NowThis- Election

Parody of Trump TV, "Trumpocalypse"

lots of blatantly anti-white white propaganda
kek'd at flipping that rapefugee raft
there may be some meme potential here

Where's the link to the youtube channel.
People like this need to be identified and properly btfo.

Low energy. When will libshit realize that they simply are not funny?

I don't know how I keep fucking up like this

Why are you bringing attention to this filth?
Anti-Trump shit is everywhere, water is wet, carry on.

it came from "now this" faceberg page

Anybody who makes fun of "white trash" "rednecks" "hillbillies" or other names for that are fucking cancerous no matter what race they are. No matter what political ideology they face.
Those terms were invented by kikes to disparage whites.

Filthy Frank also made an Anti-Trump song.
Only a few days after illary Clinton's emails were leaked.
As if it would be "fresh" and the worst part is how they all act like they're so rebellious speaking out against the candidate who almost everyone in the media does.
Modern Comedians are ironically, a fucking joke these days.

Also worth noting that the terms to make fun of dumb niggers (ha ha ha redundant) came from observing them.

And then there's Sam Hyde.
What would he be? A post-modern comedian?


Who the fuck are they fooling.

first minute or two are a howl; healthcare backflips; with Putin; too funny


What bathroom laws?
Trump said Mrs Athleteman could piss in the womens and made a big deal about it.
Does reality not matter to these "people"?

that kid always looked eerily similair to zuckerberg in that picture


A professional shitposter.

That's what really get me. All of these hipster fucks thinking that they're anti-establishment by supporting Hillary because they live in this cartoon world where Ed Wuncler is real. It's fucking insane.

Have you ever seen Ahmed and Zuck in the same room together?

The comments are full of pro-Trump stuff, which is pretty funny.

What the fuck is going on?


Yes, he's ascended Comedy.
It just makes me sick how comedy used to be a go-anywhere zone, which was when it was at it's peak (WHAT A COINCIDENCE) and now it's the most biased, PC-strict institution within the media, where people don't have the balls to say ANYTHING critical at all about a protected social class/race/gender
It's gotten so Bad that when a Politician running for President commits a ginormous fuckup that they still joke about the "safe" target because they risk their job doing anything else.
Comedy has had it's balls cut off.


Ever wonder why you don't see Jeff Dunham on TV anymore?

The things basic libshits are too retarded to notice is that every other race hates niggers more than whites. Asians, in particular chinks, mudslimes and poo in loos hate them even more than beaners hate niggers. Kikes hate them too but actually tries to weaponize them against whites because there is nothing they hate more than Europeans.

thats a pretty good trump impression. need that clip where he calls him poutine.


Was Jeff Dunham ever any good?





I honestly believe that Jeff Dunham is some sort of code word in the cuckholding community or something.

I go to this liberal arts college and do my best not to socialize with anyone there. It honestly feels like I'm back in god damn highschool all over again. There's this one guy who I had a class with who I always saw walking around and holding hands with this hideous black chick (she dyed her hair and eyebrows toxic green). One day I'm at at the food court and he sits down and talks to me about class. Next thing I know he's going on about how much he likes Jeff Dunham and how he's seen like 8 of his shows, making direct eye contact with me. Then his Hot Topic Manager of a girlfriend sits down and starts prattling on about someone else she's in love with or some shit and he does his best to encourage her to go after him. He even at one point apologized for being around her too much.

Needless to say I just started avoiding eye contact and talking to him from then on.

Also if it's worth noting when he told me how much he liked Jeff Dunham I could barely contain myself from laughing at him.

i have a list of posts from various chans that i save with the intent of reposting months later. this was good enough to make the cut. pic related

the only reason they use white trash is because the other two have become endearing. they won't keep up an insult that empowers someone.

I was under the impression that Comedy Central airs his specials daily.

Certainly a tale worth spreading

This. It's like when some user posts completely random photos of race-mixers and starts spilling his spaghetti about how the world is doomed. It's just autism. Usually the justification is like

but it's really an excuse to sperg.


also poverty creates crime and the biggest criminals are the 1%.

I've met former meth users
do not do meth

maybe they are just shit people but way too many lose teeth

Yeah, he takes it to the steets, keeps it real.


I've lost 1 year to speed. Do not ever do it. there are way safer alternatives to increase productivity and lose weight. It's brain rot in powder form and if you take just slightly too much you turn as aggressive as the average Somali.

You showed great restraint. I would have probably punched him in the face for being such a piece of dog shit around me.

It's a shame, because Somali Women look like black white women.
They'd be good for African Sex trips to humiliate the African Men the way jews push it on us here. Which only Married White Men with at least 2 white children at home are allowed to go on once a year for four nights (Also being barred from staying or taking any women back with you)

I thought the Boondocks was an ok show

Gas yourself, swine.

I explained in detail how it would not allow any black women in the United States, or the births of mongrels in the United States, and would only be for those who have already fathered White children so they don't get carried away and waste having offspring with blacks. Besides it's just a revenge fantasy of mine, nothing more.

Immediate physical assault did cross my mind. But remember I'm in a liberal arts college. If I did that they'd prob end up erecting a gold statue to for him

If white people immigrate to the third world it's colonialsism; If shitskins immigrate to the first world it's "Diversity".

Nobody should want those muslims in their community.

Wouldn't be a community, would literally be a colonial style area where Married White Men who have fathered white children can cuck back the (now castrated for the good of Humanity) niggers who emigrated to Europe and America and cucked whites there, with no staying or taking any Africans back with you.

>they made this attack parody thinking everyone would watch it and say "Yes! Yes! Keep speaking truth to power, you glorious liberal heroes!"

They really don't get it, do they? I don't think they're even capable of getting it.

I'd rather put them in mass graves. Get their genes out of the pool.

No one can tell me a jew didn't write this line.

And act like arabs with a fucking stick up their twats. Shopping in the same stores with them is likely to make me burst a blood vessel in someone else's head.

Oh fuck, "do they ever". There was a paki who used to be a regular at ny job, and every time I see the fucker, he goes on about how much he hates nigs. I think he works security somewhere, so he definitely has to deal with them.

daily reminder that Sam Hyde is a Goon that got his start in comedy by performing Weird Twitter shit.

Whatever you say Eric.

Sam Hyde?

Daily reminder nearly half of Holla Forums used to be goons in early to mid 2000s

post the luggage pasta. I've always wondered about their odd lack of security.

daily reminder that in the early to mid 2000s lowtax wasn't a faggot and SA was a force for good, along with albinoblacksheep, fark, ytmnd, etc.

vid related, there's even a subtle redpill ten seconds in

Eric please. Your lack of foreskin is showing.

Most other races have a higher percentage of assimilating into american culture, blacks were always trying to do their own thing, and it almost ALWAYS makes them look worse.

literally why? even if you are looking to become an academic, state schools are superior

unfortunately its actually a trend with hipsters for swarthy looking men to bleach their hair, I don't really get it tbh because it looks fucking stupid
t. blond haired aryan man

(Nice Aryan get)

Is this some sort of goon meme?


I taught it was pretty funny. Like the superpac ad that compared Trump to Hitler, this will backfire.


>tfw brown eyes

If you hate everyone there, why do you go there? What are you studying?

I thought obamacare was a flop and everyone understood this by now. At least Michael Moore stated this along these lines.

careful user, you're starting to sound like those cultural-marxists who advocate for sex regardless of the modus operandi behind it; sort of like those homosexuals behind the alt-right


Or the Arabs in Northern Sudanlike clock boy.

You mean besides because he's a no talent?>>8071744
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, anyone else in the DP.

Couldn't they atleast get like south-park quality shit? Even south park makes their shit in like a week but it looks better than this.
but that would require effort

this is so try hard and unfunny. you can tell whatever desperate film school dropout made it had a dead soul, probably from the amount of agenda pushing they mandated