
Has it ever occurred to anyone else that the Democratic Party is pretty much made up of a certain segment of the bourgeosie leading the lumpenproletariat against the actual working class (proletariat) and petite bourgeois?

Why not use this to our advantage and try to pry the Republican Party out of the hands of the bourgeoisie. Do we really mean to believe that somehow the Democrats are less bourgeois than the Republicans? Are we really to assume the Democratic leadership are actual class traitors, or have they just found words to say in order to get elected (just as Republicans use, or used to use, "jesus jesus" to get elected).
This has nothing to do with the current election, but about strategy over all. Obviously, things seem to have gotten shaken up during this election, which makes you think about these things, but this is no a Trump v Hillary thread.

To repeat: no Trump v Hillary shilling. This is a theory/strategy thread.

Other urls found in this thread: for Online CV/Nisbett (2012) Group.pdf


what's this "we"? WE won't do anything, and we can't do anything. This is a larper thread

really not liking that pessimism this early on in the thread, but I'd be lying if I didn't aggre.


yeah, I mean… "we" as in, "if people that thought like us actually made a difference, would it be more intelligent to…"

that sort of thing. let's not split hairs. and let's not whine about LARPing… this is an imageboard after all

I'm chronically unemployed. I have no interest in supporting either the liberals or the conservatives because none of them have concrete solutions for
1. Reversing the outsourcing trend (bringing back domestic jobs)
2. Shortening the work week to compensate for automation and labour productivity gains
3. Offering livable wages
4. Offering Universal Basic Income (UBI)
5. Expanding public services (health care, free tuition, public transportation, public auto insurance, reducing government fees for license plates, driver's licenses, etc. Reducing excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco so that us proles can just self-medicate to drown away our sorrows)

Hillary Clinton wants $12USD/hr by 2020 apparently. Not good enough. And what good does that do if you're unemployed and there are no jobs?

Here in Canada we have Justin Trudeau's Liberals and in Ontario we have Kathleen Wynne's Liberals and they have no plans to increase the minimum wage. It's $11.25CAD/hr here. Which is $8.57USD/hr. And I don't qualify for workfare (they make you actively look for work to get welfare here) or disability in Canada because I have too much savings. So much for all this "socialist" Canada. Canada has become very neo-liberal since the 1980s. In some aspects, we are more neo-liberal than the United States. If I was American, I would at least qualify for food stamps and Obamacare (which is better than our public health care. I have to pay dental, prescription glasses, prescription drugs, etc. out of pocket). I get nothing here.

Isn't the problem here, though, that you're seeing yourself as a consuming and a state-client rather than seeing yourself as a producer, a participant in a productive process?

*consuming = consumer

Why? You are literally larping. This is totally pointless.

How can I see myself as a producer, a participant in a productive process when there are no job vacancies (let alone livable wage job vacancies) and I don't have the capital to start my own business?

in related news: Bears shit in the woods and the Pope is Catholic

I agree with your statement, but what you are asking for is indicative of an ideological complex that sees oneself as a state-client. You're asking for handouts, not protection for producers and "attacks" on "parasites." Does that make sense?

With the possible exception of #1

Wanting the bourgeois to offer livable wages and to shorten the work week so as to give the chronically unemployed a chance to even get a job is calling asking for handouts?

Are you fucking kidding me? And the left wonders why the proles think the left is out-of-touch.

I think I know what you're saying, but you have to at least acknowledge the point I'm trying to make here.

You're literally saying, "why don't the parasites stop cracking the whip so hard and throw me more peanuts." Shouldn't we be looking for more innovative solutions? I know that can be hard when you're just struggling to pay rent, but maybe we should start there? The rent is too damn high? idk. you know what I mean?

not posting on an imageboard. Talking about "what we (the *real* left) should do is totally pointless


fuck of Holla Forums

What do you suggest we do then?
Join ISIS and go to my nearby financial district with an AK-47 with a bomb strapped to my vest yelling "death to Porky!"
I'm not there yet. But one day I could be! lol


Everything is totally pointless user. The human race will continue living, and eventually go extinct, without registering as the infinitesimal blip in the universe's radar. All this will happen regardless of any possible actions you take.

Why do you get out of bed in the morning?

we should pretend we have any influence? k

That actually brings up an interesting question… if ISIS hates jews so much, why are they killing average europeans in malls and whatnot?

Why do they never attack Israel?

The *real* left is doing BLM right now, bro. They were the same ones that created, and dismantled, OWS. I don't believe the CIA conspiracy – I think that was planned, personally
no, I know it happens, but I'm saying Occupy dismantled as part of the plan, then recreated itself as BLM

Sometimes, it's nice to pretend that we do. That's what gets me out of bed in the morning.

Because ISIS has more than one enemy. And Muslim fundies do commit terrorist attacks in Israel. All the time. lol.

Because ISIS is a death cult on the wane that is using its last remaining gasps to try to trigger reactionary impulses among citizens of major western powers, and Europe is the best bang for their buck they can get.

oh yeah, because a system of free producers and democracy will work really well when your society is chock-full of degenerate, low-IQ apes

wake up Holla Forums

keep being deluded buddy

there is power in Christ, friends. don't forget that


pick one, friend

all that territory they're gaining through all that funding and arms they're getting from Israel, US and Saudi Arabia say different, user

And why do they want to do that? I'm interested to hear this theory. Bc they hate socialism as much as we love it, so they know they must defeat it by triggering reactionaries in a country they don't occupy which has little interest or capability in military action and…..

I'm interested to see how you square this circle, so to speak

Are you happy?

ISIS, Hamas, eh whatever they are all towelhead crazies anyway.

I have some respect for Muslims and Blacks though because at least they are blowing shit up. Even if they are still class-cucked and not class-conscious. They are more class-conscious than the white working-class.

It's getting real hard to put up with your shit, socdem poster

don't kid yourself, shlomo. IQ is largely inheritable. Just because IQ jumped when people attained proper nutrition, medicine and schooling doesn't mean the medians for different populations won't still be significantly different.

For instance, American blacks (including mulattos) still have exceedingly low IQs

wake up

yeah, i'm happy. I'm sorry you're not my friend

okay but let's not derail into this realm. let's talk about real steps forward? Doesn't populism help our cause? Isn't that what's happening in the Republican Party right now (Trump aside, just the movement)? Should we pursue and back-and-forth strategy to shake up the political system to force it to listen to the people, perhaps?

[citation needed]

Because American blacks are less well nourished still you endless fucking tool

tippity top kek

i also looked up what the daily wail link was referring to and it's absolute nonsense based solely on physical reaction time instead of actual intelligence testing

please don't make this into another race thread

Flynn has commented that he never claimed that the Flynn effect has the same causes as the black-white gap, but that it shows that environmental factors can create IQ differences of a magnitude similar to the gap.[50]

then why are they so fat, you fucking retard? and why are poorly fed whites still smarter?

Most of all, why do you feel the need to automatically jump to "its all socially constructed" when you're confronted with brute facts?


hey can we get back to the topic?

yes, and? your graph is a literal lie that directly contradicts one of the most well-known phenomenon in the entire field of psychology. lower reaction time in the modern age is much better explained elsewhere, i.e. attention spans

Links to scientific papers:

debunked specifically here:

this is wrong, you retard bc you didn't adjust for population size like here

50% of American blacks are RETARDED while less than 15% of American whites are.

Now, if you extrapolate breeding patterns out (including stupid whites) you'll see that IQ will drop over time if stupid people keep having 12 kids and smart people keep having


It's unchristian to believe that its the fault of minorities that B████ lost. Clearly, Hillary is to blame. I think we all agree on that. We are all the same in Christ

You are a fucking retard, not me

I'll just leave this here

I like that you call them brute facts. Because they are Brutish and will always remain Brutish without analysis.

I'm in Mexico right now in a hammock waiting for a girl. so as you'll know if I'm doing any reading, it won't be from 'he alternative hypothesis" because it's probably about as factually correct as buzz feed or 'thecollectiveconcious' or some other bollocks

wew lad. living in denial

time to refute, not just "leave [comments] here"

The problem with the left is that you pretend to give a shit about the working-class. But then you look down upon a segment of the proletariat that has been most negatively impacted by capitalism. And then you wonder why some of them vote for Donald Trump. lol.

wew, that article is garbage. not even scientific. Why don't you directly refute the evidence rather than say "well, WN don't really get heritability hurr durr durr"

link to a scientific paper please



thank you. this is part of what I was trying to get at with the OP. now, if the WN and anti-WN would stop throwing a shit-fit maybe we could get back on topic


Didn't say that, or anything close to it. It's a pretty well known fact that poor people eat shit though. Less white kids are poor, so less white kids eat that shit. Literally the straw men of all straw men. As if you think I think that ameriburgers aren't called ameritubbies for a good reason black or white. Instead of blaming blacks, blame capitalism for giving you this shitty low quality fast food

there is no argument, you posted lies and i corrected them.

you can't weasel your way out of that.

I don't buy what Donald Trump is selling (how is a Republican billionaire supposed to save the dispossessed?) But we don't appreciate seeing smug leftists, liberals and libertarians make fun of us either.

We are literally The Dispossessed. We have 0 political representation. If there wasn't so much government red-tape for starting a political party, I'd start a NEET/Freeter Party. We make up a significant portion of the proletariat these days. 13.5% of men 30-34 where I live don't have a job at all. 19.5% lack full-time employment. And even more have proley low-wage freeter jobs. Vast majority of us do not vote because no one cares.

I voted for the Greens here because they are advocating for basic income at least. But no political party is trying to seriously tackle the issue of unemployment. The conservative way of tackling unemployment is to downsize the welfare state even more (which has already been downsized considerably) to make us even more desperate to beg for scraps. Scraps which are often not even there in the first place because the reserve army of labour outstrips the job vacancies…

This is not a bad article, it defines heritability and discusses two misconsceptions about it:
1 It measures iter, not intra, group variability.
2 It cannot be in general completely attributed to genetic differences.

In their own words (the last paragraph):

I agree. Their views also seem to be compatible with those in the site I linked.

I assure you I can walk my way through the definition of variance, darling.

Conservatives can be rather smug too. "Pull yourself up by muh bootstraps!" But we expect them to be assholes.

I consider it a betrayal when socialists take pot shots at the chronically unemployed, grey/black market employed, disabled, etc. because we're apparently not the real working-class and we all apparently vote for Donald Trump (I don't, I see through his ruse).

And we're hated because we don't appreciate the government importing cheap foreign visa workers and cheap foreign immigrants to take our jobs. It's not the only thing fucking us over but it doesn't help. Automation and labour productivity gains have something to do with our job loss as well. But automation and labour productivity gains are progress. Outsourcing to the third-world is just exploitation, not progress. The problem is that this automation/labour productivity progress is not shared among workers (shorter work weeks, higher wages). They just lay a certain percentage of workers off instead. The bourgeois pockets the labour productivity gains for themselves.

Visscher, P. M., Hill, W. G., & Wray, N. R. (2008). Heritability in the genomics era – concepts and misconceptions. [10.1038/nrg2322]. Nat Rev Genet, 9(4), 255-266.

Brooker, R. J. (2011). Genetics: Analysis and Principles. New York: McGraw-Hill, Fourth edition.

Passer, M., Smith, R., Holt, N., Bremner, A., Sutherland, E., & Vliek, M. (2009). Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

And bonus:

I don't think it's just an idpol think either, when armchair socialists actually see what the life for the proletariat can be like, they just brush them off as "lumpens"


Yeah, I think it's funny that they believe no one on Holla Forums understands basic statistics or econometrics. I have a feeling that ration of those who do to those who don't is similar on both boards.

I've not been particularly impressed with either tbh

Yes, these are the references cited in the blog linked by .
I read the blog and I agree with their conclusions: .
They don't contradict the results of many studies, which have been organized here

(Actually, what they mostly refer to is g-factor tests, not iq tests. G is language independent and better correlated with other common parametrizations of intelligence:


My gosh the conclusion on that image shows some verbal trickery.

The low end majority of whites overlapping with the high end majority of blacks does NOT mean that: 'most white people and most black people show no statistical difference in their IQ scores.'

What you mean is:

'Regarding IQ: The top majority of blacks and the bottom majority of whites can be lumped together within certain parameters to create one statistical lump.'

All you've done there is blur the facts to ignore the facts.

I've only got high school maths and I can see this…

I bet it's the same one from the "Debuking race realism" thread, that was BTFO by the anons and stopped replying.

I don't like the pic either, but mainly because the data it cites is very old and has been challenged. IQ disparities between blacks and whites have shrunk dramatically with most of the gains being in the lower, not higher end, suggesting a non-genetic cause.

the main thing is it doesn't adjust for population size, making the overlap between whites and blacks look more pronounced. see here:

okay shlomo


I didn't post a picture but I pointed out the idiotic conclusion that slipped through the poster's mental process.

Didn't say they had or hadn't. Make a point and cite some evidence or fuck off.

Us lumpens are pretty screwed. No one cares about us. I feel that I don't fit in anywhere because every group these days is so ideologically rigid. I just want a livable income. Working 30 hours per week or something.

It's 2016. Why do we still have 40-50 hour work weeks when the labour force participation rate is in the low 60s. And in many cases, that is not due to choice.

If you're a stay-at-home mom or dad that doesn't want to work, that's one thing. You chose to leave the labour force. We are just simply dispossessed.

Lots of NEETs are vocal about not wanting jobs. But that's because jobs suck in 2016. If NEETs were paid $15/hr and only had to work 20-30 hours/week, do you really think their attitude towards employment would be the same? People respond to incentives. Being NEET sucks. You're too broke to really enjoy all the leisure time you have. And you feel guilty every time you spend money on anything that isn't a basic necessity. Or when you go out with friends because it's expensive.

But if you're making $8.57/hr and have to work 40 hours just to scrape together a living, you might as well be a fucking NEET if your parents are willing to tolerate it. Because you're fucking poor anyway, you're stressed out from work, you don't have as much leisure as you'd like because you sold your time for fucking $8.57/hr, you think about suicide or going into work with an assault rifle, etc.


I see the point you're making and frankly I agree. I used to be your run of the mill Holla Forumsluter myself. That is, until I realized that we'll never have any real change in this country so long as we have a large section of the voting population that doesn't actually care about taking control of the means of production so long as they can live off of the government tit.

Not to mention, even if these people did become "revolutionary" their revolution would be more of a black nationalist revolution rather than a socialist one and I'm not the sort of person who's willing to cuck myself into the idea of self-hatred simply because I am white.

I still believe in socialism, however it seems to me that socialism cannot be achieved in a multicultural society where people will always separate themselves on racial lines. Not to mention, most blacks are too stupid to even understand the concept of worker ownership, with the exception of only a few.

Face it Holla Forums, until the apes are removed, we'll never get what we want.

Most of the links in this collection only refute tired liberal attitudes toward IQ testing, hand wave socioeconomics with straw men, or cite theories that have proven unreliable, like stereotype threat and brain size.

For example, it cites the MTAS and how the authors said its conclusions were agnostic, but just straight up says they were lying about this and that it's totes genetic evidence while carefully cutting out the data that showed clear problems with a definite conclusion. It's meant to tell people that already agree what they want to hear.

There is also an insistence on using the old IQ and the Wealth of Nations data which has since been challenged:

Most troublesome, though, is the absolutely insane assumption that socioeconomic effects on human development = personal income, which has substantial political implications. While it is true that poor whites outscore wealthier blacks, it's also true that despite economic stagnation, achievement in formal education has only gone up and is slowly catching up to national averages. Indeed, the author did well to demonstrate that it is unrelated to disparities.

Simply put, they are trying to explain why IQ differences remain stagnant as a way to silently assert this stagnation as a fact. In reality, they have been changing wildly.

The Gods of the Copybook Headings

AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.

We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place,
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.

With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."

On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "The Wages of Sin is Death."

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

And the amount of hoops I have to jump just to get that $8.57/hr 40 hour job… lol

You spend time re-working and proofreading your resume and cover letter to tailor it to the job.

You may get a job interview (I actually feel dread every time I get a call for a job interview because I just know I'm going to end up wasting a lot of my time on nothing).

You rehearse for that job interview because you feel obligated to do because of "muh bootstraps" guilt-shaming from family members and society.

You wake up to an alarm clock and do your morning ritual like any other wage cuck. Except you're not getting paid for it.

You put on a suit that makes you sweat (especially in the spring and summer).

You fight rush-hour traffic to get to the interview. Which you're not getting paid for. Like a wage cuck would.

You do the interview even though you're autistic and will probably bomb anyway. You have to kiss their ass, build "rapport" with the interview and pass the HR roastie's shit tests.

They tell you "thanks for coming out"

You send them an e-mail after thanking them for interviewing you (I had an interviewer criticize me once for not doing this).

You never hear from them again. Or they'll drag you out to a second interview and not hire you anyway.

Rinse and repeat 50x times or whatever.

Thanks for the paper about sub-Saharan Africans.

Ok. Then they go on and compare them to the Dutch of the 1950s:

This is preposterous, of course. The problem is that they use IQ tests, which are heavily influenced by the environment. G is not (or it would be useless) and is not, or not nearly as much, subject to the Flynn effect:

The solution of the paradox is that IQ tests that show gains are worse predictors of g:

In one sentence:

lumpens don't even vote you fucking retard.

[citaiton needed]
oh I know that, but give me the stats that says no one in the bottom 20% votes. That's utter bullshit. I know plenty of middle-class people that don't vote, and a huge percentage of non-voters are under 30.

Now, stats you fucking retard.

poor people are less likely to vote. go back to Holla Forums with your bullshit
anecdotal evidences is pretty much all Holla Forums has to offer
you fucking know what he meant. sage hide report

This doesn't really make sense: how do we measure g without IQ tests? It's like trying to quantify the heritability of body height without a system of measurement for length. Without them, correlations with other factors cannot be objectively measured. There is also the fact that modern IQ tests are predicted to have huge correlations with g.

It is indeed true that the Flynn effect is unrelated to group differences, however, Flynn, Dickens et al. have long since recognized this: different causes does not mean one is genetic and the other is not, since it has been demonstrated that the average IQ of blacks is not static even when controlling for the Flynn effect.

It is explained better here: for Online CV/Nisbett (2012) Group.pdf

I think the reason why most lumpens don't vote is due to social reasons.

I voted for the Green Party (Canada) because have a Universal Basic Income policy. When you admit that to people, even people on here, they look at you like you're a piece of shit. When really you're just doing the rational thing to do when you're chronically unemployed and have lost hope. lol.

People are so socially spooked that they will vote against their own self-interests (or in the case of lumpens, not vote at all) in order to fit in. As an autist I learned to give up on achieving social approval a long time ago because it's a lost cause. social interaction has seldom been rewarding for me. But you know what's rewarding? Having money. Hot girls will even suck your dick if you have money (prostitutes). Money is more important than social acceptance. Whether its a political party that will seriously create good-paying jobs for us or give us NEETBux/AutismBux.

who would have thought

The Republicans are the ones with the lumpenproletariat, leading them against proletarians. Attempting to appeal to reactionaries is fruitless.

I'm not actually receiving any welfare. I don't qualify for it. And it pays garbage here anyway.

Lazy implies that there are actually jobs available. The labour statistics suggest otherwise. lol.

But go ahead and be smug mautist. lol Let's let the lumpens see you guys for who you really are.

In order to qualify for welfare here, your assets need to be less than $2,500CAD. My car alone is worth more than $2,500. I would rather live in my car than sell it to go on welfare tbh. Ontario's welfare is terrible. If I was American, I would qualify for SNAP and Obamacare. And God knows what else.

so you want a political party that bribes people off and delay a revolution?
how about we see socdems for who YOU are, counter-revolutionary traitors that leech of other people's welfare

Once again Mautist, where are the jobs?
What welfare? In Ontario we have a workfare program that pays garbage ($681CAD/month) and I have more than $2,500 so I can't qualify for it. Nor can I qualify for disability for my autism because I'm above that cut-off too.

You want us to basically starve to death so that we have a "revolution" correct?

no jobs and no welfare? then what the hell are you living on

Combination of family support and past savings. I had unemployment insurance for awhile but that ran out.

I also made some side income from "micro-jobs" online and selling bitcoin. But that wasn't enough to live on. And selling bitcoin is very risky because of all the scammers online. Not a very reliable way to make money. And bitcoin dealers are mostly all smug libertarian pieces of shit. lol.

its not his fault , clintons better at bulshiting minorities

do it

i once read that, black neiborhoods have a higher rate of lead poisoning (thats atleast some of your iq differnce)

ISIS wants a holy war to outlast themselves, and they feel their best shot at doing this is to fulfill the worst stereotypes of Muslims held by dumb classcucked westerners so as to incite major public demand for a new holy war or something. It's not rocket science.

how many of those are under 25 retard?

jesus, it's like you don't even know how to multivariate regression