Ok, so I don't know if I've found something or nothing at all. I searched wikileaks for "pizza", and found this email: wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/13/1326067_testing-the-pizza-pages-your-list-.html This appears to be in direct relation to the "hot dog friday" email wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/12/1223066_re-get-ready-for-chicago-hot-dog-friday-.html Here's where it get's strange. At the bottom of the first email, there are email details: URL: webmail.elkinsspace.com username: catch-all password: pass1010 I'm a web developer. Seemed fairly obvious that the username is [email protected]/* */ - IT FUCKING WORKS. About 172k emails in here. Most of them spam, but who the hell knows? Even more bizzare. Check out : elkinsspace.com/ - FUCKING OPEN DIRECTORY But wait, theres more! WTF IS UP WITH THESE FILE NAMES?? elkinsspace.com/catshit/ Tons of zips and files in here. Im afraid to download any. Again, could be total bullshit, but I'm finding the whole thing pretty strange to say the least….Anyone else want to poke around?
yeah.. i'm gonna email this guy and tell him his shit is open to the world. It may or may not be set up that way on purpose, but better safe than sorry.
Austin Wright
And i'm not fucking touching the email. Accessing an open site is one thing, accessing something with a stolen password is v& bait.
Parker Garcia
People know the risks and shield themselves accordingly, let it run in the background and see what will get collected.
Someone with no fear of death or jail time should download and post it all
Michael Phillips
Rhino anus has some pretty good tunes
Anthony Gutierrez
they're just generic rock. maybe some steganography in the sound files? no tags on the mp3s
Sebastian Foster
I mirrored the directory. I looked through the shit. It seems like a whole bunch of fucking nothing, but if you want to grab a copy and see for yourself:
It seems like a backup of some faggots music projects and shit. The email looked like a bunch of spam, but there may be something in there
Aaron Gray
Reminder these are the people we're dealing with.
Joshua Rivera
I'm wary of downloading, but there are ways to hide mp4s in mp3s I think, among other data. I know the sink threads in Holla Forums were actually cp threads that worked like that. You would open the sink image and mess around with it to reveal the illegal shit.
Nathan Flores
I'm becoming less and less impressed. Just an IT guy who is a decent musician.
Well then he likes or is Mike Elkins because he has his mp3s.
Carson Parker
These documents are from Stratfor, this is the dude that owns the pizza site. his name is Steve, he worked for Stratfor at the time of the email. He is the guy. He looks like a musician.
wtf part of my command got cut there should be a "no" between – and -parent at the end there. fucking kikeflare. anyway all the shit in that directory is boring as fuck
Matthew Morris
Ah, his brother or something is Mike. He has him listed as a reference.
Mike Elkins Elkins Media Productions, Austin, TX [email protected]/* */ (512) 657-3986
Mystery solved.
Liam Watson
So we found a guy who might be relevant to the FBI investigation into these emails and the pedophilia case
He must make the pedo vidyas and E-training on how to pedo better.
Owen Morales
Everywhere I look I see gutless fucking american pussies.
I swear USA wins most pusified nation hands down.
waaaaa i'll get in trouble waaaaa
Dominic Perry
Nicholas Harris
fine faggot you do it then.
Dominic Flores
Jace Morgan
Seems like a cool guy.
Cooper Bell
cant login they changed the pass for the emails it looks like. i dont care about the music stuff.
did anyone get a look at/see the emails? this originated from leddit and then was posted to cuckchan. monitoring those threads for developments cuz i think we were too l8 m8s.
Why do I get the feeling that everyone who opens that shit is going to get vanned for CP?
Michael Sanchez
Because it is likely that if FBI or NYPD do their jobs and connect HRC to a pedo ring this will be in there. I didn't download shit, but I followed the posts when this broke.
I got some of the info there. I can't find the halfchan links I read when this all broke
Here what I know from when this broke: *The Exif data on these pics is weird. The picture of the back of some ones head gives It's an address to 9400 Doliver Dr - according to this: hauziz.com/location/565378ea79c135fd5d10c021 (regex.info/exif.cgi?dummy=on&imgurl=http://elkinsspace.com/hairphoto.jpg) *All of these mp3 files are massive. we're talking 300+mb for mid quality MP3s. There is NO WAY it is just music. Unzipping in WinRar and 7-zip will cause a mysterious crash for a lot of the files. *'Waltz-Dickney23.tar.gz 26-Jun-2012 14:16 797M' gives instructions how to get on the Pizza List. However no one has posted screen shots or copy and pasted that file. *Converting one of the files from pdf to jpeg produces this image i.sli.mg/RPdfmh.png (sfw) *Lots of links to Strafor *Tools from OneBitWonder were found in some of the files. "img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1478/23/1478235162532.png" found inside .dmg file alastairs-place.net/blog/2009/03/24/identity-of-the/ *Exif data on Ikea photo 'elkinsspace.com/ikeaphoto.JPG' leads to these coordinates https:[email protected]/* */,-97.691364,17z *this was found in site source code