Podesta running child sex ring


Other urls found in this thread:



files.meetup.com/562554/Brice Taylor - Thanks for the memories.pdf

Search for their names in other emails.

That's some greasy sounding shit right there.

Holy fuck on a fuck, that's downright creepy.

Don't be stupid. I know none of you ever had parents that would invite your friends to a party, but this is just normal talk for moms getting kids together


Here's Maeve's birth story.

This whole trajectory is essentially a red herring unless you can find a solid (beyond reasonable doubt) connection between HRC and child trafficking. Follow the money. Look for political favors.

Until that link is found, this "what did they mean by that?" activity is probably not constructive and undermines your ability to find the evidence because you are fixated on a noncritical puzzle piece.

That said, keep having fun even if its this Da Vinci Code wankery, cuz lulz is what it's all about. The lulz.

what the "farm?"

Tamera Luzzatto is bringing 3 children, surname Luzzatto, to a dinner party as 'entertainment.' Reads like planning a party to me.

You can actually find videos and other things about these kids (Tamera is their mom) through Google, but I'm not going to link and be accused of doxxing. Let someone with better opsec do it.

reads like a pedo party to me, CTR


Cuckchan go back

Normal moms don't refer to their children as entertainment. Entertaining, sure. But not entertainment.

There's 1 x in dox newfag.

At what kind of party are children the entertainment, you sack of shit?

The original spelling was always doxxing and I will not change it because some actual newfags dislike it.

As I recall, isn't "pool party" pedo slang?

Here's the thing about that.

Literally no mother actually says the ages involved. She would have said something like, "Hey, would you mind if I brought my kids? They know you have a pool, and they wouldn't stop nagging me unless they went." Not only that, but no parent ubers in their kids. THEY DRIVE THEIR KIDS TO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

That's pure pedo talk. No one calls their kids entertainment.

Nigger. Where the fuck do you think you are?

OP is a fucking faggot.
Here's the kids, that like to swim.

Leader of the hacker gang known as Anonymous, here. It was always one x.

Well, to be fair, it could be a couple of families bringing their kids together to hang out.

Kids tend to enjoy hanging out with other kids. Is there any indication that could be the case or are these the only kids there?

you are clearly pleb tier. rich kids sing songs and play piano.

Holla Forums doesnt talk like that. at least study the people you're trying to subvert, kike.


I bet Obama is involved, he has been looking pretty stressed lately talking about

if Trump wins

Tamera is their grandma.
Here she is. Now she's leading the Pew Trusts after a life of service under Rockefeller and Clinton.

Looks like the kids like dogs too.

it discredits us if we push an accusation like this and we can't back it up. It's a classic poison the well strategy. We need to be sure about something like this.

Get out CTR shill! This is the smoking gun!

fuck off dumb cunt.

raping blonde hair/ blue eyed kids isnt (((coincidence)))

Discredits what exactly, an anime forum of frog worshiping nazis?

Can someone play devil's advocate and think of a meaning for that sentence that doesn't indicate raping kids? I'm trying and failing.


it could involve consensual sex with kids.

I think you need to rethink how you see Holla Forums's role in all of this

we are not the FBI, we can't be discredited , we could push whatever it doesn't damage our "reputation" , Holla Forums's strength is being able to push things. Autists like you try to make Holla Forums as slow and cautious as a government agency for absolutely no fucking reason whatsoever

Do you not see the part at the bottom where she says "pining wishes-you-could-come to Rima, John P (John Podesta)"?
So Podesta is running this ring, but can't even make it there? He doesn't even fucking reply to that email.

I swear this kind of garbage has to be the new derailment tactic. Is Holla Forums really this retarded?

oh really, is that why the hillary campaign pushes porn stars to accuse trump of rape?

ctr pls

That's a photo from 2010 btw.
These are Ruby, Emerson, Maeve and Evie Luzzatto.

Here's some blog they created when Evie was born.

You can actually learn a lot about their family from it.

maybe it just meant drowning the kids in an inverse of baptism for Satan
that is the best I could come up with that didn't involve child rape

honestly, take off your pleather fedora we spread the pedoring meme, that's what we do,

i can, but i still think it's a pedo rape fest. maybe the old men enjoy watching children play, or maybe the kids are really funny and entertaining.


I don't know, a little perplexed myself. I keep thinking maybe the children acting like children is entertaining for the adults but something does seem off about referring to kids as entertainment.
It could be nothing, just fellow Holla Forumslacks finding things that they wanted to find and misconstruing something innocent, or it could be one of many potential smoking guns against these weirdos. We'll just have to wait and see

ive already seen the site. what does that have to do with the email?


Ja, get in the plane.

General information about the children and her family.

About the email - it's a pedo party.
Why would she tell podesta the details about her children swimming in a pool? They are not close, they didn't work together.
And if it's a semi-formal Clinton inner circle party, it's inappropriate to make the whole email about the children, including their ages and the means of transporting them. Unless children ARE the party.

My devil's advocate is a) that other families with kids will be there and her kids will be "further entertainment" in a family atmosphere. b) completely innocent "entertainment". Confirmation bias can be high when there is a flurry of connections trying to be made across multiple points of intelligence and many other decentralized sites. Not suggesting at all that there is nothing to find with more digging but be wary of red herrings and aiding in poisoning the well.


yeah youre right. nice numbers

Yeah good point, the way it is phrased makes it a party FOR the children.

child sex parties mebbe

More like children FOR party

Holy fucking shit. No code, nothing. This can literally only mean one thing.

So, your neighbor from /furry/ here. You may disagree with my insatiable lust for buff dragon men, but I think one thing we can agree on is raping children is wrong. When I heard about this shit going down about an hour ago this is the first place I came, knowing it's probably the only place that'll actually have a discussion about this shit.

I've been out of the loop, mostly because I'm an apolitical faggot. I don't vote because I live in a district that has voted overwhelmingly republican since Nixon. But this isn't the sort of thing, even just theoretically, that I can let go of. You have my dragon dildo for this fight fellows.

I've got lots of time, even more autism, and no particular fear of going back to prison, how do I help?

every CTR fag knows this is child sex parties and yet they still shill. no morality or soul whatsoever in such human garbage.

absolutely despicable

contact as many news outlets as you can with OP's screenshots and links?

Best case scenario is that Tamera is just one of those annoying old spastic women who's excited about going to the farm with her kid(s) and their friends for a family getaway. Worst case scenario is they're making cp snuff films.

Are you illiterate as well, kike? The sender wrote "you'll have some entertainment," referring to the adult/s he/she was writing to, not "THEY'LL have some entertainment," which would've referred to the children that were named (and assigned an age) in the same sentence. There's a clear distinction being made.


where is the first picture from? looks like they are almost showing the pussy of the girl on the left. might be teaser for the people that would see it

Why live?

Whatever it is, you have to end up on national television with a dragon dildo in your butt.

Only a furfag.

ive found the address of the "farm."
doesnt look like an actual farm to me.


She made a blog for the newborn girl a while ago. Worth digging.

You mean local news I'm guessing? I'd assume the big ass major networks know quite well and are choosing not to report it, that's the kinda scum they are. Local news would probably go through with reporting it though, given the absolutely ghastly nature of the emails. And if enough local places cause a stir, the big ones would have to comment eventually, yeah? Maybe not fast enough to impact shit on the 8th, but it won't matter if Hilliary get's 100% of the votes if she really aided the coverup of a child sex trafficking ring.

Farms don't need to be growing crops and stuff. It can just be a house out in the country.

I had to do a double take to try and think of a reason why this sentence would exist without involving something fucked up.

I honestly can't think of any.

why would they call it a farm then? americans dont call houses out in the country "farms."

nor do they refer to certain people as "farmers" if they arent actual farmers…


In parts of the country we do.

What are you gonna do about this thread, CTR? Shit's looking pretty damning. You'd best already have arrangements to move to Canada; you're about out of time.

which parts of the country exactly, user?


Yeah we do in Texas.

Listen, cucks. If you want to dive in balls first into a honeypot and risk poisoning a well around the voter base for spreading misinformation en masse (because the shit we're saying is getting a lot more coverage than usual on this specific topic) then go for it.

The single objective I have is to keep that evil piece of shit witch out of the White House.

You want to succeed in that? Then you follow the fucking evidence.

You want to help her cause? Then you run rampant on wild tangents that, at best, waste your time and very possibly create a semi-plausible premise which can quickly be used to poison the well on anyone who associates themselves with this trying to reach a broad audience.

You have a point, given the context of the sub. At the same time, we have a very limited window of time to make a serious effort at destroying this bitch beyond all recovery in the public eye.

Stop masturbating with memes for the hell of it for a minute and look at the game clock. We have been reaching the media in a major way and if we can prove this shit, we change the course of history.

Definitely odd…
Who send kids by uber?
WHO are these children?

Not really conclusive evidence of anything…

Rural areas, at least in the south. Most houses that are outside the city limits sit on some farm -tier acerage, reguardless if they use it, most people just use the term farm to describe them anyway.

Fucking gross.
So anons, do you have your rope ready?
Have you been working out for a strong hoist?

the house isnt in Texas, so that isnt applicable, is it?

i dunno why youre ranting. everyone knows shes in a pedophile satanic cult now.

Was the larper on 4chan actually not a larper?

This. Best to keep a watchful eye on any signs of pedo-talk among these degenerates, but focus more on the corruption angle.

no. name which part in the south user, so your claim can be looked into. either that or shill harder.

Josh Dolin
Adrienne Watson
Amanda Karpay
Elizabeth Shapell
Matt McClure
Rebecca Charen
Benjamin Fischbein
Burns Strider
Ellie Cohen
Elizabeth Price
Johan Newman
Benjamin Williams
Caryn Lenhoff
Daniel Wessel
Karla Towle
Kathleen Kennedy
Are all stumped.

yes goys lets not look into the evidence supporting the claim theyre all pedophiles

No, it’s a fake and he’s still a LARPer.

Bill Clinton flew on the Lolita Express multiple times after ditching his secret service detail. Hillary is directly connected with a convicted child trafficker. Everything these people do is now suspect, and the claims being made here are not a stretch by any means.

Your concern trolling however, IS a stretch.

By the way, they had another blog

And gues what? They are freemasons.

No shit he flew on it several times. Can we connect any of the flight manifest to any of the names here?

Well I wouldn't be surprised if anyone anywhere in America used the term "farm" for their country house. Are you from Europe or outside the US?

Was about to post this same thing.
Secession soon, fellow Texian!

Daily reminder

Fuck off CTR shill. We don't care about credibility here.

archive. is/Wmtg9

I can't read their damn hand writing on half of these

I live in tennessee man, here 'farm' is pretty colliquial for any house sitting on several acres of property. What would I even be shilling by saying that?

I've heard people say that sorta thing in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. Applicable.

What's this?

they're definitely not family nephews since they're sending them through uber

stating their ages like that is a testament people don't know them, and neither does he, confirming they are not family.

The creepy part is highlighting their age like that. This is first red flag and main suspicion for pedophillia human traffic. Stating kids will be "further entertainment" instead of "the kids will love the pool" states the entertainment is for them, not for the kids.

However there is still a possibility that the Luzzattos are just some sort of kids from some sort of new family friend. Although those chances are lesser than them having a sex ring.

where do I know that rabbit from?


There's nothing to lose with this there's more evidence for it than a lot of the other things we memed that turned out to also be true.

This is stuff coming out in wikileaks

What you're essentially doing is begging us to not spread wikileaks .

realize you're acting like a shill or a mentally impaired autistic person

==This.== Somehow, Some Way,


See >>8067852

The undecided voters don't give a shit about corruption or deleted emails. But if you make everyone believe Hillary could be in a Satanic pedophile cult, they'll pay attention.

Why do you think they released a tape that had Trump talking about grabbing pussies, set him up at the debate by asking him if he'd ever sexually assaulted anyone before, then brought out 12 rape accusers? Because sex sells, everyone paid attention and it damaged his campaign.

Your nightmares. Also that creepy daycare that may or may not be a daycare.

Wow, wasn't this shit that came out from gamergate digging?


What did he mean by this?


Give me a moment to see if I still have anything from those threads.

Yes you are. Will you answer the question?


I bet he enjoys ==CHEESE PIZZA==

Pubic hair is too old. It's not even hidden.
These people need to die.

I know. They're the newest of newfags. It was all over reddit, 4chan, and Holla Forums. Pretty hard to miss.

Does he really need to spell it out?

Cheese Pizza with no hair….

The disgust I feel for these people knows no bounds. Every time I think they reach the bottom, they illuminate some new low.

All over the South, yankee. Go free a slave or something.

There is literally nothing else that this could be.


yfw the deep web is what elites, celebs and kikes use to transfer cp to each other.

shit, if we could find evidence of one person in power that got caught in the past using the deep web, it might be enough to uncover it all. simply because cheeese pizza is an user/online term. fuck.

Holy fucking asscrackers. This is pretty unambiguous.

This is one of those times I really don't want Holla Forums to be right.

www .wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887323277504578191753563279138

Anyone have an account for wsj? I checked the name of someone else in the email chain and this article came up.


Pic of the asians was attached to this email.

Could you imagine if wiener starts singing

You must be a newfag.
Everyone knows "eyes wide shut" is a documentary and that's what Kubrick was killed for.

You got an email id on this? Nothing is coming up.

Not new. I'm just continuously baffled by how terrible things can get.

WTF Im trying to be skeptical but for fucks sake

No results on wikileaks. If you’re faking this shit, you need to be permabanned.

Why dont you just go check it out yourself?

Fun Time Kidz Kare
1248 South 300 East
Salt Lake City Utah 84111

The guy that went to physically investigate the building in the original threads was never heard from again. Don't know what happened but surely you'll have better luck

fucking christ, these motherfuckers are "eating" pizza every day.

South Korea is literally controlled by a witch coven.
How bad do you think things are in the West?

you know the Illuminati is real deep down, user. you always knew we were going to be the ones to uncover them to the world.

He'd probably commit suicide or get robbed and shot in the street before singing.

is this real?

oh it's fake, wew enjoy your ban i guess

But seriously though, take a look at the pastebin


Id rather have it be real and potentially save children from being abused , them not being it only means others still are. if we stop a ring its less evil in the world


how i found out about it…

Stenography experts please weight in.

so give us all an example of a state in the U.S. that cals rural homes "farms". go ahead. ill wait.


Searching the names of people invited in the e-mail.

Trudy Vincent
archive. is/VK08r

Laurie Rubiner
archive. is/t2mHH

Jon Haber - Coworker of Trudy
Bonnie Levin - Coworker of Trudy
Liz Savage - Friend of Trudy
Katherine Klein - Friendy of Trudy
John Gomperts - Friend of Trudy
Mary Podesta - Friend of Trudy
Luke Albee - Friend of Trudy
Beth Donovan - Friend of Trudy
Tom Rosenstiel - Coworker of Trudy
Ruth Marcus - Friend of Trudy @ Washington Post
Jon Leibowitz - Friend of Trudy
Rima Sirota - Friend of Trudy
John Podesta - Friend of Trudy
David Leiter - Friend of Trudy
Laurie Rubiner - Coworker of Trudy
Chris Spanos - Friend of Trudy

Some of these are very obvious and prominent. Others will take more effort to track down.

This is the most damaging and blatant I've seen so far. Also, "insurance" could mean that they agreed to do a mutual blackmail scenario on each other. Podesta could be the middleman in setting up a deal for the Clintons perhaps.

fake and gay

real email is here (re: RFS, hallway chat) wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/36345

I'm starting to think this whole line of inquiry is a red herring


Check your sources, faggots. Fucking falling for rudimentary ruses here. I'm doing you a favour, this is called a lesson in not being a gullible faggot.

I'm not seeing it on the podesta leaks


Jesus fucking Christ let it go!

>>8068165 >>8068173 >>8068184 >>8068193 >>8068199 >>8068211 >>8068224




People in Texas and Tenesse have said that they call them that. Read the thread.

just claiming it doesnt make it so, user. give the example or shill harder.

you lose.


I already did. We say that in Texas.

Every fucking time.

the house isnt in texas. can you give an example of anyone from texas using farm in that context or are you literally saying:




An actress is the mother. Alexandra Tydings is married to Ben Luzatto.

My house was on 190 acres in Louisiana and I didn't call it a farm, because, wait for it, It wasn't a fucking farm.

good save

Where are you from? Why do you think you're qualified to comment on colloquial language used in America?

It's really fucking common to call it a ranch or a farm even if it's not. As someone who lived on a house with a few dozen acres, I can attest from experience.

I'm a fucking Texasfag, asshole. We say it all the time. I my best friend and I still refer to his childhood home as 'the farm.' It wasn't even that far out of town or that big of a piece of property, that's how people fucking speak around here.

Jesus that's fucking creepy.

Wow, what a lesson. You got a few annons to waste 3 seconds to reply to you. Way to go, faggot.

funny, when I follow a link in one of Coleman's forwarded emails, it shows me as logged in to an account



So what have we learned from our CTR shills?

Thanks CTR!

Wait, none of this fucking matters. We gotta bring down the satanic turbo dyke and her d00m squad of pedos to maybe prevent ww3.

The retardation is real, check out pic related, this is what people are calling evidence now

Was instantly asking for the ID, not much of a ruse cruise when I didn't even leave the dock.

I can't find this one. Distraction from CtR?

Can anyone actually find this?

Ok not faking this time.

Lets assemble all talk of pizza and see what we find?



Outrageous bullshit like this just lowers our credibility and gives them ammo to call us conspiracy theorists.

This is embarassing for us. Mods, get rid of this unless there's some substantiation.

This pic is proven to be the Korean journalists reunited with their daughters. They were investigating child trafficking and some pedophiles rescued them. I think the picture is circulated in the email as a sort of ironic inside joke among the circle.

As someone said somewhere else we need to connect time and place to missing people, pedophiles, Lolita express flights, arrests, & the CF.

ctr pls

Blow your fucking brains out.

never mind fgts, i found more info on litterman and his list

http:// ohmygoff.tv/tag/drew-littman/

it might explain why the top of the email, 10052, mentions Skyrfall.

Feel the same way about the jew stuff dude.

Mods please ban any posts that are antisemitic. They're hurting the alt-right that we at 8ch are apart of

Drew Littmann also in attendance.
archive. is/g3sei

David Leiter is Trudy's husband.
archive .is/poKjQ
They're called the real-life Underwoods. They have a summer home on Nantucket, MA.

Reported for shitposting.

bill clinton on the lolita express multiple times
hillary obviously knew
hillary's connected directly to a convicted child trafficker
john podesta had a "spirit dinner" with marina abramovic

And what part of that has anything to do with faking e-mails?

Could uber be a code too. Doubt they'd use actual ubers..


reported for sucking jew dick

get killed kike

Would it be possible that they themselves are actually trafficking children in North Korea?

Was Kubrick killed?

Pretty much.

My sides. You have no power here, kike.

if CTR is full of deplorable nerd virgins, obviously we're just dealing with a Hillary pant or goon who knows this would be a smoking gun.


Tamera's husband, correction

trips dont lie

Are you by chance a civic nationalist too?

Shit like this makes me want to spread this far and wide and throw in some lies to trigger you to death. this is not Gamergate you PR cuck. Hot damn.

Probably using her kids names because it looks legitimate. Adding the ages makes it look extremely suspicious. Correlate the dates to the ages of the kids at the time, if it matches it may be nothing.




Locations match up.


Very nice.

hey man you wouldn't want to ruin our reputation we have going as good goy white power nazis. Just think about the harm we're doing to our PR by talking about the elites fixation with fucking kids

Do you only have 1 response in your playbook?

You better message management for some help.


This makes me want to vote for her. Sex is like food - only an asshole keeps children from enjoying it.

fucking obviously.

Kubrick was a kike, but more of an artist and hated kikes. he absolutely was killed.

also, he died 666 days before January 1, 2001; one of the most famous films of all time, made by him.


Forgot to add.

Who the fuck dreams about a Hotdog stand?

And WHY THE FUCK would Podesta own a god damn hotdog stand? That makes zero sense.

Go for it, faggot. Do whatever you fucking want.

You can either help this succeed or put on your wig on and get back to sucking your own cock on camera in hopes of triggering someone.

Time to start chopping off heads

i dont get it

You're going to hang pedo

Hey here is something maybe. It's pretty close though:

Maeve Luzzatto: Born October 29 2008.
This email sent Oct 8th 2015. (The almost 7 lines up)

They were definitely her grandkids she was sending over so dunno.

You do realize that any real user here is posting via a VPN so even if I get banned I'll just switch my IP????

Like are you fucking retarded you dumb fucking jew?

we all agree

So, I've never really dealt with news sations before. I wrote up a short letter stressing the fact that some emails have come to light which imply the pressences of a child sex trafficking ring in the Clinton campaign and major networks are refusing to report on the story.

I enclosed screenshots of the emails, a couple of links, and one other news article that quotes the NYPD as a source stating that they recovered evidence of a pedophile sex ring on Wiener's computer. I didn't include anything from the thread specifically, since Holla Forums isn't exaclty a credible source.

Does this seem good enough? Like something they would pay attention to? Or at least cause them to look into it? Is there anything (besides the incriminating emails themselves) that absolutely needs to be included I should add? Should I send it in as some sort of anonymous tip? I was thinking I'd drive out to a McDonald's or something with a drop phone, then send it to every non-national news station in the country. I know shitty libholes like CNN and NBC wouldn't take me seriously, so I figure causing a grass roots stir is the best bet. It'd be hundreds of stations though, so I wanna make sure I do it right before I spend hours on it.

What. The. Fuck.

those numbers dont lie: kek is with you

Georgia here. Went to HS in a rural area, lots of classmates had "farms" that were just large properties but rarely did they actually have any animals or crops. One friend's family "farm" I went to was literally just a house out in the country with a small chicken coop out back.

save it for tomorrow user, see if O'Keefe can deliver

if he doesn't, go.

Reported for admitting to ban evasion.

REEEEEEEddit. He thinks he's at REEEEEEEddit.

Do it, Kek blessed your path

give any link, book, story or article using "farm" in that context. thanks.

Guys, I've got 2 kids and all he's saying is the kids will be in that pool as in a type of warning that they'll def wanna be all over it, because they're kids and that's what kids do.

"they will be in that pool for sure" = prepare yourself because the kids are gonna fuck your shit up and make a yuge mess all over the place

record correct. 2 shekels have been deposited into your PayShill account.

Fuck off back to cuckchan you insufferable retard.

whatever jonestein, keep making a big deal out of nothing to make us look stupid

When the day of the rope comes kikes your cries that you're really one of us won't hold any weight at all.

Not even spencer will save you.

I think I found the farm she was referring to.

39099 Fry Farm Road, Lovettsville, VA 20180

I know you just want to help these deluded fucks out, but just sit back and watch the retardation take hold. They actually think this grandmother is setting her grandkids up.


Go away, kike

wrong. farm isnt in VA and "farm" isnt in the address you shilling fuck.



Yup, nothing to see here, this is how normal adults talk about children.

i'm not a kike, i actually had 2 kids specifically because of learning about Holla Forums after the tray tray trial

Are you guys even trying anymore? Surely you can do better than this.

So have you managed to get any resumes out, or have they kept you at the office 24/7 to make sure you don't start leaking stuff as well?


Here's the address of the Kiddy Farm!


You're acting like a massive faggot in this thread so far. Pretty suspicious, tbh.

I've got two kids as well, and I'm pretty sure those people are going to Hell. As is anyone who helps them, CTR.

I have a friend who is always visiting a place she refers to as the farm. It's not a farm. I had another friend who would refer to a particular house as OM (an old man lived there), another house as Star Anise (I don't remember the logic for that one). People come up with funny shorthand in their groups. So what.

You guys are grasping at straws. I've not seen a single compelling post in these threads. It does go to show one thing though, holy fuck are you guys intrigued with pedophilia. Shit like this probably does go on, but I'm not seeing any smoking guns here. Way to derail any genuinely useful stuff.

Cautiously interested bump. They do seem to talk rather strangely about kids..

What happened to that beanie baby/eBay CP investigation?

I remember Filter Jonestein telling a story about how Trump went to one of Bills partys assumed to be for adults and it was filled with under aged girls in the swimming pool.

Feel free to shill this out to MSM fam

10 shekels have been deposited into your account

This makes me want to vote for her. Sex is like food - only an asshole keeps children from enjoying it.

Yes, they're not good people but I don't agree these emails are really that suss. I wouldn't rule out kidding fiddling going on, but these emails are not even borderline imo.

You know, for normal kiddie diddling.

Nah but for real. None of you kikes are going to escape. You think this is just memes right? The TRS podcasts are just joking but it will happen. There won't be ovens. There won't be lamps. Just a bullet.

Look forward to it my kike.

you already posted this and we still dont care

Holla Forums doesnt talk like this.
you could at least research the people you're trying to subvert.

A sensible good post at this juncture in time and evidence

he's so desperate for those (you)s good job giving him his fix.


Here you go, friend.

Yeah, that’ll work, faggot.

It's a fucking colloquialism. A lot of Southern people refer to any soda as a "Coke" too but I'm not going to be able to give you a fucking movie or book where they do it so I guess I'm a shill!

whatevs, that's how i speak and i've been around prolly much longer than you (i am an old fag in his 30s afterall)

inb4 appeal to authority

of course, all this is imo

Okay, after reviewing this and the people invited on that list… I'm not convinced that this particular event is our pedo ring.

I'm not contesting that Podesta's hawaii shit looks legitimately weird but this particular one in Virginia seems like a bunch of people having a big ass BBQ.

The number of folks invited, the fact that one of them is a member of the press and the general lack of sexual anything coming off Tamera just aren't selling me on this. You can keep digging, call me a shill or whatever. I'm going to go back to looking at the flight list for Epstein's plane and searching the Podesta e-mails for names on that list.

yes he is
"I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in
pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long
ago, assume we are using the same channels?"

pizza=girls (sometimes with cheese)
dogs=boys (hot dogs….little wieners)


kek one of the biggest political fiascos to date is nothing
keep digging bois no stone must go unturned

Don't. Educate. The Shills.

I remember this

noice. i dont see a single piece of farming equipment…

go back to reddit lol faggot

i accept your defeat.

happening digits checked

halfchan gettin slid out the ass

Here's is the real farm, guys
12299 Enfield Ln, Lovettsville, VA 20180-2365

Owned by Luzzatto, secluded area, Tamera is frequenting there

At least I got off my ass, wifed up a woman and now have 2 kids. What do you autists fucking do? Nothing. I did something positive to keep the fire burning.

It's getting pretty spooky

The whites will win.

Yeah, it sure as hell ain't a farm. Looking, around the property I see some hay bails. But that don't mean shit.

Why would it cost $65,000 to transport deep dish and hot dogs with sport peppers and celery salt?

Seriously one of the best threads I've ever been in.

Your autism has impressed me yet again Holla Forums, I can only sit here in awe as you connect these damning duplicitous dots as only you can.

no one is going to believe you based on what you say about yourself or care what you believe about them. This isn't reddit man, the same dynamics are not at play.

It's weird that you're trying to be apart of a community you think is autistic though. Maybe you think we're paranoid here as well. Wonder where I heard those talking points…..

If we're getting all of this from the Wikileaks email and "Anonymous" is saying they have collaborated, we might just be in for the happening of our lives on Saturday.


good catch, only two emails (40819 & 22013) found from [email protected]/* */ and neither match what lying cocksucker 9b5f3f posted @


As much as I hate lefties, it's people like you that really shit me off the most. Then again, it's just another board among many.

I don't even have a plebbit account fwiw, faggot.

Maybe he is rating adult women by their looks.


Have to admit, this is very compelling.

Damn good work anons, at the very least, you have unearthed evidence of something devient enough to warrant a codename.

holy shit, is anybody organizing all this shit?

We need a neat organized place. It is too difficult to access everything in order for semi-normies like me.




I hate to be a motherfucke/r/, but can someone webm this? My downloader isn't working for it and the download links also aren't working for me.

It's a long video, but there's a motherfucker in Holla Forums's webm thread that posts fucking loony toons, so surely someone would be able to get it down to a workable size.

At the very least:

Yeah, fuck off.

Yeah I'm sure you hate a lot of whites more than you hate niggers and kikes my fellow WN.

Wtf. I thought this was tinfoil shit. Now it just got real. He needs to answer for this.


It's fake, see:


I do hate whites more than nignogs because it's not nignogs who have betrayed me and my family, it's my own kind.

"Bonnie will be Uber Service" sounds odd. Maybe a word is missing like "using" in between "be" and "Uber." Other than that, it seems harmless.

Time of arrival? 11pm 9pm and ~7pm?

Fuck off, shill

I feel bad for complaining about their spam

We already found the kids, retard

And it's age. And they are raping them. And Obama is in on it.

it's because OP is a shit cunt at taking screenshots or using 320*200 resolution



Yeah no surprise. Hope you take good care of your wife's kids.


To be fair, child actors in hollywood being sexually abused is a well known thing. It doesn't help that the FBI that are always in charge and around hollywood were proven to be bribed in all manner of degeneracy.

you wouldn't hang traitors before even jews?

yeah this is totally a msm news site just waiting to break out

your time would be more effectively spent tying up your noose

see Pet Goat II for Obama Pedo link.

p.s. C7 in chess is a move you can play when the opponent brings out their queen (hillary) early. It's the position where your opponent has the choice of losing their king or castle to your knight with no retaliation.

YAHWEH is the god of Kikes. Kikes worship YAHWEH by desecrating pagan symbols with blood rituals & sacrifices(animals, people, children). YAHWEH is evil. Kikes can't say god's name, because god's name is Satan. Satan goes by many names, including "Lucifer", "Pan" and (maybe)"Kek". Satan is the god of all that is natural. YAHWEH is the god of all that is unnatural. Kikes infiltrated and took over the illuminati (Illuminaters that intended to awaken humanity), and turned it towards evil. They are using Christians to meme magic their messiah, Jesus, into existence. They want to trap human souls in a false "Hell" where reptilians will torture them into submission before reincarnation. Your beliefs are your prison. And if you believe in YAHWEH's lies you will go to "hell" after death to be tortured. People that have been tortured for many reincarnation cycles are very susceptible to Kike religions. Kikes infused the Jesus character with esoteric knowledge(truth) so the lie would have more power. YAHWEH (the false god) uses threats to coerce you're obedience. There are very few real Satanists. But Satan fights for the freedom of all of Mankind. Uncuck yourself for Satan.



And what are these pictures?

Have a look at the "Spirit Cooking" dinners Podesta was involved with.


Spooky enough for you?

joy of satan is garbage.
disagree? make a new thread and debate me fagget.

Good argument.

im not clicking that.

Looks like True Detective.

Call me old fashioned, but spending 65 thousand dollars for child rape seems a poor use of tax payer's money.

Fucking kill yourself. If you want work to be done, then dig.

Best use of a Norm

Jews first. Then the traitors. If you don't remove Jew first they will only create more dissent.

reading through this thread like a roller coaster ride
my doctor just told me not to get too worked up on account of my heart

Mr. Jones, I presume.

Jesus. His wife really might be a tranny afterall.

Each pizza couldn't have cost more than say $30? I looked up Chicago places and that was the prices for the largest ones.

So if he spent $65,000 on "Pizza" that's 2166 pizzas. 2166 LARGE pizzas.

Lets be fair, lets factor in transport and double the price, so that's still 1100 LARGE pizzas.

100 large pizzas would feed say 500 people? So he must have had what, 10 parties with more than 100 people attending gobbling down pizzas?

Really doesn't make sense.

Need more info on the kids.

I found this: wikipicky.com/actress/alexandra-tydings-wiki-bio-husband-divorce-and-net-worth.html


You're an idiot. The price comes from transportation.

Barry was going through a lot of marriage problems during his time in the white house.

Guess he had to find something to keep his "wife" around

Why do you assume this is reasonable course of action?

Holy crud, the ages are right.

Tamera has 2 other grandkids from her other son - Maeve and Evie.

because he is from chicago and has no qualms with wasting 65k on bringing in some "real chicago 'dogs"

obama is a faggot but this isnt some coded pedo shit

To be fair, Obama being a Chicago native is one of his 'endearing' traits and his favoring of Chicago style pizza is well documented. In fact, there was a 'scandal' when he choose to have another type of pizza at one of his parties I recall.

If you were almost done with your 8 years and you had just enough time to do whatever you want with your budget, why not eat your favorite foods like a goddamn heathen, fuck the cost?

you can see that little girls crotch omg, she is pimping her grandchildren? WTF JESUS HELP US.

Sorry, it's her daughter. Maeve's surname is Chaim.

That might be panties.

explain nigga

what does reason have to do with anything lefty?

Over a thousand pizzas?

Sounds reasonable.

You're still severely underestimating the cost of transportation on what's likely a private jet.

She is also a Hillary supporter. We should keep digging.

Having trouble finding info on her husband. Found a few promising links, but no confirmation it's the same Ben Luzatto.


We need to find more on this family.

The big question here is if luzzatto or any other of her guests have kids and what their names are. 11, 9, and 7 is all perfect age difference to be siblings. If so then there's plausible deniability. If not then ho boy.
Anyone who knows how or where to doxx this potential pedo, post itt how.



who the fuck flies pizzas around on a private jet
that's retarded

Can you think of a better way to transport food items quickly to preserve their freshness?

Tamera was Hillary's chief of staff during her senate years.
Of course the whole family is democrat.

seriously you get parties catered when you're filthy rich
you don't buy a fbunch of frozen pizzas pre-flight and then pay out your ass to transport them.

Don't be retarded

Who says they were frozen?

How about AF1 to Arkansas for some BBQ? Does that count?

AF1 operation cost: $200,000/hr

Guise! Pizzagate has a logo!!

I shit you not, source email:

Did he waste 65000 on bringing the actual chefs and ingredients to the white house?


Can you think of a better way to shill?

Pedo shit or not, spending 65k taxpayer money just so obongo can eat his favorite shit tier pizza is scandalous enough


Pictures are from a performance art piece by this lady who was throwing the dinner.

WEW lads, this shit's getting wild: archive.is/e1jBf

Taking the bait too early goy. Modern satanism came out of the masonic movement, they are controlled opposition and literally serve their purpose as boogeymen. The best advice you can give is to stay away from any religion that is of abrahamic origin, including satanism.


Welcome to Holla Forums!!!

Okay why the fuck would they need a pizza logo

This is just outright dumb af

what is wrong with your brain. It takes some serious cognitive dissonance to believe anyone would fly food around on a private jet instead of getting it at the destination

it wasn't food.


the ages match

you can't even run successful interference

Test-uploading my giant, normie-helping infograph

No it's not. They do this all the time. He has a fleet of planes that he can use at his discretion. What we need to know if how many people were present. Depending on the scale 65k is not that bad.

good stuff

now that's 100% spoopy

They also need to load and unload them after the flight, thousands of pizzas, drive them to the (((party))) and then serve them. There's no way they'd be warm or fresh.

That's because all they use it for is a child graveyard. The bodies help the grass grow…

nice green grass for a rabbit hunt

Betting he ordered them, and had military personnel or secret service that deal with the logistical side of shit that the president will eat fly out, ferry the shit back and forth with a chopper then hop a plane back to Andrews to Marine One where the president is waiting to get his pie and fly back to the White House.

He has fucking chefs though. Like any outcome just seems incredibly spoiled. Whether it was for his personal use or for a slew of parties. I hate when people get douchey or elitist about the X of their town.

king niggerfaggot sure does love his pizza

I wish i had that image of the blonde dude from the fat convention staring in disbelief

He's done it before, though I find it hard to believe you pay $65k for that.

Lovetsville farm is a shady place and it lists 3 owners, all 3 from DC tied to Clinton - see pic.

Luzzatto again

Even if this turns out to ultimately be just a bunch of ACELA fags watching an "artist" perform, still shows just how incompetent these people are, waiting eagerly to see this idiot perform

The number itself could also be wrong.

Good summary so far

Lots of little blogs are reporting on it so we'll probably see it in the newa tomorrow.


Who the fuck has a cook up and flies in mexican food, especially hand made food you eat with your hands, instead of making it yourself?
Even if it is actually food and not a fresh out of kindergarten, hand-maid mexican girl, they should be gassed tbh.

Also didn't Auschwitz have a pool? Do you think the rabbis spent all day watching the kids swim there too?

Drogoz main detected

And her home phone and cell phone. Uh-oh.



Add this to the Hawaii connection its one of the most suspicious emails out there




We need to start checking into Todd Stern and finding out what connections he even has to Hawaii.

What's up with this current year? An image board investigating the government for pedophilia? Boy the times sure have changed. KEK speed anons

Oy gevalt!

Shouldnt it be the other way around?

God damn

I initially assumed he was talking about run-of-the-mill gay sex, but after learning about the pizza parties and Obama spending $60k on hotdogs, I think they must be talking about little boys.

Are we all prepared to be suicided?

This is creepy as fuck but no reputable publication can print what we have so far. One of the more shady sites could do a story about how creepy this sounds. But it would be a dis-info site that ran the whole pedo story based off this email. We just don't have enough and we probably wont get enough from these emails. These people talk in code and it gives them plausible deniability.

7th and 1600 no fun means meeting is canceled. Hotdog stand in Hawaii means time on an island when his wiener was out and erect.

The best we can do is assemble what pieces we can, like , so that someone who is able to do more can do so.

I'm confident I could shoot myself in the back of the head twice and lock myself in a dufflebag before I die

Wiener is already under investigation. If we ties this together it's pretty credible.

The only publication that will touch this may be the National Enquirer. The only media source that will touch this is Alex Jones

It's on there, serving as the link between the Podesta Emails and the Hawaii Connection

We ARE the publication.
We made people believe that El Rato is the Zodiac killer, for fucks sake.

We are the masters of the thoguhts now, not some phony publications

Ah missed that, it's too fucking big.

Good 'nuff. Lets get Alex on the line.


I also live in tennessee and this guy is full of crap.

It don't matta, the implication even if it's literally only alex jones and the twatter people this story can and will gain traction.

I was going to kill myself soon anyway. If I can lend my last days towards getting some corrupt pedo fucks strung up, then it was all worth it.

Also according to people who've been on Jonestein, there may be photographic evidence of this stuff going down. Weiner may have had photos on his computer as smoking gun evidence that will completely ruin these people. Remember: Epstein HAD photos of various people involved in Lolita Express in very compromising circumstances as leverage against them.



If we know what a "pizza party" is…


Ok this is just getting ridiculous, no one talks about pizza this much.

I do. Keep in mind these e-mails are over the course of 8 years.

Do these idiots think that changing the word with another word suddenly makes it uncrackable and illegible? How more can you fucking get? It's not even code really it's just a god damn nickname.

oh fuck.

Jones has MASSIVE reach. His program along with the Enquirer will prompt other media platforms to start digging and covering the story. Nothing like having hundreds of professional journalists covering this. This is needed for the normies to get on board

Ex-Satanist here.
She seems to be practicing a form of Satanism based heavily in the Jewish Kabbalah.

Didn't you know?

Don't these people have families? How the fuck do they have t he time for all these pizza parties

Salt Lake City daycare.
Pedo Ring apparently

obviously a giant pizza party :^)

everyone loves pizza!!!

You have to remember that these people didn't grow up with the internet. Many of them probably don't know what a router is, or what the importance of ICANN was. In other words they're typical old people.

Hillary Clinton is preposterously incompetent. She and people like her have a habit of hiring people who are just as amoral and incompetent as she is. Everything that's happening right now was eventual one way or another.

Especially Cheese Pizza!

no shit.
The name (((Abramovic))) didn't give it away? She's really quite famous, in a performance art sort of way.


aka the kind that works

The mixing of semen with breast milk or vaginal discharge is the creation of an elixir which the Adept drinks to open a gate for the Qlippoth's entrance into this world.

never heard of the term before. /fringe/ pls stay

Lingo, niggers, Lingo.Every single pedo ring out there use their own fucking lingo.

Incest, toddlers, scat fetishes, watersports and every single fetish out there.

We have degenerates who use outright bizzare names.

Does anyone remember 'sickylick' Khan?

You know the sand nigger and head of a biotech company who turned his fathers club into a private bdsm club.

Podesta is a fucking degenerate

holy shit

does that rabbit appear in anymore places? Was that photo taken at

Concern trolling has reached new heights!

Then why the fuck would they be using chan speak to talk about pizza


Wtf the link is to a blog in which the mother is talking about her children Ruby, Emerson and the birth of Maeve Luzzatto.

its the same photo


its the same photo

I SURE CAN, user!

That's what Podesta's pizza party friends said KEK

This guy

Why not go an hero at a Clinton rally preferably somewhere by the stage

that's where I recognize it! story on pic 3?

They were very specific about the food menu, stressing how special this food is. Yet they go blanket statement on "pizza and hotdogs guise".
Not believable.

i made this for you.

Beats me. Maybe a coincidence brought about through KEK?

The Qlippoth, according to Jewish sorcery, are the original forces of evil. Some say they were left-over and useless parts of Creation, others that part of God's wrath exploded and the shards became the Qlippoth - Satanic Kings and Queens.

Their worshipers are generally known as "anti-cosmic" because the Qlippoth ultimately want the entire Universe to die, returning to a state of oneness (they view the Universe or "cosmos" to be a false distinction and separateness).

In all of my studies and practices, this is the only form of Satanism I'd ever say works, despite the skepticism about the topic.

I remember seeing that daycare on /x/ a few years ago, but I can't remember why it wound up there.

What I remember is that it was really weird, like you never saw kids outside and when you called apparently they were always fully booked.

It's the Jewish word for Yarmulke.
"Satanists" are trying to summon a giant jewish hat.

It was a long time ago. maybe a year or 2 ago.

That rabbit was either someone tagging the building or something abit more sinister.

That hudson river image was one of the only other "rabbit" that i had come across that looked like that.

The name of that Daycare was a big fucking conspiracy.

It was Fun Timez daycare or something like that, people looked at business registrars and found that that company was registered by a Mexican drug lord.

This daycare was importing tonns of "Toys" from china. Literally Tonns.

The only possibility is that they enjoy seeing children having fun. But there's no way you actually have a service to pick the kids up and then talk about their ages (almost 7… is that good or bad? Why mention it?). And that they'll be in the pool, again - why mention it? It's only to express that they'll be in swimwear.

This is 100% pedo shit. Even normies wil draw the same conclusion because of the pedo hysteria that they're programmed with.

Looking at the picture of the rabbit again, do you remember anything brought up about the rabbit? The feet look like some sort of signature



It's Texan you faggot.

this is ruby rapping

Some user found that image of the bunny. I dont know how exactly he found it.

Tons? Or tonnes? You fucking retard.

Banji? Seriously!?

For those unaware: youtube.com/watch?v=avwrL9syLvc

Found a few old links:


Anyone else remember this?


Its weird how detailed the eye is. Compared to the rest of the drawing.

Wrong, two kids just at random decided to show up and went inside while we were investigating the building. Nobody ever saw them come out though

You know what, goy, just forget it, its obviously nothing


what do you have

Besides the few moments of plausible deniability, they got nothing. They are just trying to be tongue and cheek about it.

This pedo farm is also in Virginia (Lovettsville). Wtf is wrong with VA… Oh.

Tonnes. Sorry Nigger

On the thread on /x/ it looks like the dude has an SBR/MG UZI.

the sephira are either "ruling angels" or jungian archetypes depending on who you ask. They're the 10 points on the qabalistic tree of life, the sephiroth (no not the guy with the sword). They symbolize balanced forces keeping the universe in check.

The qlipphot are the "overflowing" of those concepts; too much of a good thing. Basically demons. There are 7 qlippoth because the first 3 sephira are considered to be pure

Not saying I believe this, but that's the size of it

The salt lake thread is bizarre, all the posts have been deleted

Does anybody have the geographical co-ordinates for Epstein's Island?

It steals souls of liberals.

well said

https:[email protected]/* */,-77.5960968,364a,20y,318.6h,18.63t/data=!3m1!1e3

Wrong enfieldln the actual one is not even listed but notice its off folly ln (which yours is not) the email even says that google maps fucks it up.

Holla Forums uncovered his alias and activities from Ashley Madison leaks. I didn't remember to archive the thread though.

Wonder if Podesta is in A&M database…

It's Reddit. Several subs are under the control of organizations, governmental or otherwise.

Read the top comment in the conspiracy sub link.

This shit has been known about for years now. And now, with the Podesta e-mails, it's popping up again. Alongside hints are pedo parties.

But a lot of it makes no sense. What happens to the kids? Why do none of them speak up? Where are the parents? This seems fuckmassive. More should be leaking out.

Yes, but it was used for other things

This is quite a stretch, but it is rumored/speculated that Michelle is basically on limitless vacation except for the few times that King Nigger has to attend public events where she is expected. Barring all the tyranny theories, and adopted children theory, and if the rumor is true, it might be possible that this life style is easy to maintain provided the spouse is properly bribed with power and riches. This could be the norm for these people once they get into these positions.

Also /r/ing that picture of Obama and the Asian Girl.

I meant tranny. The autocorrect got me.

Hey man I was in some of those original threads too. Let me see if I can't dig that back up

I remember there was speculation that instead of a pedo ring it could have been an illegal alien smuggling deal.

Well I fucked up. Thanks for the correction :^)

Going on the hawaii connection, the kids are shipped around and melted down at various sites

Looking at the map of the Hudson Bay and matching it with the rabbit, the eye is in the exact location of a group of islands. What the hell is on those islands?

Beaten, what for? Can't take much more
here we go here we go now

18.2999548 -64.8251397 elevation of 25 feet.

Still doesn't make sense. Someone will miss those children. Yes, orphans are a thing, but they're not available on such immense supplies that they can eliminate dozens a week without running out and without someone fucking noticing.

I'm not saying it's not true. I'm saying we're missing a piece of the puzzle here.

A blog from when Mauve was born: archive.is/y2e56

This is what I wanted to say. Okay, so there are kids and they are young. They will be in that pool for sure. Okay, that could be because kids LOVE pools. This is not clearly creepy.

But "So you'll have some further entertainment"?
That's reaaaally badly worded. STILL could mean something uncreepy like "Yeah, the kids are going to be there and you know how it is, kids make noise and run around, so you'll have some "Entertainment" - And by entertainment they mean to say that it's going to be loud

But DAMN. It reads really strange.

Still strange won't get anyone into prison.

Found a separate thread on the SaltLakeCity thing

Shaw of iran would have french food flown in on the concord.

shit I can't find my archive of the threads, and the /322/ board has been deactivated, I'm pretty sure it was the pedowood coverage one.

Sounds like Hawaii is a transfer station for gook children. Do gook countries have good systems for reporting and finding missing children?

The eye is the belcher islands. In 1941 there was a weird cult of people that killed themselves

macleans. ca/society/life/6-of-canadas-most- bizarre-murders/
Sorry archive wasn't working for some reason

Gee I wonder what's her religion and ethnicity. It's impossible to figure this shit out, guyse halp moi!

Thank you for Correcting the Record.

Just a thought….$65,000 in pizza and hotdogs wouldn't exactly go unnoticed to the people that made them. We need to contact a lot of restaurants, and prove that it's not food.


and that's just some quick msm

I think the numbers are likely higher

the majority of the kids come from third world shit holes (the ones that get melted), the rest are groomed and either killed for sport (rabbit hunting) if they break or internalize their role and grow up to become the next generation of abusers

Found the original plebbit thread that got mass deleted. Mods said it leaded to harassment
i.imgur. com/ 8lGhBoo.png

Right. "Muh harassment".

That's probably the best indication. Gook countries are overflowing with orphans, and people tend to give less than a shit about other people there. Still, they couldn't conduct such an operation without attracting the attention of the local authorities, especially in China.

"we" don't have to prove anything because we're not journalists and our credibility isn't a factor.

"Harassment" is a blanket excuse to cover their asses.


Probably the case for its nieghbors as well: Vietnam, Laos, Taiwan…

could they source kids from the inuit on that island? just a stretch but why else would that bunny have the detailed eye that is eerily similar to the island land lines?

Doesn't Hilldawg also have connections within the CCP? High up party members don't seem to have a problem with kidnapping and killing citizens for their organs, so they probably don't give a shit about missing kids.

Its too soon user

Sage for almost definitely not related but looking up that image with the word daycare gets some pretty fucking weird results and thats putting it lightly

archive.fo/iWpX0 its a site that when you go to the url on the side bar it downloads an html file called fall.html which after hitting enter site downloads diychuch.html which is what you see in vid related. Both were downloaded from a dropbox

Could this be it?

China's Communist Party has infiltrated American politics and is using pedo sex as both bribes and blackmail.

NY is the Big Apple where the laptop was exposed by the NYPD.

why else are we seeing a yuge rise in communist propaganda?

Now I want to know where TPP fits into all this.

I don't know what the hell all that shit is but you really screwed up by using Windows and not using Tor. enjoy your v&

Oooooo, Very spicy memeologist

Maybe, or could be some strange map that only people in the know can understand. The signature/initials, the suspiciously detailed eye, the fact that the rabbit is right side up while the Bay itself is an "upside down" "rabbit", all strange


If you are genuinly serious I have some plans you could help with. If interested email me [email protected]/* */ simply say anything in the email then repeat what you said here with your id so I know its not some other fagot wanting to larp as you.

You can make a throw away email at cock.li

I'll check the email and this tread for a matching statement in about 10 hours.

The chinese have been buying up Hollywood studios, trying to make themselves look like real heroes, using the excuse that studios need to appeal to the chinese in order to rake in tons of cash from chinese audiences

that is on a whole new level of bizarre what the fuck

Have you guys seen this email that mentions dominos? They are literally mentioning whipping. whipping.

The TPP is why it all sounds so ludicrous. Well, that and all measures done to keep China on their toes.

However, we need to think like oligarchs. For oligarchs, it's not the party which matters, it's the family. The clan. Despite the democrats being in charge, it might not be the same "clan" as the Clintons.

You want something fucked? What if I told you that Will Ford drugs and rapes young men? Yes, THAT Will Ford. The heir to the Ford family fortune. To them, that shit is just a game. They get off on it.

They don't make shit from Chinese audiences, because there is no copyright or intellectual property under communism.

whats the best way for anons to react then? wut do?

why can't anything be done about this?

That's not fucked, that's pretty mediocre.
The pedo scandal isn't fucked either, it's pretty much what we expected.

Fucked would be if it's done with occult/religious purposes.

so where are the hot dogs? maybe we should ask Bathhouse Barry?


found this NYT article related to "diychurch"

The recent "Transformers" films and other films have been chock full of chink product placement.

The "China Uncensored" guy explained it seemed legit, both the CCP and the studios make mad cash from the select few US films screened every year.

What in the actual fuck?

Yes they do, they make lots and lots from ticket sales. Of course this provides the perfect cover for allowing the chinese to buy the studios, people will just think that the chinese propaganda is just studios trying to appeal to their audiences, but this is just another level of infiltration into America, another attempt at trying to control American minds and demoralize our spirit

frankly im concerned you're aware…

This video is a perfect summary of what is happening in Hollywood right now.

Because people don't fucking know. Always, always remember, power comes from ideas.

I don't really care about your perception of what's fucked or not. What matters is that people in general consider that kind of behavior to be fucking disgusting and would not stand for it.

This isn't evidence anons, and it isn't a weird way to talk about kid. These people are politicians. I'm beginning to become concerned we are being set up to discredit wikileaks. We should keep digging on this but stop engaging in confirmation bias at every little fucking thing.

Pedophile networks among elites are absolutely real, but we need to be careful here. We need to focus on what we can show to be true. There is weird shit in these emails but nothing damning enough for us to prove. (And it isn't what you know, its what you can prove.)

at the 43 second point it switches from a website to a local file "file:///G:Downloads…"
it's fake anons


Back in the weimar republic you could order child hookers sent to your place via taxicab like a takeout meal via telephoning an agency. I wonder if there's something similiar here.

It's not fake, it downloads something when you load the webpage

guy who posted that might want to bleach his bits

If you want to do anything about this, try bringing this to Trump's attention. He knows how the Chinese operate, and the fact that he already said that he was going to stop any potential apple/ time warner merger means that he'll probably also stop this.

Spread this video to your friends, family, anyone, boycott movies, especially if you hear that those movies made certain changes because they were scared of "hurting the Chinese peoples feelings"


Like I said it downloads 2 html files from some dropbox


If you really want to play that angle, then the pedophilia might serve an initialization ritual for a global cabal. Its the universal taboo for all cultures, therefore, I guess its done so everyone has blackmail on the other and ensures that non-psychopaths that don't indulge are outed and go missing or dead.

Its not, diycurch.org frames a dropbox download. Try it yourself with some OPSEC.


That's believable, Skull and Bones often have initiates stand before the group and admit a bunch of sexual stuff they've done in order to bring them under the fold

Im unfamiliar with the game of dominos. Can you make up the rules?

seems to be related "internet art & theory" collective. non-related. strange they have the bunny on that page though.

It still doesn't work. The TPP is definitely meant to hurt China by isolating it. Well, more than that. There's also the usual globalist bullshit.

Either way, what we've been seeing these last few years are heightened tension between China and the US, while this pedo ring could not function without the help of China.

What game are they playing?

Its more than a pizza chain you dumb nigger

Oh god, reality is turning into some kind of horror/mystery anime.

ok I feel like this one is actually talking about the dominos game

whipped = btfo if you're too much of an autist to figure that out

Link or it's fake.


You still doubt my detective work?


Well, Trump is going to make anime real

Not that I'm aware of. Is Susan a child? If so, it's not uncommon for kids to make up rules and for adults to allow it which is fucking retarded and likely to have a negative effect on the child

You should just kill yourself before we find you

Yeah I know it could mean bfto but can you make up the rules in dominos?

please kill yourself femanon

Your detective work. No. Your ability ro recognize a colloquial use of the word "whipped", yes.

yes. Why wouldn't you be able to do that?

The stupid child was making up its own rules instead of playing by the rules


I did a quick search and it doesnt seem you can make up the rules. Its a very simple game, Im not sure how you could make up the rules without it being a clusterfuck. Also it says that they used the "Podesta method" meaning that I assume he makes up the rules when they "play".

When Texas has its own DOTR you're going first.

archive .rhizome.org/artbase/53474/vvebcam.html

Here are some links I taken from diycurch.html, if this is even a lead… Too much effort for incoherent german assburgers nonsense, unless he wants to take us down a freak trip. I don't think its a lead. But where he got that picture… I don't know.
(alive) twitter.com/DIYchurch
(alive) diy-church.blogspot.de/
(alive) reboot.fm/
(alive) panel.klubradio.de/tunein.php/live/playlist.pls
(alive) dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2407262/diy/Sonstiges.html
(alive) www.centennialbulb.org/
(alive) archive.org/details/diy-church?&sort=-downloads&page=2

It could mean btfo but if dominos means bdsm like some have said this is a match

Mau Mau oathing rituals involve cannibalism and fucked up sex shit, for the same reasons said above, coupled with shunning non-members to force them to join up.
Google mau mau oaths

I'm a dude. If children are making up their own game, fine, they can make their own rules. Playing a game with rules already established means the rules should be followed so that all can enjoy it. This is very off-topic

Well damn, now it does sound sex-related.



Only unless you're growing more children out there.

Something far more sinister




Moloch needs sustenance

haha its over for them



I guess Spookmas is actually in November this year.

Looks like its come down to this: A battle between two ancient deities, one a humorous Frog into numerology. The other an ancient biblical god that frequently demanded child sacrifices be down in its name
This year just keeps getting weirder and weirder



4 days left.

I'm going to be far from major cities by then.

Don't even bother user. There are mods here who love to push complete bullshit. I got hotpocketed for pointing out why the "wetwork" email was about Bernie Sanders and not Scalia.

If something here even remotely sounds like something monstrous there are people here who will poison the well and spread it, which serves to discredit the right in general if it goes mainstream.

Still, I'm all for pulling on any threads possible and if someone can build the case that puts substance to this out of context email that is a good thing.

Sounds like a plausible explanation. We've seen that these stupid yuppie fucks are parents.

I think I'll be out camping with family on that day too, at least after they finish voting.

More shit from rabbit drawing/funtimekidzkare

Basically, someone on reddit thought that this daycare was weird and then a bunch of anons did some digging and found some evidence implicating the owners of the daycare as a shell corporation that may or may not be harboring children.

Shortly after the first reddit thread was made, the domain for the daycare's website (funtimekidzkare.com) was taken down. The WhoIs data was also scrubbed, which is really fucking sketchy. Cached versions of the website show it was very poor quality; stock images of children, broken english, etc.

Other strange things include an order for 1,100 KG of "fake jewelry" from China that was shipped to the daycare's address, children being seen entering the building and not leaving after, and a pizza man being sent to the address, but having nobody answer the door for ~10 minutes.

It's pretty fucking sketchy.
And that rabbit was on the fence outside the daycare that started all of that.

Archived 4chan /x/ thread from late January

Pizza delivery test

Website Archive

Archived /baphomet/ thread

There's that China connection again.

it's a big slaughterhouse, the moloch-loving elite loves to make food using human meat, the best meat comes from the young ones that nobody will miss.

That episode from Infowars about Hillary being an agent of China really is starting to become more believable by the minute

even with the antipedo hysteria everywhere you don't have to charter a private flight to the island in the middle of the ocean to have a party where you can hug and play with the kids

If it turns out that they are just really into pizza, then I'm just gonna laugh at how much digging and investigative energy went into this, and on at least two other threads too



I am scheduled to fly to NYC for work. It's been heavy on my mind for weeks.


Why must Holla Forums always be right.

After this thread and all the weird connections that it dredged up, who else is NEVER letting their kids anywhere NEAR a daycare?

Funny thing is, that if you said the thing we uncovered in the last few months 5 years ago, they'd send you to /x/. In the best case.

Maybe I'm losing it, but here goes…

You think the FBI will FOIA on the finders?

I'm so grateful that my mom and in laws can help my wife and I with childcare. Too many fucked up people out there to risk it. I would 100% be in prison for murder if this happened to my daughter.

Where is that? It reminds me of an odd building (daycare?) I saw while visiting an aunt in Utah a few years back. (It might be similar, but I don't remember too much about it anymore.) All I can remember is that I saw it somewhere between Salt Lake City and Provo.

they order chinese orphans and then grind them up into meat, which they package and send to podesta for his "spirit" cooking

I think you'll be surprised that it is in Salt Lake City

only one way to find out

Whenever you see a suspected CTR post just remind them that HiIllary literally raped kids and that they are inhuman monsters for trying to defend that shit.

Just did it in two CTR threads and they fucked right off.

bump, read first pic



Well shit.

Explains all the missing Chinese kids, they never went to go find work, they went to perform certain duties overseas

maybe intredesting user? its on jewtube, inb4 faggot.



Keks revealed truths can sometimes be unpleasant.
Shadilay brothers. One more reason to not give up.

Holy shit that was probably the building I saw then. It has to be. I remember feeling very unsettled seeing that building as my family drove past it.
Any archives of threads about it?

nevermind I'm retarded, the post already included the threads

Holy fuck this stupid thread got pinned.
This solid investigation will surly help Trump.
Get in here guys. Spread this shit.

321 jew, ctr, cuckchan

Unfortunately most molestation occurs in the extended family. The same can be said for all violent crimes as well. Your daughter may actually be safer with a random drone at a daycare than your seemingly friendly, though perhaps sadistically horny, in laws.


I imagined this kind of shit happens in Lovecraftian horrors, but not in real life. This isn't the world I wanted to live in.

Thanks for collapsing the rectum


And here you were calling us tinfoilers.
Who's laughing now, motherfucker? Expect blood cults and alien lizard plot being uncovered next.


>My name is Susan Lynne Eckhart Ford and I am a 48 year old, native Californian. Until 1995, I
suffered from a debilitating condition known as Multiple Personality Disorder.2 In 1985 I embarked on
the long and tedious, painful road to recovery. Through years of therapy and deprogramming I
completely reintegrated my multiple personalities back into my uniform core self, and through the grace
of God, I am alive today to convey to you my true life experiences. This account of my remembrances
will be so shocking and amazing that you may feel that you've entered the 'twilight zone.' Many waking
up today, call this making a 'paradigm shift' in reality; I call it knowing the truth. But, do keep your faith
in God and humanity, for, as my father reminded me day after day, "The truth will set you free."
>My multiple personality condition resulted from what I had first thought in 1986 was solely sexual
and ritual abuse. But, as I began to heal and remember more of my hidden past, I realized that ritual
abuse was merely the mind control trauma base my ritually abused, programmed, pedophile father,
Calvin Charles Eckhart, and others used to condition me for participation in the still active top secret
Project Monarch, the Central Intelligence Agency's white slavery operation that is related to MKULTRA
and it's numerous sub-projects.
>I was raised in the affluent area of Woodland Hills, California, but was abused my entire life in
many locations in and out of California, including hospitals, universities, and United States military and
NASA bases, where I was subjected to 'high-level' programming. The result of many years of trauma,
intentionally inflicted on me by my father and others to CREATE within me multiple personalities, was
that I was transformed into a programmed, totally robotical slave that could not remember to think or
tell what happened to me, due to the mind control and sophisticated programming I was under.

files.meetup.com/562554/Brice Taylor - Thanks for the memories.pdf

I tried using archive.is but it didn't work.

eyes wide shut comes to mind

The fact that we're seeing shit come to light that I used to read about on ATS 6 years ago is startling.

I had many personalities specially programmed to be the perfect sex slave – a "presidential model" with
government mind files and a photographic memory equipped to deliver (most often through sexual
encounters) messages, some cryptic, to top government officials, entertainers, and other world figures.
From 1987 to 1991, I was in intensive daily therapy in California, remembering a complex
childhood that now has been validated, in part, through intelligence community, CIA, and FBI contacts
(active and retired), as well as through investigative journalists, knowledgeable mental health
professionals, and family members. In my quest for understanding and self-knowledge, I attended
school to attain my Master's Degree in Psychology. But, in April of 1991 I was forced to leave my home
and family in California, due to a clever plot and threat to my life if I continued to pursue remembrance
of my past in therapy and try to become healed. One of my therapists, Margaret Paul, Ph.D., who is also
a popular author, suggested that for my safety I should leave Los Angeles for awhile. Upon her
recommendation, I fled to the island of Kauai, Hawaii, where unbeknownst to me I was still part of the
project and still not free.

Shut it down

I opened this with my VPN turned off.

404. That’s an error.
The requested URL /search?q=cache:files.meetup.com/562554/Brice%20Taylor%20-%20Thanks%20for%20the%20memories.pdf was not found on this server. That’s all we know.







Found it by following their directions from point of rocks md, into VA. Note the green roof, first right and the fields.

Podesta is clearly an AIDS infested faggot. As such he wants to ruin the world. So his ambition knows no bounds. Which means, if he has to let some fat fuck screw his nieces and nephews, so be it.

That's safer and it's a sacrifice which these fuckers are big on. He didn't get to run the Clinton's operation without being knee deep in dead babies covered in semen.

What do you think could be in Assange's 'insurance' files? Yeah and he can't post no kiddie fuck vids on Wikileaks. At least in the open. But if he's dead and it's in an encrypted archive…

Epstein is a CONFIRMED child rapist. Billy boy went to his island 26x. That's officially.

Weiner is a larping type who had ambition. Married to a fucking shitskin terrorist.

Hildog, 40 years of bodies. So don't be surprised if the FBI drops atom bomb type indictments.

We all love pizza but when do we ever talk about it?. These motherfuckers are being cutsie with emoticons and shit and they're old as fuck. What makes them giggle? Not deep dish with extra cheese, but deep dicking some lolli whose throat they slit.

Hildog response ON VIDEO being asked about taking money from countries that throw gays off buildings, witch laughter. Back up 30 years, she's on tape laughing about getting a guy off who she said she KNEW was guilt of child rape.

Also! Podesta tries to play chef on the internet to humanize his monster self to the public. He's this culinary expert and yet he's doing nothing but talking about hot dogs and pizza in private?

You grew up most likely starring at a milk container with a photo of a missing child on it. Today, you most likely think nothing of that. Just like when you go to the Chinamart and walk past the bulletin board they have covered in flyers for missing children. In all your years of life, how often has one ever been found? It's so rare, that when it does happen, it's national news for weeks. What you've never done, is ask yourself why no remains are ever found.

Dig deeeeeeep into the FBI numbers. It's hidden but there and MASSIVE. If I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Also total open cases on missing adult females is a clusterfuck. More than enough to fill a good sized city…


The board is /32/. The only pedowood thread I could see is
which doesn't have much

Oh, and also >>>/pedowood322/ from the OP. It's filled with a lot of random shit though

This is the most gullible bread i've ever seen.

I could have you people believing 9th dimension martians were controlling your lizard people leaders by this evening.

What universe is this again?


The day of the rope is only 1 week away.
Be ready, brother.

The unstained one.


The God Emperor saw a single path forward where humanity would not be extinguished, and lead us through it. A path of absurdity and unlikely events.
The Emperor Protects.



I'm sorry guys, I can't handle this. After the Chicago "Hotdog day" $65,000s thing…and now this? I am never eating a hotdog again. I have a feeling the secret to Chicago hotdogs is literally people.

I'm going to come back in a day, & the only thing, the ONLY thing, that could possibly top this is alien footage or bigfoot footage linked to the Clintons that could top this.

Unbelievable. You better not have footage of Aliens when I wake up. I swear to fucking god.


Don't worry user, we got you covered.

Stick with chicken tendies


Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made- Otto von Bismarck

Oh and time travel. That's the one other thing I could think of.

ah that's the one I was thinking of, I couldn't find it. Yeah it was pretty disorganized but it might be a good place for some anons to store shit and have compilations posted

I'm going to enjoy gassing your kind.


Sounds gay af

The audacity of these kikes…. seriously everyone in this thread look at
and read the first image.


If you honestly think Holla Forums will save the world you're fucking retarded. The only chance the world has is if the white normies awaken.

Got the image off @JaredWyand

This is disg…. unbelievable this is…


/cfg/ organized a huge document of this stuff on google drive

But I strongly recommend against using google for fucking anything. Especially researching this sort of stuff.

Not sure what alternatives there are; what we need is some kind of online pastebin type deal, where people can freely add / remove stuff as they want, with a few admins copying / syncing it up every day to a non-editable copy, and then version control used so you can see each edit that is made and revert or view changes if necessary.

It's like we've entered the final few episodes of a long tv series where all the weird plot twists are finally coming out


Start harassing her about deliberate child endangerment and being a fucking pedophile pimp, pressuring her to whistleblow. We need to act now before they become another "chick to Moloch".

Fucking CTR shills pedophile leftist apologists, you are going to get the rope…

They are untouchables.

Its an anime plotline.
Trump made anime real.

Not anymore they thought speaking in code words was going to save them. The FBI are on this. it's the reason they brought down Weiner they had a hunch this is going on. Just like we have had, you don't need evidence to have a suspicion but you need a suspicion to find evidence. Keep up the good work feds, we'll keep you up to date with any possible leads we find.

I thought map = pedophile?
it was some sjw term. i forgot what m.a.p. stood for though. i lost the thread (and can't find the post).

From the halfchan thread because I remember this shit and now it ALL does add up. What the Clinton's were doing in Haiti and this bitch who was over the border in DR trying to steal kids…


"The individual in question is one Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge. She was caught trying to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families.

Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura's NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.




Huma Abedin was constantly forwarding Hillary articles on this woman's organization:


One of the first things Hillary did when she took over the scene in Haiti was to get Laura off the hook:


And the attorney who represented Laura Silsby? A man who was himself convicted as a sex trafficker:


Even more disturbing, we uncovered an email in Wikileaks where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children:


Again, this was the same group that got busted by Haitian Authorities trying to Traffic kids.


They're in the Clinton Emails;


Pitch for funding or some shit, super sketchy.


This looks like Mills & co are drafting statements following extradition.


did you need to wiki it?

Thanks shill mod

The email he posted is fake, it doesn't actually exist

if he read the replies you would see it's fake.

found it
map = pedophile

Mods have been shills for quite a while, they ban people for really stupid shit.

Uhm, ok. Im in "work" so I just jump pic to pic.

They were saying map = jizz because of DNA.

Pillows = drugs
jizz = map (dna)
Pasta = little boy
Cheese = little girl
Hotdog = young boy
Pizza = young girl
realtors = people that clean up any evidence
ice cream = male prostitute
walnut = person of colour

There's a reason nobody likes you guys


Hide yo gold, hide yo kidz!


Still don't know what, 'waffles' are. Or 'box' but these emails are so fucking weird.

Emailing a guy to say you're going to have some, "late night pasta" with a smiley face?

I say map = pedophile because some user in a thread discussing this topic were talking about one of the emails regarding "map" and referred to some individual was a "map".
These people are just switching words. Their own satanic/childfucking lingo.

Also if we are going to use these terms we need to start posting it with evidence to prove their true meaning.

Please link said emails or post pictures or both .

I think each group of sickos would have their own lingo. Or at least a spin on it. The NSA should be able to get all these sickos.

Also!!! with Podesta looking like an AIDS infested faggot, you know he isn't eating this much. So if it isn't food…

It's so many ago… like 20-30 tabs ago. Look at this one. wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32795

Where did you come from?

Could be saying something like, "there is a pool, but don't count on a peaceful swim as x is bringing their kids along and they will probably take it over". I don't know, man, that's probably the way I'd read that email if it didn't come from a piece of shit. Because it does that makes it trickier of course.

And that one about having a hotdog party and saying he is invited because he IS a hotdog

Nausea setting in…these people are sick

back to cuckchan with you

Get fucked faggot. cuckchan is where you two dads stay. My posts much be making the pedos nervous.

You do know this thread is stickied. No point in needless comments to "bump" this thread.

Serbia bears complete responsibility for causing World War I and World War II as well as World War III and Communism. On 28 June 1914, a Serbian guy jumped out and shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, who was riding along in a parade. This immediately caused WWI to begin. Because pre-Communist Russia was busy with the war they couldn't prevent the 1917 Russian Revolution. Then, the border rearrangements after WWI got half of Europe completely pissed off, especially the Germans, so WWII began a little while later. World War III and American Civil War just begun with serbian witchcrafting, child sacrifice and massive pedo ring lead by serbian "cook" witch Marina Abramović. Thus, Serbia should be held accountable for hundreds of millions of deaths, including the few hundred of the so-called "holocaust." I'm sorry for your demise America. You should level Serbitchia back in the '99.


Too bad the pedo boards aren't around anymore, they would've been good to ask for common translations.

Cheese Pizza = CP

All pedos need to hang, channers or not.

I'am glad we finaly got rid of those sick retards. Also will be reporting you if you start posting this shit.

Shit guys we're sorry
Wonder where she lives

Abramovic is a Jewish surname. It's a kike, who would've thought?




More shit talk from the Jew pedo. Was it the two dads crack that got you? Little too close to home, faggot?

What I said, as can clearly be seen by anyone who isn't a lying Jew pedo, is that they COULD be and everyone knows that. What did our 400lb friend say? Look for Hildogs emails… So if your kiddie porn buddies are using these terms, there you go.

As for 'also' and 'my post much be making'… not idea what bullshit you're on faggot. But you can try again.


Some of these terms have entries on urbandictionary. All of them are sexual.

can someone summarize the rabbit thing, i'm not wading through a million fucking archive threads

Good shit here. Can anyone come up with "pedo" interpretations for other words that can let us use our confirmation bias more? I'll bet we can pretend that at least 25% of the emails tie into this pedophilia angle, which will really help us cure our collective feelings of weakness and emasculation by making us feel like we're protecting kids.

It was actually a meme.
Most these terms were coined at the dawn of imageboards, where CP was a go. Then it migrated to the darknet imageboards like anonib.

Anyone who isn't a newfag has been there, done that. What's funny is, it means that the government was actually shitposting at these imageboards.
It might've been good ol' Bill, who was dumping the Ukrainian lolis at 4chan. For all we know, they might still be shitposting in /loli/ right here under our nose.

Video is somewhat related.

I still remember the CP threads around 2003-04

Pedofaggotry is purged and should be purged due to the fact that CP is the epitome of degeneracy, betafaggotry and cancer.

There's few people that used CP to blackmail and bribe to get in power on Internet and outside of it.

Clintons, Pedosta, et al are the biggest examples in the world of NORP.

Kimmo fucking Alm uses CP to satisfy his own degenerate needs and worm into the positions of power on Tor Imageboard culture (Torchan is pretty much run by the guy).


This shit makes my fucking blood boil

Since I'm assusing that you've dig "deeeeep" into the FBI numbers, I'm guessing you'll have no problem posting the findings here, right? Right?? You couldn't possibly be pulling that out of your ass, right?

This thread is almost used up and it's gone literally nowhere.

I can only think about the kidnapped Ukraine revolution. Daddy Soros provides good young Ukraine vajajay to slick willy.

No-one cares about 'dead' children after all.

That shit was crazy.

Yupp seems on the up and up.

Anyone got any guesses for 'playing dominos'?


The pedos that were on fullchan aren't even a fraction of a threat next to the rich, powerful and famous.

You see, fullchan posters are lesser mortals who are subject to the law. Whilst the rich and powerful are basically untouchable, and are able to get away with anything. Mothers and Fathers seeking fame and power will literally use their own children as a bargaining chip to get the attention of them. These are the sorts of people that run around trafficking children and having "pizza parties".

If you've done any extensive research on the topic, you'd know all of this isn't really surprising at all.

It's really them you should be worried about, not some guy with a ankle bracelet with 100 CP pics on his comp.

Been looking for that one since my last HD crash, thanks nigga


No need to be a moralfag here, if you're actually shitposting from 2003 you've fapped to more CP and lolicon than Podesta. We have all seen the darkness from the inside.

Now what's different is that the guy actually brought some loli slaves, raped them and probably killed them too. While being a government official.

So i just noticed in that whole SLC/Rabbit thing, there is a link to another daycare in VA. Well, earlier today i discovered this:

Keep this email in mind
The farm is in Lovettsville, North VA.
Here is a letter written and published in the Loudon times (the county where Lovettsville is located within) in which the author beseeches the reader that human trafficking, particularly of children has "taken a foothold" in the community. This is weird to me. I am not American but this seems like a rural area, where the usual good salt of the earth people live. Rich people too who dont do this kind of thing (lol, we know better). Human trafficking taking a "foothold" somewhere sounds like she should be speaking about somewhere like Vietnam or Haiti or some other lawless part of the world. Not Northern Virginia…
The author? Barbera Comstock, Republican US Senator.
Now she's no Trumplican by any measure and may simply be a victim of the propaganda against him. However, read that first paragraph:
"Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) owes her political career to the Clintons—specifically, to her efforts to tear them down. As a Republican Capitol Hill aide in the 1990s, she was the most prominent researcher hunting for dirt that could oust them from the White House, from Whitewater to the Monica Lewinsky scandals."
Could she have found more than that?

The rabbit also reminds me of this Hillary email signoff: With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .


Does anyone remember when Holla Forums was confused about the infamous Pizza.jpg email while back?

This information sheds some like and confirms that it wasn't from Pizza Hut

Dont take it the wrong way, i'am not mad at you. I just get REALLY angry at pedos on the chans, they are weak-minded retards who bought into the "being a pedo is totaly normal and not a mental illness" meme.

There were lots of Ukrainian studios, who filmed semi-professional softcorn CP. They must've disappeared some time around 2010, that's was the time I stopped seeing them being posted at random places on the darknet.

Was that the whole Kinky Licker guy?

"playing dominoes" = bdsm stuff…

So why hasn't the entire Democratic party not been executed at this point? What's the delay? Do we have to wait 4 more days for Trump to win?

Your guessing? I've been here like for two hours, and before that. another two hours I'd say constantly adding stuff and that's what you say? You're so cute and the last person I care to assist. You're interested? Like I said, go to their site and do some searching. Yes I did because I was interested in the crimes niggers like you commit. Before I found Amren's nice work that easily lays that all out, it was a chore. That became the women, which become the children. If you want to know you can it too junior. But It's not one line in one file. This FBI SHAME, not something they want widely known. It would scare little girls like you. I'm talking ALL open cases nationwide. Find the number if you want to know. If not, go fuck yourself, it's almost 8am. I'm off.


into the oven you go



From:[email protected]/* */
To: [email protected]/* */
CC: [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */
Date: 2015-07-11 22:10
Subject: Re: Dominos

You were having a lot more fun than I was. Very good meeting with Darren
which I will report on.
On Jul 11, 2015 6:12 PM, "Sandler, Herbert" >

CP has never been my thing, I was making the point that cheese pizza has been more cancerous than furfags, fandomtards, newfags and moralfags combined.

I loathe fucks like Kimmo Alm for that reason.

I grew out of my newfag Holla Forums phase years (10+) ago before gradually repilling myself.

Consider the following:

Wikileaks is compromised; CIA / State Department / Whoever is feeding you what you want to see, and making it crazier and crazier as the day goes by.

If they wanted to try and discredit wikileaks and everyone supporting them, this sure would do the trick, wouldn't it?

Basically what I'm trying to say is don't get too fucking nuts with this stuff. Don't go 100% into it. Remain skeptical - imagine the biased MSM reporting on this, and taking the quotes in question about cheese pizza (gee almost sounds like it's tailor made for us) and then quoting specific parts of these emails and various people tweeting about it and showing how they're obviously misconstruing it, how all trump supporters are totally crazy.

This is stuff that really will have to just sit on the backburner until after the election. Trying to push it right now is lunacy. This stinks to high heaven of psyops.

I've copied this over from half chan, because I think it's extremely relevant. We might be getting played.


Same sandnignog, meng

Reuters ran an article proposing that the FBI was investigating forged documents sent to them made to look authentic in an attempt to poison the well.

The Democratic Party runs the Department of Justice, the White House and half the FBI.

This is kinda off topic but I saw a for sale sign recently around town with the name CP Realty. Not sure if it's the same one. But it's very weird how they have to companies.

Continuum Partners and Pioneer Companies, just so they can do some variation of the CP logo.

And where might be the proof of that supposed suicide of Assange or something else?

I agree, its not like the FBI will want to touch Pedowood, otherwise they'd have a jet airliner piloted by ISIS slamming into their headquarters.

Banned and destroyed Pedo ring documentary coming through.

You're doing god's work user


Let them be, really. There is a difference, between a neckbeard fapping to lolicon/CP in his basement and a NWO kike raping children.

You have to understand the difference, the first kind does it because of the world the 2nd kind created. I really red the things they posted, most of them were disillusioned by the modern women and were generally really lonely, but took a defeatist approach and wanted a loli waifu to eat ice cream and cuddle with. In our new world they will be reformed.

The 2nd kind does it, because they are either into occult shit or just are on a power trip, basically because they can and know no one is going to stop them.

I used to believe Wikileaks was compromised after the raid too, but Assange is scheduled to appear on RT on november 5th. Just give it time.The dots are connecting, its not just wishfull thinking, bro.

Plus, it's not "all of a sudden" w have been investigating pedowood since before the election was even a thing.

I take this approach as well, as long as anons disvouch it later on, it's understandable why some might take an interest in it as a scapegoat when the current state of the world is taken int account.

Providing they cast it away later and denounce it whole-heartedly, they can be pardoned provided they did not take action upon their ill fetish.

Just saying, there's no need to go screaming about it on the hilltops; I think what's already known about what hillary has done can and will sink her, whether or not Trump is elected.

However, I do think that if this is a psyops, they'll try and use it as a last ditch attempt to destroy trump's campaign.

Basically, from a more game-theory point of view, we don't need this and it presents too much risk.

This info isn't going to magically disappear after the election, so stay cool, keep digging into it, but don't make yourself look crazy. Don't say or spread flimsy things that could be misrepresented by the media to discredit you. A lot of what's in these emails is easy to misconstrue or to have media argue to normies that it's perfectly normal and trump supporters are all insane.

Just imagine them taking quotes out of context, bringing forth "experts" to verify that it's perfectly normal to own a hotdog stand; etc. etc.

This whole thing is just too fishy. It feels like this sort of dump is too good to be true.

I just want people to keep that in mind; you might be getting played and wikileaks might really be compromised.

I'm pretty sure the Nigerian government was responsible for the Chibok kidnappings, and I'm growing more and more convinced that Clinton's State Department helped.

The DNC campaign is already falling back on the "racists" "sexists" type stuff. Obama tried to connect Trump to the KKK, even though Hillary KNOWS people in the KKK.

If they accuse you of something, it's a fair bet they've done that thing except 5 times worse.

There won't even be a need for that. Once we fix it these people will start magically disappearing.

There is a reason the gutter of the internet was chosen to be protectors of the good. Because we have seen the darkness, but cast it away. So we will have mercy for the brothers the darkness has consumed.

There are only one thing that won't be forgiven - treason.

Kek be praised, for he confirms my belief. Shadilay!

If it was his dogs, I dont care. You can do with your property what you want.

How it could be compromised? Do you think one guy in embassy is running it on his PC?

Fucking lolberg degenerate faggot. I hate you cunts almost as much as I hate leftists.

By arresting / murdering whoever was running the twitter account, cutting assange off from the internet so he can't even see what wikileaks is posting, and then releasing some doldrum emails that reveal nothing for awhile until some stuff can be released to discredit the whole shebang.

That is literally what this all looks like to me, and it's getting pushed really hard on both chans right now, as well as reddit. Like someone WANTS us to go after this in a rabid crazy fashion.

I am compiling a master timeline document and other stuff that ties all of these findings together. Wikileaks being compromised is a CTR meme though, but there is a psyops component in it - I think we're being manipulated, but not by clinton goons - but by the "good" guys. I agree that we should watch the MSM and wikileaks carefully and react to what they provide, in a sort of reactionary relationship. But Right now this CP stuff doesn't have enough oomph to stand its own legs - but we're getting there. I abandoned 4chan completely because the pedesta discussions there always end up being about food names and possible interpretations of "pasta". It's honestly retarded.

The rope doesn't care about how many shekels that a fat fuck had.

They could have used a kidnaped assange to blackmail wikileaks as a whole.

Alas, i will still waith until november 5th. Most anons are retarded and instantly think that when you say Wikileaks is compromised, they translate it "oh noes they killed assange to stop him from posting from his wikileaks account"

16 is legal in most of the usa lad



Make a point on that timeline: Assange's internet was shut down on October 16th, and the twitter account starting being weird immediately after that.

It's entirely possible that -EVERYTHING- after October 16th could be 100% false info.

How much since the 16th has been used for investigations? How much could be compromised or nullified by that sort of revelation?

Marina Abramovic's dox

Marina Abramović's (the #SpiritCooking artist) real estate/power of attorney documents are posted over here:

ho lee mother of kek

thats old too, like 08 old, maube 07. A frog! A fucking frog.

From a "i worked at the Grove AMA" on reddit


Not for long, goy :^).


Notice how he says that he thinks that email about the saudi and qatar governments is the most significant in the whole collection?

Not the satanic pedo stuff, not even a mention of it, but the pay-to-play? For sure.

More and more I'm becoming convinced the satan pedo stuff is a red herring meant to discredit everyone investigating these emails.

here you go user

You can bitch about muh moralfaggotry as much you like, property right is sanctum.

Oct 16th is already documented in my election diary. No worries, I've got it all covered - or at least the important stuff since there are so many happenings and I still have to work on week days.

I think lowest is Vatican - 12.

Are you trying to tell me Hilary Clinton is some kind of weird High Priestess of the Occult.
That's just crazy, r-right guis?

(Robe from Bill's second inauguration 1997, Hiding in Plain sight though?)

Do we have specific times where they went on loli express? Additionally, can we FOIA absences of government employees? Maybe if we can work with some more narrow time frames/dates, we can line it up with absences. I don't know.

Y'all are full steam ahead on this pedo thing. 1 million autists can't be wrong, so I'll hop on the train. Let's hope it rides off to the sunset and not off a cliff

Guys what wasa that connection with Brock Pierce? I'm missing a puzzle piece here.


No its just so into "tinfoil" type stuff no one would believe it, and people have died attempting to expose it.