes did you have to give to ГАИ to get to work today RIDF?
That's true, and Russian MSM is controlled by the state, meaning they'll always paint the country in a more favorable light than it really is.
Sure hope someone can post that picture with representations of different news sites and Holla Forums screaming HAPPENING at the end.
oh boy what an upgrade!
mr diplomat, the quicker you die the better.
Polite sage, these soros puppets going to get rekt
Muslims are not a race. Chechens are probably whiter than you, hooknose.
Fuck off, Soros stooge.
Rothschild has more than just Russell Brand as controlled opposition, there is no doubt they have Russian officials or nationalist groups formed by the KGB.
I don't see how this is not the KGB trying to make Russian nationalists seem legit?
Now I know you are a shill. 85% of population is made of russians, belarusians, balts, ukrainians, germans, moldovans and finns. 80% of population lives in european part, and even many far-eastern regions are mostly white, like Khabarovsk.
you're literally the embodiment of the "proofs or u proxy hohol" stereotype from KC, good job
Wait so you're ok with Russians not dominating the upper class in your own country? You aren't an ethnic Russian yourself , are you?
You are either an operative or a shitskin 4yrka
Holy Guacamole, I am genuinely arguing with a retard. btw, pic related is still you.
He is not. Look at what he posted:
Could be.
If Bush could have been President for 16 years. Russia would have been America's ally. It's fucking insane how both Clinton and King Nigger have fucked Russian relations.
That's a lie, slavics only make up about 30% of the population. The rest are tatars, yakuts, tuvans, cherkess, chukcha and others.
Russia wasn't white since the Golden Horde and we are not trying to be. (((white nationalism))) is D&C tactic.
I'm not so sure it would have been all that good for the White race, otherwise it may have been a decent arrangement. The Bushes are deeply in bed with the Clintons, though, so we'd have to pay for that alliance in some of the worst shit happening and with nothing in the world having that power to end it.
Why not both?
He's probably implying that the conquered eastern parts of russia that are inhabited by your pic related should just stay in their 20th century tier region.
I guess we should keep in mind that George Soros and his ilk are not content with controlling left-wing movements and seed movements on all sides to to control all faction and make true opposition impossible. Ideas are bulletproof and principles cannot be bribed
Skinheads and KKK are and always were a controlled opposition.
National-Socialism has nothing common with them and condemns their very existence.
If you support these movements, you aren't nationalist.
That infographic should stick to using one currency.
Russia allows citizens to own and carry guns, unlike any other country in Europe.
Putin is a yuge advocate of gun rights.
This, kikes will use whatever helps them meet their ends, they kiked AZOV and maybe even Right Sector. That kike Igor got ran off but the situations still fucked.
A movement needs its brownshirts user.
I'm sure that if Bush wasn't president .50 cal rifles would have been banned and the AWB would have never ended. At least during his administration those things never came true.
Bush is a jewish puppet though. He was a mixed bag.
A lot of people bitch about King Nigger, but at least no federal gun control bullshit happened besides some states becoming super cucked and changing trust NFA registration.
you shouldnt CTR shill
On the other hand we should be thankful for Obongo. He's been a huge help in revitalizing white people and white people's own interests. Ferguson and Baltimore did a lot for ethnic white nationalism.
Only if you remove their corruption. Many are too far gone and are used as crisis actors when they need to justify shutting down a civil protest.
By their fruits you shall know them. As long as groups and people are doing good work and advance the ideas of nationalism, national sovereignty, racialism, etc. i don't see a problem with supporting them, the probem is that movements can be taken over, see the libertarian party, the alt-right, the tea party, even occupy wall-street, which was an astroturf movement from the very beginning was in the end completely taken over by literal communists, that's why i think that it is better to support ideas rather than people who are easily mislead, killed, blackmailed, bribed, etc.
Any of this right?
Let me know when you can carry a Glock 19 without any license.
That's true, but you don't need to wait for orders from "headquarters"
Just do it. For many types of activism you only need an army of one and for most activism a handful of friends is more than enough to be effective & efficient. It's harder to kill a movement that is decentralized.
They have been taken over a long time ago. They were initially used to scare the people away from the natsoc.
Have you ever talked to one of them? They didn't read Hitler, Goebbels, Drexler, Evola etc.
It's all about "white power, bash everyone who isn't us".
They think an aryan should be bald, tattoed and drunk.
The first thing that needs to be done, is the (((leadership))) has to be removed and they have to be reeducated.
83% are slavic. And you're not russian.
That's why it's a pretty good idea IMO for Holla Forumsacks to infiltrate nationalist movements and try to steer them in the right direction. It's not like most of us aren't already on one list or another.
Just remember to abandon ship when an obvious provocateur at the head of the movement tries to get you to do something small time but just illegal enough to get everyone arrested.
To be honest NatSoc in Germany wound never be as successful as it was without the godly charisma of Hitler driving it forward.
A lot of people on Holla Forums don't have the luxury of having redpilled friends and capacity for activism grows exponentially if you have a group.
I could go, but didn't. Am i a failure as a human being?
Never talked to one, but i always see them on the subway.
i agree with what you said. They're not rolemodels and yes, they scare people.
The leadership will probably get you killed or arrested once they realize what you're trying to do.
We just need to get big enough to confront and absorb them.
National socialism would've evolved. National socialism was a seed, a beginning, a starting point and the removal of degenerates, jews, pornography, other parties, criminals, etc. was just a way to make a fresh start. I think it would've grown into something very different, yet similar.
I better look up how uncle Adolf absorbed the minor nationalist movements in his day, can't remember the details.
le gypsy bantz belong on >>>/cuckchan/
Ivana was likely jewish, add that to him marrying off his children to jews, his parents both died at long island jewish medical center and we get a pretty bad picture.
Yes, i recognize that none of this is rock-solid proof. Personally I don't believe he is of jewish blood, but it is to be considered, i'm not saying trump is working for the globalist jews. He might be infiltrating them, like jews did to the european royals. also, the trump movement is making WN more acceptable. As most of us know, trump is not a savior, but a useful stepping stone. At least he wants to slow down the spicification of north america with the wall
Those gypo musicians are funded by kike records from America to humiliate our people, similar to anti-white nigger rap
I know, I'm only shitposting. But they have the nigger criminal rap shit in Romania too, just with gyppos.
Here we go boys! Lock and load time!!!
Yeah does this sentence even make sense? "Ultra Racist and Nationalist Protest group asks Russia to be friends with Europe"
Europe is a fucking clusterfuck of communism/marxism/capitalism/corruption/immigration. No ultra right wing protest group would say that shit.
Now here's something Holla Forums doesn't understand at all. Maybe you will never understand that.
Russia is basically an orthodox inquisition state, not nationalist country, you idiots. They forbid porn and homosexuality because its a sin, they forbid piracy because "stealing is a sin" (literally Putin said that), they forbid nationalism because Stalin considered a saint and they believe victory over fascism was given to him by holy mary. Yet "Orthodox or death" organization is completely legal.
Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox Islam, Orthodox christianity, that's all religions that are in law in russia. In some cases buddhism on distant lands. "Church" has too much power in government and fights with everything else like its heresy. Its like living in medieval age here.
Yeah, let's just stay multi-culti.
They are not talking about the European Union, you dumb fuck. They are talking about brotherhood with european peoples, rather than Putins mongrelized idea of a Eurasian race.
Sometimes I wish I could just go back to being a normie. This stuff get's so demoralizing after a while. I know, I know, you can't expect everyone to be perfect, but it seems like everyone with a platform or influence in the real world is either a naïve cuck who doesn't understand the gravity of things, or is intentionally malevolent and doesn't care.
Every single argument or schism on the right is like this. You get two sides arguing on some issue, and they blame each other for the movement's lack of success, and you can't point out that they both have positive and negative points without drawing the ire of both.
Some examples:
It seems like nationalist/right-wing groups are always locked in by weird, false dichotomies that either cuck us into being ineffectual or radicalize us into being ineffectual. Gee, I wonder what kinds of (((people))) could be responsible.
I don't understand, I thought Putin was right wing. Are these guys ultra right wing, or is Putin actually considered a left wing candidate in Russia?
If stealing is illegal how come all the best hackers end up being Russian?
Probably because in Russia it's fine to steal if it's from other countries
Because all russian laws are so shit, they don't work. The ones that exist to help people too though. If Putin can't handle corruption, how can he handle closing down internet?
Well whats stopping them from going over there and making friends in other european countries?
If your protesting politics, then you want something to change politically "Brotherhood with Europe" is basically saying you want a political Brotherhood with Europe. And what would that entail?
Makes me think the whole group is a bunch of guys being paid to stir shit against Putin, similarly to the paid "rebel fighters" that overthrew Gaddafi. Except low key.
Based. This triggers RIDF
Looks like Soros gets his way one way or another.
Remember that they play both sides to get him ousted.
Real world is a little more complicated that right vs left.
Interesting fact, they claim this symbol is old slavic pagan symbol, but in reality nobody could prove it, and it actually never existed before 21 century.
Ancient variations of the Swastika are found all over Europe, including Russia (the western part, not the mongolian inhabited eastern part).
No it isn't, left and right just has to change definition according to the situation. But along every (major) use of the term I don't see how he would be considered left wing.
Would nationalist ruskies admire Putin for the strength he brought back to russia?
pick one
Here's an agitator who says that Putin builds USSR 2.0, wants to create an ideal "Russian man", like Soviets made a concept of "Soviet man". And its just a continuation of soviet scheme. Claims that movies that government show on day of the victory are indoctrinating soviet propaganda, and all parties like KPRF and LDPR are just puppets of United Russia.
Also it seems there's a new thing that calling yourself "Rossiyanin" is the same as calling yourself soviet. Russian nationalist should apparently call himself only "Russkiy". It both means "Russian" for you anyway.
look up swastika city
He's 100% right, you know.
Russian Muslims are frankly more white than your average white American (I say this as an American)
America has more full on negroids straight from the jungles of africa than Russia has muslims in total. And in addition we have tens of millions of aztec midgets terrorizing our streets and overrunning us. I'd rather live in Chechnya than most American states because at least i'd be living in a nationalist country of whiteish people that don't hate themselves.
And if I bred with a Chechen(Actually impossible because they don't let their women get taken) my kids would still be whiter than your average american. If every russian blanda'd with Chechens, the result would still be whiter than Southern Europeans and white Americans.
And meanwhile in europe mulattoe babies are being popped out by the hundreds of thousands each year and millions of turd skinned arab midgets are invading. The mayor of london makes Chechens look like Icelanders in comparison. These turd spawn are going to damage the gene pool far more than Chechens for example, that are largely genetically and phenotypically european. To be frank here, when I visited central Italy and Barcelona the people were swarthier and less white looking than Chechens.
So unless you're from a based lily white eastern european country you have no room to judge, with the millions of negroids and pakistani looking semites colonizing your countries that are permanently staining your genepools for generations.
Ofcourse the clintons are falling down so fast the attacks on russia have been reflective, the happenings in syria and now war crime allegations…
Are you in fact implying that Putin doesn't want to bring back the USSR sphere of influence?
This is on the level of
It's ok user, I used to think that not all niggers are subhuman scum before immigrating to the west.
Chechens are white you dingus. They're only Muslim because it's seen as a big fuck you to Russian / Soviet oppression tas Chechens consider themselves oppressed by Russia. Chechens have absolutely no connection to Arabs other than ideology.
Please kill yourself. Those chechen faggots are extreme muslims, almost as deadly as ISIS, terrorized moscow and other russian cities more than fuckton of times until motherfucking Putin finally increased security. And he calls Ramzan a hero after that.
Better dead than muslim.
well they're certainly more human than bosniaks
Anglin where are you at you kike punt?
I would report and cry about the mods doing nothing, but honestly, this is just too entertaining to watch.
So they are Hitler worshipping ISIS members, yeah that makes sense now
Of course russian nationalists will protest against a candidate for the presidency of the United States, do you really not know what nationalism stands for? In Russia of all places?
Oh look, they even put metal detectors on entire square.
Kek keep worshipping your kike igor kolomoisky controlled ooposition group
Celtic cross is the international symbol of the white pride movement
Who cares.
Aha, Anglin and Weev on the scene just on time!
You know, out of every politician I know.
I will never trully understand Putin.
I mean I like him, he has all the qualities to be a leader but I honestly just don't get him.
If I had to guess his MO, it's like he's trying to out Jew the Jew and replace the replace the Jewish Question with the Russian Question.
But even that guess is a shot in the dark.
And the amount of RIDF, JIDF, [insert letter here]IDF on here it's impossible to read the general Holla Forumslacks opinion of him.
I know it's not, but we all tend to have very similar viewpoints.
That is the dumbest shit I have heard. Jews, wanting a Nationalist, or perhaps even National Socialist Russia? Sure, sounds like a great idea for the future of Israel.
Just can't contain it can you IVAN.
Slide it. Slide the coups.
I know this is a joke most likely, but Putin is pretty anti-nationalism. He is letting Arabs migrate into Russia all the time, and Russia is taking rapefugees too.
Hey, he may be good for Russia, but Putin doesn't do shit for "Russians"
He's like Stalin. Not communist, but not nationalist, hates both, and jails both. The only difference that Putin doesn't shoot, just jails, and follows orthodox church rules as his basic guidelines, instead of any political ideology, which made him such an idiot.
He even has cult of personality, everyone who ever said a word against him is in jail, and about Putin one should only write good and positive things.
The real problem in russia is that migrants take all low profile jobs. Like working at the construction, street cleaning or factory. One can't just work without working with migrants, if you didn't received higher education, than school one.
kek, so nothing to say about those pictures?
I wonder if they're being housed in Chechnya. That shit makes me doubt Russia. Would putin lift a finger to help the rest of the continent when he already has what they will become?
seeing white people being natives to islam is fucking horrifying
It's worked for hundreds of years. Occasionally a group needs to get stomped but that's normal in any empire.
Don't leave your basement, kiddo. The sunlight will hurt your eyes.
"President Bush who publicly stated his willingness to sign an extension of the assault weapons ban into law"
That would have been H.R. 2038.
"There was more gun control instituted under the reign of the first George Bush than there was under any other President in US history. His son is following in his daddy's footsteps."
By the way, if you actually check it, neither is Trump against 'gun control' in absolute terms, talks about no-fly list, "dangerous people shouldn't have guns". (And in the past, in 2000 he supported the same assault weapons ban.)
And its not working. You didnt refute him.
…time to block.
More women should wear flowers in their hair.
I've learned to understand Russia and admire Putin's incredible poise in dealing with the general insanity thrust upon him. The man saved that country from ruin, taking over the nation when it had $5 billion total in its coffers and bringing it back from the brink of total collapse toward major world power.
I have also come to appreciate the fact that, unlike Russia, we Americans regularly meddle in the politics and elections of others.
Wtf is wrong with russians…
Holy fuck, you idiots are retarded. None of you know about Putin because he's a prior spy. That having been said, he is not 100% on either of these predefined sides of pro-white or Rothschild.
Grow up.
Celts came from Russia. More idiocy ITT.
I don't think they understand what nationalism is
this tbh
there is a nationalist party allied with putin just like the SSNP in Syria allied with Assad. When you are waging cold war you can't allow this kind of division at home; these guys aren't nationalists, they're kike puppets who deserve to be gassed. Remember that the SSNP in Syria are behind Assad 100% during the crisis even though they stand to lose political power by doing so. This is what separates disgusting d&c schills (like the kind we have here) from real men.
TL:DR gas yoursel hohol monkey
i secretly love threads like these
At this point in time I am fine with any world leader that would secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. We can dethrone that leader later.
Nationalism is doing whatever Israel tells us to do fellow goy!
I never fell for the propaganda, but I also never thought they were raping all of their soldiers like some fucking Obama Halloween party..
The RIDF on this board is an interesting beast. First of all none of them are Russians and almost all are americans who have very vague nations of who Russians are and what Russia is. They gobble up Russia today propoganda but would call someone watching CNN or Fox news a sheep and dont understand the irony. This lack of knowledge sets the basis for every contridiction and ridicules statement that follows
Russians have tried to explain that ukranians belrussians and Russians consider themselves blood brother and the same people.
Russians tell them that the current regime is subjecting them to similar policies happening in the west
People try to explain russia has the highest rate of abortions, HIV, rape, murder and corruption in europe
Try to tell them putin and a handful of oligarchs mostly jewish or muslium that he likes have almost all the wealth
Assblasted Communist detected. Everything else he said is 100% true though.
No he hasnt brought any strength back. Plus the war in Ukraine is super fucking unpopular with russians
Russian muzzies are subhuman scum who have been doing the weird torture shit ISIS is trying on Russians since the 80's say that to a russians face i fucking dare you faggot
Honstly, at this point, what would be so bad about it? A Russia led EU would remove the shitskins from Europe and remove SJW and feminist moonbat ideology from further corrupting white civilization. Really now, Russia is a beacon of hope.
How do you know they even have any funding?
The only way that would happen is if the League of Three Emperors miraculously came back.
And I mean the Germany-Austria-Russia one, not the knockoff you see there. Whoops.
What is the flag on the second picture? I never seen it before.
They can't even clean up their own country
This, the retarded russiaboos really need to go.
This is what normal japs must feel like when interacting with retarded gaijin weebs.
azov battalion isnt privately funded anymore. its a public national guard unit.
That's terrible, but I wish I had more info on this. Those kind of policies don't seem to come to light anywhere and the (((elites))) of Russia don't have any light at all.
Notice how every thread that even mentions Russia instantly turns into a 'you're a shill!' shitfest with no actual arguments being made. Clearly (((they))) don't want us discussing this kind of stuff.
Reminder to filter faggots with no arguments.
Putin just made a law that said if you are homeless or poor or a wife, you still have to pay taxes. Meaning forced labor or prison.
Because he's a fucking Communist.
As Putin said. Once a KGB, always a KGB.
The only people within our political and social spheres who honestly think that all the anti White policies that Putin enforces are "just realpolitik" are christ cuck niggers. christ cuck niggers are only in our political and social spheres because we are the only ones who wont maniacally scream "RACIST!" at them for being against islamification
looks like a soros op to me. pretend to be far right, attack putin for not being right enough, claim russia ought to be part of europe. that last part is the big clue it is a soros thing.
they couldn't take down putin from the left with their pussy riots so not they try to take him down from the right.
Oh sure it's Soros alright. It couldn't possible be that Russian nationalists are upset that their "savior" is constantly looting the treasury for the sake of himself and his oligarch friends.
That is risky because the Russian nationalists will turn back on Soro and do their things as they please. Russia will never become a part of (((E.U))). It sound to me like the (((globalists))) are fighting each other. Jews must be pulling their hair right now.
It would make me happy see Nationalism rise in Canada before I die. If only.
hmmm another common soros style attack. "Hey goys! Your leader is stealing from you! Put the jews in power we'll keep your money safe!"
Not sure if RIDF or genuinely retarded.
every single nationalist leader gets attacked by the jews with the same old canard. repeating: "Look out goys! Your leader doesn't really love you! He's stealing from the treasury! What you need is a nice jew controlled central bank running things instead."
real boring. come up with a new one. well, maybe not since it has proven to work time and time again. the jew always projects.
not every single "nationalist leader" has the genuine intent to better his people and nation. puppet leaders larp as what they need to for the time being. protesting against your leader when he does jewish things keeps your nation strong.
no. maybe IE did but thats different
red hair doesn't equal celtic
americans are just butthurt because russia managed to protect its traditions and culture, while they've been turned into the biggest tool for the globalist agenda
Post your face when Russian Ultra-nationalists start a war in Russia and the plot of COD4 becomes real.
I can only hope that czardom comes back in my lifetime
i smell foul play
"Our so-called leaders prostituted us to the West… destroyed our culture… our economies… our honor."
No it comes from Russian shills who use terms like "burger" as code for the destruction of the last free Nation in the world
Putin outlawed white Nationalism. I guess you're speaking about International-Nationalism full of Arabs and Chinks.
Kek. Nice trips though.
Everybody knows it, but even /pol has foreign shills on board. I just ignore them and only observer what bullshit they spread today.
I still do not understand the jews's deranged mentality. They must be so excited to see white people fighting against other white people. It make me sick to the tummy to see them smiling at this.
it's funny because it is true
Putin have his own interests. The world is not black and white.
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it until you get it through your thick anti-White shill skull: those laws are only in place to stop NATO/CIA/ZOG-funded D&C shills masquerading as nationalists.
Meanwhile Putin supports legitimate nationalist/fascist/national socialist groups across Europe to further the cause of White Nationalism.
This is what we call Realpolitik.
He does that to undermine the EU. A weaker EU means a stronger Russia. UKIP managed to achieve victory in the Brexit referendum, which is a huge blow to the EU.
Soros could be funding this?
Read these discussions fags:
There are significant historical reason to say that we won't.
t. russian
Hopefully this will silence all of the Jewtin fanboys here.
It's a Slavic version of swastika. The word 'kolovrat' translates to 'spinning wheel'. It is depicted and described many times in Slavic mythology and culture where Svarog forged it. You're full of shit.
I hope it's not controlled or whatever it is from the jews. Is it?
Seems legit.
Die in a fire kike.
No Nationalist wants a brother war that is only good for foreign interests.
Marina Abramovic was very successful in Russia:
Did they question about her youthfulness and age?
Could it be antifas pretending to be Russian nationalists?
That's a interesting question. Maybe Russians can infiltrate antifa groups to find out for us.
*Posting forced meme*
My thoughts too. I think the kikes finally realized they wouldn't win on the SJW front, Putin has completely cut them off.
So now they're trying to co-opt the right-wing.
I am pretty sure Poland at least is not popular with Russians right now.
They have already done it in the ukraine with these "nationalists" that pretends to be natsoc but supports an oligarch-controled regime backed by the EU and US federal governement. Western nationalist movements have been infiltrated for decades now too.
My guess is that their answer to the right-wing will be increased co-opting and that we must be vigilant against it.
Do you fags want me to explain this? I have an Master's in Russo/Soviet History at UC Berkeley (which was best program in the country at the time) and was about a year short of my doctorate before my ex-wife miscarried our kid, she left and I had a nervous breakdown.
Anyway, with that great background to recommend me, let me explain this to you. When the Soviet Union broke up, if was a very delicate process of separating the Jewish Marxist trash while still trying to preserve some dignity and heroism (real or imagined) in order to give the nation something to hold it together, ground it, something to rally around.
Putin is not so much scared of the anti-Jewish aspect of skinheads (though of course, even though the most obscene robber barron Jews are now gone, you still have wealthy and influential Jews around Putin).
Essentially, it wouldn't be not be wrong to say that Putin fancies himself and his family as as "Czar of All The Russians," but he needs to find a way to weave to "positive" aspects of the USSR (thus the reason Lenin's Tomb has not been looted and his corpse dragged through the streets) such as Sputnik, the Tsar Bomba, Yuri Gagarin, the victory in "The Great Patriotic War," etc…
Even though he might like to, Putin cannot come out and admit "The Bolshevik Revolution was the capture of the Russian State by Jews and the worst sort of Russian and mongol rabble," because doing so would then force Putin to admit that "The Great Patriotic War" was in fact a hideous orgy of rape and murder urged on by the Jew Ilya Ehrenburg (whose papers went to Israel upon his death, even though he had never lived there.
I'll finish too long a statement with this; if you've ever seen the Russian Victory Parade in May, virtually every participant will carry a photo of someone they lost in the war (or quite possibly to the Jewish gulags after the war). At this point, the only thing that really keeps Russia together is their memory of shared sacrific e and loss in "The Great Patriotic War." The Russian people no longer have the Czar and the Church no longer plays the role it did since the Jews destroyed it, so the cult the really bids the nation is The Great Patriotic War.
Thus, Putin encourages any crackdown on "neo-vazis" prediminatly because they present a possible threat to order and the glue that binds society together. Not because of any threat toward Jews, though it has the added advantage of shutting up some noisy fucking Jews and allow Putin ti pretend he is doing something out of concern for Jews.
Yeah, the same "right wing" Nationalists who topped the Ukrainian Government and installed Jews in every position imaginable, along with selling out their economic assets to western Banks and wealthy (((investors))).
Eastern Europe's far right still doesn't know how to properly bantz with the kike and spot them earlier for that matter. They are as much tools as fucking antifa faggots.
This is common knowledge among Europeans, but you'll never manage to teach shit like that to burgers whose political and historical understanding equals to the one of a 6 year old autist League of Legends gamer.
But you're essentially right. Russia pursues Natioanlism but has no historic sources draw from other than their commie past. They are treading carefully around topics like the holohoax. Puting managed to instill new thoughts of nationalism based on global conflicts with the US and other western blocs. If everything goes well, in 20 years Russia can identify itself with more than just previous commie LARPing.
If he wants to save face for Russia's involvement in WW2, he could say that jews were manipulating both sides (which they kind of were). That way he can still be patriotic, shit on the krauts, but also call out skypes.
You can see how he takes a step every now and then to test the waters. The canonization of the Royal family, the State Funeral of Solzhenitsyn, the State Funeral of Alexi and Maria (which was blocked I think, possibly by Jewish elements for fear it would remind the nation exactly who the murderers were),etc.. and yet Lenin's tomb hasn't been bulldozed.
I haven't been following such events closely for some time now but when I heard that Putin married one of his daughters off to the son of a South Korean Admiral, it does make me wonder if he wants his grandchildren to be Eurasian in the hope it would make him( I presume at least one would be male) a more acceptable ruler to all of Russia.
I think Putin probably intends to change the (((Constitution))) so that heredity will play some part in the ascension to the leadership of Russia. And as the world gets to see– close up– just how well (((democracy)) works in the UK, the US, Turkey, Germany, and France it might be the perfect time for the Russians to make some changes to how they are governed,
Isn't Russia/China following the Eurasian plan? Free Europe from US control, allies with Germany,create connections between East and West,bring back the focus on Europe,etc.?
I think it's easier to follow Putin's international politics and strategy to see how he takes on Russia's new identity instead of trying to derive his plans from internal politics or media reports.
Russia was on the defensive after their commie paradise broke apart but in recent years they behave politically like a nationalist superpower, not just a nation with regional interests.
We Europeans only like Putin for the fact that he can counter the US/UK narrative and influence to some degree. Without the US/UK on the planet, Russia would be the preferable target for glassing.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend - you know how it works.
A. not to be picky, but can we please stop the "skypes" and other forced memes that never took. I still..IDK, memes that are openly forced never work.
No. This sort of worked in Germany after WW One, but even then it was the idea that the fighting men at the front had been betrayed by communists, unionists, war profiteers, and Jews.
You'd have to be in Moscow for the parade (though if you want to see it, you don't have many more years where vets will be there. In the USm EVERYTHING is about "muh holyco$t survivors" while they barely even mention the poor bastard who fought for their nation! In the fucking USm they had a "Holyco$t war museum more than a decade before a WW 2 memorial. Another fun fact– theUS soldiers used as slave labor by the Jap companies had their lawsuit turned down (with an amicus curiae brief by Madeline Albright State's dept). The judge in that suit told the US pacific theater veterans that they "should be grateful they got out of the experience witht heir ives, and that should be enough fir them.
One week after that, New York State circuit Judge Edward Corpman found in the amount of 5.1 BILLION dollars in an unrelated Holocaust lawsuit against Volkswagen.
Katerina Tikhonova married a Russian banker, not a Korean guy.
This is the frightening part. When the cold war ended, Bill clinton should have spent less time getting tongue jobs from chubby Jewish girls and more time dismantling NATO. Right now, NATO is literally next door at that fucking ghoul neo-con cunt Nuland/Kagan at the heart of the effort to overthrow Ukraine (even handing out cookies!).
Then (on behalf of the Jews) they destabilize Syria (there's a funny vogue article that went to print literally the day before the meme=o went out to a the members of the council) that paints Asama and her husband in glowing terms.
If that psychotic cunt ever got elected, i think she might just be crazy enough fir war with Russia because "muh grrl power!" Entire world has gone fucking insane.
Here We see Evil Dictator Assad Teaching his own Children how to make Barrel Bombs such that they'll have Greatest Kill Radius
are you sure? He has 2 daughters, the article had a write-up and everything. The Gook was the son of the Korean naval attaché to Russia, they me at the international school.
I could still be bullshit, just seemed a but too overly detailed to be bullshit. They even hd a picture (just of her and the gook, not of vlad).
If it was a troll, it was pointless and guy really went out of his way…
For the sake of war, a clinton win would be great. Otherwise Europe will be endlessly locked in a stale struggle vs the US kikes and their grip over us.
kek, this place went full postmodern art degree website
Why do you people even post here? Or at least why do you post like this?
if you want to talk to the remaining 10%, use codewords like "logic".
please don't correct didactically without source, I knew I had read this.)
"Mr Putin has gone to great lengths to ensure that photographs of his two daughters, Yekaterina, 24, and Maria, 25, stay out of the public domain.
The assertion that Yekaterina is to marry – made by an authoritative South Korean newspaper – threatens to undermine the Russian prime minister's painstaking efforts to keep his own personal life and that of his two daughters out of the limelight.
He has also angrily denied repeated allegations that his marriage to Ludmila, the mother of his two daughters, ended some time ago.
But the English-language JoongAng Daily newspaper said it had learnt that Yekaterina would soon marry the son of former Admiral Yoon Jong-Gu who worked at the South Korean embassy in Moscow in the 1990s.
It said that Mr Putin had initially been opposed to he marriage but had warmed to his prospective son-in-law after meeting him in person."
Even now, many people here still think these ((((Kike funded Nationalists)))) are a good thing JUST BECAUSE they're nationalists of some country.
God fucking dammit Holla Forums you stupid fucks don't know who's side to pick on and don't know jackshit whenever the NWO-sponsored Trouble in Eastern Europe comes up
And fuck you all for purposefully letting yourselves become fucking retarded from these fucking shills
It's Russia, of course it is. Russia might be the only country on the planet more jewed than the US
Russia is just the asianizing counter balance to America's global negroization plan. Both countries are kiked beyond saving in any way outside of balkanization and both governments have always sold out their own people.
Any European "nationalist" who has anything other than love and praise for Vladimir Putin is an anti-White D&C shill.
(((Russian right-wing nationalists))) are the same as ukrainian right wing nationalists.
Both groups are controlled by Israel.
Ultra nationalists are GLOBALISTS???!??
Pathetic D&C attempt OP.
Are you CTR or some Soros mouthpiece?
That's like saying "Russian membership in Nato".
And this is "Russian membership in EU".
Eh, I wouldn't go that far. They can have criticism, but on e.g. some local issues nobody else cares about, not global policy that sends kikes screeching.