Why are so many rich people Pedophiles?

Why are so many rich people Pedophiles?

Other urls found in this thread:

s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/32495504/complex-trauma-in-children.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ56TQJRTWSMTNPEA&Expires=1469224161&Signature=SGRqw/8RyozHpULAgCGXl8mD8Ws=&response-content-disposition=inline; filename=Complex-trauma-in-children.pdf
google.com/webhp?ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=circumcision and consent

Because they can get away with it.

Good taste


I don't honestly even know if that's their preference, I think they just like knowing that they can do it with impunity.

These options seem incredibly pro-pedo. You've painted every option but the "every ones a secret pedo" as fairly ridiculous.

Also I think its just a power thing. If they could physically manifest the peasant class as a person I'm sure they'd fuck that

Because they can get away with it.

Also I suspect that a lot of people from porky backgrounds are raised with such a mindset of self interest above all else that they start to see other human beings as just means to their ends, making them more likely to do these things.

Wasn't there a study which showed how bosses are much more likely to be psychopaths than regular people?

Eat shit and die

It's CEOs in particular and they're shown to be more likely to be a sociopath than the average person
I don't have the study right now, I'll get it later

Triggered anfem is triggered

Bourgeois degeneracy.

Why are so many leftists cucks?

Considering I know people who were taken advantage of that ruined their fucking life and psyche, and how never the psyche of the other is considered; I am angry, yes.

Like all porkies they like it because they do not care of others.

Like leftypol, you have the same convictions as them.

Why are there more rightist cucks

Landwhale lesbo detected

Do you have any source on that claim? Sounds more like an Infowars-tier "evil satanic pedophile globalists" argument than anything substantial tbh.

Lolita express was a thing wasn't it?

Do you have more? The little redhead is really cute.

In the 80s there were lots of pedos in Westminster and people on TV like Jimmy Savile and Cliff Richard (Elm Guest House). If you want to be a pedo, kill yourself or become rich, powerful and famous and then kill yourself.

But how is it not accurate? Women, demographically speaking, hate you and everything you've ever stood for. They'll never accept you. Say as you will, you are wise to the ways of the world, but you certainly aren't wise to the ways of other humans; about half of them.

In this sense, in your worship of women as what to give your masculinity purpose, you fail to realize you've alienated your need by giving them definition as tool, so smite you.

Recently read about this, disgusting

It's absolutely horrific. youtube.com/watch?v=ORU5x-ryedU

You mean disgusting how a furore was whipped up over nothing to further the careers of some politicians and 'journalists'?

Shut the fuck up and quit trying to be edgy.

All the claims about Elm Guest House have never been proven and the 'evidence' is all shaky as fuck, get a rogering anfem

How quick you are to defend the upper class. It suits your flag rather well.

Don't you see that the whole of the media chasing around after pedophile hysteria and moral panics instead of economic/political issues helps the elites?

a bit

It's normal for men to be attracted to young girls believe it or not. They've done research on this.


Who the fuck would want to be a pedo? I want not to be a pedo.

They've also done research that proves its psychologically damaging and women are more prone to ptsd and suicide later in life.

For every time you bitch about me fighting you on this, you will bitch about the Catholic Church.


With a person below the age of 15, yes. Children cannot consent.

The fact that you are trying to defend pedophilia is troubling. The fact you're doing it in a thread about the wealthy taking advantage of it, is an entirely different beast.

Stop posting here.


It actually is. Though, if it makes you feel better, most men are into young teens rather than prepubescent kids.

I'm not arguing against that. Just pointing out that it's the norm for men to be attracted to underage girls. Also, to be fair, I think some part of the trauma is the stigma attached to it and the fact we expect and put an expectation on their being trauma. Not to justify child rape or whatever.

epic xD

How about you stop posting unless you respond to points, bitch




The FBI are spooks.

It isn't. The mental damage suffered between a stranger and someone who hasn't gone through puberty yet is academic. It's destructive and corrosive to the entire personality, it is akin for most children as if they were within a war zone.

Defending it as "children can consent please, calm down and be fair to people psychologically fucking with children", is typical of leftypol contrarianism.

I could say the exact same thing to you working to defend the rights of the wealthy to exploit the only thing worth fighting for, innocence of children to grow up into adults happier than us.

Alright. In any other case were the victim was mentally ill and poor, I could work to agree. This is not the case, these people are sane and know exactly what they are doing because they are afflicted with greed and power.

You'll likely see less reports of the rich doing this actually, so when it does happen, comparing it as devastating compared to other points of the media's control is suspect.

You didn't say whether you'd leave if you agreed, just "respond to the points". You can leave now.

How so? Why completely disreguard a14-year-old's consent but conider a 15-year-old's consent legitimate?

Mental development. Children can consent to licking pipes in the ground behind their backyard covered in asbestos, but that can fuck with their developing mental state.

Children can consent to sex before puberty, but that can fuck with their developing mental state. It is cruelty for another to do that to a child, and it is illegal and shunned for a reason. It destroys the ability for someone to successfully form into a young adult into an adult.

If you want to defend the children of god cult's exact excuses for their horror, you should reevaluate what you're saying and come up with a better argument.

The brain isn't fully developed until well into the mid 20's, and most children hit puberty at around 12 or 13.

So what does a 15-year-old brain that allows it to experience a sexual relationship without having a mental breakdown that a 14-year-old brain doesn't have?

Also do you have any articles or papers about sexual stimulation harming mental development?

Developed enough to be biologically ready for consent and sex.

The key word here is "hit". As in "begin". Stop justifying this in a thread about the exploitative class fucking children as if they're justified, they are not. A mentally ill man with no power is.



s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/32495504/complex-trauma-in-children.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ56TQJRTWSMTNPEA&Expires=1469224161&Signature=SGRqw/8RyozHpULAgCGXl8mD8Ws=&response-content-disposition=inline; filename=Complex-trauma-in-children.pdf





I'm just picking a few that come up because as of now it's regular psychiatric and neurological and pediatric consensus. You don't need to ask the question. It is so damaging children sexually abused as adults could shut the memories off, in order to prevent further harm to the rest of the mind; being unable to recall they were ever abused in the first place. The question I should be asking is, where's the evidence that it doesn't in the face of all evidence to the contrary?

Because a lot of them are jewish

Yet here you are with us. Admit it. You secretly love it.

Nope. I'm here to debate you because I'm bored and arguing with liberals is a masochistic affair. You should try masochism, you deserve it.

tbh you would have more luck on Holla Forums, we hate pedophiles and want to kill them all

this place is full of degenerate child fucking cucks

I debate human beings, not deluded teenagers and ignorant lost souls.

Purple flag said that arguing with libs is masochistic. By the same metric arguing with Holla Forumstards would be abysmal bloodsoaked purgatory.


Except when they have their Loki circlejerks.


You were hoping that we just wouldn't open these, weren't you?

It's estimated that that 5-10% of men alone have pedophilic urges and when you take into account the large number of rich people you can predict that there would be quite a large amount of child abuse. Most of the victims of elite pedophile rings are pubescent so most of it isn't even clinical pedophilia.

For once I agree with Holla Forums. They are your people.

On top of this, what gives you authority over the majority of medical science? You have none, is the matter. You have no knowledge or authority on the subject, you had to ask for what you did not know, and was willing to never entertain despite the fact.

So, you aren't willing to debate with me, and yet you attempt? Why?

Seem more to be your people since you smear entire ideologies together without proper discourse on the matter similarly in the face of fighting identity in order to protect identity. Motivation of contrarianism, not thorough thought.

You're not debating anyone you deluded cuck


Thanks, comrade.

Again, where do you draw the line?

You're right, this is the wrong thread for this. But it was the best excuse I had to post some qt's and bicker tbh

Did you look at these before posting them? Two of them wanted me to buy the article so I could only read the abstract. Also all of them are about abuse, not consensual relationships and sexual stimulation.

I like the siteseerx pdf though.
Huh, it's almost as if that act we need for reproduction and are hardwired to enjoy doesn't inherently ruin out mental states. If I didn't know any better I'd say our attitudes about children and sex are shaped by our cultures and ideology rather than human nature.

If that was the case, then he appealed to them out right by asking for examples medical academia's consensus.

I just want to reap the harvest of the revolutionary terror already!

Provide actual, grounded sources or concede that you are illiterate on the subject and simply do not know.

Says the person without a shred of knowledge in the field.

I'm a different poster and don't claim to have intricate knowledge of the subject myself - which exactly my issue. Rather than prance around in act of absolute psuedo-intellectualism, pretending you have a shred of merit in field of neuropsychology, stick to something you have actual knowledge of. You divisive, caustic, charlatan crook.

Nobody is debating you. They are mocking you.

Medical science.

That's just the facts of these things. I didn't suggest you wanted to read them, I gave examples of larger consensus itself you asked for.

The fact is there is nothing consensual about damaging the mind of someone who has not begun puberty, or has just begun puberty. You can consent to heroin, but that is not your right to demand people respect your choice and your freedom for destroying yourself and your mind.

Likewise sex before puberty itself when the genitals are still developing as is the mind as is every part of that person's being, alters it negatively. You can't have this possibility without altering the content who that person would have otherwise be; in such a way that is more negative than others.

Provide actual, grounded sources or concede that you are illiterate on the subject and simply do not know.

See, the thing is this is medical consensus. Criticism of medical consensus is a large weighty thing to attempt, and you have to have evidence as such more than I.

So provide sources that underage sex between someone below the age of 13 isn't and is perfectly safe, that hasn't been criticized into death, and I will consider it.

It is entirely obvious that nobody is debating me. They've yet to do what you've criticized me of doing, itself.


gosh, look at all these iron clad arguments

I never said the consensus is wrong, never stated the opposite nor commented on the topic of the debate - I claimed you are a charlatan and psuedo-intellectual, which you are only re-affirming. From that last post I can add illiterate to that as well.


more fine arguments from well read and educated gentlesirs

Go cry about the tone somewhere else, Hillary.

Ah, yes. I am a charlatan and psuedo-intellectual and re-affirming it because I'm daring to say fucking children isn't a good idea for all parties involved, in a topic about rich people taking advantage of children.

It is not the people debating without a shed of irony that I'm defending things because of deluded morality. You honestly think that.

Find a source that says otherwise in the ocean of contrary evidence.

As good at insults as you are finding sources.


kek, what I wrote had absolutely fuck all to do with tone you ignorant fuck.

Yo what the fuck, I have that shit, and I wasn't even sexually abused as a kid

Dude what if I was sexually abused by someone and I literally don't remember it, and that's why I'm a retard today

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You claim a medical consensus yet have no evidence of one.

lol thats not one either


Neither is

And you make the bolder claim pedophilia is perfectly fine for everyone involved. In a thread about the upper class exploiting children because of their power. No, it is excusable, let me argue in their favor.

We both know it, we don't have to debate. In fact you don't want to debate, you would lose.



Man ain't you a fucking genius?

You're honestly is appreciated.

My issue is with your conduct, because of regards to the belligerent and divisive smugness on display which is wholly unwarranted. You are a psuedo-intellectual because you claim to have intricate knowledge you do not, you are a charlatan for pretending you have experience in a field you do not.

It has nothing to do with affirming the consensus or debating borderline kiddyfiddlers - why would you even bother? You said yourself the consensus is, ostensibly, that child abuse in gross causes severe psychological damage. There is no point, besides gratuitous self-aggrandisation. Which you can't manifest because you don't have any actual knowledge of the topic.

The only other group on Holla Forums who act on this level of simplistic arrogance are the neo-nazis.

You make a claim that a medical consensus exists, yet you have no evidence of one.

Why does idpol shit like this always get on first page?

And I'm not even a Stalinist tbh.

Children are an ID?

Check your age of majority muh privileges, ageist.

Everywhere here. Point out where you're not.

So you're making the claim that by debating people saying pedophilia isn't as harmful as its made out to be (which by the way, I was asked to prove its even "made out to be" anyways), I am engaging in "gratuitous self-aggrandisation",

An interesting argument. What makes it any less relevant for the people debating me of these facts? I think it would be more-so since the position taken is contrarian and typical of image board torture chamberes.

Oh, now I am a neo-nazi for debating the fact pedophilia is harmful. This is rich.

What's idpol about it?

Now THATS a tone argument. Now fuck off and hang yourself you peado apologist scumbag

He must be if he can detect sarcasm.

Sexuality is. Pedophilia is format for sexuality(nor perversion/disease). This is pointless discussion.

Didn't look like sarcasm to me, it was on par with the rest of the pedo apologists in this thread.

How about right over there?

You didn't get dubs

he did.

Nice dubs but this thread is about the prevalence of pedophilia among communities of the porkies. I think this is a perfectly valid subject.

Tankieism, not even once.

I`m not taking sides on this or on any other politics of sexual identity.

It would be, but dialogue seems to be bit distracted form origins of this thread. Also you don`t talk about the class(ergo the porkies) but rather are debating semantics whether pedophilia is or is not a disease.

Gee, I wonder where he got that idea.

Moron channist detected


The topic quickly devolved when it was questioned if pedophilia was harmful at all. Obviously someone is going to say something. If not me someone else, this isn't as other boards are. I'm just more willing to debate.

So pedophilia being psychologically and pediatrically harmful is psuedoscience now?

Can I have some sources that suggest that all rigor done on the subject is actually dubious?

I wasn't providing evidence of what you want to see, you misunderstand, I was providing evidence that there is a large number of sources by providing varied sources. The question was more, "can I find sources on this?" So I supplied several in example there are oceans of information to find on the subject.

I've yet to see you cite a single source that otherwise proves pedophilia isn't harmful to children.

Didn't you suggest I was flinging logical fallacies, or was that someone else who doesn't know how to properly debate?


wtf is wrong with you go look at some adult women wierdo

New thread topic:

Why are so many chantards pedophiles?

when you think about it, the younger people are, the more they look like anime

I think it has to do with the fact that Japanese people are pedos

I once read that most pedophiles aren't really attracted to children but rather to the idea of bringing harm to children. And considering the average channer I'd say there is something to that that point.

Smaller dicks fit in more pleasing manner, unlike fuckhole that has been abused by lumpetproleteriats for few good years?


nah, that's literally not it

it's just that anime and japanese culture aesthetically prefer "youthful" features and some people find that sort of aesthetic preferable

I guarantee you most of these pedos aren't actually pedos and just people that watch anime

Talking about how the bourgeosie's position of unchallenged power enables individual porkies to get away with awful shit is a valid, non idpol topic of discussion
As for where the thread has gone now,this is a case of not being neutral on a moving train. When someone starts making arguments about how molesting or having sex with children isn't s bad, you have to argue against that and shut that shit down as a matter of fucking urgency.

More often than not whenever something related to loli, CP or peadophilia comes up on the chans the thread gets raided by peado's trying to defend their peadophilia.

I don't doubt that anime and Japanese culture has made it 'fashionable' and in some context even 'acceptable'. But I'm not speaking about those channers, I'm speaking about the ones that got us on the FBI watch list and blacklisted on google. teh real pedos


Child`s pussy is going to be smaller and so much more tighter, so I think that as a reason stands on it`s own merits.
just shitposting

That would be the case, IF you think that power relations in sexual partnership really are relevant.

Go, brave armchair warrior, and fight the excellent brocialist pedophiles with your shitposting!

No. No. No. No underaged shit. You guys know the rules. Where the fuck are the damn mods?

You need a lot more lube, though, which sucks. It gets all sticky after a while.

In a free anarchist society we can produce and consume as much of child pornography as we wish! FUCK YOUR STATIST RULES MAN

Because pedophilia is a valid sexuality, it is also a valid identity.

None of those pics are pornographic (or even really erotic) in nature.

And of course what kind of silly person would think that.

Sexuality is always intertwined with individuals identity(unless you castrate them).

Anime is the gateway drug to child fucking.


I think it mostly has to do with exposure to the material. That and the tendency to disregard social norms when given anonymity.

Not that sick fucks like that don't exist but that's the literal opposite of the word pedophile.

None of that is even close to cp. Don't get your nickers in a twist, Handsen.

you have to prove that the kid is able to consent though and is not being coerced into doing it

None of those pictures are erotic in nature.

I have some bad news for you user, you have a chronic case of pedophilia.

"Objective proof" is a spook


Why don`t just have similar tests for all relationships that might effected by any sort of power relation? Such as between seniors and juniors,between co-workers, employees and employed etc. etc.

yeah, no shit buddy. :^)

No it isn't

All sex is rape you fucking woman hater sexist pig.

I am not suggesting that. I'm saying you cannot consent to psychological trauma no matter how hard you try.

Here, let me repeat myself.

I am not suggesting that. I'm saying you cannot consent to psychological trauma no matter how hard you try.

Holla Forumsyp detected

Calm down you don't have to pretend to be me. You'd have to try a lot harder than that.


It's not cp, but it is definitely jail-bait.

Why don't you fuck off you psycho bitch? You are so narcissistic it's disgusting, ugh.

prove that anywhere near 100% of relationships turn out this way due to the relationship in itself and not outside forces and I'll believe you.

pls keep it spooky

Weak sauce m8. Thats some halfchan shit dude.



the issue is that there have been plenty of studies that show that humans after a certain age are more capable of consent than they are at a younger age. you have to find some data that proves that kids at a young age can reasonably consent without being coerced into doing so in order for me to accept pedophilia.

all of the examples you listed are of course objectionable, i don't support any coercive romantic relationships. the issue is again, i'm not convinced that kids are capable of consenting completely voluntarily. prove to me that they can, and i'll drop my opinion.

It is necessary for the vanguard to establish control over this. What if these personal relationships might lead to counter-revolutionary thought or action? It might be best for all of society if the party was allowed to form arranged/forced marriages? It would make sense and it would turn our social engineering bit more effective.

It's so obvious that I don't have to, really.

Prove it isn't.

I always matter.


You'd have much more luck sending me screens of the DSM.

I'm asking you to explain your reasoning.

Oh look it's another 'leftypol defends pedophila' thread.

still trying to make up for those fucks you missed in highschool?

Yeah that's a reasonable request.

Lets get down to the very root of your reasoning.

Explain why, in simple terms, consent towards sex is important in single ethnic societies.

The burden of proof is on you to explain why something that two people choose to do with each other is harmful.

keep it spooky, liberal


No it isn't. In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary you must prove you have an argument I can tangibly work with that isn't


So cite a source, make an argument. Do something that isn't begging.

Explain why it isn't.

man look at those goalposts go!

still waiting to see that evidence i asked you to present :^)

Oh, look!
It's another "I am not part of leftypol, even if I'm here all the time, so I can blame them as a whole and have a temporary feeling of justification in my "life"" reply.

still waiting to see that evidence i asked you to present :^)

She never stated or implied she wasn't "part of leftypol" what are you saying. What are you implying.

It's not fully understood by science yet, but pictures of little girls make arguments they're posted next to appear more eloquent and logical.

ive been conditioned to believe the ability to make a truly voluntary agreement is an important element of liberty for humans. its through this basic belief that's been conditioned into me since a young age that i put any stock in the argument regarding capitalist work as non-voluntary due to its work or starve nature. the reasoning you're looking for is the idea that someone cannot reasonably say they made a choice themselves if outside forces had any hand in their decision making. you still MAKE choice, yes, but it's not really a choice YOU got to pick. ie, choosing to fuck my boss over having him blackmail me is probably preferable, but it's really not much of a choice. i'd rather fuck my boss if i found them charming and attractive, not if my boss had some sort of leverage over me.

Honestly it's impossible to respond to your posts. I don't wanna be too insulting, but I think your grasp of English is a bit lacking man, sorry.


Hurry up and commit suicide before you throw at more fake bullshit than I'm accused of throwing

How can a child, who for the vast majority do not understand sex and sexuality consent on the same level as a adult with more life experience?

Eloquently put federalli.

at one point is someone an adult?

That's complete bullshit.

All human decisions are motivated by external simuli, all beliefs are based on your past experiences.

There is no such thing as free choice, you just choose to live in delusion.

Ok. Let's lower my "english".

You cannot "blame" leftypol as a whole, for you are part of said whole.

Psychological trauma is, as a matter of fact, bad. This has nothing to do with the status quo.

Psychological trauma is, as a matter of fact, bad. This has nothing to do with the state.

Again. For the fucking 28th time I think, please provide a source that suggests pedophilia is fine and not damaging to children. You can accomplish your goals if you set your mind to it.

Shouldn't that say something? Or is it all an anti-pedophilia conspiracy?

At the point the collective feelings of society determine them to be.

Group think determines everything.

I would say halfway through biological puberty. 16 is a negotiable agent of consent.

so you're cool with a society of baby-fuckers doing as they please?

or can we get some actual point

because you say? why 16? why not 15? What about early bloomers?

please actually think before you post.

Recommended reading

I would think that prepubescent girls are much less likely to be aware of their body and sexuality.

Also is not me. You writing this down Agent Jones?

Okay, do you have a point with this post? I understand leftypol is not a monolithic hive mind, hence I'm here and don't agree with the concensus. This is implied. Try to read posts without assuming every word is literal and using this as a means of attack, it's simply not how language works.

proof pls or gtfo.
you getting raped as a kid is not proof.

Use this as an example.

The age of consent is determined using subjective emotion and personal anecdote.

If they had the required military force to sustain their actions how could I stop them? The ingroup with the most physical force ultimately controls the morality of the masses.

You were provided with evidence before and you dismissed it without making one single argument why.

So its unreasonable for us to expect you to provide any evidence, but you can sit back and demand that we all write a fucking thesis for you to dismiss out of hand and call us cucks?


He wasn't alone

i'm aware of that fact. but of course it is preferable to mitigate the amount of external stimuli that force us to choose one action over another assuming we both agree that voluntarism is only possible when there is no extreme leverage one choice has over another.

no evidence was presented.

I'm saying when you come around saying you've got evidence for your claims, refuse to post them, and demand the other side to post their first when they're in the minority - it's bullshit.
Let me also just go get my conclusive marijuana studies from the 1980s and we'll see how that goes

You don't get to bring friends.

Fifteen biologically and psychiatrically speaking is not enough. Sixteen is where sexual maturity actually begins.

Prove pedophilia is not psychologically damaging to children below the age of 14.

I'm speaking on biological and medical terms, as they are inarguable.

When you say "understand sex" do you mean comprehending the act itself and how to stay safe, or the socially constructed connotations we have surrounding sex?

The consensus of Holla Forums is pro pedophilia? nooooooooo

They are not my friends.

No evvidence was presented by you either when asked, all you had to say was I shouldn't expect "counter sources" to be readily available, presumably because of how dubious they are in academia.

But I'm sure that's a conspiracy.

for you, maybe. many people are much earlier and much later

some retards don't ever reach sexual maturity and you think it's still cool to fuck em?

why is retard sex allowed? they can't consent as adults and are undeveloped

Looking at this thread and most other threads on the subject. Maybe the pedoposters are just louder, I dunno. I'd love to be wrong here.

$$$ No charge for them. $$$

thanks for admitting you presented no sources for any of your claims despite the trot white-knighting u

I don't think the Holla Forums consensus is pro-paedophile. It's a handful of the same people, likely peaodophile brigading.

You can also drive at that age. Why not?

Now, I'd be A-OK with porn availability in earlier age. But.. There are limits you know… The fact that you can do something doesn't mean it's OK to do it.

liberals everywhere

They do not matter because in order to protect the majrity of people who aren't, you must have rules and regulations in a society to punish physical harm that occurs.

So you want to defend having sex with minors far below the age of 15, but you compare them to retards?

Also I'm very sure that the ethics behind that are sketchy. But its not psychological trauma for the most part, or not in the same way pedophilia is.

Again, I repeat: no evidence was presented by you either when asked, all you had to say was I shouldn't expect "counter sources" to be readily available, presumably because of how dubious they are in academia.

this is not self-justifying

Look at .

Dude do you have autism or some shit

Why would I want them?

B-but… I thought this was an OK way to argue.. .. I mean.. most feminists do it… you know .. "you said word X. Don't use word X. It's offensive. Unless you are using word X cause you are Y! YOU Y!"

lmao. Okay now you are confirmed for dumb

Have you ever raised livestock?

Mammals begin going into heat and reproducing very shortly after biological puberty, most usually within the mating season directly after biological puberty is reached.

Speaking from strictly objective terms age is a non-issue in terms of breeding and humans are capable of breeding directly after puberty. Puberty is not reached at the same age by all people so by objective definition there would be no "age of consent" but rather puberty or the year after would be defined as the optimal beginning of mating procedure.

However you are not speaking from an objective or rational standpoint treating humans objectively as a mammalian species. You are speaking irrationally based on personal experience and prejudice espousing your group think mentality. This is normal and this is how humans behave.

The group think of those who wield the physical force required to enforce their ethics and moral systems will usually prevail, see islam, see western civilization, et all

In short it doesn't fucking matter it's all vaguely defined bullshit.

Is your source for why pedophilia isn't psychologically damaging to children, against the mountain of evidence it is, just saying the word "Stirner"

Why would I want them?

i bring an example of a sexually immature and mentally immature adult and you act like I'm calling kids retards pejoratively

Do you have the judgemntal capability to make things your property at 12?

Hell.. I don't know if most people have it at 42!



I can already tell this argument is going to be gold.

Human beings and cows are so similar it hurts. Add chipmunks to that list.

Yes I'm sure, very objective.

So your argument is humans are like cows.

Right. Please next post in reply to mine, say human nature.

It's a lot less vaguely defined than whatever analogy you just made. It's medical. Not "Y'know here in hicksville I raise some cattle".

They were trying to grab your prize. (Smiles.) They work for the mercenary. The masked man.

Shitposting this because this is essentially a continuation of a post on r/anarchism, ie this thread is filled with redditors.

Evidence was provided, it was ignored, read the thread. No counter arguments of any worth have been made against us. The lack of evidence for your arguments is not a conspiracy.

link to the evidence then. I'll be waiting

You realize that I'm not arguing or debating with you correct?

I am posting a monologue under the guise of an argument meaning to post my ideas for others, I would not waste my time debating a fool.


How do you know this if you yourself aren't a redditor?


Okay, I don't know what you want me to do now, defend liberal feminists? What are you doing here pal? I don't believe in prescriptive linguistics and I don't complain about bad words hurting my feelings, I hope this helps.



So… you are not a true feminist?



Because someone made a thread about it already.

Check the catalog, faggot.


Which itself has sources.











I could post more but I don't have all day to provide you examples from fucking everywhere.

Yes, suggesting you provide evidence pedophilia is harmful makes you a radfem.

You're so funny leftypol.

Read the thread. Then provide some evidence of your own while you're at it.


You realize the BO himself has been advertising to redditors since board creation right?

The BO is a redditor and this entire board is a reddit colony.

His entire purpose is to turn Holla Forums into reddit.

Here's a bunch of literature from a soviet Marxist-feminist, give it a read.

Pathetic. This is what you're argument devolved to?

you're mixing two very different actions buddy

Greater revolutionary spirit will guide them.

This a shit thread, filled with redditors.


le moralism ::::DDDDDDD

Suggesting pedophilia is bad is reddit.

the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"

This isn't "moralism" this is medical science. You are actually the one trying to make a moral argument on why medical science doesn't matter.

You don't consent to being molested. Otherwise it wouldn't be molestation.

If the they are capable of building bunkers at 14, they are capable of having sex.

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would claim to be objective while being a moralist?

Hey come on you know this cunt doesn't represent us

molestation is bad.
pedophilia just is.

please go back to le reddit with the other lifestylists

I did not make a single post in regards to the discussion.

You are just desperate, now.

What the fuck are you even telling me here.

Then shut up.

He's pointing out the fact you keep conflating pedophilia with molestation.

There is no difference.

im telling you that pedophilia does not always result in molestation and pedophilia in itself naturally occurs.

nobody is saying molestation is good. fucking obviously

You're a mess, you're a joke, you're pathetic!

le pedo defenders support raping kids XDXD le reddit says so

Are you really this triggered? Go back to r/anarchism. This isn't a thread about leftism, nor is about politics.

sex, intercourse, I was typing in all caps so I chose a different word at the heat of the moment. Answer my bloody question Che.

choose a real question then, not some salty triggered shitpost

Yes it does.

Context for this statement.

Pedophilia or, sex with someone below the age of twelve.

No, I'm telling you not to get triggered by randomly jumping into an argument and yelling Reddit.

It is annoying and pointless, I'll give you that.

I support state controlled marriage and a thorough eugenics system that allows couples to begin breeding at the optimal age to have a maximum amount of healthy children.

That fucking moralist shill would say this is bad.

You're a big guy

Think before accusing someone of making a salty triggered shitpost when the accusation is a salty triggered shitpost.

So you have autism

You stated just earlier in your posting history that pedophilia was sex with someone below the age of 16.

It is a real question. How can prepubescent children who don't have a full understanding of sex and sexuality fully consent to sex the same way as an adult can. Stop putting it off.


Careful now. You might overdose on all that ideology you've been shooting up.

I did not reply to anyone. I merely pointed out that this thread is a continuation of another one, made by redditors to disccus their "theorization".

Get more triggered, I don't even care. Not related to leftism.

I did not say that. I know where you were saying, but I think, obviously, you misread.

I said the agent of consent should be 16.

No I support authoritarianism.

Because I'm a big guy.

oh look, it the feminazi Holla Forumsack troll again

by getting a sex education and weighing their options

it should be 16 because anfem flag delegates sex rules to me also you all have le autism hehehehheheheheheh

You might as well. I'm the one citing sources.

Or is peer review and academic rigor "ideology now", that you're free from?

Medical science is a scam I say, a scam!

Because you have autism.

I never said you did.

That's what I said. I'm telling you not to get triggered by randomly jumping into an argument and yelling Reddit.

Get more triggered, I don't even care. Not related to leftism.

Sure is.

You're right.
but it sure is fun

Nice ad homniem m'goy

Yes that's exactly what I'm saying. Can you ask me to cite sources more? I miss that.

It's not an ad hom its a diagnosis.

But you did.

Your arguments were getting utterly destroyed, so now you have to backpedal and focus on me - a completely unrelated user.

Get more triggered faggot :^)

*tips kippah*

le goverment says it's bad so you must tell me why it's not

It is in his class interest to do so. We should have expected no better.

All the medical science you've shown only study situations in which the child was forcibly molested. You're not stupid enough to actually believe consensual sex and rape are the same thing if one of them is under 15 or whatever arbitrary number you decided was a sensible age of consent.




Nobody has even engaged her arguments let alone destroyed them

By who? Point out where the argument child sexual abuse isn't actually child sexual abuse was proven.

*tips bicycle helmet*

I'm not quoting the government I'm going academics, who in fact, do know more than you about the subject.

Oh there's times where child sexual abuse is actually fine and not damaging?

You're going to need to back up some sources on that.

Yes, it's some spooky made up number where one stops being a child and starts puberty.


What the fuck are you talking about? Every point she made you guys just go "REEEEEEE NORMIES GO HOME"

This is the only decent criticism I've even seen so far.


Find sources to back up your argument if you truly think this has merit.

im le samefagging myself gaise xDXD

We know that you are the same person as the feminist flag you fucking shillbot.

Again, I'll ask. When you say "full understanding of sex and sexuality," what are you talking about? The sex itself, or the cultural attitudes towards it?

So what you're saying is you have no argument and you're a nutjob?

#ImWithHer bumper sticker coming your way

This isn't about morals. You are arguing on moral pinciple why child sexual abuse has exceptions to being child sexual abuse. This is a weighty claim and all thread I have demanded sources to argue with, for nothing to come.

Now I must argue why you haven't.

We are, how did you know?

Not "moralism", medical science. Again, cite a source.



How can an adult without a full understanding of power structures or political motivations consent to their government?

Give me a good answer and I might do the same.



Lets be clear about this. Only way women can be liberated, is if we get rid of age of consent.

Where is the pedo in the decision making process?

What about children that don't receive one?

What about the parents?

Sex education in the fifth grade is dry. It does not teach the fifth graders the concept of consent, and the emotional, and psychological content that entails with sex. I don't think it is that simple.

What they are getting into. The balance of power between two partners and his/her place in it and if he/she is ok with it.

Stop arguing for the other team in this thread because you're upset, you're making them look tremendously bad.

Also for the record, you probably wouldn't read a source I've cited, you're parroting another user.

Child abuse is always damaging. But sexual relations with a child isn't abuse by default.
Sources? Personal experience as well as this for starters.

I'm not going to join this discussion. I don't care enough about this thread to bother with it. I'm here for the giggles.

Keep replying to me please

Which weren't from me. I'm not even participating in the discussion.

You keep using this spook, and yet it means nothing.


[incoherent moralism and opinion]
everyone else is wrong and i wont do any research or arguing
did i win yet?

Yes cite a source.

The effects of studied child sexual abuse is a medical science.

No source given.


they're not in the decision making process because it's the individual making the decision.

maybe in america it is

Zhe (xim/xer? trans-he-male? lmao) argues like an evangelical televangelist.

muh liberal academia

why would i have to actually make arguments instead of throwing a moralist tantrum and whining about others having points and not giving me sources i did never come across on my non existent research?

Just admit you are jewish.


You are just a sad sack of shit. Go rape a 6-year old if you want to do it so much.

okay ill admit i dont have sources about consensual relationships. I'm just mad my dad raped me and didn't call me back

I have been identifying as a woman since I was four years old. Liberation of women means liberation for all women.

nobody has made points lol
look, i said things like age of consent
i am smart and educated as you see
this is the fact i just stated because it is one

give me sources lol!

This isn't moralism this is medical science. You are arguing on moralist principle.

Medical science is a conspiracy, don't let them vaccinate you or say having sex with a 7 year old is bad :)

Stopped reading here.

Ironic because you will not explain, or cite any sources. Only one.


Person has cited a source that I've asked for.

I've given them. You have not.

Prove your point.

Is this an argument? Mocking someone bringing up academic study universal, when it doesn't suit them, by saying "mug"

You have me to a tee, except you're insulting yourself.

you don't understand, you see?
i said "medical science" again
and you still don't take me serious
what the fuck ? :(

i have no argument so you should go rape someone

"I've been found out!"


On pedophilia not being a disorder
On legalizing child pornography
Food for thought

On child sexuality not being harmful
Susan Clancy:
Rind, Tromovitch, Bauserman:
Second-hand harm:
Food for thought
google.com/webhp?ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=circumcision and consent

This is what woman hater looks like!

Msybe they are better off without all that spooky shit. Wouldn't it be nice to unlearn that garbage?

i said medical science!
how much argument do you need?!

buh all of this is bullshit because muh feefees muh moralism muh

Here are more proper studies on child sexual abuse itself. I am sorry for being vague.

I'm sure you'll read them.


Sorry I have to answer to people who won't read the sources first while asking for sources.

You've been dodging my criticism all thread. Again find a source.

I'm fucking done. You're all too fucking stupid to be reasoned with. I'm literally shaking from how fucking frustrating it is to try to communicate anything to you people.



How much of an argument do you need?


Ok but can you cite some sources child sexual abuse isn't harmful.

i said medical science
i don't have to actually make arguments and give sources

i just demand those from others while clattering my moralism with "medical science"
i did it again mom! lol!

I just want you to answer my one question.


How much of an argument do you need?


Do you want me to give sources you won't read?


I just want to ask you one question. Can you cite a source?


I think you mean Holla Forums culture opposed to the reddit-culture practiced on this judeo-atheist board.






you link sources to children being kidnapped and act like that's normal behavior in a relationship







y-you just don't read my sources i do not provide, guys!

so trust me when i say "medical science" ffs! wtf!!

some other guy posting sources in mass is deeply excellent and reactionary and this sinner needs to be banned

Yeah, a not as nearly informed and educated opinion.

Sex ed in grade school IS dry in the U.S. Which only shows (at least in the U.S) that for the most part pre-pubescent children won't be able to make a fully thought out decision about it. Opinion might change somewhat since just dumped a bunch of sources.

Think about what I said though.

My favorite part of Holla Forums is how quick they are to accuse jews of being pedophiles to defending pedophiles all day


Hol up

So posted like 30 articles and your response is 4 articles without disputing the veracity of his sourced material.

That's not how academia works you know.

Trust me when I say moralism and dodge citing sources, while demanding sources.

Now, hold it right there- ours is strictly a Germanic system of institutionalized education; made reality only by the Rockefeller foundation.

Most Jews would rather send their kids to Catholic school than accept the public standard.

I'm not defending pedophiles, I just don't like hook nosed jews like you who don't make rational arguments and have a persecution complex.

No I mean halfchan. Those is some Holla Forums tier shitposts's. Could be reddit too though I wouldn't know



I won't, but I get what you mean and I agree.

Aditionally, as you can see, it's not only my english. It's a general theme of preoccupation and prejudice that doesn't let us sufficently communicate.

I am hostile against you. You are hostile against me. And all this based on what we think of each other's ideology.

And that's why being reactionary is bad.

The argument was always shit. A shit thread with shit arguments. What do you expect? To seriously talk about "is it ok to fuck children"?

Ye, am as anti-fem and Leninist as they come, but now you're talking BS.

There are 2-3 persons on this thread, defending pedo against an an-fem poster that gets to obsesed with prooving a point to people that don't want a point prooven.

This is the ultimate degeneracy.


Kodomo no Jikan is not reality, you know…

How are people going to argument, have a discussion, if all of your "sources" are hidden behind a paywall?

This is great.

The Catholic Church is a jewish controlled institution.

The current Pope is of jewish birth.

You can link as many sources as you like. The fact of the matter is its useless because most of them are not arguing entirely in your incoherent viewpoints. That being said they are torn apart by psychiatry and are dubious.

You wouldn't if you read them. Besides which if you actually knew about sources you would know ways of going around the paywall and finding the study elsewhere.

Actually 31

Obviously, but those schools are private, not public, which was part of my argument.

I'm not hostile against you. Why do you think I'm being hostile?

Yes you are.

Just jew my shit up kike.

It is a safeguard to prevent them from getting into abusive relationships and situations. So I don't thin k it is ok to remove that "spooky" shit.


And all of her sources are behind paywalls, so nobody can read past the abstracts anyway.

sex is incredibly special and you should only give it to the person you love

is less damaging than

it's a fun thing to do once in a while, no worries

please tell me which kid comes out of the relationship more traumatized

Damn this thread went from tankie hate to Holla Forums hate real quick.

Putting medical science in quotes and then mocking me for pointing out the fact that child sexual abuse is harmful is irrational moralism.

You know, when you do this, and make threads about "recruiting people on the internet into leftism" you're doing an amazing job spending all day defending pedophilia.

My viewpoint is not irrational. Your viewpoint is irrational.

No the tradition of arranged marriage which was practiced by all reaches of human society up until the Victorian Era was a safeguard to prevent children from getting into abusive relationships by ensuring that female children would have a stable household and loving husband.


Truly this is masterful debate.

please somehow go behind the paywall to read me four studies about children being raped and murdered to learn why all sexual relationships with anyone under 16 are bad

haha holy shit that's exactly what it was. Reasons for cultural tradition can be summed up in no less than five sentences.

You won't read and you don't read so why should I read to you?

Explain how my viewpoint is irrational when you've invoked the "academia is bad and liberal once I ask for sources from academia".

You're the type to use it selectively anyways.

i see no refutations to my arguments by the liberal feminist here so I'll just kick back for a bit.

Marriages were arranged as young as eight years of age and typically children were birthed as early as fourteen years of age.

Learn to count.

The medium of written language is not good at projecting emotion or theme. Thus, in our alienated society hostility is the passive state of being. On an image board this is maximized.
And this is why pol is so good at dividing and conquering image boards. Like it tries to do here, now.

It's not OK to fuck people under 16.
It's OK to fap to lolicon.

Can we get on with it now, or do you people have to make fucking 14,12,10,8.. Year Olds .. babies.. legal?

Cause the "if 16, why not 15" logic leads to fucking babies.


See, it's not that I won't read your sources, or that I care about sources, or that they are sources you asked for.

It's the pay wall preventing me from reading what I'm not going to read, you see.

le what

why is 16 magical. no spooks pls

are tankies reformed Holla Forumslocks exiled for the lust for child wives?

Cite sources saying child sexual abuse isn't abuse without spamming.

Reasons for cultural tradition can be summed up in no less than five sentences. Less even.

Wasn't it obvious from the get go?

I'm not asking you to pay. They are not my articles. You won't read them.

Concise. More coherent then a single post you've made in this thread.

Optimal survival of the species.

That is the reason for cultural traditions.

The jewish parasite attempts to undermine and destroy cultural traditions in order to weaken and eventually destroy the white peoples of Europe and her former colonies.


I actually hate tankies.

I'm ancom and an actual feminist. Not whatever liberal academia moralist shit you're on

We must establish socialist caliphate in Europe, with child-brides.

Kinda hard to.


Just try to read other posts like you wrote them and it will help you sidestep these misunderstandings.


Arranged marriage exists because of human nature I see.

Human nature, I see.

I'm not the one arguing irrationally, it seems you are.

No you're not.

Especially when you don't know ways around it.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Anyways find sources that show medical science into why child sexual abuse is dangerous is actually a myth. Find sources you can cite about how medical science is a conspiracy.

Read our conversation comrade. And yes. I know of some sexual education in grade school so I'm giving Che poster the benefit of the doubt. Since he told me that sex ed will be how prepubescent kids be able learn about sex and sexuality to make the decision to have sex with a older person.

Not the argument I'm trying to make comrade. I'm talking about rape, consenting, harassment, that kind of thing.

So your argument is Madoka Magica?



put two real 12 year old girls there and that's my argument

Probably saved it from a booru originally too.

Wow, deep


:^) okay liberal

So what should we do to prevent 12 year old children from having consensual sex with each other which is a common occurrence?

When a 12 year old boy fucks a 12 year old girl is this rape? Is he guilty of rape?


Quick question- are you going to respond to the sources I gave backing up my earlier arguments?
If you don't want to that's fine, I'll just go back to shitposting.


What I'm saying is that both should be imprisoned over this. It's rape both ways.

"Can someone with autism have coherent political opinions" is the first thing you should ask yourself before posting.

Why are you suggesting I'm triggered when you're still going out of your way to mock me for saying child sexual abuse is proven harmful?

It's autistic.

You probably don't even know about the NCANDS, why are you suggesting this is a debate, why are you framing it by pretending to be a hyperbolic stereotype?

:^) please go away

We should just execute everyone under 18 and sterilize the world population to make sure children stay pure.

It's the only possible solution.

I'm honestly not going to respond to what isn't academic consensus. This isn't, until it can become academic consensus, I won't respond to it.



You want a state? You'll have arbitrary magical numbers, that are in the middle, simply cause you cannot have every individual evaluated on judgemental capabilities.

You DON'T want a state? Well.. form your commune and have it your way. .. But I don't see that happening, so, do as the majority says.

Is it spooky? Sure. Morality is indeed a spook.
So, why don't I kill you? Cause you are more usefull to me alive and cause I don't want you to kill me.

Why don't I fuck children? Cause I wouldn't want to be fucked, or have the child I raise be fucked, before having the ability to see beyond ideology (AKA self interest) formed.

A) How do you know?
B) We cannot evaluate everyone seperately.

Again, Kodomo no Jikan is not real life.
Also, 2 15yos having sex, isn't the same as a 30yo and a 14yo.

2 12yos are not capable to know "sex". So the guardian is responsible and is to be punished for neglecting.

Please try to be coherent.

Children aren't always pure. For example, you're posting here, and many others are posting here, while very much under age.

What? I'm not going to buy 3 online articles just to "understand" your arguments. Not going to waste my third world wage on shit, sorry.

Have fun

Don't forget to shove in vaccines are a medical conspiracy because the jew doctors at Harvard say it's probably a good idea.

Like, go all out while acting hysterical

I'm saying get lost, liberal. You're some radical anfem from reddit who thinks coming up with arbitrary numbers, supporting liberal academia, and calling all pedophiles rapists is revolutionary.


Still waiting for answers from my post here:

This tbh.

I think it's entirely justified that if you want to debate me you need to torrent the articles I wrote or pay for them


Intellectual dishonesty from a feminist? Who woulda thought?

Are you telling me there is something complicated about figuring out how to shove a erect penis into a vagina?



Please be coherent.

Anybody in college knows this, jesus christ

You people really are clueless.

Why not just post the link, then? It's like you purposely want people to not read. Just to claim "see! no one has arguments, I win.", while in fact no one will buy shittie articles online, tbh.

Stop yellling.

It would be more intellectually dishonest to not consider dubious material dubious, and potray it as actual fact. If there is fervent argument to be made, as of now, it is dubious.

What is there to misunderstand


Is english a second language for you? Tell me what you didn't understand and I'll be more clear :^)


Wow. Amazing. That was so fucking hard and tumultuous.

No, it seems to be for you.

Your point.

that was so hard for you to just post the real article in the first place?

I'm saying your bourgeois feminism is not self-justifying.


Oh I'm sorry I'm not a fucking bourgeois pig who has money for college!


I want to say this in a anarcho feminist way: you're so over-privileged that you cannot conceive that people, who are not from the US or UN, do not have the same access to information as you do.

In other words, you're a faggot. Go back to r/anarchism.

i'm in le college :^) yeah that's right, bucko, I said COLLEGE. Know what that means? I'm taking a class in this, and guess what? I'm right! Why? Because I'm in COLLEGE dumbass LMFAO just get some COLLEGE

I did post the real article.

What are you even talking about. Stop posting borderline cp.

It's not even that.

Here's a tip. Click open google. Search "free academic articles, citable". Oh my god look at that there are free academic articles, citble.

It's fucking everywhere. And you kept demanding I cited sources earlier when you probably don't even read them.

behind a paywall.

holy fucking shit the cognitive dissonance is insane

It's not borderline CP. she's in her mid-twenties. WHOOPS

This is what I mean when I say be more coherent.


Then why ask it from me? Or is asking and not providing in turn, extremely difficult for a poor little baby like you?

Considering how much of a fucking psued you are you go back to fucking reddit.

Is putting two and two together very difficult for you to do. I understand

Point it out.

could you be anymore liberal?

Remember earlier in this thread when I predicted this argument would devolve into convulsion about sources cited.

At least post 2d lolis fags

You know what? Pedophilia is idpol bullshit anyways. Everyone got triggered because it wasn't about gender or ethnicity, but goddamn I just recognized it now. Now Holla Forums and /liberty/ have some fantastic bait material cuz they everyone is going to lose their shit.

But that's wrong.

Notice how the pedofucks only post WHITE girls.


Unless you've seen others doing it.. IT IS!

So, if they DO do it, then the guardians are shit.

Poor Burgers…

… And this is why I support Gulags.

Are you sure that's not just because only white people are attractive?

I asked from you because you were the one posting various articles, to back your arguments, with pay walls.

But here, have this.


Take your thread back to r/anarchism, thank you very much.

the rad anfem liberal in a nutshell

Do you know what liberal means.

get out

Can you quit making posts that sound like they're click bait titles because I'm arguing sexual trauma is a negative and you can't argue back so you're going to act hysterical

You can't even tell sarcasm apart.

That's actually conservative logic.

nobody disagrees sexual trauma is negative.

we disagree that every single relationship with younger people is necessarily traumatic

and then you shitpost articles about kidnap and claim they're the same thing

borderline cp

We dissagree on whether you can fuck 14yos or not.

Hold on here didn't we have a thread like a few days ago complaining about /r/anarchism being ambivalent about pedophillia? double standards Holla Forums

yes we did.
leftypol is not a hivemind.
Same thing happened to that thread.

Below the age of 13 it is regardless and no arguments can be made to the contrary. Argument to the contrary is forfeit.

Speak in complete sentences and try to calm down. Re-read the thread. I gave you examples on why it was medical consensus in a wide variety of articles, just to prove at first it was consensus.

It's clear, even after saying that, you didn't want that. But by you, I en other people you're parroting here.

I gave sources later, the most generally WHO accepted material, you can otherwise find.

I hope this clears things up :)

I am

Your age borderline keeps changing, keep spooking m'spook.

Only took you like 470ish posts faggot!

What are you even talking about. Are you quoting Stirner against the World Health Organization that fucking 7 year olds is a bad choice?

No your reading comprehension keeps changing.

I said 16 is a good age of consent. Other ages were brought up, and I admit this isn't entirely consistent.

But I think you get the point well enough.



where is the anarchism i can't find it help me please

The world health organization is more relevant a source than someone who spends all day arguing why fucking an 8 year old isn't harmful to anyone who doesn't go to college.

Alright, what laws would Holla Forums have regarding the age of consent? Would you out right abolish i?

racism = abolished forever



Keep saying spooky like you aren't in the hyperreal

No age.

Everyone gets a sex education, is taught about consent, and no rape is allowed.


keep posting spooks as if they mean anything

Jomon were white

Those with mostly Jomon phenotype are like Southern Spaniards, mostly white.

The world health organization disagrees for an enormous amount of reasons. I think I'll side with them about child sexual abuse.

look at the noses though

Now this thread is arguing about race specificity.

Beautiful beautiful autism

there u go again "anarchist"

In the interest of racial purity and strong families marriages are automatically arranged based on personality and genetic characteristics and child birth begins when physically able.

She is crying to the mods about it now since she got BTFO.

Lolita was a great book.

Nabokov was one of the great russian writers of the 20th century.

But I wonder, is there a version where the girl is a boy instead? For academic purposes.

Everything is a spook. Doctors? Spook. Get that needle away from me giving me a measles vaccine I don't want that shit.

I'm not banned?

Missed the point

diseases aren't a spook. Appeals to authority as your only evidence is.

No, thank god for that. I don`t think I hate anything else in the world so much as I do hate boylovers.

There's a thread about that on /lit/

That's Yayoi in their blood.

Jomon were a white race in Japan living there for more than 10,000 years before the Yayoi invaded from mainland asia and polluted the genepool.

Neither is observable quantifiable repeated medical fact of the danger of psychological trauma linked to developing mental condition

I appreciate your autism shitting this thread up further.

I just enjoy russian literature. Dostoyefski > Nabokov anyways.

I'm not a boylover. I'm not even gay.

Thanks, will check it out.

i take it you haven't taken your debate class in COLLEGE yet

You're ridiculous I'm out

missing class?

It's Summer

retaking debate class?

you're not doing too well

Gas yourself

So do you really expect some one under the age of say 12 to fully be able to make that decision against an adult? What's to stop an adult from convining some young kid that they are truly deeply in love, and then doing god knows what because they consent. This could easily lead to abusive relationships. Sure there is a grey zone, but we don't let kids buy booze, and driver a reason, why should sex by any different just because they consent when they easily could be manipulated.

this happens in adulthood often too so I don't see your point

kids can't drink before a certain level because it's very physically dangerous for them. Orgasms are hardly dangerous.

Kids should be able to drive once they are taught and can see above the dashboard.

Why so much appeal to the status-quo in here? I'm surprised nobody mentioned "if we can die for our country why cant we have a beer"

Well people convince others that Allah will give them virgins and that they must kill for it.

I don't see you faggots saying there's anything wrong with that.

good one

kill yourself pedo

Do you really think sex isn't dangerous? Do you really think that a pedo wouldn't be able to convince a kid that the will make sure she won't get a disease, or get pregnant even if they don't any proper precautions? Or that won't do rough shit and make them think it's not too bad even if it causes them discomfort.

I never said adults can't be abused, but letting younger adolescents, and even prepubescents consent is just asking for trouble.

Well.. I guess when the state court or the community court asks you "why did you fuck this 12yo?" you'll answer "DUDE! IT'S A SPOOK!"

Also, am a leninist so the "anarchy" argument doesn't stick.

Well, I've been drinking wine and beer since I was 12ish. But south europa isn't "west" is it?

We live post-apocalypse and kids need to be able to drive and do whatever they want.
Or they are responsible adults at 12. KEK

Because Jewish people enjoy putting baby dicks in their mouth, and if you're against that, you're just being antisemitic

ok so what? I'm talking about my ideal society

Odd point of note, Canadian police have a saying that there are two kinds of pedophiles.

Star Trek and Star Wars.

The most common link they were able to find was that an overwhelming majority of arrests were of Star Trek fans, often in homes full of memorabilia and props from the series.


Its a power thing, you can do whatever you want so you are gonna inevitably gravitate to the worst

its also a really useful tool for blackmail, im convinced at this point that its a requirement to make some kind of sex tape with a minor if you want to get into a position of power, they hold on to that shit in case you suddenly grow a conscience and go rogue or do something good for a change

the english royal family is knee deep in so many children, i wonder if the reptile queen herself likes nasty shit with kids as well wouldnt be suprised. didnt they dig up a whole bunch of kids on royal land?

fucking anglos, not that theyre the sole perpetrators but they are the worst, dominance/faggot culture is ingrained into them during school already,