Jefferson would be proud tbh.

I think it's worth thinking back to how far we've come.

We basically started backing a meme candidate who'd never get in about a year ago, joking he was the God Emperor of Mankind.

Now he looks like he may win.

We've gone from a secret club to an actual player in this election.

In so many ways, we're different to how we were back then, but in many ways we're the same.

Virginia and Wisconsin put a Trump blowout on the table.

Virginia was always in play. Look at the fucking turnout of the primary. He's going to own that shit.

this is going to be a total blowout, you need to step up senpai

Hopefully enough of a blowout to overcome that new modern "weighted floating-point" voting method we've adopted in the States.

Virginia only went blue recently and white working class people out number every other demographic in the state. The parts near DC are cucked and everything thing else is mainly rednecks. It's full of old school Democrats and hard line Republicans, neither camp will vote for Hillary.

I've been pretty black pilled by friends who live in DC and are convinced VA is mostly Feds and beaners, with some rednecks holding out in the south.

Most of the maps in the map thread are giving VA to Hillary, so I'm gonna call this a white pill and enjoy it.

If they've rigged it in the way described there, you can't overcome it.

The logic is that it makes every vote count as, say, .51 votes for Clinton, .49 votes for Trump.

You then don't display anything after the decimal point and then the vote "count" will always match the turnout.

In the example given, the result would always be 51% Clinton, 49% Trump. The theory here is it means if you misjudge turnout, you don't end up with the rigging being obvious (say a 90% - 10% "vote" in Clinton's favour) or the rigging being overcome by a Trump landslide.

It doesn't matter who they vote for, it matters who counts the votes -Stalin

Only way to "overcome it" is if the vote is SO lopsided the "weight" is exposed. Doubt it would go any further than hearsay- well except in the year of the

Trump was always the only serious candidate you spineless turd.

checking double-dubs

Virginia is too full of niggers. I'd like to believe it, but we know how niggers vote.

it's the same for the whole south sadly, here in tennesee most of the nignogs in memphis were voting for cunton

VA is gonna turn red, and I'm gonna make it red come tuesday.

They aren't coming out for white Hillary like they did for Obama. 08 and 12 were the only times Virginia went blue in like 50 years.

VA was always in play

the nigger turnout is low this year, user


They better

Not at all?

Born in Richmond, VA, Capital of the Confederate States of America.
Make us proud, Commonwealth!

True; can you believe that as recently as 2000, West Virginia was Blue and Virginia was Red? Oh, how the times have changed. Still I think Trump has a great chance at taking Virginia.