I made this Compilation of Gary "Aleppo" Johnson's freakout you can share with your Libertarian friends, in case they are still on the fence about Trump.
I made this Compilation of Gary "Aleppo" Johnson's freakout you can share with your Libertarian friends...
Get rid of the unnecessarily long opening logo.
that was the 1/3rd cut version
Made this one about Hillary sex scandals too.
Rule #1 of YouTube, intros fucking suck ass. In my own channel's experience, a 3 second intro retains 98% of the audience (2% being a reasonable margin of error) but a 7 second intro loses 15% of the audience. The numbers only get worse the longer you go.
to kek, ADD fucks out there.
You're a dipshit. Enjoy ignoring good advice and making subpar propaganda.
Well this one has a 3 second intro
As much as I like that song, the music is too loud.
The filter sucks.
The intro is too long.
Aleppo man should be before the lady referring to Aleppo incident.
The rest of it is good though. But learn to take advice.
As much as I like Super Metroid, a recut with the music volume lowered would be better
sick digits and basically what I was going to say.
Super Metroid had a great soundtrack but it's a weird choice.
Scanlines seem to be your channel's theme but again, a weird choice.
Remove the intro completely. Nobody cares about your "brand," they just want to see the clips.
Put WHAT IS A LEPPO? earlier
The choice of clips is good, though. Fix this shit and I'll send it to some aleppo men I know.
This. I thumbs down and instantly close videos with intros. Fucking annoying bullshit, especially when you have to watch that shit every time across many videos.
Yeah, forgot to say the choice of clips was great.
Intro is a tad too long and the Runescape-esque music doesn't fit at all.
Fuck you.
I wish he was at the debate
it would have made his poll numbers even lower when people saw him
I never gave him a moment's thought.. but this is incredible.
Bump on me
bump, excellent video OP.
I love metroid music but holy shit is it annoying during the video.
Terrible long intro
Music doesn't fit the video and is way too loud
Never heard of the flintlock pistol thing. That's pretty douchey and just plain weird. If I was given a flintlock pistol as gift from someone who supported me. I'd either keep it and give it to someone for them carry until I got home OR just refuse to be given the pistol because it's the thought that counts :)
Throwing a perfectly good flintlock pistol you just received as a gift from a fan is probably the douchieist thing someone could do.
"What is the largest city in Syria, in which has a large global conflict with Assad, Russia and ISIS?"
What is Aleppo?
Good awnser
Sounds like a great gift to me.
What a fag.
Should have added the footage of Johnson and his VP stumbling to name a foreign leader they admire. Also take the advice from other's in the thread, cut the intro and change the music. The music doesn't really go with the clown and lunatic image. Try something more upbeat and/or strange.
Lol I never knew he was such a faggot.
Cool that he wants to end the IRS though
That's one of my favorite music tracks, but it doesn't fit in that video.
remove the fucking music and the shit tier logo
I disagree and absolutely loved the selection. It said "HRC is doom but the "savvy" commoner thinking this is an alternative is just as bad."
All you have to do to get libertarians to not vote for Gary is to tell them that he supports the TPP and then tell them what's in the TPP.
This is great. And I say keep the music. Its dramatic tone makes Johnson's antics that much more absurd.
dumb intro aside this is a good compliation
So good I can't finish it. How could anyone think this guy could lead ANYTHING
Loved the slow motion boom at the end and the extended cut of What is Aleppo.
This video will scare off normies thinking about voting for Johnstein.
they're great because they're good
That guy is completely unhinged. Honestly - what a fruit. His sole claim to fame is dudeweedlmao. I can't believe he gets that worked up and feel-your-pulse-in-your-eyeballs angry over the most rudimentary questions.
you really can't believe that a drug addict has a few screws loose?
All the potheads I've known were laid back, mellow, don't-give-a-shit types. This guy is on the verge of sucker-punching everybody he talks to.
all potheads are violent shitstains with a single trigger that they use their addiction as a sedative to cope with.
What the fuck is that music?
pick one.
You're right. You need to grab the viewer within the first five seconds. An intro will not do this.
What he did to Austin Petersen is incredibly douchey.
Gary was probably mad that Petersen wiped the floor with him in all their debates.
It's a good thing the Libertarian party nominated Johnson and Weld (an unstable idiot and a neocon) who aren't even libertarians.
Petersen is smart/quick witted and, though he wouldn't have come close to trump, he might've pulled more votes away than Gary could ever hope for.
Gary is a pathetic crazy mess, and I love it, because trump is reeling all the libertarians who feel betrayed/just cant support the big doofus they put out
Gary needs to keep calm and smoke some weed.
Jesus fucking christ. What the fuck happened to libertarians
Nothing this is how they've always been as soon as you examine them.
wtf is that annoying as fuck background music. I hesitate to say background because its so loud.
Much better and also a webm.
Remove that goofy nrx autism intro and repost when you just have the actual content.
OR, kill yourself. Your call which.
1:07:00 for song from the video
godlike music choice but too loud sadly
Good video.
Would be a lot better without the intro though. That kind of stuff really turns a lot of people off.
I looked them up back when that story first broke. Those replicas are anywhere from $100 to $300 or so, depending on the materials used and the level of authenticity.
Still, it's an absolute dick move to take a gift someone gave you with tears in their eyes, and to toss it in the trash on your way out the door.
Everything about GJ just screams dickhead.
1. Long ass logo.
2. The background music is louder than him talking and makes you head hurt.
3. Annoying unnecessary camera effect.
Turned off at 20 seconds, disliked and reported the thread.
Liked the video, solid clip choice. I haven't seen much about Johnson so I just assumed he was relatively normal aside from not being a real libertarian. The fact that they've chosen this guy multiple times as a candidate betrays some serious delusions in their voter base.