How long until someone writes a script that uses this and a text-to-speech robodialler to steal millions of phone numbers through social engineering Verizon's support line?
Americlap phone networks confirmed botnet
That's your job mate
I'm 10 and only just heard of such things!
Before your Dad even beat off for the first time:
AT&T wuz the good guys an sheeit bruh! They gave us D'anus Reachie and Kayin Tombstone! They gave us YOUNIX and the C code language! Dem white folks at da universities been libin in cabes and speakin binary when dey inventd da combudah. D'anus done built da PDP-11 in he's sleep an sheeit. Witout D'anus, we be scratchin binary on da cabe walls.
You had to let Holla Forums know you're not an American because.....? Oh right you wanted to start a shitstorm
You're an idiot if you think this is exclusive to American telecoms
All it takes is one url to prove otherwise. You mad?
Where did you come from and why are you here? Lurk some more faggot.
Enjoy your botnets, faggots.
There's a link to a fucking ajax api right there in the OP and the best retort you can come up with when challenged over "muh other countreeeees" bullshit is to immediately sperg out and start calling people faggots while spamming the thread with chink cartoon memes. Triggered much?
fucking noob
it's a CIAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnigga
Derailing conversations every day.
doesn't work without javascript
You don't deserve those Hitler dubs. It isn't my job to prove something that everyone that has been paying attention for decades already knows. How about you come with some proof that the entire world isn't a botnet.
There you go CIAnigger I spoon fed you. Now GTFO.
Enjoy having terrible reception and lack of long term use!
If you actually know what you're talking about, you should be able to write multiple articles yourself about the subject in question. Spoonfeeding the basics is the absolute minimum level that shows your ability to back up what you say. Making a short list of titles does not prove anything.
I feel sorry for you faggots living in that shithole.
But hey, freedom to have a mass shooting every day right?
Cancer everyone, take a good look.
Who are you quoting?
lol americlap xDDDDd
expensive cock ring bro
Sorry should have put a trigger warning
Go away, retard. This is old news.
By not just using prepaid phones you buy in cash you're basically begging to be bent over and butt fucked by the kikes that run the big corps