Bernie Sanders Has Abadonded Clinton

Finally at long last the old cuck has realized Clinton was using him from the very beginning.


Sometimes I almost feel bad for this pathetic cuck

Alternate title: kike evolves spine.

This is why this wishy washy prick gets no respect. He can't pick a side and stick to it.

Do you think he was raping kids alongside pedoesta?

Don't feel bad for him. He has $millions in bernout donations and a new sportscar.

Why tho?

He has accepted a reality where she will win and is saying what he will do if she doesn't live up to his expectations.
He's not uncucked at all, he's just complacent that he can now start moving around a bit since it's so close (and for him, so certain).


Better late than never. I wonder if berners will forgive him after what he did at the DNC.

Always getting Dubs. Always driving an ice pick into my heart. The fuck did they do to that family!? They didn't deserve it!

Sounds like the same old Jew to me. He's just positioning himself in case she gets elected and impeached.

I think everyone can see by now that Hillary is gonna crash and burn.

Say what you want about El Rato, he stuck to his principles until they forced him to do otherwise.

Bernie completely abandoned his because of his paranoid delusions about Trump being the greater evil.

I don't mean to sound like Carl here but are you kidding me? He knew exactly what she was like. He was controlled op. The no refunds meme is real. Isn't he up to 6 houses by now bought and paid for by direct donation reddit monies?

They will answer for their crimes. All of them. If they're lucky, they'll answer for it by going to jail.
If they're very lucky.

This. Bernie scammed millions of innocent, gullible voters into throwing away their money for NOTHING. He threw the race and bought a new car.

this old kike only cares about his senate seat, anyone who ever believed his socialist pipedreams is a complete retard

He was a shill who's op was fooling the conservatives. His wife was with goldman sachs working on an EU style model for NA. Everything he reacted with towards Trump was spite because he's a sore loser.

bern was a plant from the beginning, he's just trying to save his kike skin

and house


go back to 4chan sucker



seems like they're preparing for a Clinton scapegoat really.

thanks for caressing the rectum

Archive wont work. pls post screencap

are you dumb? they're throwing her under the bus and trying act like she's the center of all this.

there must be some really big shit moving down the line. this goes beyond not wanting to be on the losing side, there must have been some serious fuckery like a pedo ring uncovered with the fbi thing and nobody wants to be the one to defend her after

Gee I sure hope that purely hypothetical situation never happens, we would surely see Bernie attack the establishment in a legitimate way if it did

It's too late. Everybody knows how weak he is as a leader and his lack of conviction. Oh and his summer houses and sports car, we can't forget that. What a true prole he is.

Imagine all the crazy feminazi celebrities on The View and other react to this shit if its true.

they'll all act like they always hated her and she's no true feminist or some shit. I expect Bill to come up a lot.

Alternate alternate title: rat flees sinking ship

Literal treason againt the usa fueled by pedo parties, cash, and drugs.
Our tax dollars fund terror overseas and we spend in the name of foriegn powers, not america first.

In other words, the USA federal government has comitted treason of the highest order and has betrayed the people of the United States of America

And at one point he shared some of trumps talking points like secure boarders and less rapefugees. But he capitulates way too quick.

Bern outs drive me insane. This old con man will continue to hold a seat in the senate because idiots will vote for him even after he directly swindled them out of all that money.

The absolute worse thing is how they've acted in the last couple of months

Fucking uninformed normalfags, the very same people that say they might vote for Hillary just for "free education" when they finished school years ago and are still carrying around a ton of debt for a useless art degree.


Bad? The only candidate I feel bad for is Yeb.
I just feel smug about Sanders.


do not feel bad for jeb. ever.

yeah, the faggot was in deep the whole time. his job was to try and energize the young vote with his bedtime stories about how the rich would pay for their worthless degrees. it probably would have worked too if it wasn't shillary it was being handed off to. now he's doing what jews do best: saving his own ass


The only true candidate to feel bad for is Carson. I'm not gonna call the man 'based,' but I will say that when every Republican in the nation was practically washing their hands of Trump last month, he was the only one that defended him.

not for long if Don's term limit idea pulls through.

Jeb will always have his Guac bowls.

M8, he ran off with the money and is now fearing for his life.

Drives me crazy as well.
What we have seen is how fast he would have folded in the face of oppositions to any of his proposals. He didnt even continue to put up a fight against Clinton, even though she is everything he stood against. He caved against her and he wouldve caved every time as president. He was the a cuck leading the cucks.

these are the same kinds of people who whine about a comic or game being ruined forever and then go on to continue giving the exact same company who fucked them more money for a different game or comic. they will never ever learn.

Your tears are misplaced.

The God Emperor will reward him beyond the scope of a thousand lifetimes for his undying loyalty.

Soon he shall be Duke Benjamin Solomon Carson.

All his supporters are going trump or at least stein now.
I'm still cautious of stein, but at least she knows about clinton's dirty emails. I doubt she'd form a coalition with the dems.

In fact i don't think the dems will be as big as the greens without rigging.
Major Partie coalitions likely:

We might not even need a coup if they form coalitions.
That said - wouldn't take that chance with Gary "what the hell is happening" Johnson


That was apparent long before he ever went toe to toe with Hillary.

The SECOND pic related happened, everyone on Holla Forums knew his fate was sealed. It tells you pretty much everything you need to know about him.

I was half heartedly hoping the Podesta emails would reveal some hidden depths to him. That he fought them valiantly until they broke him, that he took a deal and made a power play to exert his influence, or even that he was cunning enough to be playing the long con and was in on it from the beginning.

But no. From the beginning to the bitter end, he was in every sense of the word, a mother fucking cuck.

I've been hoping for that since I found out they didn't have term limits way back in elementary school. A change we've sorely needed but I'm doubtful that we'll ever see. Let's hope Trump doesn't fuck us. If he follows through on half the things he's promised it'll be a good run.

Exactly Anons, as soon as I saw him get cucked on stage by two black women I knew it was over for him and he was just a bunch of hot air. His voting record was terrible but I was willing to hope he'd changed just a little bit. He drove me mad, on one hand it was good for the country because Trump would have had a harder time running against him. On the other it was bad because he threw away a following and the people (well the left) didn't get what they wanted.

I was hopeful to see a real grass roots movement from the left for once but as always it was manufactured bullshit that people were easily led astray into. They loved it and still call themselves revolutionaries for showing a meager amount of support in someone they'd never heard of. Just goes to prove that the majority of the country are fucking idiots, but especially young college aged voters.


Yeah yeah, nobody cares. But we're never in play :(

They bought him a house and he was forced to accept.

Mysterious heart attack when?

Check pic related and go fuck yourself

Fellow oregonfag?
How the fuck is the rainy state in play? We're fucked by the i5 corridor.




He knew. He's a cuck. He is a submissive bitch. Hillary is a legitimate dominitrix who doesn't give him any pleasure and simply uses him.



Someone has likely figured out how to escape code on a web page from the crawler script, and instead write a modified html page and script to

PIC RELATED is the code being served by the link in OP's post. It is made to LOOK like a failed page load, but is loading an image from another server, thus giving them the user's IP. is likely NOT compromised by its owners/creators, but is likely subject to XSS, SQL, or other code-escaping exploit at this time.


Fuck, what do we do now?

Check your stolen quads, asshole

shit, i saw an archive earlier today that just kept loading, i assumed it was just normal shit. ah well one more list to be on

the fuck does "pizza" mean in the context?

The Rat has no principles. He knows he's not a natural born citizen, yet he still ran for president.



Make them work for it.

mein negro

#1: The domain in that image in my previous post; BLOCK IT.

I have it blocked on my personal DNS server already. Someone else mentioned it as being a possible hostile-actor here a week or so ago, so I decided not to take chances.

#2: Know who they are. PIC RELATED.

i made a thread for this:

and surprise, theyre an (((intel school)))

At least it was a twitter post link?

You down with Other Pinoy's Pizza?

There was a thread here about two weeks ago from an user claiming there was something fishy about He had completed a ton of research on the owner / creator and it turns out he was a spook. I wish I had screen capped it.

Anyone have it?


Bernie was a naive dipshit until around your pic related

We're going to have a salt party like nobody has ever seen before.

Just like he did his best to oppose hillary's presidency, huh?



I'm not actually seeing that loading gif image. Can someone point me to a current archive page that shows it?
