Awareness of Psychological Manipulation

What does it feel like to be under the influence of a psy-op while it is happening? Is there awareness of it that is ignored, or is it something you really only figure out in hindsight?

I ask because maybe with awareness we can harden ourselves to this threat (pic related). Also general thread on mass psychological manipulation.

Other urls found in this thread: Conversational Ericksonian Hypnosis

Do some digging on Ericksonian hypnotism language patterns. If you notice anyone using one, either call them out on their bullshit, or simply note it. Awareness is the big key here, no one can take control of you or your mind without your consent.

Where you want to be vigilant is when people elicit consent from you.. nonconsensually lol

The higher your knowledge, intelligence, and intuition are, the more resistant you are to psyops. Besides, those are usually targeted at large groups of average and below average people. That's the beauty of (((democracy)))

I believe you can program your brain to be resistant to this shit. Haven't you programmed yours to already alert you to kike bullshit just by seeing the title or language used?


It feels kind of like being on Holla Forums.

A successful psy-op doesn't "feel" like anything at all, OP. A psy-op that can be "felt" is a detected psy-op, and thus a failed psy-op.
Even this can be exploited, though, either by taking advantage of the natural paranoia that stems from the fact that a good psy-op doesn't feel like anything at all, or by hiding unnoticed behind an easily detected, intentionally bad psy-op.
However, the more sophisticated and subtle the layers of psy-op, the more likely that it becomes diluted into ineffectiveness due to the sheer amount of bullshit on top of it and the increased number of things that can go wrong. There's always the danger of being too clever for your own good.

One of the symptoms of being under a psyop campaign is feeling the urge to "rid the world" of "evil dictators". This is usually accompanied by authority figures blathering about "freedom" and "democracy", and accusing the intended target of your rage of totally outrageous "atrocity" stories.

Or a more recent example:

Do you really think ISIS is baking people alive? Or are you witnessing modern day holocoaster stories?


Robert McNamara admits Gulf of Tonkin attack did not happen has some books covering Ericksonian hypnotism and NLP Conversational Ericksonian Hypnosis

Here are some interesting torrents as well

This last may be the same book as the first link, or the archive link may have been mislabeled by its uploader

The old 60 minutes show exposing the Iraqi dead incubator baby psyop.

Dilbert Merchant uses those all the time. Go read his twitter.

Show me the crystal clear videos of Jews being shoved into ovens and your analogy would make more sense.

You can generally tell because they rarely ever reveal anything true or for the greater good.

You can only be affected by psyop if you don't know about it. Otherwise you need to be a cuck to be affected by it willingly

The only crystal clear video I can find about this ISIS bakery story is this "eyewitness testimony", just like the holohoax. There's no way to confirm it.
You're supposed to listen and believe.
"Gee, that's horrible, which country do you want my children to invade?"

It's like: not feeling anything while being called a nazi, racist, bigot and co.

Any excuse to annihilate the Muslims and their Semite masters is a good thing. We should just make sure we have the Emperor into power first.

Yes, but we've seen their other videos where they are torturing people. Unless, of course, those are just Hollywood tricks. Muslims dindumuffin.

The key is to never lose sight of the bigger picture. The entire point of a psy-op is to demoralize or distract long enough that you give up entirely and get discouraged at the lack of progress. Be wary of news and information that can change your focus or provide an "easy answer." A false ending is a good way to get people to stop their work, since they think it's over. Trust, but verify all realistically plausible information. As we've seen the last few weeks the lies will quickly fall apart under scrutiny and become buried/discredited while the truth will remain unchanged regardless of attack angle or examination.

That. Fucking. Jew.

They DID shove Jews in ovens in record numbers. During the Typhus epidemics in the camps. Because they ran out of Zyklon to disinfect their clothes.

That's what you get for setting up infrastructure to save your captured slaves. The Romans knew how to deal with the health of slaves: go take more.

I'm for the invasion Trump proposes, because it's exactly what I thought we should do: establish a beachhead in Libya, wipe out all fighters within a hundred miles, and mass deport all the "refugees" to it.

Who knows if that's what Trump would actually do, but he at least says the right things.

Always think of who benefits off of what you're thinking. Then pick your poison.

I believe this is should be properly called narrative-optimized language.
It is the manner of speech which intends not to inform, but direct you, and sell a narrative through the use of diversions, omissions and emotional appeals.

Much like how shitlibs identify the "hate facts" against their pet darlings, except done without an imperative to defend an ideological totem.