Al Qaeda is so 2000's, they need to update their journal.
We all knew this was going to happen, ni the weird thing is that it will endorse trump
exactly what I thought when I saw this. Sand Niggers go boom, Trump gains at least 3 points.
ib obongo declares martial law and takes away guns to protect the mudslime migrants from ebil white supreeeeemists out for revenge.
CBS and Jew York Times are reporting on this too.
Look forward to trump being blown up by some (((terrorist bombing)))
All terrorist attacks are government ops.
So if this happens right before the election then that means that Feds are gunning for Trump,and there's a revolt against Obama.
remember all that money that went missing right before 9/11?
didn't like 3x as much money go missing recently?
They're still around?
That's not what we meant with civil war, kek
The Al Qaeda narrative get resurrected more often than the Nameless One.
JK guys, we got hacked.
I do not like this narrative being set up.
So is this supposed to create fear of people going to the polls or something as a last ditch effort to get people from voting for Trump by not voting at all?
(((Al Qaeda))) and all these other 'terrorist' groups are a fucking joke in that they are completely controlled by CIA and big government to push whatever their agenda just so happens to be at the time. They are effectively boogeymen. I'm not saying there aren't real Islamic terrorists I'm saying that most of these Islamic terrorists are controlled opposition and don't even know it.
Russian sourced nuke detonated in a major American city soon goyim
Did someone say 6 trillion?
An islamic terrorist attack near election day, real or fake, would actually make Trump more popular since the mudslimes wouldn't just attack people like they always do but also the democractic values the nation was founded upon.
Obviously orchestrated after that round of hobo bombs around the debates to soften everyone up.
How would that be weird?
Hillary doesnt even believe radical islamic terrorism exists. So when it happens again it will be another example to show Hillary as a liar.
Isn't New York as close-call state for the election? Sounds like they're trying to scare people away from the polls.
I believe if Trump wins NY the election is pretty much over right?
Let me guess if it looks bad for Clinton….surprise terror attack…. Obama war president.
The US has openly admitted being allies with AQ for years now. They work together in places like Syria.
Obviously it’s all a storyline projected over the top of the mechanics of the unrelenting plan to destabilize the ME, presumably for Israel. Nonetheless it’s odd that they would fuck up and forget where they were up to in the plot line and randomly reintroduce all characters back in.
Globalist backup plan of keeping Obama in?
3rd term during wartime like Franklin D. Roosevelt.
I dont think they have been that open about it.
Obama said they were arming 'moderate rebels' to conceal the fact they were helping AQ and ISIS.
Probably pulling out old action plans and desperately seeing what sticks.
If you fall for this shit and stay home on November 8th (if you haven't already voted early), then you should be hanged.
New York isn't close at all. It is presumed that Hillary will win New York, California and DC.
If Trump takes New York then it WILL be the biggest landslide in US history.
That is to say she will win those regions no matter what.
Im guessing she will 'win' those regions even if 90% of people there vote against her.
If the goal is to make voters afraid of a terrorist attack and not go vote, it will only work on leftists… Nationalists always vote, no matter if its a storm or a war going on outside.
Like she did to Bernie.
Off topic, but I heard some bimbo on the news this morning speaking to early voting and eluding to it having to do with "organization" in her words. Are they really going to try to spin this once the counting starts?
Right because shitskins don't have it in their nature to bomb innocent civilians.
Are you retarded?
l voted early.
Not really.
What makes you think Trump wont win every state?
To clarify, I was thinking that this election would result in only DC going blue if NY went red with current demographics.
inb4 its to mask vote rigging
So is it US authorities or (((US))) authorities?
Is Israel wanting to be the centre of the one world government still a thing?
Not being a cocksucking faggot and having the merest mote of comprehension of the changes to demographics since then.
Notice that these reports mention cities as the obvious target. The list of Texas, Virginia, and New York makes no sense – terrorists don't list targets by states. This looks like an obvious attempt to scare voters into not voting in dense urban areas, most of all in the important swing state of Virginia.
It seems that the source of this info is a "senior FBI official." gothamist.com
Obviously a Trumptard in the FBI is trying to skew the vote in VA and media outlets are repeating this bullshit story. Shit like this rustles my jimmies.
This better be a bullshit scare tactic.
Can this happen? If Trump wins on Tuesday does it mean he would have to take office ASAP in the event of a national security event or do we have to deal with Obama for the last couple of months so he could throw it all away?
they cant even keep their narrative straight anymore
hes going to win minnesota believe it or not
I got some money riding on it in fact (paying out 10:1 kek)
I don't much care for this. You're just keeping more dirty money revolving around politics.
Isn't this the same Al Qaeda that Hildabeast Clinton was giving arms & ammunition to?
That is a beautiful .gif
What if they managed to smuggle in a suicide vest so powerful it can allah ackbar an entire state?
In reality if you made a hydrogen bomb the size of a shipping container, you could probably get a 100-200MT yield.
Just as a reminder.. this is what 50MT does:
"In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI.
In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism.
We’ve become a lunatic asylum." – Robert David Steele, 20-year Marine Corps Intelligence Officer
Sure thing, Chaim. NY hates shillary, she was the worst, most useless fucking senator in the entire state.
Gambling is degenerate.
That really updated my journal.
STOP. It's not 6.5 trillion dollars. It's a total sum of 6.5 trillion which has not been properly accounted for in their budgeting. This means that there might be 1 million or 200,000 dollars missing. it does not mean the entire amount disappeared.
It even says right in your own fucking image;
At least 40% of the population is non-white.
I was 25 and had 2 pumps kicking doors in fallujah before I got cross trained intel, does that make me jason bourne?
just in case
we're getting close
Obvious false flag
I'm with Captain America.
Wouldn't any sort of snackbar attack on the 8th just give Trump more credibility? I mean, his fucking platform has a tenet about keeping Muslims out and Hillary wants to bring them in.
The only way I could see the left succeeding with this is if they tried to make it look like a bunch of RWDS were blowing up Hillary supporters.
Aside from the reasons why, what would happen if an attack (or series of attacks) really did occur? Could ((they)) pause or reschedule the election? If they did delay, who would benefit most? If the leaks keep coming, I'm inclined to say Trump; especially if snackbars do the attacks.
aka "We have no fuckin idea what we spent this on LOL"
So you're right that some of it may have been spent "legitimately" but evidently a large sum of it is simply missing (as in spent on something that they don't want any paper trail for).
This is some top-tier D&C, even if it is unintentional.
Dying doing your civic duty is the most honorable thing next to serving your country. No one wants this to happen obviously. But don't let fear prevent you from saving your race and culture. Especially when vid related is behind ALL terrorism.
Wait, are they trying to help Trump? I doubt Hillary supporters give a fuck enough about her to go out and vote for her, when there might be a terrorist attack.
Al Qaeda, ISIS,ISIL, IS, CIA, Mossad, etc. choose a name, it all pretty much means the same.
It wouldn't be a military city, if so. It would likely be a small one at a service oriented mid-range city furthest from large jewish hubs. Think south, mid-west, rockies…
ln a swing state, perhaps?
Arabs want to blow shit up
Arabs want to do it during the election
Arabs always blow shit up in cities
Nogs vote in cities
Nogs can't get to teh polls
muslim terrorists always confuse me
but it applies even more in this case