Marina Abramović's (the "spirit cooking" artist) real estate deed to her 3 million dollar apartment along with her Power of Attorney documents.
Home Address
330 Spring St APT 8A,
New York, NY 10013
Marina Abramović's (the "spirit cooking" artist) real estate deed to her 3 million dollar apartment along with her Power of Attorney documents.
Home Address
330 Spring St APT 8A,
New York, NY 10013
Other urls found in this thread:
Deed to her condo.
Deed to her condo part 2
Deed to her condo part 3
Can a local user set her house on fire?
Deed to her condo part 4
Power of Attorney documents
Power of Attorney part 2
interior photos
Caught in bed with a goblin
The modern day female Rasputin?
More John Dee than Rasputin.
Aliester Crowley even.
Dee and Crowley are considered great minds and innovators by some. This woman just seems like your average performance artist with a taste for pedophilia.
Bump for Satanic feasts. I always knew these fucks were devil worshipers.
The Star of David isn't even Jewish. It came from Solomon, he brought it to Israel, and constructed the first temple in Jerusalem.
It's the Star of Moloch, also known as Saturn, or Kronos, the god that ate his own children. Sacrifices were made to him by burning children alive.
Moloch is represented as a bull or calf. The golden calf that the Hebrews were worshiping when Moses came down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments was Moloch.
The Hebrews moved away from worshiping Moloch, and the Star of Moloch was abandoned for thousands of years, until the Rothschild family brought it back in the late 19th century. Before that, it wasn't even a symbol of the Jewish faith.
The rich elites and "Jews"(they're not really Jews, they're Moloch worshipers hiding amongst the Jews) are actually worshipping the devil and dabbling in the occult.
Wouldn't surprise me if they're still sacrificing children and drinking the blood of babies.
Saturn, Moloch and Kronos are three different entities. Archaeology often lumps old gods together because they represent or are fond of similar things.
Do we have the spirit cooking document? I want to see what's in it.
Marina Abramović and Lady Gaga at a "Spirit Dinner" enjoying "Spirit Cooking"
one of the invitations to a spirit dinner addressed to John Podesta
Saturn, Moloch, and Kronos all have the same origin, and different regions had their own take on the same god, thus the different names. You can even connect the origins of Kronos to Shiva.
Bump with more Spirit Cooking for you…
Remember goyim, she's an Orthodox Serb. Nothing to see here!
I'm fairly well versed in these things and I can't find a single source that says they're from the same root god. All I can find is conflated accounts of Moloch being akin to Saturn or Kronos. Would you happen to have a source on hand?
I just realized this is the same chick who did that 'staring' display at the museum of modern art in NY.
Holy shit.
That's pretty gross.
That liquid. That's congealed blood.
What the fuck is this it's so fucking retarded
Thoughts on this?
John Podesta mentions a lot in his email about getting Pizza and especially at “Comet Ping Pong”. “Comet Ping Pong” tends to be a favourite hangout and fundraising centre for the Democrats from Wikileaks. It’s a place with ‘secret rooms’, a dark basement, pictures with eye slits in the walls where you can see through and bathrooms hidden behind secret panels.
Background - Comet Ping Pong has a big focus on kids and ping pong. On first view, you might think these are just innocent adverts but watch closely.
Pay close attention to the mural on the wall and what the 'manager' says at the end of the video:
Listen to this kid read a script about CPP:
Now look at this video.
This video is filmed in the basement of Comet Ping Pong.
She refers to tasting the "Hottie Pizza" at 2:20.
Do you think thats code for something?
Now look at her band's Youtube page:
How does her band afford such professional videos with such tiny views and sales? Their facebook and twitter are dead. All of her videos would require at least $10,000 USD to make with all the special effects, editing, actors etc.
What is the source of their income with a tiny fan base?
Now take a look at the themes that come up in the video:
Look at 3:25 of this video.
Locations? Why is there a picture of a bouncy castle and another one of a table of young teenage males?
Look at 1 minute mark
Look at 0:47 and 1:57
What is she talking about in this video? I think you know.
Click number 6 - what's the picture & song of up the top?
user congealing blood is crimson not brown…
They took a menstrating woman and submerged her in chocolate sause for the guests to eat.
user, she's been doing (((performance art))) aka public rituals for a long-ass time
You have to look for the correlations in symbolism and backstory and also numbers, it's always 6
Gaga sperging out over the jewish witch
Churches are corrupt as hell my dude
Correlations in symbolism and backstory are conflation, not direct ties. That's like saying Nuada and Tyr are the same god because they both lost hands or that Lugh and Jesus are the same god because they're both the sons of the god of abraham and Dagda. Kek isn't Eris because he is a god of chaos and Eris was also a god of chaos.
meant for you is shut down now. I downloaded everything, not including the pirated office .dmg file it adds to be about 400mb of wierd vague shit including sketechy un-googleable mp3s. His album sucks and seems sorta like a satanic rapist would be into it. Any stenography experts able to put me in the right direction in getting into these files?
They're all unbelievably dumb. How do these people live at all? Are they pretending to be retarded?
You in the right thread? What even is this?
Well hopefully this thread is close enough. Found out about elkins space from this reddit post. Forgive me for linking to that site hah.
Super fishy stuff. One of the files was just a picture of hair. I don't have much to lose so I went ahead and downloaded shit about 6 hours ago. I didn't get murdered by jack booted thugs in my sleep so I guess thats a good sign.
Showbiz motherfuckers are rotten from the inside out
Dude…send that shit to the FBI DC field office.
I went to art school (not that im bragging) and she's just a boring has-been who gets way to much attention for doing shit that edgy in the late 70s. It's "in" to like her, there's nothing impressively occult about it.
god i sound like a shill, but its the truth i swear
I'm starting to think I should have used a vpn for reals.
Oh. Yea, you dun goof'd. Might want to tell your family goodbye.
i know it sounds impressive, but it's really undergrad-tier "conceptual art"
Yeah, but you're forgetting one important thing.
She's the poster child of how abusing children makes them go insane. According to her, her childhood was communist propaganda mixed with military beatings, to the point that she was terrified of coming home after 10 because her mother would beat her senseless - and that was at 29 years old.
Also, her parents? Communist heroes, despite not fighting in the fucking war.
You know how sexually abused children go emotionally dead, among other things? She's the prototype of that. It's no wonder the (((artists))) love her so much, she's everything self destructive and ugly rolled into one pretentious package. It's no wonder we find her attached to this pedo ring nonsense.
Impressive is not the word that comes to mind when I think our nation's politicians and government officials eating sperm, shit, piss, and blood. I don't give a single fuck about this "artist."
Also, aborting children isn't "art"
I'm sure feminists and (((gender studies))) scholars across the West will disagree with you :^)
you make an interesting point, thanks
I'm sure they would. Podesta and company talk about this shit like it's normal…and it will be unless we purge this shit immediately.
Another thing to note?
All her awards come from Western art schools.
ex artfag here as well, the amount of abuse victims and psychotic faggots with edgy occult mentalities within the art world is staggering. The principal in my school generated some (((controversy))) when he hosted an artist who put quasi-cp photos up, but the party line in the school was that the police didn't understand art.
All of the grants that we were recommended via the school came from mason groups, art patrons would roam the school dressed up like they were headed to the opera and would strike up smalltalk with the edgiest faggots they could find. It's all fucked, it's a den of thieves.
fucking serbian whore
She's a kike.
Orthodox Serbs might as well be kikes. They have their own shoah (Kukulele brat remember the 700k), a bearded clergy, subversive minority politicians in other countries and they are constantly trying to mess with Montenegro.
I have no qualms with them, but Serbian clergy is rotten to hell and back, closely competing with its Russian and Greek counterparts in being a corrupt mess. It's basically a mafia cell.
They want their hands on the Montenegrin church and the Serb Orthodox big wig for Ljubljana and Zagreb has to be one of the most subversive motherfuckers in the region, right next to the chief mufti for the muslim minority in Zagreb.
did anyone find out what the dog fart stuff was about.. someone dug it up last night
(((Montenegrin Church))) is a CIA OP and has nothing to do with canon and the actual church.
Yes and the queen of England secretly rules the world. Do you know how the Orthodox Autocephaly works? What's up with people who defend Serbia's shitty actions in the world and blaming everything on the fucking CIA.
Because it's so obvious it hurts? Montenegro is a mafia state ruled by US puppet and his family/clan, removing Serbian church is a step towards removing Serbian, and by extension possible Russian influence.
It's the same like "Orthodox" Church in Ukraine. I bet you are some butthurt hohol.
But the Serbian Church never was in Montenegro. You had the Autocephal Montenegrin Orthodox church that had close ties with Serbia when the country was still Royalist.
What? Who gives a flying fuck about a state that license produces shitty kike firearms? I'm actually CIA.
Olympias Polyxena is probably more accurate.
We need Hitler.
Good post.
if hillary steals the election i'd be a bit worried
we needed hitler in the 40's, now we need turbo-hitler
100% pure white serbian american. move along goyim
More Criswell.
fucking degenerate.
Your "average performance artist" with a 3 million dollar condo.
Please somebody draw this.
polite sage for doublepost
She's practicing a form of Jewish demonolatry called "Anti-Cosmic Satanism."
Yes it was, there was an official church authority for that region. But they got kicked out by Milo and co. so a more kosher "Montenegrin" church could be created.
Basically religion is irrelevant here, it all comes to spheres of influence and who controls what. Our clergy might be a bunch of corrupt kiddie diddlers with mafia ties, but they are a much healthier alternative to the "European values" (tm) that include full poz package.
You were born just in time to witness Kek battling Moloch on Mt. Zion.
Is this anything?
just got full so ima post this here:
all this shit has become too much for me to follow but I somehow get the feeling that all of it boils down to two sides of the same shekel fighting to be the one in control:
on one hand you have all these secretive ovendodgers using child sex and occult faggotry to bind their goy tools to them (house of lords child fuckery scandals, dutroux, whatever shit goes on in brussels, epstein's lolita express) and on the other hand you have all these outgoing hooknoses trying to normalize all sorts of degeneracy in more recent times which seems to me they want to pull the rug out of under the first group
Double dubs going unchecked?
I can't stand smarmy leftist kikes. Just deserts in t minus 3 days
filthy degenerate
www.theguardian com/artanddesign/2016/oct/22/marina-abramovic-artist-extract-menage-a-trois
i thought that first picture was a caricature of a jew, instead it's marina abramovic
Cults generally have an outer circle of useful idiots and an inner circle of true believers. The useful idiots, more or less unaware of the actual cause they're serving, can sometimes act at cross-purposes with the true believers, but it's a rare occurrence since the outer circle is constantly conditioned to be useful to the inner circle.
Damn we got debunked hard. It's just art guise.
Fooking deeescusting
Not always. Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes.
"They were horrified," Heather recalls, a grin spreading across her face.
Huffpo checks out, Dems have no real magic at all
Washington post attempts to correct the record:
How can I even get spooped properly? smdh
I want to rape her nose holes
Not exactly the best choice of headline.
A hell of a coincidence in that case.
This is the only logical response and makes the accusers look ridiculous.
Stop searching for pizza and start searching cf (clinton foundation)
You could have downloaded the files through
Department of State FOIA site
It's nothing, though, there's a different Marina who works for Clinton.
What this lady does is not art. Her earlier pieces were simply public displays of masochism.
One of her pieces consisted of repetitively slapping, and being slapped by, her partner for what seems like an interminably long time. Along a similar vein, she and her much larger male partner would run toward each other and collide, with her usually being the one to suffer more from the force of the collision. This would continue for hours. In another quasi-deep but meaningless performance, she drove around in circles in a truck yelling meaningless phrases through a bullhorn. In her most shocking performance, she allowed participants to cut and pierce her body with metal objects.
In a completely tame but equally meaningless performance, she set herself up on a chair for 8 hours a day at the MoMA and over the course of several months, people lined up by the thousands to get a chance to sit opposite her and look into her eyes. The only meaning to be derived from such a thing was that which was projected on to her by the gullible participants. It reminds me of dating advice I read in a book once - don't talk too much, let her project.
If she has any talent at all, it is an ability to endure pain, and while this might be admirable in some respects, it is hardly something one associates with an artist.
Because the Satanic elites have inverted everything of value in our time, meaningless masochism is called 'performance art.' Some people may fool themselves into thinking they have just witnessed something terribly deep even if they can't quite put their finger on it. But bc of the shock value, they feel that they might have gotten their money's worth.
Check this shit out.
New State Department emails contain Hillary herself DIRECTLY asking Huma about Marina
People are saying this may just be a low level aide. But what is the last name of the aide? Could Marina Abramovic be advising/helping Hillary behind the scenes?
Hillary was in Serbia on Oct. 10, 2010 when she mentioned Marina again in one of her emails.
Marina shows up 74 times in the Clinton Emails on Wikileaks.
From: H >
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 2:40 PM
To: 'Betsy.Ebeling
Subject Re: You are what you eat, I guess
But, even the allure of Mother Moon in all her glory is unlikely to
impress the PM. Everything is s000 hard and not nearly as gratifying as planting your garden. Much love to you, sweet
pea xxoo
Hitler dubs confirm Hillary is a Satanic Pedophile.
That Marina is housekeeping.
What does this mean? Is it this?
Oh ok.
This is dead parrot sketch tier.
i guess that's what you get when you're a satanic piece of shit
theory has it that lady gaga stole another artists soul to achieve her fame… you should look into that if you find this interesting. fucking creeps m8
fucking knew it, obvious witch and she could pass for a male
implying these sick fucks don't actually consume blood is naive m8
I don't think it is about "pulling the rug out", they want nothing less than absolute dominion over the earth, global enslavement, etc. It is gradual, but after global government is fully entrenched any fucked up thing under the sun is going to be normalized, including pedophilia, beastiality, etc. Weimar times 100 with a few cultists/kikes owning millions of slaves to rape and exploit for profit. When they approach their endgame of world control they will start being increasingly overt because they won't have anything to lose from it anymore.
Theyre dubs of confirmation
Olympias is Alexander the Great's mother, for those not in the know. She was known to have been very much into a snake cult. She is from Epirus, which is an area in south Albania and Northern Greece today.
That's not the art studio, that's the resource room.
From "Bif Skipman"'s facebook page
Favorite Show: The Flintstones
He also posts about Hawiian Moonshine/Vodka
Dave Flintstone owns "Island Distillers" a hawiian moonshine company (same guy who talked to Sasha Lord)
Serbian scum.
I don't know if that guy's very important, user
what the fuck are you doing
Abramovic drives from "Abraham", most wealthy kike in russia is also Abramovich.
Solomon was the son of David. There's a flag from Prague from the 1300s or so with the Star of David. You're just bullshitting.
We have a remix of that now.
How can it be art if it's ugly?
Art has been subverted for the exact purpose of making the masses engage into occult rituals without even realizing it.
we pedowood nao
No joke, we found out years ago that the CIA subverted the art world to create "modern art" and everything about it is the exact opposite of proper traditional art. It's all about "breaking down standards of beauty" or "expressing yourself" or whatever shit they want to justify a complete lack of talent or creativity. You can shit on a canvas and get it shown in a museum now.
Our meme magic corpus is far in advanced of theirs as is our electronic sentience, and their… "demographic inflexibility" has allowed us to make progress in areas they refuse to consider.
Why contain it? Let the pee spill over onto the clothing and floor, let the shit pile up in the street, in the end, they'll beg Trump to save them.
lmao fucking priceless…
Wasnt there a woman that did period art ?
It more in said
Many areas of art got subverted hell and back to pass this bullshit in a friendly way towards normalfags or to attract acceptance from new gens, like all the degeneracy.
What the fuck am I looking at
Jesus fuck, all these empty hollow leftist scum. They are so completely void of any spirit that they need to "try new things" and "widen their horizons" to force the pain away. I'm not even religious, but these motherfuckers need Jesus, stat!
i can already picture the conversation
Whats spirit cooking?
that sounds kinda disgusting
every time i hear that kind of argument i want to pull out a 12 gauge loaded with deer slug and ask "ever shot yourself in the knee? why don't you try it then"
I just realized Lady Gaga's career took off at the same time King Nigger got elected.
But Abra was unearthed in Serbia
Every fucking time. This has being the most successful jewish meme of all times.
Its like "stop questioning and do it too or be looked as a bad goy" bullshit.
Nowadays it evolved into [CURRENT YEAR].
Nigga, most degenerate shit took off or got catalyzed as soon King Nigger got elected.
The pozzing process skyrocket-ed.
Where is this being put together? Cuckchan and leddit?
Borrowing that line, thanks.
pol is always right
That's before the semen, breast milk, blood, and goblin vomit.
which one? And you're welcome lad
That's ART buddy. Just because YOU don't get it… hahahaha.
I must joke because this all disturbs the fuck out of me. Don't even want to check links, see any videos or any of it. Just fucking line them up already.
You think there's hidden data in the images? Well… there are a couple of scripts you can find that INDICATE if something might be there, but dont properly you won't be able to tell. Let's see if I can find something… it's been along time since I looked at this…
WIkipedia's already been changed.
Even kikepedia can't change her name though. Doesn't get more Jewish than (((Abram)))ovic
Do you have logs or something?
Here's another person with the surname. Yes, he's a jew. A former Soviet at that.
Also here's archive from September 7th
No mention of jews. Her parents were prominent yugoslav commies however.
How unexpected.
It's almost like Jews and Communism go hand in hand…
For years, Alex Jones has told us that we had a "Shadow Government" full of satanists and pedophiles. Now Wikileaks has shown us that, crazy as it all sounded, he was right all along.
I repeat: The whole time, Alex Jones was right, while the New York Times and CNN were wrong. Drastically, completely, utterly wrong. About everything.
I think I'm going to go buy some water filters now.
She's a jew. Crypto-type. But full-blown. They hide it, for some reason. It's a jew thing.
Just buy a Sawyer filter.
It still comes up in revisions.
They deleted the fucking cache for this shit. It's big.
Lady GaGa
I feel bad for her lol she looks like a mess.
already done
I guess it's someone fucking with wiki. I read it on Croatian and Serbo-Croatian instances yesterday and there was no mention of it anywhere.
It is mentioned that she is specifically Montenegrian montenigger however.
Can confirm, Croatian version says she's a montenigger.
remember this happened
The term "Shadow Government" was first used by Bush Jr. just after 911. If I recall correctly he said that "a Shadow Government was waiting in the wings…" The media immediately played it off back then by saying that he was just talking about the "Continuity of Government" plan in case of a nuke war or similar.
Well the Rabbis drink the blood of new born dicks, when they cut them. So yes, very easy to do.
Just like Soros is Hungarian, right?
holy shit, thats a nice piece of furniture on her nose
Soros is a Jew, this woman isn't. She is Serbian.
That nose could suck up whole oceans dry
Lady Gaga had nightmares of demons and Satan recently.
According to
Lady Gaga has been seeing her for at least 3 years, since that vimeo link is 3 years old. Lady Gaga is haunted by Satan and his demons (and I'm bet Moloch is one of them).
This is more evidence that Marina Abramovic is not only in bed with the elite and the Illuminati, but she herself is a Satanist. Holla Forums, we are in /x/ territory. We're at war with Satanists now.
Get this house water filter for your home.
Buy a Big Berkey filter to use for emergencies, with the fluoride filters.
Jews worship Satan. What's important is getting everyone else to know that.
This is like an insane comic book plot, Hitler vs Legion.
Always have been, always will be. It's an eternal spiritual war.
I remember shutting down your pathetic attempts to run with this meme on Holla Forums. Apparently, you third-rate psyops faggots don't know what a drawing is. See pic attached. The drawing of Kek vs Moloch has already been made, many times.
You reveal your Wojak-like impotance, in your very post. Your post a mask, hiding your insecurity. You cannot master the memes as we do. You are not of Kek. Youwere asked for a drawing, but you cannot present one. The memes are not yours. You have nothing.
If you want to show a photo of an owl eating a frog, I can show you photos of cats and dogs killing owls. And men killing owls, too. Do you prefer Moloch as a bull? I can show you photos of men slaughtering bulls in the most brutal and filthy conditions, and stringing them up as sides of meat. What do you do then, you impotent, uncreative pleb? You have just positited conditions of reality in which even the most mundane of men slaughter and eat your god. Pathetic.
>Kek is not a frog. Kek is the force of unstoppable chaos in the universe, that brings life and meaning. The time of darkness, before the dawn. Kek is unbound by rules, because Kek ushers in a new dawn, and a new reality. Kek makes the world we see. And remakes it. Time and again. Eternally.
>Your weak god Moloch can summon up the spastic, twisted, deformed armies of hell, and all of his demonic forces - and it is for nothing. (Much like your sad, impotent self, user.) Moloch cannot defeat an unstoppable force of creation that is 100% guaranteed to pull a sword made of poo out of his butt, and skewer Moloch in the eye with it, precisely when Moloch's girlfriend is watching.
They need to be destroyed.
We're at war with the synagogue of Satan, Jews.
If you like, think of reality as a giant Overton Window, easily moved by Kek. Holla Forums is of Kek. There is a reason our enemies called out 'that green frog' on national TV, and tried to rouse their media armies against us. They know the truth of Kek's power, and they know Kek's power imbues us.
They tried to attack us, and their attack on us - and Kek - blew up in their faces, sending Hillary spiralling in the polls. To oppose Kek is to become Wojak, and can only result in crushing failure.
We embraced the dank memes and the chaos of unstoppabe creation, Holla Forums - willing the Overton Window to move through our sheer refusal to be bound by normie rules.
Consider how, even now, we see Kek's power to remake reality, so that the very FBI that once protected Hillary is now delivering the coup de grace to her campaign. Why now, right at the end, when it was the most unexpected? Because it's the punchline. It's the crescendo of the dank joke, that only ever comes at the expense of Wojak. The turn around, where Wojak's wimpish, cuckold expectations are destroyed - and Wojak is himiliated in front of everyone.
Kek is real. Kek loves us. And Kek gives us the dankest victory because we are of Kek.
There was never any alternative.
She's a Serb Jew
(((Rabbi Milberg))) supports it
From doing some digging she shares a lot of the same views as madam Blavatsky. I saw a pic on other pol from one of her books about her views on Australian aboriginals. I don't have the picture but its the same views Blavatsky had about aboriginals being subhuman
Buttblasted albanian-monteNIGGER animal detected.
Those dubs are practically psting the "merchant wearing user mask jpg" for us
The dubs in this reply confirm it
Again I found myself bent over the vanity in the bathroom, at the mercy of my husband. He pulled my trousers and panties down together fluidly and inspected the base of the plug nestled between my cheeks. He gave the plug a few little taps pushing it in further into me. He gave me a firm smack on the ass and began fingering my pussy again. He asked me if I was a naughty girl today. I told him just how naughty I had been and how I masturbated with the large butt plug. He smacked my ass again and told me I had a slutty little pussy. He quickly pulled the plug out of my ass and slammed his cock deep into my pussy. I immediately felt the head press into my cervix and his big balls slap my clit. He pumped me hard like that before he pulled out and spit on my ass. He told me to hold my ass open for him and the rest of his spit dripped down my crack and pooled at my asshole. He slid his cock down the the crack of my ass wiping up any extra spit. He the began to work the head of his cock in with out much problem. I felt the little ridge below the head squeeze in and it felt so amazing. He stopped there for a moment to enjoy the sensation. He bent over and whispered, "your ass is so tight. I'm going to ruin it". I love when he talks dirty to me. He slowly started working his thick cock further into my tight little ass. I tried to stay quiet and focus on keeping my muscles relax. About halfway in I let out a cry of pain an pleasure. I was loving the feeling of him stretching my ass with his fat cock. Before I knew it he was balls deep, and began pumping in and out with long slow strokes letting me get used to his girth in such a tight space. As my muscles adjusted he'd began to go faster until it was a full on fuck and his balls were smacking my clit. I could hear his breathing quicken so I reached behind me and twisted his nipple between my finger and thumb. That sent him over the edge and he emptied his balls deep in my ass. He stood there recovering from his orgasm with his cock still in my ass. Eventually he pulled out slowly and admired my now slightly gaping hole. He saw some of his jizz begin to leak from my hole and pushed it right back in with his finger. I love the thought of him playing with his own cum so I told him to finger my ass. He easily added two more fingers and worked my ass over, using his cum as lube. It felt so good having him massage my insides with his hands. I told him more! I got a hard slap to the ass for not asking nicely but he obliged and fucked my ass with four of his fingers he reached around and rubbed my clit and that was all it took to send me over the edge. I had such an intense orgasm that I was light headed.
Not a satanist at all go.. guys.
oy vey!
Why jews are so fucking disgusting?
What the fuck is even going on anymore?
Are we now officially in the twilight zone?
You really can not make this shit up.
Was Neon Demon a hidden message from Refn? Considering the movie's release and the discovery of ritualism in the art and political scenes now…
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.