I don't think it's controversial to say virtually everyone hates working with government employees/departments. They are bureaucratic, checklist oriented, incompetent, and almost always disgruntled. What would be the ideal way to address this issue?
Note that part of the problem is that government work is basically being used as a jobs program. It's often where you seek employment when no one else would hire you. Is that a bad thing? Should we hold government labor positions to a higher standard? But wouldn't that also mean we'd need to pay them more?
Jackson Diaz
Well, nothing can be done unless people become whistle blowers but a bunch of government jobs are below classified intel
Government work sucks because its the shitty job that no one wants, but pays decently well. Its repetitive and dull as fuck as I've witnessed and heard
Logan Moore
eh, who cares?
Austin Rivera
You are ultimately doing your civic duty to the people who you live and work with. It doesn't matter if it is essentially a jobs program. What matters is the people who occupy these civil positions. See, the biggest problem is how the jobs are sourced. They are sourced to people who just want a paycheck. They don't give a flying fuck about their goddamn job so they give their minimal effort. This laziness that is encouraged by the government is the first kink in the larger problem. Without proper motivation to do their job right, these slackers will never grow, and will never understand their role in making the system of government work.
Instead, I suggest that the following change can be made: Call for volunteering for these government jobs, but make the process as unappealing as possible. Suggest and hint that in doing so, you'd be given a shit show job, some mundane, useless position that wouldn't really get you ahead. Discourage at every early step so as to weed out the free riders, the weak, the intellectually lazy, and the undedicated. Make it like the Military, where your joining have great significance, and is not a job you can just slack off on, or try to ride out. In doing this, you begin getting people who understand what it is to do some measure of civic duty to their community and country. Hell, maybe it'll act against (((them))) in a long enough time line.
Lincoln Peterson
Im talking about the below guys. the ones that work at your local DMV or water treatment plant. Especially those doing industrial shit that private companies do as well. It's always shit when the government is involved.
how would such a cultural change happen? how would we get people to like the idea of working for the government despite the shittiness of it?
Jack Martinez
I hope Trump guts the bureaucracy. When a necessary evil keeps growing, what is there to do but minimize it?
Julian Cruz
I have a relative that works in waste water treatment. He makes good coin, but he says it's meh overall. To crank the voltage up on those style of jobs would be like shitposting. Nothing can get done
Luis Rivera
Do you have any idea how many Sha'Niquas you're putting on the unemployment line? Literally millions of nignog "families" depend on the single mother's job at the DMV or Social Security office to buy Nikes for the five kids who otherwise only get government-collected child support and food stamps.
Think, man.
Nathan Butler
Influence the veterans. They are the people who care most about this country as a whole and hold no particular allegiance to a sitting head.
It starts in small degrees. But the right pushes at the right level has lead on effects. Hell, even a well written white paper has effects. Getting people in starting at the lowest levels of government and working up from there helps too. Let's say you get some people into your city council, then you get people into the county government, followed by state. You can essentially alter the course by working from the ground up in that regard. There are many ways to do it, but seizing patriotism and desire to make the place you live better, by using veteran involvement (Military first then government veterans from there) tends to be the best steps. They understand civic duty better than any sociology major ever will.
Ian Allen
And that's bad how? Push the fat off the system. Hell, even with a temporary boost in unemployment (Like that'd change things much in those areas) it gives people an excuse to declare an inner city a disaster area and allow infrastructure changes to take place.
Lincoln Butler
I remember hearing that veteran unemployment is high. You think it would be worth it to offer training/positions to do government work after their term's up? Seems like a win-win to me. Vets get a stable living after their service and government employees would be less shit.
Also, that might become the first place vets look for work,so that may help offset any under staffing that would occur from raising the standards. Is there anything im missing here?
Gabriel Campbell
Easy, un-incentivize laziness. Garner incentive for performing well. Get rid of the unions that hamper the majority of these foolish unions like the teacher's union. Have efficiency quotas that allow for incentivized government overhaul meaning, incentivize to attract people that have innovative ideas that actually make shit less expensive by coming up with more efficient systems that require less spending.
If all that fails, reduce taxes and cut government spending. Revert to local and state government with federal taxes provided only with the reasoning of a superior military. Local/State should focus on providing the essentials for a free market and, pushing for corporate/small business investment in communities.
Bentley Brown
I know I'm not helping, but my DMV is fortunately actually pretty good. There are a lot of quality straightforward improvements you could make though.
Brandon Torres
I just got hired as a mailman. I'm mildly pleased.
Parker Perry
The dipshits who ignore us vets and throw us under the bus when we no longer are enough political leverage. Thing is, the Veterans also have to be motivated enough to take control and lead the charge. That's the big missing link in the whole equation. Outreach on an interpersonal level to get said vets to actually take action themselves. Seize upon our sense of civic duty and give direction to desire.
Jaxson Jackson
The worst things about governmental Jobs are the retarded "equal opportunity" hires and the Unions. The fucking unions are making people lazy as fuck in most cases since they'll back any retard who risks getting fired for whatever reason.
Joseph Flores
Gavin Thomas
There's gov knowledge work too, you don't see that at the DMV line though. Thing is the knowledge workers are just as bitter mostly due to mismanagement.
There are huge incentives for that in gov contracting. For reals, if you are a vet, try it. You're more valuable demographically than a woman of color for bidding advantages and almost guaranteed to be clearable which is a big deal(putting someone up for clearance is a 5-low6 figure gamble).
Brandon Murphy
As you say, government work is used as a jobs/affirmative action/welfare program for people slightly less worthless than the welfare queens shitting out niglets fo the benefits. Nothing is expected of them, and they cannot be fired because the system is literally socialist/communist, more interested in "redistributing wealth" than accomplishing goals.
What we need is to hold government employees to real standards, and (as I believe Trump has said) be able to fire them. Simultaneously, we need to drain the swamp and start firing and prosecuting the corrupt officials at the top. Attack the problem from both ends, and productivity will increase quickly.
What do you do with the useless people? You don't give them a handout, but you put in place all the positive incentives you can. Create jobs (I am sure that The Wall is only the first of Trump's public works programs). Rehabilitate drug and alcohol addicts. Encourage personal savings and investments. Then, for anyone that fails to get by, given all of those opportunities, we offer the opposite of modern day welfare: Welfare conditional on the recipients not having children (instead of being rewarded for producing more useless knuckle draggers). That will make the genuinely useless disappear within a generation or two.
This is, by the way, our best shot at steering the future towards white nationalism. Cut off the shitskins' safety net, and the best will rise up, while the rest end their bloodlines. We can tolerate a few honest spics and niggers if it produces the demographic changes we need to completely take back control. Especially if we can, in the process, flip the racemixing propaganda on its head and make white men the most publicly desired class.
Oliver Hill
You're going to be unemployed in 5 days anyway.
Robert Phillips
I like this, especially veteran who have severe brain trauma / legitimate PTSD would benefit from government type of jobs.
Isaiah Murphy
Most of these jobs are useless and can be automated, and are being automated. Take for example the traffic clerk bot. With the advent of Internet 3.0 most contractual work or administrative work will be gone and thus, these mindless commie drones will be on the streets. I can't wait tbh.
Dylan Morales
Trust me when I say, nobody hates the government more than government employees.
Austin Allen
Government departments are without a doubt the most inefficient, wasteful cesspools on the planet. High energy white people get jobs in the private sector where performance actually matters, but because the government will always have money, there is no potential profits to drive increased performance. I would suggest mandatory auditing by privately employed analysts and managers at least every 3 or 4 years.
Asher Butler
I am a government worker. During job training, they hyped it up and told us that we had a lofty responsibility. They tried their best to train us despite being short on computers and even paper material. Nothing we could take home due to being SSI.
When we got to our mentors, it was a whole different environment. Some of the folks have that thousand yard stare, and pretty much everyone looks absolutely demoralized save for the other new folks.
Eli Collins
Funny how government work use to get done relatively well and fast. While public facing government sectors were relatively pleasant and easy to work with. When they were both staffed and run by white people! Gee I wonder why it's so much different now a days.
Xavier White
Contemporary government is an affirmative-action make-work program. Don't think so? Go to your local county courthouse or local FedGov building and take note of the demographics of the workforce. I grew up in a predominantly (>95%) White area. Still, the courthouses and government offices were all staffed mostly by Negresses and other, assorted Muds. There's usually one or two White women at the top of the ladder, to oversee all the diversity; if it's not a White woman, though, it's guaranteed to be a Negress, usually with a Buck as her right hand. The goal of these hiring/employment quotas is twofold: 1. Put women in charge of society; and 2. Put minorities in charge of Whites.
Oliver Wright
There are ways to streamline government at the state/local level. It's the same thing Trump wants to do at the Federal level- run it like a business.
I own a software company specializing in customer service software. It gathers data on bureaucracies better than just about any competitor at a lower price. It's great software. We can reliably cut around 18% of a workforce and replace them with software, given that the workforce is a public-facing employee handling paperwork or routing requests. This is before service quality begins to drop.
Our software brings an insane amount of accountability to employees to- you know who fucked up and how in real time.
So we pitched it early on to county government, got to meet the county mayor and his IT manager. Here's how that went:
It's just very different when you're a politician. You don't deal with your own money, it's other peoples' money so you spend it needlessly on stupid shit like Sha'Niqwa's employment despite all performance metrics saying she's been shit at her job for the last 7 years.
We had a long lunch that day and I keep in touch with the County Mayor from time to time, as he likes to check in on local business owners. He knows there's no profit motive but if he could reduce tax burden/spending and improve service, he knows that translates to votes. It's just there aren't enough votes- he knows not enough people pay attention to or care about performance for it to matter.
Really a sad situation. To make a change at the local level, a politician has to be self-funding and almost autistically driven to streamline government. Otherwise, nothing will get done.
Same can go for the private sector. If you're selling to someone who's threatened by the software, namely managers with the authority ot purchase and test new systems (and ours can replace a lot of management duties with automated alerts and good data reporting) then they'll have no interest in improvement - even if you're cheaper than what they're using now.
Sad stuff, really. Very low energy.
Brayden Mitchell
Working for the government should be an honor, not a second choice for the mediocre.
Joseph Perez
Insightful post. Thanks. And even though we all know that this stuff is how the system works, it's always somehow even worse. If the mayor doesn't have the power to enforce tech upgrades in the local departments, can anybody?
the god emperor can
Nathaniel Richardson
We gubmint nao.
Lincoln Richardson
Government worker here- state level. You'd be fucking amazed at how God dammed hard it is to get a job- good grades, good references, related 4y degree. Still had to intern and work part time to get in. Entry level jobs like desk clerks and telephone warmers are low entry requirements, but the jobs IMMEDIATELY over them require actual credentials and a want to work there.
But can confirm, is nothing but paperwork unless you work in something cool.
Jordan Gutierrez
This user alluded to it, but it's honestly getting women to voluntarily quit the workforce.
Jackson Gutierrez
I might be talking out of my ass here, but assuming the ratio of people in a given layer of the bureaucracy to people immediately above them is like 5 to 1 that still means a metric fuckton of people at the lowest level. And these are the people the general public actually has to deal with.
Lincoln Barnes
and as far as industrial shit goes, the phrase "close enough for government work" comes to mind. Private companies tend to get the people who can actually do their jobs while the government picks up the ones with who know how to build a resume and got decent enough grades in school.
Dominic Hall
I dont mind to see the Government use some limited resources to offer some services to the people; thus hiring and providing jobs to the people.
But you cant do that without an effective way to get rid of bad employees. It's the current problem.
Get rid of unions and the leftist mentality in government departments and you can have efficient services.
Hunter Morgan
I'll admit to wanting to work for the government, either state or Fed, but it would be in land-management stuff, like for the Parks and Wildlife department, or the Forest Service or National Park Service or something similar. My education is in those fields, and I wouldn't be a paper-pusher, but one of the higher-up decision-makers. Those jobs are really hard to get, as has been alluded to, since it's nearly impossible to get fired, the pay is ok, the requirements low-ish, and they offer a retirement. However, many state governments are on a hiring slowdown or hiring freeze, and the God Emperor promises a Federal hiring freeze to reduce Federal expenditures.
So, that said, NGOs are looking to be the way to go for a lot of that (conservation and land use) stuff. For example, the Nature Conservancy, various Land Trusts and other groups who work with government, but are non-profit or private companies who do land-use and land management stuff. You can work more effectively, have flexibility, and less bureaucracy.