Huma Abedin nude photo

So user found Huma Abedin's nude photo and redacted it before posting on Holla Forums. Im sure someone out there has the non-redacted version though?

Does she have as big a cock as her nose would suggest?

post it nao

Here you go you filthy degenerates

Gross. Thanks for the spoiler - bitch needs to shave

I'm curious to see if she had her genitals mutilated in Saudi Arabia as a young girl.

can't even see her jewgina

fug shes even hotter than expected

Fuck I'd hit that.

10/10 would bang!

I'd ride her

Whoa Nelly.

Reminder that kek was her undoing.


Her face match perfectly with this picture. Damn!

Dammit! Fell for another cuckchan bait thread.

Knew it was fake but it was a well-made fake.

For a second i thought i saw Jessica Parker's nudes, but this is just as good

why Jim did it then?

Fucking sage this shit. If you've missed the thread on obama and co. unfollowing clinton on twitter, this is part of a concerted effort to shit up the board. If you want to shitpost then sage, otherwise, anons need to take notice that all of these "shitposters" are actually shills.

This is the same MO they use on cuckchan to great effect.

That's a big cock.

Fuck off CTR

This. I'm tired of the fake news stories being spread here. Report and sage.

Maybe OP can now delete his gay jewtube video