(((Media))) Says FBI Is Compromised. “The FBI is Trumpland”
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if FBI was pro-Trump then mister Wu would be in jail now
His name is flint.
The feelings mutual, kike.
is that stupid faggot STILL whining about goobergate?
how much salt can a single psychotic tranny generate? have we found the salt equivalent of cold fusion?
Professional victim, makes mad bux off brainwashed idiots
He's effectively paid over $100,000/yr to do this.
I thought people would have stopped caring by now.
aren't all the gamergate boards literally 0-poster dead?
Not sure if I should be furious, or impressed.
What a pretentious and faggy name. I can see why he turned into a piece of shit.
There are still gg threads on 8/v/ I think.
Wow, I'm actually getting really rustled over this.
never stopped since they started I believe, and I still think the death and rape count is zero, which is quite reasonable for rapist virgins who don't leave the basement
Why would the FBI have to prosecute anyone?
Wasn't gaymergayte just a bunch of pissed off anons at the gayification of video games?
games and gaymergayte looked pozzed from the getgo, so I never really understood it.
The FBI are compromised all right, but it's not in favor of the right wing
Let's be fair now. Some of them were Chinese
FBI Insider is real boys!
What I've seen during this campaign has crushed what little tolerance I still had for media outlets like the nyt. You're not alone by any means user.
Trips of truth.
Largely this is the case, but the reopening of Killary's investigation shows us there are still some agents with integrity in the ranks.
Most gg people were blind to the poz, most of them were shitlibs when it started. SJWs injecting identity politics into gaming redpills gamers tho, so it's giving the youth a direct line to identifying the digital Jew.
He's like a child star that never grows up. Gamergate was all he had. Now he's got nothing.
inb4 heroin overdose in dingy subway restroom stall.
It's poetry.
Also know as "America"
I'd guess they're few and far between especially given that the founders and leaders of a lot of the intelligence agencies in the US were actual communists, honestly the whole government needs to be built back from the ground up
Around where I live, the Forest Service has been responsible for the destruction of nearly all the region's old growth forests
The divisions for a civil war are starting to form.
It always starts that way
Within 6 months, they're ready to start the race war. All without physical training and without meeting times. All because of relentless shitposting and rare pepes. The best part is that our memes and ways are indecipherable, esoteric and down right frightening. You can feel their worry and butthurt when they say "hurr gb2 Holla Forums," or "ugh, Holla Forums ruins another thread." At this point, our enemies aren't even sjw, but the moderates and crypto-moderates that whine about both sides. I believe you can call them beta-cucks though.
Underrated post. Call it by it's real name, it's the only ethical thing to do, if you call it by it's tranny name you only enable it.
No fuck a bunch of cops and private eyes would hate Clinton and endorse an anti-corruption candidate.
Year of the Fire Monkey is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Sometimes I pinch myself
The very same article claims that the depth of FBI support for Trump may be greatly exaggerated. It's clickbait. Their 'current' agent is probably some SJW office outcast. I'd laugh if their FBI source turned out to be some LARPer from cuckchan or something.
Funny how they think people wanting to do their job right makes them Trump agents
did wu just bring the wrath of the trump curse down on himself?
God I hope so
There's no reasoning with the left anymore. Anybody with a shred of intelligence or decency has already bailed that ship. Time to sink it.
I agree, the FBI needs to persecute people during the Gamergate media scandal. Let's start with CON who are known pedophiles of which Brianna Wu is apart of. He should be in prison. Here are the chat log leaks of CON, as damning as Hillary's e-mails if not more >>>/gamergatehq/327075
It was mainly about media corruption. The shitstorm started when some cunt got an "of the year" award for a shitty non-game that barely had 20 mins of gameplay. Then everyone started digging and saw the extreme unethical collusion of nepotism, gross sexual favours, and their disgusting attempt to push retarded agendas where it doesn't belong. Games were never really pozzed, not anywhere close to like today, in fact they just plain didn't care and that's how it should have been. Now games like Duke Nukem and Mortal Kombat even Animal Crossing (I'm not joking, the SJWs are nuts) are deemed "problematic" like it's Thomson era again except this time they somehow succeeded but it's more or less all the same.
The election itself might as well be a godsend since it woke up hundreds of millions to how corrupt and biased the media is to normal people to the point the average trust in the media s a measly 4-5%. GG can pat itself on the back for being pioneers in the mass charge against the media.
Looking toward the future, Generation Z seems to be the least pozzed generation since the 30s generation. The REALLY hate SJWs and their bullshit. At least we have that to look forward to.
We see other public servants getting jailed for doing FAR LESS than the crimes Hillary committed. Letting her get away would be a permanent stain on the FBI's reputation in history. Imagine if an FBI agent or official themselves did even 1/100th of the things Hillary has done. They'd be locked up for years and years. The FBI needs to set their foot down and realise not even the elite and oligarchy are above the law. She better get a sentence worse than Madoff because even Madoff didn't purposely kill people as far as I know.
What mental gymnastics led you to include that, cuck?
Who do you think runs the interracial and pedo spam bots?
Hint: It's not the CIAnons or FBIanons
Yeah, stellar source, Literally Wu.
You lost me
This is no fun. I was hoping they would claim that the FBI works for Putin now. That would be really funny.
The other option is to ask why he stole flint's concepts and made a shitty game from them when the concepts were not his.
NSAnons you fucking faggot
So… FBI, what's going on? Where are the fireworks? It's now Thursday.
The intelligence community hates Hillary, doofus.
Goons, /r/SRS and other redditumblretards, trolls, CON (see chat logs here proving they spammed Child Pornography on Holla Forums >>>/gamergatehq/327075) and possibly (you).
Anyone have the pic psychicpebbles and oney made of wu?
When will FBI mutiny?
Does that make the CIA clintonville?
Archive that please, we need that for after the election, so that he never gets a job anywhere in the mainland ever again.
that was when he was getting $8k/mo from Patreon… but that month included $5k from daddy.
to these schizo's, everything is gamergate
Here's two
Believe it or not, this isn't about you. I know. Weird, right?
Don't CIA and FBI hate each other's guts?
that's too bad where Sheit is concerned tbh fam
The CIA is the enforcement arm of the Bushclinton Mafia essentially.
This is why weebs need to be permab& tbh. Weed them out before they grow and become an even bigger nuisance.
that's what FBI insider user told some time ago
that cancer has already taken hold
If the fervor and haughtiness of our our enemies wasn't as great, would we have ever made it here?
You know you're on an anime imageboard, right goon?
/r/ing the NSA recruitment webm
What's funny is that weebs can't even coherently justify their own existence on Holla Forums.
I can tell you why NatSoc belongs here.
I can tell you why Trump belongs here.
I can even tell you why something like Kek belongs here.
But the only explanation you'll get out of a weeb is an unwarranted sense of condescension towards anyone who doesn't agree with their foreign culture worship on an explicitly white board.
So can you explain it to me? Can you properly explain why anime is a non-negotiable part of Holla Forums culture? It seems like all you guys do is cause shit and lower overall quality of every board you inhabit. But maybe you can sway my mind.
ultimate kek
Nobody believes a single word from the media and LWuu is so bat shit crazy that not even the SJW cultist want him around
I can't believe these lunatics still fail to realize how much they are despised
People will be more likelly to do the oposite of what any of these morons say, not because it is the right thing to do, but because they hate these idiots so much they want to do everything they can to show them the middle finger
It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that the FBI hires people based on merit and not identity, wold it?
I really wish I lived near a kike hive sometimes.
Because weebtoons are infinitely better than Pedowood shit.
Because many of us, like me, have been around since the early days of Holla Forums.
Because weebs are the progenitors of the majority of this board's culture.
Because it's an instant trigger to most SJW spergs.
That can't be right, FBI covered up the Foster case.
……. We need a war.
what the fuck, user.
Burn them!
Oy vey! That's anti-semitic!
Thats the pics.
I suggest making flint rat himself out as a tranny not that it is not apparent to anyone that he is not a she. Looks more like the crypt keeper pre death because it is even funnier.
check the file name. Shit's from so long ago that Demotivation macros were the order of the day on Holla Forums
stop posting that degenerate. Video for a reminder
It's best to leave cancer of that magnitude in the past.
Trump is the law and order candidate.
I just posted it to prove a point - weeaboo is board culture. And an argument from culture and tradition on Holla Forums of all places should carry weight.
If clinton wins fbi will becom full pozzed
You seem bothered, user
The FBI is so fucking based. We're taking this country back from the kikes. Just imagine how much the FBI truly knows about the level of international kikery that is plaguing our nation.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves…. there's a big landfill of shit to clean up ahead of us. Let's see if they really do something substantive to help.
Don't shout victory just yet, bitch is still lose.
The left wants the FBI to be America's stasi.
That's why they are so upset.
Holy shit its like fucking a lefty ridden shithole, but with racial bullshit and total disregard over the positive popular opinion on top
Are you really asking such a stupid question after seing how much Smug animu gurls trigger SJWs?
Are you really that unaware that the main reason people like waifus is because they are a representation of feminity in it's purest undiluted form? something that is very hard to come by IRL and something that Holla Forums is fighting to bring back
Are you really so hell bent on purging people because they take part in Animu and Vydia culture wich are 2 of the biggest parts of the cultural zeigheist?
Would you really purge the only subculture that have succesfully managed to fight back against Postmodernism and other forms of Cultural Marxism?
Top Kek
anons have neither race, gender nor identity other than our ID tags,
The white supremasy in this board is a way to fight against kike infiltration and subvertion but even still there plenty of chinks, niggers and spics lurking here who all suport National Socialist ideals and want to improve their respective races
Holla Forums is about self improvement of oneself and their nation while fighting against kike subvertion by spreading the info they want to burry, If you want a fully white supremasits group then go to Stromfront
[Inspiring Dubstep Music]
You're supposed to gas the kikes before stuffing them into the oven
gg son
It seems the Jew fears more than just the Samurai. White truck drivers are also scary.
Look at the speech bubble in your image m8.
Are they literally trying to shame and bully the fucking FBI?
Are these people delusional?
It's almost like America is predominantly white or something.
So close.
This account must be face. This must be the most exquisite of satires.
Don't you wish. No, they literally want all non-rich whites to vanish from the earth.
PR be damned, 'John Flynt needs to be on the front page of /cow/ from now until forever.
They are really grasping for every dumb shit they can.
That's extremely funny. The CIA fucking hates Bush/Cheney/other Neocon incompetents. They were practically at war with the White House from 2002 to 2008. Their director was cucked, but he's a political hire and nobody real there gives a fuck who the boss is. The career spooks were beyond furious about Valerie Plame, and they've always been jealous and twitchy about the DIA and NSA crowding them.
It came down to turf - The CIA was the premiere civilian intelligence agency in Washington before the Bushfags. The neocons were so up the ass of the military (Cheney, Rumsfeld, (((Wolfowitz)))) that they shifted attention and resources over there, rather than to Langley. This was a bureaucratic ouchie, done with the smoothness we grew to love out of those autists, but it could have been papered over and forgotten eventually. . . if it hadn't been for 9/11.
(((9/11))) simply couldn't be the fault of a Bush preserve like Defense or State, so somebody had to take the fall. It wasn't going to be the National Security Adviser, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be anybody in the DIA or Air Force; that left the CIA and unnamed "intelligence failures." Worse, they took the blame for "faulty intelligence" when Bush drove our Porsche into a tree in Iraq.
The next thing you know, there are leaks all over the fucking place about how the intelligence was fixed to invade Iraq, Bush didn't have a plan, the Surge was failing, al Qaeda was in Iraq, Bush tried to assassinate journalists at al Jazeera, etc. It was a cascade of secrets aimed at fucking over Bush and his friends and getting revenge for treating them like streetwalkers.
Get your head straight, user
Hmm. I see your point, especially re: the whole Valerie Plame thing. But isn't the CIA the one that ultimately manages heroin production in Afghanistan and its transfer to Kosovo? Isn't the CIA balls deep in the organ trafficking? And the CIA is the ones who were gun running to Daesh through Benghazi, and they're the point men for all this sponsorship of radical Islamic terrorism or at least that's what I've longed believed.
I mean I'm sure the CIA has a bunch of desk jockeys too who read foreign news with their dicks in their hands. The analysts and on-the-ground observers are obviously not going to be a crew that takes kindly to the bullshit the Bushclinton Clan pulls all over the world. I may be out of my element here. Does the CIA have factions perhaps?
A couple days ago, someone posted a version of this with an obese cartoon nazi dancing behind the door. It was hilarious, and I though I saved it, but I can't find it. Anyone have it?
Foreignpolicy mag is garbage. There's a "paywall" you can circumvent simply by reloading the page.
It must be tongue-in-cheek
jews attacking the fbi is a good thing along with spooks lurking on pol, red pills + confirmation = red pilled spooks.
All he had to do was chop his dick off to get that money.
Lesson #1: Everything has factions. Even this thread is split between NatSocs and Weebs. Now imagine we were getting paid for our opinions and we all went to Georgetown.
As for the CIA and heroin, they turn a blind eye to the traffic when it's "friendlies" running it out through Pakistan. ISI gets a taste, CIA gets intel about the Taliban or whatever deminiggers we're at war with now. Don't imagine big boats labeled "Cargo Into America" shipping smack. That's way too hands-on and the CIA is staffed with huge squares who don't approve of that sort of thing. Believe it or not, they're mostly boring people who could quit their jobs today and start selling insurance tomorrow, not swashbuckling assassins.
I have no information about their role, if any, in organ traffic, though I know China is the main supplier, which makes me think there must be a lot of Have You Seen Me? posters in Africa.
I highly doubt the CIA is aiding Daesh. If anything, this is another front in the turf war the CIA is fighting. ISIS is supported by Qatar and the Saudis, while CIA has decades of experience in Kurdistan. The Turkey-Gulf State-Israel alliance hates the Kurds, but I'll bet there's still a lingering respect for them at the CIA. They also know Iran is not to be fucked with, but have had to listen to ignorant shitwit politicians rattle the saber at them for years and years. It must be like having to watch your fat neighbor masturbate by this point.
CIA definitely had men in Benghazi. State was leaning on them to do the wet work against Qaddaffi, and they had to go out into the stinking hot shithole desert to "work with" a bunch of lazy nigger Arabs whose only good aspect was that they were fractionally less vile than the supernigger mercenaries Qaddaffi hired to defend him. Of course, after the "victory," the superniggers didn't get paid - funny how a dead Qaddaffi doesn't pay his bills - and they went on a tear across west Africa until they hit Mali, where they were Black Flagged by the French Foreign Legion, of all things. So, the CIA paramilitaries didn't exactly cover themselves with glory in Libya, and they probably blame Hillary Clinton.
You know he didn't have the balls to chop them off. At most he's on hormones. This gender shit is larping to all of them who aren't completely insane. You can tell them because they usually kill them selves in their late teen or 20s.
No, that's cuckchan. You need to go back.
Yes, on cuckchan. Keep that shit there or fuck off. There are no SJWs here to trigger.
Grow the fuck up. I'm a fag and reading most of the 'threats' (e.g swamp, DOTR etc) doesn't faze me and it especially shouldn't faze you.
Normies, simply put, don't go here. And when they do, if they post, they're found out far easier than they are on 4pol (see: CTR), so there isn't much of a reason to shitpost anime.
In fact, shitposting anime is just going to bury the more important information that anons have posted.
Can we please go back to the happening threads and actually do something of value? Polite sage because this effortpost is actually a shitpost in disguise.
Except J Egdar Hoover who fucking hated Commies.
And William Casey, who thought Mussolini would have made a great president. Or Dulles, who blew the July 20 plot by broadcasting the conspirators' names in the clear.
I take everything back, please gas me, anons, I'm clearly not worthy of living
You don't live in mid-20th century Italy
user, please.
I just wanted to see those words in Hebrew.
what did the snipping tool mean by this?
Fuck if I know. I don't read Jew.
Seems Johnny boy is as desperate for attention as ever.
google translate
I meant the way it highlighted, but I figured it out. It's backwards, much like the Jews themselves. Go figure.
Wow, it's fucking nothing. What world do these people live in where a few people daring to speak publicly about voting for Trump makes a workplace "Trumplandia?"
Pretty ironic considering this person lied on national media outlets in multiple countries.
Anyone investigating this person would see histrionics and mental illness and then wonder why the media seems so keen on supporting them and giving them platform.
Another irony is this person slags off at men and white people when that's actually what they are and tries to speak from a female perspective when they aren't even a real female.
Quite an analysis. You're definitely convincing me to rethink some of my assumptions. Pretty dumb to move against Qaddafi, though, especially after the example that was made of Saddam and how successful that wasn't.
>there are people in this thread right now that think that "TURKS" in FFVII is a plural term rather than a term like SOLDIER that refers to the organisation, its staff and each individual member; eg. "Elena, you're a TURKS. Don't forget that." - Rufus
Take your sperg elsewhere please.
is that why Comey, Obama appointment, let her off the hook earlier?
For what? For speaking their mind?
This whooooore
I won't say I don't admire your level of autism. Have a TURKS.
That's a man, baby.
I thought she was cute. Figures she'd have to do the gender equivalent of setting herself on fire because she's that broken and lost as a person.
It's because white people join the FBI to actually enforce laws.
The ability to alter course in the face of information is what sets us apart from niggers, user. Also, we work and pay taxes and don't get pregnant at twelve
Don't confuse me with an expert, though. I'm just a writer who likes to stay in touch with my quarry, and the federal alphabet soup gives me a lot to work with.
As for why the Big Q had to go, who knows? Officially, it was because of the pissed off relatives of some jihadi cunts he had massacred in 1996. There's a lot of truth in that, at least on the ground, where the run of the mill camel fuckers were operating. But there are rumors galore about Qaddaffi getting whacked for trying to break the dollar hegemony and introduce a gold-backed African nigger ruble. I wouldn't take that too seriously. Even if he really meant it, and even if the State Department shit itself with fear over it, it would never have happened. No head of state had a worse track record of international deals falling through than Qaddaffi. Everything he ever touched outside of Libya turned to shit right away, from the United Arab Republic in 1967, to his pan-African shit in the '80s, to the international terror movements he dramatically failed to start in the '90s. Everybody was happy to take the kook's oil money, but nobody took him seriously enough to shift their national economies around or make an enemy of the US on his say-so.
For my money, I'll bet his fall was a combination of pissed-off jihadis on the ground, Western spooks trying to spread the Arab Spring and turn North Africa into Massachusetts, and some Egyptians with high spirits who thought they could lurch across the border for some quick fun and profit. I'll bet the Israelis were thrilled too, shortsighted dipshits that they are.
I'll take it.
John, pls.
What? Why?
There's an old blogpost of him talking about how his gash wouldn't stop bleeding post-op
Not just that, wages at the bureau fucking sucks, many cops make more in a year than most fbi agents, specially cops in frisco who make $80k a year
So basically if you want to be a fed you have to really fucking want it because theres no money in it, you do it for your country
Probably the (((media))).
Alright let's put this thread out of its misery
It could be worse, user. You could be a britbong stuck in a pointless tech job with no way to contribute to –national security– because I'm probably on at least 7 watchlists by this point
Yeah his Chad tee hee hee invasion was nothing to write home about. I always kind of liked Qaddafi; he was a flamboyant narcissist who never took shit from anybody, and was followed around by his "Amazon Guard" who he probably banged seven times a day. He sure knew his priorities. Pisses me off to think of how he died. Sometimes I almost feel the cold steel of the knife myself, when I'm having a bad moment. At least Saddam died clean and brave, like a man.
Because the FBI spied on people who were opposed to the war in Iraq.
Basically smoked pot, realized it didn't turn me into a mass murdering killcrazy lunatic, realized that 95% of everything every authority figure had ever told me in life was a fucking lie.
Remember, trannies need to constantly force their wound open like a septic piercing, or it'll heal.
FBI you are drunk. That's legal, so carry on.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
FBI agents who rate G10 make $43,000 a year, plus a COLA that can go as high as 28 percent higher. Stick around, though, and you'll make it up the ladder to higher GS grades and retire with one of the fattest and safest pensions around. They also get "availability pay" for being on-call around the clock. That's another 25 percent. A GS15 with 20 years of experience makes about $130,000, base salary, plus cost-of-living allowance, which makes about $175,000 in San Francisco. Add the availability bonus, and we're talking about $220,000 gross.
You can go ahead and kill yourself.
Technically this post should be "Call it John."
Brianna is the tranny name. Wu is the gay married name.
At the risk of self-doxxing, I just had an article about him published two days ago.
Well, it mattered to me. It mattered to me enough that I'm here, now, desperately hunting the truth in return for some unfixable scars and literally nothing else. I'm not going to lie it mattered to me a lot that all that shit that was shoved into my head about LMAO WEED was a lie. I think people should be told the truth and given the tools to judge the risks for themselves, because life is hard enough even when there isn't a Big Pharma profit conspiracy shitting on your head.
If anybody sees this man in the street, Please punch him in the face.
For all we know, you are the proprietor of the twitter account in question.
What's wrong with this guy?
He is a kike not a white.
…. I literally did not know this until this moment. I was off the chans the entire period while gg was happening, I was too obsessed with Zero Hedge. Fuck me. It's a tranny? Fucking Hell fuck me goddamn it my shame is the shame that shakes the heavens
Has anyone confirmed this?
Allow me to translate how good goys are supposed to read that:
Checking his dick now. Stand by. . .
It's a twitter account, who the fuck knows? Who are you going to call, the internet police?
The fact that this fooled you and that you thought it was "kinda cute" should be a strong indication that you are in fact a faggot.
Are you going to tell me next that your life was also irreparably changed when you found out that Santa Claus doesn't exist? Or when it turned out kissing girls doesn't give you cooties? Or that masturbating doesn't really make your dick fall off?
Get the fuck over it, come on.
I only ever saw low rez pics with cute lavender hair. The salt I am experiencing right now could fund a Roman legion for a decade.
Come on now. He spells his first name binyamin and has a beef with white people for fuck sake. Of course he is a kike.
That Asuka agent picture, that's a photoshop, right?
Pretty impressive for a disembodied twitter account to get a job as the washington correspondent for the new york times
People that smart who do things for the money end up being investigated by the FBI, not investigators for the FBI eh heh.
Stop the h8, m8.
Who knows? Maybe finding out that Santa doesn't exist was the very first redpill for some anons, kek
The DOJ is definitely Demville.
Look on the bright side, user. You could have run into the freak in a dimly lit bar while you were high as fuck on E.
In your defence, he always hides his face behind giant sunglasses, and uses angles, poses and extreme filters to disguise his disgusting tranny face. Sadly, when he thought he was going to get famous, he had to lose these and reveal his hideous face to the world. And even if he did pass, his voice is a complete dead giveaway.
There is no archive link to the tweet. I see a .png
Anyone have the jew vs white vs asian over-representation in colleges graphic?
That sounds stressful.
Who the fuck are you? Oh well, what does it matter; I won't lol at your college humor imprint if you don't send me to the nigger rape cage for having tried E and liked it every once in awhile. I've never taken enough drugs to fuck that thing at least.
oh wait here's one
One can also infer from the graph presented that white people are pretending to be jews.
>The body is a vehicle in the service of the Volk, user. Just as a fighter jet will not fight well if its fuel tank is full of water, you will not be /fit/ for service if your blood is contaminated with Jewish vitamins like ecstasy. Maybe one day, our white heirs will enjoy the luxury to experiment in a society that will gently guard them while they trip, but our duty is to build that world for them, and that takes clarity and strength.
Says the fat fuck who smokes a pack a day
If most of the people in the fucking fbi are rallying behind trump and calling hillary the antichrist, perhaps you should take a moment to listen to what they have to say.
Of course these are brainwashed idiots and the (((unbiased media))) so it doesn't matter what the facts are.
Hillary could literally have devil horns and a forked tongue and you'd just be called a sexist for pointing this out.
The media is in bed with her and her supporters don't care about the facts or truth.
They don't respect themselves, and since they don't, they can't respect any person or institution either. Even in my darkest days I had faith the FBI was busting up child rape rings and terrorist cells, even when I'd totally lost confidence in the overall government. All respect from other people grows out of self-respect. And self-respect is exactly what these people have none of, as bad as we are, they spill their spaghetti with every breath they take.
Knowing that magic mushrooms cure cluster headaches, or at least treat them for 6-12 months at a time, is pretty fucking redpilling. So many people could be helped if the government was honest for 5 minutes. It makes me bitter as hell to know people suffer from "suicide headaches" that could be treated if only our betters would step out of the way and tell a little bit of the truth.
Should be in here somewhere
The Jewish Path to Success: Nepotism
It's not just a meme, but the cold reality that jews overtly discriminate against whites while whites show no discrimination in return. As a result, Jews retain exclusive control over industries by extreme discrimination and outright nepotism (media, hollywood, banking/finance, law).
This might be what you're looking for
It just goes to show no matter how well white treat Jews or how many times whites save them, it means nothing. They are evil to the core.
Oh and here's a bonus, look at how "white" Hollywood really is (whites are underrepresented, Jews and Blacks are the only ones over-represented. Other races might as well not exist in hymiewood, interesting enough.)
U wot m8?
This has been known in the medical/psych community for at least 20 years. Nobody knows why shrooms treat cluster headaches but they sure as shit do. But our betters have decided that wisdom isn't fit for proles, just like they decided that pot doesn't treat cancer and E doesn't treat PTSD.
'Shrooms make you reevaluate the things you have always taken for granted. You can imagine why kikes hate that. It's as if you're in contact with Radio Free Albemuth, and (((they))) have to shoot down the satellite. I have a great deal of patience for some hallucinogens. They're not toxic like booze, they don't seem to be addictive, and they don't turn you into a nigger like PCP or bath salts. Still, be careful, user. You know what they say about too much of anything. [Pic related]
I'm always going to be suspicious of the FBI no matter how many friendly people we have on the inside. They have a long track record of infiltrating and shutting down movements like ours. We should be very weary about trusting them and need to understand that we're begin used as a tool for their short term goals. The day they no longer need Holla Forums is the day they'll cast us aside and start the long process of trying to destroy us.
This weak D&C didn't work in the countless Holla Forums raids, why do you think it'll work now? An attraction to Japanese traditions was the first redpill for many oldfags and smug anime girls are as much a part of our shared culture here as any come lately meme you listed. Perhaps you should go back to where ever it is you came from.
Noticing any of this makes you a racist, goy.
One could do that, but one would also look nonsensical.
reminder that these kikes want us DEAD and they want our children DEAD.
Never forget this fact.
This is the reality of vice in general. Many things which are pleasurable in the short term (sex, gambling, food, drink, drugs) can and do take over and ruin people's lives. At the same time, most of them are not significantly harmful when enjoyed sparingly. Addiction is the evil, but because we haven't found very reliable methods for allowing use and targeting only abuse, most regulation of vice takes the form of blanket restrictions or outright bans.
JIDF boasting, we only need to kill the kikes. There won't be any race war beyond that, it's futile. The race/gender/religion baiting is largely done by jews. Get rid of them and SJWism, BLM, atheism etc. will die within a generation.
That was a simpler time. A time where little girls ate their corm and they liked it.
This can't be real. Who is this. This has to be a ruse.
FBI now racist sexists for going after Hillary. I can't wait until the chopped up bodies of sexually abused children that are being turned into Epstein's fertilizer are also called sexist, racist, and Hillary-haters.
I have no face to react with
See what you did there, christfag. Nobody will need kike bedtime stories in the New Order. Atheism will die, after a fashion, just as nobody currently needs to announce that they don't believe in Snuffleupagus, so nonbelievers will be fractionally less faggy about it, but if you think a NatSoc society is compatible with heebie carpenters. . .
. . . I'll just stop here. I've seen too many threads light up after something like this.
They're going to push to poz the FBI just like they did with the military.
I don't know what you're talking about, user.
The FBI may be immune, or at least resistant. Not only are they still sniffing their own farts from the good old days of Director Hoover, a lot of them are also middle aged oldfags whose kids have been driving them nuts with this SJW shit for years now. Also, I would love to know how many informants they have in every BLM chapter in America. Shit, it's statistically likely that at least one BLM chapter is entirely FBI informants.
They know the score.
The niggers and spics hate whites as much as the kikes. You know nothing if you don't want them at least in their own country, if not wiped entirely.
Rogan pls go
Except it is logical.The first two categories have the same ratios. Take the discrepancy between the other two, apply the same distribution to the third category and apply the difference in red column, third category, to the fourth category, it would be equivalent to the other three in distribution.
In 2007, FBI investigate 4chan
but in 2016, Holla Forums investigates FBI!
What a country! ehhhhh, hehehe
Does this Wu-thing ever not tie everything back to gamergate and it's own perceived victim hood?
Seriously, this is like the 20th time it's tried to tie random, unrelated stories back to itself.
It's not the muslims banning Christmas in Sweden, user. It's people pretending to be offended by it all, 'just in case'.
There won't be any. Revolutions in the west are impossible, the people are pacified. East is becoming more and more Christian.
I won't derail further, but I'm going to tell you that you are using a wrong definition for God. Ie. you are disbelieving in a straw god, which is what everybody has always done, with the exceptions of lesser folk, like proletariat.
I'm less likely to assume the grey's pronouns
Ever wondered why? It might have something to do with (((western))) propaganda aimed against the west? Hmm.
Jew Quest. Like Duck Tales?
Said every dead autocrat ever.
I think the Ayys would turn around never come back if the first earthling they encountered was Wu.
ayy lmao irl
Even if you do that, it still means they accept people who say they're jews preferably. They would have to change to a jewish last name for preference, and I doubt this is happening.
So who the fuck is Laura Silsby?
I liked my joke better.
A human (child) trafficker Hillary helped out.
Well they just signed their death warrants. People are seeing their wilful ignorance of facts.
Such as the fact that it would be the workers, not the commanders, that forced this investigation. Why is that important - because they clearly got tired with serving a person trying to cover things up. They saw the evidence and knew what was really going on.
That's "fbi manipulation" according to the media.
Never mind clinton's quid pro quo though. That never happened :^)
Day of the rope when?
Rome didn't have all that many revolutions, because the establishment had pacified the people. Institutions within the system could, and would, grab power. Say, the army, the dynasty, the bureaucrats…
That's what Trump is, that's what FBI/CIA/ADL is. West is ill prepared to face off an exterior force, despite governmental push, the readiness for war with Russia is zero. It's not because the plebs don't believe the propaganda, it's because they are so out of touch. If you expect anything bigger than Brexit or the wall, you will be disillusioned by the fact that your desires don't drive the world.
The Jew cries in pain as he beats you, user.
Go after Hillary because leaks have shown she is extremely criminal? That's sexist!
Go after George Soros and globalist bankers without once even mentioning Jews? Anti-semite!
Go after that Hispanic/Asian/Native/Black after they raped and murdered a white woman, beat an old woman asking for directions to death, rob and assault a store owner, or sold US secrets to foreign nations endangering millions? That's racist!
So this is the modern defense strategy, huh? I wonder what we shall call it but the more they overuse it, the less people will care. The liberal that cried wolf.
Oh and the irony that the people who generally say this, they're fucking white males in positions of power! They might as well kill themselves to free up more slots for women. Practice what you preach, liberals.
So it is foolish to think they'd be ready to kill their neighbor when somebody just said 'now!'
So they're focusing on the fbi's demographics?
Can we highlight the disproportionate jewish representation in news media now?
Oh and i wonder how many fbi members are jewish.
I'm so glad I have been buying all this rope.
The police only track you if you buy duct tape along with it. Damn cheerleaders
jesus fuck, it looks like Zelda from Pet Semetery
Already happened, user. To many of us. I'll bet there was a time in a lot of Holla Forumsacks' lives when being accused of racism or sexism would totally damning. Now we laugh at the accusation, and ask them to explain how a cartoon frog is racist.
Yes. In 1,000 years, they only overthrew the Etruscans, their king, the Republic, their first dictator, and Nero. They only had about thirty civil wars and maybe five foiled coups against the Senate. The people never dragged the Tribune of the Plebs off of a stage and threw him in dung, or barged into the Consul's house and threatened him with swords, or murdered an unpopular bishop.
Back to LARPing, faggot-virus.
Oh, and Spartacus.
this fucking kike
this fucking kike
have a non-ironic hi FBI?
When hollywood wants to make someone look evil they make them extra kikey
Jews know their disgusting and vile to normal people
Comes straight from the comic book. Frank Miller knew what he drawing.
Another nation entirely. Not a revolution.
LATE Rome. Not the early one that thrived, but the dying one full of barbarians and decadence. You speak of times before they had bread&circus going around.
Again, before they got lazy.
Coup by Julius' son, hardly counts as a revolution.
Coup =/= revolution.
The only, and I repeat, the only way to get plebs to even bother about politics is either through war, religion or the lack of food. No other scenario will make them rise up. All kinds of opportunities were thrown at you, be it Bundy farm, different shootings, Clinton E-mails or whatever. What's the reaction? Voting, and even that, barely. You are 60% white, there hasn't been a race war yet.
t. 99% white nation.
GG, sperg.
Yeah but the the niggers and spics hate each other even more than they hate whites. In polls they have the highest amount of racial tensions of any race. The niggers also hate kikes to hell and wish every jew ended up like that kike in the crown heights riots. The spics have no love or are for Israel. It's all coming down coming down..
pretty much this
stop fapping to anime son, your hard drive is full of it
Whatever. Your bullshit speaks for itself.
Yeah, texans are renowned for their hebraic ways
Yet all I said was "Kill all the jews, the rest will fix itself."
I even said in my first post that they did, in fact, change their government via institutions power grabbing. Do read my posts.
Give me a job and I promise to fix up look sharp. Do you habe any idea how hard it is out here for a nigger?
You're right in that normalfags will not revolt when they are well fed. Guess what user no one is going hungry the Government saw well to that. You'll see stats about it but they're lies hidden behind gibs and charity, there is no shortage of food. Also you need to understand that 60% white means 90%+ white in almost every rural area. Most normalfags don't even intermingle with other races or religions on a daily basis if they live outside of a city.
All those things you listed weren't enough to spark off anything major. Normalfags either ignored it or saw it for what it was and moved on. There has been a general shift to our beliefs and more and more normalfags becoming pissed about the state of things but it just hasn't gotten to the point where they're ready to pick up guns and follow yet.
Compare the numbers we have now to four years ago, compare that to 2008. We're making good progress.
The right time hasn't come yet.
Can't let this one go. Rome had a king BEFORE the Republic, shit for brains. They overthrew the monarchy hundreds of years before the Empire got started. It began a political tradition of violent revolution in Rome that every patrician was keenly aware of. In fact, Rome was notable among civilizations for the frequency with which its government toppled.
Look, it's okay to be ignorant. That's what Holla Forums is here for, okay? Just lurk in the shadows like the irredeemable Jew you probably are, and sooner or later you'll get the hang of only talking about things you know, rather than things other people know, which is a fraught business.
The Fenian conspiracy raises its ugly head again!
Good news user, your taste is still shit but you're probably attracted to women. Do something about your fucking taste before you embarrass yourself again.
Yeah, it will be a development. Perhaps you will clean house, but it won't be a 1933. Thinking it will be is delusion. Current memes don't allow it, especially the Internet memes, which go against all sense of importance - and as such, contribute to show the decadence.
That's the thing I was referring to. Obviously all allegories of modern society to Rome would, you know, deal with LATE Rome, since it was dying like our society is. Oh, and I don't mean 15th century Byzantium.
Speak for yourself. I would throw myself into a hail of gunfire if Trump asks me to in a few days. I have literally no reason not to
I would welcome it too user but the hordes of people just on the cusp of feeling that way will not follow. The day shall come soon.
You don't even have to be desperate or without a reason to live. America has an ideological commitment to overthrowing obvious tyranny. The catch is that you have to look like you're winning the whole time, or the normalfags jump ship like they did in the Whiskey rebellion (Hey, user! I just found a revolt that didn't require war, religion, or starvation!!!!!) or the Civil War (Another revolt that started in peacetime and without economic hardship!!!!! Pretty crazy, huh?)
If I looked like this, I swear to god I'd go around at night fucking with people. I'd probably get shot, but that wouldn't be too bad. I just couldn't resist seeing people's reactions when they catch sight of me in flowing robes in their yards, peering through their windows.
If you define peace time as half the Government doing everything in their power to piss off the other half while they attempted to starve them out through unfair business practices then sure.
The Civil War was fought to strip the states of their individual rights. Any talk of slavery or how good the times were is just bullshit.
anytime i see anyone posting about how the natives were here first & we were all immigrants dont build a wall bullshit I like to say
"just think if they had a decent immigrantion policy this would still be their country" shuts them down every time.
You know I do? Pretty wild, huh? Like Shay's Revolt and the uprisings all over Europe in 1830 and 1848. Also the Texan revolt against Mexico or the Boer uprising of 1898 and the other one in 1916. What about Amritsar, in 1927? Or the 1857 Mutiny in India? Or the HUK uprising? FARC? Shining Path? The revolt of the peasants in Hunan Province? The NPA uprising in Bok-Bok land? The Mao Mao?
into the bog you go
That's not what it means. The comic shows that we're inviting a similar fate onto ourselves as what happened to the injuns if we let immigration run rampant.
The frustrating thing is that if I could keep my spaghetti in my pockets I probably wouldn't be in this mess. but it spills everywhere when I try to walk.
Wont lie, if an E.T. demon girl jumped me i would shoot "it"
Today i got night sights cuz my gook eyes have trouble in low light.
Hmm I probably hit it.
Not the tranny but the burned victim with facial reconstruction.
Same here.
By all accounts my life is pretty successful - conservative-leaning qt gf. final year medstudent, $100k savings etc - but life just feels fucking meaningless. If there was a revolution or putsch with any chance to genuinely improve the world then I'd be first to reach for the gun cabinet. Training for that contingency is exactly why I enlisted with the national guard.
But until that day I'm just going to continue as I am - shaping myself into the greatest man I can be, subtly showing my friends/colleagues the redpill and eventually having a big family of white children to raise properly. Maybe one day I'll run for some government position or get a job in the bureaucracy but we'll see.
Checked and keked.
Saved the 1st pic as
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. You stop trying to trigger them and they suddenly think they're not only welcome but that they own the place. Now fuck off, goon.
Coming from the media, Clintonland, that's fucking rich. I remember when until a month ago they were all saying that the republicans criticizing Comey were undermining the democracy. What a bunch of lying pieces of shit
That's the UAE ship that got BTFO by Yemeni? Not too shabby. I had assumed it sank.
See! His on statement is proof that the only way to get justice is to ensure all hires are middle aged white men only. Problem solved. Use his tweet as proof now.
You should try reading books instead of watching the electric jew all day. Read the classics, learn about the culture of your race.
My only question is what is up with this chick's back/legs? What's the deal with her posture? Is her spine a pretzel or something?
My condolences, m8…
rose ♥
Nobody not even tranny wu himself thinks he is cute
How many agents make that much? whats the average salary for a fed?
One of the reason full/pol/ was formed along with /fringe/ is because the turkroach mods in cuck/pol/ were banning ebola-chan, the mother of mememagic.
Do your homework first next time, freech.
John flynt is actually one of those faggots that wilt and die when they dont get attention
You mean a faggot?
Some faggots are better not ignored, most jews for example.
more nostalgia plox
Here user, it's the picture in the post he linked
It is relevant to current events to note that the Media is basically a collection of middle-aged Jewsish men.
Anyone reply this, my psyops twatter account is shoahd.
Well it evens out considering how many eminently killable libshits seem to infest the CIA/NSA.
some people love traps user
The Clinton campaign got that memo out to the lugenpress quickly didn't they?
I'll never forget that original.
So, how much of that 83% is "White" Jewish?
Can anybody who uses twitter ask him the percentage of (((whites))) that where Jewish?
Lol, the macro reminds me of one of my nieces, only instead of the table he bites the back of his hand when he is frustrated. He is twelve now and still does it.
Did his fall have nothing to do with his new gold standard currency lad?
Reeeee come on chap.
some OC for u bois
English is not my native language.