Well it was worth a try

Maybe next time champ. There is always next election period or a new television show is always at your disposal. Too bad for those that followed your cadicacy with such vigor. Those people who sought to aid you in your efforts. Who posted tirelessly on message boards, social media, and irc. Some of your supporters even prayed for you regularly. Don't worry champ. The country is in good shape with an experienced veteran politian and a former president back in the White House.

Just, too bad for your supporters. Heh.

Other urls found in this thread:




President Trump beat impossible odds.

Back to the nerd vault, ctr.

Don't worry, you're getting deported in 5 days from now.

America looks pretty great from here

I read that and thought it was talking about CTR.

The shilling quality has really gone down as Nov. 8 looms. Are they drunk all the time now? So depressed at the prospect of Trump winning they can't muster the effort?

Chin up lads. Now is not the time for fear.


HAHAHAHA yeah right, bitch is losing and you're desperate, shill.

I've taken fout shits today and I think I'm just going to throw all of my Halloween candy away now.




I really want a bureau of memetic warfare fabric emblem guys, what do you think? With pic related for colors.

Salty much user? Also, post address, I wanna send you something.

Never tell him the odds.

"All that wasted time and effort."

22204 Sunnydale St
Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081

Any time sugar tits.

Nice swing and miss user. A for effort.

I wonder how many of them are going to have intentional suicides vs. accidental suicides because they failed Shillary.


Way to pussy out faggot.

I was just about to mine Troy for gifs. Hivemind

You can join Nate Silver in the cuckshed. Bet you thought the Cubs would lose too.

The montages after Trump's victory will be of monumental proportions.

That's my neighbors address. But if it's a jaw readjustment you want then I'll oblige. Get out of work at 6. Grey truck. Don't f-a-g it up if police show up.

=we weren't fighting, just catching up on old times==

That's all that's said, understand? Also, recording everything and posting it here. Come on by.


Enjoy your ban. ;^)

Remember to monitor the monitors.
> 8ch.net/log.php?board=pol
> 8ch.net/log.php?board=pol
> 8ch.net/log.php?board=pol

What is your stance on guns?

Hey gabe, cut it out with the demoralization threads.

Reported for bumping a shill thread. ;^)

user, have a seat.

Enjoy your ban. ;^)

Remember to monitor the monitors.
> 8ch.net/log.php?board=pol

There is something very important that I want to tell you before you find out by the media.

Enjoy your ban. ;^)

Remember to monitor the monitors.
> 8ch.net/log.php?board=pol

Remember user. The media lies to the American people. They are dishonest people, those media guys.

Enjoy your ban. ;^)

Remember to monitor the monitors.
> 8ch.net/log.php?board=pol

Of at any time you feel the urge to shed tears, use your fingers like this user. Press on your tear ducts.

How should I put this user?

Enjoy your ban. ;^)

Remember to monitor the monitors.
> 8ch.net/log.php?board=pol

How about alil spam to go with that ban, eh?

I know shills love spam.

Tasty tasty spam

Straight out the can

I lied to you user. I lied to the American people.

Praise Kek while enjoying your ban OP

And tasting that spam.
No salt - I know shills love salt, but its bad for you.

They don't even try anymore.

Enjoy that ban. ;^)

Remember to monitor the monitors.
> 8ch.net/log.php?board=pol

And your spam, of course


Its because they know they've lost.

And they're all salty.

Like spam.

But not this spam, which is low-sodium.

Because shills love salt, buts its bad for them.

Look at me user. Look at me. user, America was always great user. The United States of America is God's country user.

CTR really are a bunch of pathetic virgins. Have fun being crammed in that room with 17 other people.




That seems a little harsh.

user, you're fired.

Mo spamalam

For the shillbobill

"shillbobill", how kind of you user. What a beautiful gesture.

Bollocks, you'd be fired for mismanagement.
That would cripple production.

This is by far the laziest shill thread I've ever seen

user, shut your cum trap. You're fired.

you can tell he's not using his own computer or at the very least not his own images he saved.

No, you're fired.

You could at least try to make the forecast believable. Is quality going down due to pay cuts? Morale must be suffering too.

therealmoonman hidden 11 hours Holla Forums Created a new permanent ban on Holla Forums (#169032) with reason: Defending jews.

keep up the good work 4free



There is zero chance any white person living on that street isn't racially aware. Who are you trying to fool?

Jews always shy away from criticism because of the negative conditioning of their historical trauma.

Stupid goy.

I'm guessing that the OP is actually leftist livestock. Leftist posts are almost always just nonsensical word salad. What is even going on in the broken brain of the leftist livestock?

And everyone still took the bait


Dubs and you get a violent home invader today.
I'm fucking sick of this shit.
We should bring the full force of a memetic curse to OP's retarded ass.
With enough of us, we can kill him today.


What if I wanted to kill you instead

Op is losing their mind