
Reminder: this is the founder of Heat Street, a (((news website))) that tried to be anti-SJW, but is now shilling for war with Russia and attacking people who dare to speak the truth on racial crime statistics.

Archives of Trump's tweets:

Other urls found in this thread:



What is she trying to accomplish with that ?


After the ninth or tenth time this doesn't count as news.


Is it's middle name Unter?

I cannot wait for this psycho cunt to an hero after Trump wins.

This is the same stupid cunt that called 2D college girls child porn even though it didn't have child nudity. Fucking retard ruined her own controlled opposition website that was supposed to sucker in the "Anti-SJW" crowd.

even though it didn't have any nudity*

This is the woman who sent a secret email to Podesta telling him that she wanted Hillary to win, didn't she?

She's on The List.

What? Who is this person?

More than that. I'm pretty sure she was talking about working for Hillary.

Must be someone pretty important.


It's a fucking nobody as far as I can tell. Normalfags have no clue who she is, the only person that pays attention to her is the Holla Forumsack who always makes these threads about her.

too that Holla Forumsack: if you're so obsessed with this bimbo, why don't you just wife her and beat her into submission?

Oy vey, pointing out patterns is racist. Crime is color-blind.

Heat Street's editor. She's been flipping her shit ever since a wikileaks email came out with her pushing a basic bitch "its women's turn" commercial to clinton in the Podesta leaks.

Here's the article on anime. Mind you that the whole premise of the show being "child porn" is that one of the characters has small tits, because its not like there aren't plenty of 3D women that are A cups.

On its own, that is amongst the most pathetic things one could hope to become.

What the fuck is Heatstreet? No offense, OP, but this lady doesn't seem important at all.

You keep saying that like it's supposed to mean something to us. It's just her fucking blog. She's irrelevant, a complete nobody. If you've got some special obsession with the broad than by all means track her down and fuck with her, but she's too much of a nobody for this to actually deserve a thread on Holla Forums.

I'm not OP. The site was quickly gaining traffic, had already passed The Mary Sue for instance.
No, there's several writers on it and she's not the founder. Rupert Murdoch is the founder, you know, the same guy for Fox News, we should be keeping an eye on it.

Well thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have a feeling she's a non-issue though.


Lurk more, newfag.

She used to be an MP for Corby in Britain.

Are you actually retarded?

You are a newfag. Stop pretending not to be and just accept it. Louise Mensch has been covered here a multitude of times since the beginning of this election cycle. If you weren't a newfag, you would know all about the crazy bitch already.

He could talk about it in less attackable way:

1st tweet:



Blacks and mestizos have higher crime rates than whites regardless of income.


Okay so…. take it to brit/pol/? I'm looking at her twitter, she's obviously a complete nobody.


fuck off nigger-lover

Team Hillary is redpilled too. Unfortunately, neither candidate wants to declare open season on shitskins.

Dude, seriously. I'm more popular on twitter, and nobody knows who I am.

If she's so important, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding threads archives to support this claim of yours?

The jewess is having a psychotic episode on twatter now, rambling about that laughable pedo case brought by the Jerry (((Springer))) Show producer.

I think you're the newfag, m8.

He has made threads about her here multiple times. He seems to be the only person in the world who gives as single shit about her.

She's a bong that was a conservative mp and all the lefties hated her with a passion, then she married a kike and moved to clapistan and now runs an "anti sjw" news/opinion site, she's been against Trump and massively pro cunton form the start and no one takes her seriously except for the cucks who read her site.
One of her contributors wrote a piece about pepe not being a hate symbol and she posted a cringeworthy retraction article.
She's gunning for the alt right and basically is a one woman jidf now.
Its pretty sad really, she's completely lost it and will hopefully an hero on nov 9th.
tl:dr, yes, she's a nobody

Noooo, I've never heard of such a thing!

no one likes your shit memes, my dude.

Who wouldn't want to wife this?

Go to reddit, meatcuck.

Fucking hell.
I forgot to mention, she fucking loves herself and was a drugged up whore for years.

gr8 b8 m8





I'm saging because this is off topic, not to keep from bumping the thread. People that sage for that reason are absolute imbeciles because they help to keep the thread bumped regardless.
You make a post for others to reply to who will likely not be saging. Leading to more people bumping it.

nice job outing yourself, vegina

What the fuck is it with jews and shit/scat?


It's really epic how any kike with a five digit income complaining about something is news now. Why can't we just gas them all to free ourselves of this (((news)))?

Vegans are dietary homosexuals.

No shit, she was sending Podesta emails about how much she loved Hillary.



that's german for human

the fucking chutzpa of that kike

LOUISE kosher unterMENSCH at it again, colour me surprised. They are not called neo-Cohen for nothing;

Unterrated post.

Vegans are the master race.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this was actually something that vegan dude believed.

How can anyone doubt these facts?

nigger-lover/civic nationalist spotted and reported

n-no goyim, don't look at these mean statistics

i thought she only married a jew and is not jewish by blood, either way, a stupid cunt

women absorb dna through the men the fuck

so she's a jew, and mudsharks are niggers

Because being clean is Godly, and since the Jews hate God, they try their hardest to be filthy people in every conceivable way.

It is now Louise U Mensch.

Is that a fancy term for attention whore?

She lives in Manhattan close to the side of the park. Gloria Steinem is on the other side. Googleview Mensch's house, it puts her spiel into perspective.

Isn't it ironic that someone who says "I am just messenger." is attacking someone for citing statistics and stating that said statistics should be discussed, without drawing any faulty conclusions or making any statements in regards to those statistics?

I am not about to try to understand this kind of mindset.

Careerist socialite badly needs her neck walked on.

"Objective reporting/thinking" nowadays is a term self-absorbed twats use to make their audience feel more informed while convincing said audience to not question them. Sadly, it works, and the brand name of some people relies on this simple trick. Take """"""RationalWiki"""""" for example. It calls itself "rational" and "objective" while at the same time being the laughingstock of the internet.

why do (((they))) all have a wonky eye? I'm noticing it more and more.

Because they have skewed view of reality.

Is that a fresh AWM, or just one that I haven't seen before?

Ask when 'messenger' became a synonym for lying Jew cunt.

I bet there's ten of them. Find out where the money came from.

somebody screencap that comment and send it to her and tell her that she "is so irrelevant that not even the 'alt-right' cares about her"

inb4 we aren't the alt-right meme (i know this user)



Is she a coal burner as well? Those eyes are a tell.

She's a bagel burner

Why is it so many celebrities basically confess and brag about committing felonies and law enforcement lets them get away with it while some random joe kid from the suburbs with barely small ziploc of dudeweedlmao gets years and years in the pen? The FBI needs to put its foot down. (((Hollywood))) needs some serious clean up and Hoover knows nobody is above the law.

Is she playing make pretend?

Reminds me of stories of MK Ultra victims.

Always gives me a kek

years of opiate abuse i would assume.