Happening in Sweden!

Happening in Sweden!


Now i think the least we can do is to upvote this hotels ratings! To show support.

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pretty spicy info

Yeah the fact that this award dinner is even being held in Sweden suprises me.

Wait for antifa.

Haha these cucks are just too much.

even better to report all the one stars as "nothing to do with page"

Holy fucking kek ahah did not think of that one!

That actually sounds interesting, how rare.

Who is celebrating "dark times", Fredrik?
Fredrik certainly celebrates when dark times are up his asshole.
Pathetic cuck.

Swede here, thank you anons who rates this 5 stars.

I thought that's what these Swedecucks wanted?

Beat me to the joke tbh

Why do they always have this numale/babby look?

They all do. And they probably genetically are born with it.


But it still a minor happening, but good that it happens. I'm hoping for a fight between antifa and hotel security, which will lead to riots throughout the city.
Sweden still has a chance

Yeah it's a minor happening. But it bothers me that these cuck leftists think they can pull of a stunt like this, without any consequences.



Haha found this dumb blonde who is hating on the hotel for "letting nazis in". On all her facebook pics there are shitskins and afghan "kids" who comment. She really is the giant swede cum dumpster.

one or two swedish normies will once again break the condititoning. Hopefully
The shitskins comment, but mixed race couples are rarer than the media portrays. But I don't think she is a cumdumpster, how degenerate she may be.

She has a cattle hoop, she's definitely a cumdumpster.


I find these sort of ordeals SCUSTING

both the act of posting your face online and indecent comments from normales

Oh my god, this cannot be happening right now. Is this really real? Like, is it happening?

This is a moment to subvert globalism and give our world-wide support to the hotel that dared to say no to the cucks.

low-T, sheltered life, immature psyche, susceptibility to brainwashing and propaganda… these things eventually manifest on the physical appearance.

Just look at how Hillary is literally falling apart under the weight of all her lies and corruption.

Calm down satan

Hotel looks comfy. Stockholm itself is a gorgeous city except for the Somalians, Kebabs and libtard trash.

Yeah Grand hotel is an amazing hotel.

Looks cool. Reminds me a lot of The Grand Budapest Hotel from the movie.

But of course, this is what we oughta do.

She has bimbo lips and a nose ring. she should return to Africa. all the coal burners like being bimbofied because they hate themselves and their body.

Now you're reaching a bit. Guy looks completely normal, much more manly than I do for one.

That's a problem. Fix it.


Won't affect my face.


Yes it will. The face is also muscles, you can train it to make your jaw more pronounced, among other things.



You're a man, dumbass. Real men don't need a pretty face.

My jaw and chin are just feminine, I blame my swedish genes.

Legit bump. This is not a drill.

Dont let them slide.

Every single time.

Stop blaming your parents, dipshit, and start boxing instead. Trading punches regularly will thicken your skull bones and increase your testosterone levels. And since it's obvious that you can't get any stupider than you already are, you don't have to worry about long-term brain damage.

Cheese Pizza aficionado and Swiss (((Kudelski))) "Nigger" Security, #1 Islamic evangelist, jihad enabler, and World Leading autistic faggot innovator. Kudelski SA - groping nigger faggots with open mouths and trollingworldchamp.org since 1938!

Idk what kind of broscience this is.

(((Nobel prize)))

Is this some Jewish trickery? I find it hard to believe that someone would award a real (((Nobel prize))) to pro fascists unless its some sort of improvised award. I'm wagering its some kikes promoting it to lure the bad Swedish goyim out before they get too unruly and form a real fascist organization.

The whole point of the dinner is that IT'S NOT the regulare nobel prize.

It's not the nobel prize, are you illiterate?

studies have shown that women are most attracted to men whose faces are bordering on ugly.

Also, Nigel Farage. I have screencapped posts detailing how he was used by kikes but I have to find them. I can't remember the particulars but it did make me question Farage. There's some shit attached to him, pro-israel views and he was cucked /compromised a year back from somet hin I can't remember.

Bones naturally thicken and strengthen over time when exposed to regular stress and exercise. As long as you don't actually fucking break them, your bones will get stronger and denser. So put this shit on and start punching.

It's not the FEATURES, it's the EXPRESSION. Look at his soulless, dead stare and at his cuck smile.
This is the facial expression of someone who likes it up his posterior cavity.

I can't wait for this guy to get culturally enriched, Kevin Sutherland style.
I don't care anymore, these cucks deserve everything bad coming to them.

to be honest he actually looks normal

I can only imagine how big the shit eating grin on the glorious bastards face of the guy who thought this up was.
Bravo I hope he got a raise, more people should be rewarded for promoting nationalism not being punished for it.

To be honest there is no reason to believe she is a coal burner. Vast majority of leftist women exclusively date white men but are just so fucking stupid and brainwashed that they think nonwhites are the same than us, and defend them to the death until they one day become a victim of nonwhites.

"Charles Bronson" (not his real name) is a Jew, you know.

What's your face split look like brah?

It served as inspiration for it according to jewgle.



Correct. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolff's_law

Why do modern women enjoy ruining themselves so much?

What, you think I didn't know that? The whole point is that if you're a man, having an ugly face doesn't matter, even if it's an ugly kike face.

That kinda goes against common sense. Source?

Don't listen to this guy. You're going to be in for a world of pain if you start developing bad punching habits. Get yourself some coaching time with a boxing coach to avoid falling into the pitfalls a lot of people fall into.

rate and drop redpills on libs in the comments.

Need troll account for that. And making troll accounts is a real pain.

Yeah, I admit I got a bit too hyper back there.
Make sure you box correctly, everyone. After all, you can't get stronger if you're wasting time being broken and recovering.

I know from personal experience that my brother got into punching a heavy bag and one time we got into a fight he hurt his hand and had to get surgery.

Snarare att du är en patetisk liten bitch som hellre skyller sina problem på saker som gener istället för att faktiskt dedikera sig åt ett mål och aktivt arbeta mot det.

Visst, det kommer inte fixa alla problem men det är iallafall bättre att vara en biff kille med ett bitch-ansikte än en spinkis med ett bitch-ansikte.

Men vem bryr sig, du låter som en person som aldrig kommer ta tag i sina problem ändå. Fortsätt rationalisera bort dina problem, se vart det tar dig.

I imagine masculine looking faces have been defined as ugly in modern times while looking like a prettyboi is kosher. Or really, if a woman sees you as looking like a fag that turns off her "he is a potential mate" instinct. Same thing as "show her you care :)))" vs being…not a cuck, I guess. A public and a private position.

Then why do metrosexuals always have the hottest gfs?

Fake macho men are unattractive for girls.

girls are attracted to androgyny

Jewish meme, not true at all.

t. den gyllene

Even if that's the case (I've never observed that so I don't agree) they're getting cucked hardcore either willingly or behind their backs so they're not really "their" gfs.

Please stop posting about Sweden it saddens my heart.

It is true though. Girls are generally attracted to guys if they're handsome.

But this is good news

I went to a school full of metrosexuals. This just ain't true. BFs, maybe.

Why would leftists EVER support multinational companies owned by rich people? Are they stupid?

You can't be serious. Go outside and and open your eyes, it's fucking obvious.

Thank you. Exactly my point.

Theres' a theory that SOME girls like to have ugly bfs because they think they will "shine" in contrast to him but I've never seen an ugly dude with a hot gf unless he was rich.

I don't know what kiked up papers you're reading, but "handsome" for me generally means something like this.
ie very masculine and not girly at all.

The sign of being cattle.

Handsome =/= looking like a woman. Or at least, I don't like my women with chiseled chins and the like.

This is "handsome" as well.
Your pic related is in no way false.

Because they also tend to be hyperactive socially?

Women are attracted to;
Power (social standing, money, etc.) and aestethics (less so than power though).

If you're hypersocial you're probably going to be a leftist as well, after all their entire ideology relies around feely groupthink, social exclusion and strict definitions of ingroup and out group.

That's not handsome, that's faggy

Yet women would see that as beauty. It means nothing though, because that's not the criteria you have to have in order to impress women.

sage for complete off-topic

Many metrosexuals attain high social status (because they're very social, like women), and that can be attractive to them (like having money). Like says though, women tend not to respect them.

Not ugly, borderline ugly.
pic is borderline ugly in modern terms, because he's masculine. Old muscle cars are ugly in modern terms because they don't look like vaginas-on-wheels like a Prius.

avrätta dig själv familj

The African-Swedish better start evolving quickly, rickets is a hel of a disease.

All pictures are Africans with rickets, did you know rickets can affect the bones of the face too?

I learned something today, thanks Holla Forums.

I think the difference is the way it's inflected, calling a young boy or teenager handsome carries a different connotation than calling someone older handsome. That boy is handsome for being a teenager, he's a handsome boy. Boy is a keyword because he retains some boy-like qualities, which are good in and of themselves, but there is a difference. We know the ancient greeks idealized boy-like qualities, but white culture has shifted since then, I mean it's been thousands of years. There became a split between a handsome man and boy. In the 70's there was this idea of the all-American boy and shit like that even, but it was still in different lights.

Pic related, tl;dr there are different ideals for teenage physique than the latter

The fuck?! We wuz crabs? n'shit?

We'z been eatin dem bananana fruits, so ouz legz took dat shape mayne. Evol-ushin n shiet.

Well thank god you speak for all women's beauty standards user.


Well, thank god you get buttflustered on behalf of all women.

If you want a woman, all you have to do is impress her. You can be average looking to pull that off.
But if you care about looks, just look nice. Lift and eat right.

That's what happens to your bones if your race evolved in areas with large amounts of sun. If these same people move to colder areas with less sun their bones will deform.

There are other problems they'll encounter such as harrisons sulcus, hurting their metabolism.

The converse is true as well if I lived in the African savannah for a decade I'd probably get skin cancer.

beacause women are social in everyaspect, and operate in acordance to the social circle the inhabit(generally). Right now (((they))) are pushing for androgynous looking fags like justin beiber, and all the other boy bands. Add the effects of the pill, and you'll see hot sluts on the pill with metrofags. Women actually prefer manly men, and not only looks wise, but primarily attitude wise, some one who'll dominates her, and takes charge, protect and provides for her.

I think a few thousand 'refugees' got sent up to those places in Northern Sweden / Finland where its light for 6 months of the year then dark for 6 months.


No matter if you're skinny or fat, getting ripped will give you the aesthetic as heck face of a renaissance sculpture.

I didn't mean to derail the thread about looks. Sorry.

You can actually improve your jawline with proper posture, tongue placement and stop being a mouthbreather, you effeminite faggot.
Stop making excuses and start improving yourself.

That's a particularly handsome jew.

All of those pictures, including the statues are beautiful depictions of men. Starting from the boy, you see the progression into manhood. With the exception of the teenager, all the images depict, strength, a protectiveness, gentleness, frailty, and wisdom. As for the boy, he has all those qualities but wisdom. The two things all the images do share is confidence and self-actualization.

Single mother parenting and an environment full of xenoestrogens.

Why do they hate and persecute and oppress racists and Nazis so much?

FUCK DONT GO. This sounds like a trap of some kind. Get all of our people together. When is this supposed to be?

So cucked they even thank you

this is actually pretty smart
nice one

Ahaha what the fuck?

Livestream of the event


This is a great idea. I wish i could read swedish so i could laugh at these faggots. Farrage better win something.

Farage's speech was glorious, around 80 minutes in.

Yep, too bad the population is the worst of Sweden, and that all the ((power)) is essentially centralised around that town and everything outside of it, doesn't matter.

These libtards all live in a bubble and think they can make the rest of Sweden into a fucking theme-park where they can enjoy the nice little multi-cultures from around the world when going around outside the toll-booths. But then come back home to the bubble once again with their glüten-free alternatives, vegetarianism and fake social causes.

Fuck them and hang the traitors. I'm sick of them and i'm sick of having to deal with them!

The reason behind this is that it was custom to invite all the party-leaders from the government to the Nobel-prize-dinner. But since SD came in in 2010 they have not been invited due to obvious political reasons.

Ugly on the inside = Ugly on the outside.

Modern decadency has ruined so many of the white women.

I hope that whole deal gets archived.

About time.

She's a cumdumpster. And nothing can possibly cleanse the kind of filth she harbours in her soul.

Well done guys. You've derailed a thread about how a few swedes are trying taking a stand into a thread about what type of man a woman likes. Jesus tap dancing Christ.

Anyways, how fast is support for the Swedish Democrats going up? Is it possible for Sweden to save itself before it becomes a useless wasteland full of diversity?


This. It's not just Swedish liberals, they think like this all over the world. Their idea of "multiculturalism and diversity" consists of being able to get shawarma for lunch and buying a fucking African dashiki on the way home. It never occurs to them, somehow, that when you create these ghettoized pockets of people from Somalia and Afghanistan and Congo, you can't just get served "interesting" food (that the people serving it don't consider unique or special for the same reason Americans don't think hamburgers or Coca-Cola are). You can't just engage in five minutes of trade with a smiling dark person and then go back home and pretend your own country hasn't been tainted.

The shitty parts of Stockholm aren't like the Japanese enclaves in Los Angeles and Seattle, or the Canadian expat towns in Central America. The people being imported by Sweden are dysfunctional people from dysfunctional countries, and when they get to Stockholm they immediately go back to nigging and snackbaring just like they did back home. The truth is that in their countries, shoplifting and robbery and groping and raping women is FUCKING COMPLETELY NORMAL, and they're not going to stop doing that because Sweden has magic clay. It doesn't work like that anywhere.

Thats Mila Kunis' son, good genetics tbh.

Not a Swede but from what I hear SD are doing pretty well, I think they're competing for 1st place. Sweden has PR though, so a majority is impossible if the other parties won't work them. Also, SD are relatively cucked by nationalist standards, they won't even endorse Trump. Still, they'll put an end to the immigration madness, which Sweden sorely needs.

he still has that "look" though. its unmistakeable, yet also unexplainable.

Hey at least it's something


It just his expression. Something lacking.

That is the perfect book for me. Got a barbell last week. I love having goodluck.

here is the torrent off piratebay

thepiratebay.org/search/starting strength/0/99/0

Holyshit. Hope.jpg