Negroes in Paris

"In South West Africa an ordinance was passed allowing hotels and restaurants to serve blacks if they wished (apartheid is largely a matter of local ordinance). Well-dressed Africans began to appear outside. Some were served, some were not. Fifteen hundred of those who were not, apparently just because they found themselves in the same place at the same time, collected on opposite sides of a road and began to fight with each other. They fought for three days with spears and rocks. That ordinance was scrapped.

"These disturbances, which occur spontaneously, are called “faction fights”. -Requiem for Rhodesia, describing blacks in 1974 South Africa.

Picture shows negroes in Paris, 2016

Other urls found in this thread:,_1953

I should add "requiem for Rhodesia" for those who have never seen:
(it's not letting me archive it).

Are you sure they're not LARPing as medieval knights?

Paris should add this to their tourist brochure:


Currently working on reedits of promotional videos for European cities with footage like this bled into them. It isn’t enjoyable but it must be done.

Top kek.

It's getting to where the West is now overrun. And no one in the media is talking about it. Why not make a jerkoff out of Whitey who won't even shoot at you?
Paris was still nice even 10 years ago. Who would go there now?

My friend went there and she looks seriously uncomfortable on each picture she posts to social media.

It has always been a bit rough and has had 3rd world resembling ghettos for many decades but it is rapidly becoming Johannesburg-tier. You are right in what you say; France has failed to secure its borders and allows invaders to run amuck on its streets. Why visit when you could go to a city like Budapest that is both beautiful and safe.


That's why I buy Adidas.
Is there a shoe brand more connected with niggers than Nike?

Also, France isn't occupied like Germany, go fight them, already.
You don't have US bases in your country.
Go fight! You won't get shot by your "protectors".
Go fight!

medival nites

Nice. I sadly look forward to seeing them.

I know that this is a stupid question and that the answer is going to be "Niggers gonna nig", but WHY would you begin fighting? How is there any logic to it at all? If you could all afford to go to that restaurant, why not just go home and eat since you obviously can afford food? Why not go home, and then try your luck tomorrow at the same restaurant? Why the fuck would you just think that "Oh well, lets start fighting" is at all an appropriate thought process?

The lighting makes it look like a painting.

Or make a reservation?

Answer was in the essay:

"It is difficult to get inside the mind of an African. He has his own way of life: he has lived it for 10,000 years. You cannot enter into it, you cannot understand it. It involves witchcraft, it involves torture. It does not involve voting."

Because blacks and whites do not have the same thought process at all. It makes sense to YOU, but they are completely mentally different and possess a psychology that quite honestly hasn't been studied at all due to the intense leftism present in the field. I think the leftists fear that detailed observation and study will reveal exactly what they don't want to see: that blacks are animals.

Daily reminder that nothing in South African law ever compelled anyone to make business whites or blacks only,_1953

doesn't it say that?

It just almost seems like the thought process is that of an extremely rudimentary robotic command: "if X then Y" with no variability or ability to be adaptive. "Wherever I go, I must begin fighting… even if there's literally no reason to right."

It's just sheer insanity. It's the same way that zombies work in movies but with an insatiable desire for violence towards anything that can be seen.

Personally I would go home and start drawing up plans for the restaurant I’d be opening considering the fact that there were thousands of people stood about on the streets looking to eat. I’d even employ white folk to make it all fancy like.

But then again, I’m not am African. They are a different people, they don’t think like us and I respect that.


If you have a few minutes to spare I invite you to watch this. Niggers calling for the decolonization of science.
"We don`t want the Whiteman`s science, we want black magic" (Paraphrasing)

I've spent a lot of time in South Africa. I don't…this is anathema to Leftists, but you have to think of it as a species of animal like any other. Xhosa anr very different from Zulu which are very different from Maasai up toward Kenya. then you add in Islam in somalia and sudan.
the fight they are having probably makes perfect sense to them, as much as a World War made sense to Whites. If they were having it in Africa, it wouldn't be our problem.

That's not what makes science science though.

Also that blonde host is qttttttttttttttttttt.


And the clothing, the way that the hair is being done, the building they are in.
Nothing is more pathetic and a sub-Saharan African.
Also that blonde host is qttttttttttttttttttt.
Yeah Hendrich has got some tight shit, cool studio hot waifu.
It`s funny how they started out "Are it the Ayyy`s?" few years later "It are the Jews".

and sheeeeeiiiiiit

Well, now you understand why South Africa had to create a new term ("state capture") for what's going on. You have a family of Indians (Guptas) who have bought control of the the South African government.

Adidas is just as (((international))) as Nike. Better wear Künzli, handmade in Switzerland.

Who could've known this would turn bloody? Who?

the french were shit at colonisation, every country they conquered they ended up creating mongrels that speak french

I wish people could have seen Paris in the early 00s before it really went to shit. Good movies to sort of get a feel for Europe and even NYC before it went to shit? "Before Sunrise" for Vienna, "Before Sunset" for Paris, and "Vanilla Sky" for NYC.
You don't have to love the story, though File Delphy was qt before she got old. "Before Sunrise" esp., you get the vibe of how safe and amazing Europe was at this time, and how it's never coming back. Feels bad man.

JULIE Delphy…

If you told someone in the 1990s that all Euro cops would need to begin wearing Balaclavas to keep themselves from becoming a target for Islamists, people would have laughed at you. the only "bad" places I really in Europe near that time were Marseilles and a few other places in that area, where French people warned me not to get off the train.

Look at this fucking shit. Could never, ever have imagined this would be Paris. This was what Russian Spetnaz had to wear to deal with Chechen scum. Now it's in our own cities. So, so many politicians should be tried and hanged for this shit. I still feel traumatized that is now the norm in Europe. Thanks you, Hollande and Merkel.

Paris has started going to shit in the late 80's already (e.g. Malik Oussekine affaire), by the late 90's damage was already done.

I first went at ~12 years old. It was far from perfect, nigger cab drivers, some arabs but you could walk all over city and it was still…sort of the Paris you'd imagine.
Last went there in December 2015, and the comparison over 18 years is just like nothing I have ever seen.

Shit is very bad, but the night is darkest before the dawn. They are by no means an existential risk. They gather in the cities, and are dependant on the nanny state for their survival. Those people who they are at risk to, are other people in the cities - degenerates. Being parasites, they will never become the majority before it all collapses and people will have had enough.
Even if they were a slight majority, whites have the home advantage, are superior in every respect and have the military and technology.
We will win in the end, and the worse it gets when there are still few of them, the better. Better now when they are few, than later when they might have been more important and larger parts of our societies.

it's true
they are so dependent upon the nanny state, that a few millions would self-deport or leave with a small pressure
that's why we absolutely need to have the state on our side
think of how an anti-white regime and media would act if the economy collapses


Short answer: tribalism. They were likely acting out long-standing grudges and feuds over whose grandfather took a machete to whose great-uncle. Malan's "My Traitor's Heart" has whole sections on this.

This. The Portuguese were also utter shits for importing niggers to the Americas thinking "what could go wrong?"

wite peepl are doomed once blacks unleash their ultimate power level


Nice name, nearly as nice as those dubs.

Daily reminder the Emperor does not approve.


Tribal fights. Blacks in South Africa aren't or at least weren't some unified group. They were a collection of a variety of tribes. It's part of why apartheid was loathed by people like Mandela that felt the policy was racist to promote the tribes' different cultures and ensuring their languages were taught to kids so they weren't lost.

Curious, are you south african and do you know mandela's history? not (((history))), I mean the Rivonia gang, his ties to communism, the terrorist acts he was responsible for, why he was in jail, how long he actually spent in "Robben Island," etc..
Mandela was Xhosa so of course that figures into it a bit, but the reason he was "against apartheid" had little to do with tribe. He would have been just another scum who died in jail if not for the Jews. Ironically, over 86% of SA Jews have now left. All of the "anti-aprthied" shit was paid for by Jews like Oppenheimer (who left with his business for london in 2000), Zille, Slovo, Zapiro, the list goes on…

he didn't spend 27 years from 1964 to 1982?

There was a similar brawl a few months ago, in april of this year.

no. and the conditions were nowhere near as austere as they try to pretend. He had a house that was guarded and a private (White) chef. These are the things they leave out when telling you about "St. Nelson of the Necklace." I forget when he left, but no, nothing like 27 years in a small cell, and not on robben.
I'd also add, he was offered release from prison at any time for simply "renouncing violence." He refused. While he was put away, his wife more than made up for the murders he was prevented from carrying up. Her favorite method of killing was "necklacing," where a petrol-soaked tire was placed around neck of any negro suspected of spying and set alight.

the actual time he spent on Robben was..maybe a few years, forget. and when he talks about how awful it supposedly was there, other negroes who were there paint a very different picture.
the irony that it's become a shrine..fucking media is so dishonest.

Thanks for the recommendation

They do this in Philadelphia. They do this everywhere. With or without context.

National police officers in France are unmasked, you're talking about the GIGN (Groupe d'intervention de la Gendarmerie nationale "National Gendarmerie Intervention Group") , the GIPN (Groupes d'Intervention de la Police Nationale "National Police Intervention Groups") or the RAID (Recherche, Assistance, Intervention, Dissuasion "Search, Assistance, Intervention, Deterrence")

They're special elite forces, not your average everyday unmasked cop like the one's protesting atm.

Source : I'm French.

I said part of why, not the sole reason why.

that's bullshit, every officer involved in any terrorism investigation is now masked, even the investigators or people guarding the scene. Look and you'll find.
And not only France of course, Belgium, Germany, etc… I've been observing this since "Charlie Hebdo." Now even the Crime Scene investigation people hide their faces. It's fucking unreal.
Prior to that, even when GIGN stormed the plane from Algeria in Marseilles in 1993, I don't even recall them having masks.
but no, not just GIGN and RAID. It's every French cop who is involved with Islamics, and now even normal belgian soldiers. Same in Germany.

Which year was that if you don't mind me asking? I went in 1998 or 1999 (can't remember exactly) and that describes my experience pretty well.

It still makes no sense. The tribes had far better separation during apartheid, apartheid had little to do with any aspect of tribal intermixing between Zulu and Xhosa and the others.
If anything, the end of apartheid and putting an African in charge (Mandela xhosa, Zuma a Zulu) has made it worse. there was a riot after ANC changed leadership in Eastern Cape last year when they refused to accept a Zulu in charge in a Xhosa area.
If anything, it's all a lot worse because Whites were somewhat impartial. Now you have complete chaos within ANC, which is a big part of the fracture with Malema into EFF, etc..

You're drunk or retarded.

I couldn't say with certainty, but in the period, 1996-1999. Def. before 9/11, i know that. At that time, London was worse. I watched an arab mug some guy and run away, knocking people over as he went. Which was new for me at time.

Oh, I remember her name: Winnie.
But the good newswith Mandela is, there won't be a second one. These completely made-up heroes are definitely cathodic tube era.
In the internet era, people can at least get another answer.
Next step is to create a worldwide christian news agency with nationalist journos highly knowledgeable about our true history and our true heroes and saints.

300 quid for trainers? Fuck off I'd rather go barefoot.

got you friend, you clearly know better. I hallucinated the French CSI wearing masks upon going into San Denis after the "cowgirl" clicked off.
Better take some more jim beam. nothing funnier than an idiot who knows fuck all, and dumb enough to put it out when anyone can search it. It's not debatable, the pictures still exist.
Anyone, feel free to look. The cops guarding crime scenes in Paris after terrorist events who don't have faces covered will have papers block their faces out.
It's all there for others to find, it's not debatable.

this was my point: BRI now have to wear balaclavas. It would the equivalent of US FBI field agents covering their faces, which they would never do (at least no yet).
you're fucked. as or more fucked than Germany.

Come now lads, clearly you two are talking about two different things. Normal street cops don`t wear a balaclava, the GIGN and other special units do.
Now make up and kill some invaders.

In response to terrorism the National Police gave bulletproof vests and shoulders to officers. No mention at all for wearing balaclavas. The only police officer wearing masks are the GIGN, the GIPN, or the RAID like I mentioned before. Even the CRS doesn't wear them 3rd pic.
requesting pictures.

Yeah, but he's spreading disinfo so I had to fight back.

Think they will start to miss those "annoying american tourists" once it is all niggers destroying Landmarks?


The revelations about Winnie Mandela and the so-called "Mandela Junior Football Club" (her murder squad) were my babby's first red pill that all in South Africa was not as the BBC's hagiographies of Mandela would have you believe.

Amazing how thoroughly that's all been memoryholed since the filthy old terrorist died.

This simple answer is that primitive tropical hunter-gatherers are not evolved to cope with high population densities. They react to any crowding with random violence. This is one of the reasons why it is so pernicious to allow these low-IQ subhumans into our cities.

I feel sorry for the white students forced to be around blacks.

You're either intellectually dishonest or stupid. I never claimed the average beat cop or the poor fuck guarding outside Notre Dame covered faces (though they do this in Brussels).
My point was that the Judiciary Police and BRI cover their faces, as do the crim escene technicians moving in and out of crime scenes related to Islamists. this is a new phenomenon in France and Europe in general. See photo.

here is one example, crime scene tech in San denis, with his face hidden. And no, it's not to keep from contaminating scene, or else they'd suit up right before going on. At this time, there were also numerous instances of the few shots of those not covered where their faces were blocked by media outlets, clearly because they fear retribution.
My mother was raised in a small town in Brittany, used to stay with grandparents there during summers until they died. Never actually went to PAris until ~ 12 or so, and wow was that a rude awakening.
No matter what excuse the Judiciary police of BRI give, the bottom line is that they are scared of retribution. Thus my initial post "ANY CASE CONNECTED TO TERRORISM."
You try to set up a straw man with RAID and GIGN, but that's not who I'm referring to, that has always been. The new change is in BRI and judiciary police, which taken together are essentially the French FBI.
Have never seen FBI agents with Balaclavas. Unless it's their "elite hostage rescue team," who case killed far more people (Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bundy Standoff) then they have ever "rescued."
I don't like it when people twist my words. I have no idea how old you are, but no, this is not "normal." The only time I recall something this sort of thing before Charlie Hebdo was the GIGN raid on the Algerian Plane, which was allegedly planning to crash into Eiffel Tower.
And inb4 "they are just dressing that way to keep from contaminating scene." Right after paris, even the Daily Mail agreed to blur faces of these people o rare instances they did get pictured without faces covered. Why?
BRI, though will argue (disingenuously) that it is to keep them unanimous in case they ever need to undercover to break up "gangs" (yes, as we all know, France's "gang" problem could be solved with blue-eyed French moles.)
the reality is, they are afraid of begging targeted by Islamists, along with their family.
I assume you understood this, but once you realized I'm not as stupid as the avg person her and actually know of what I speak, you descended into dishonestly.
Yes, GIGN and RAID do cover faces. But at thosefucking point–esp n past year– they have been used so often, they are a fixture of daily life.
I never argued that vis a vi RAID and GIGN. But the Judiciary Police and BRI in masks? Now that is new…

Feel free to apologize at any time. I'll close with this. In Belgium, even ordinary soldiers who guard the underground and other potential high value targets DO cover their faces.
I've lived off and on, still do in Jew York City. On Fri And Sat nights in Time's Square, they always have a SWAT team on hand who randomly do "shows of force," (either in the Square or through the trains leading to Penn station) which is Orwellian enough, but they never cover their faces. They man have to soon if things get worse.
I'd invite you to torrent the film "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset" to see what Euro cities like PAris and Vienna were like before the neo-cohen war mongers destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan and then fucking Merkel INVITED them in…



Shoping lightsabers in their hands would make this epic.

yes, I am well aware it's obnoxious to write in all caps, but I hate how–when someone is proved wrong– rather than admit, they just dig themselves deeper. I have no idea how old you are, where you leave in France, or if you are White or some sort of Algerian mongrel.
But, fuck, I can tell you don't understand the bigger, systemic problem; namely, in the new "Tower of Babel" European States (which has been being planned by the Jewish neocons for 20+ years. See the words of the Jew (((General Wesley Clark))) about why the US bombed and destroyed Serbia; in his own words, he admitted that it was to "set an example" and to show other Europe nations who might be considering the same type of move to throw off the yoke of ZOG.

Clark is a Russian Jew, whose birth father sneaked into the US with forged document under the name "Jacob Nimirosky." It's likesomething right out of the "Protocols of the Agents of Zion.
Clark's father died when he was 5, and his mother married a gentile with the surname "clark," this the name. however, his father's Jewish family did not forget him, and as he was in Uni, they got in contact with him and helped to cultivate the connections he'd need for his (((Rhodes Scholarship))).
While on this subject HIGHLY recommend a Dr. WL Pierce documentary called "The Coming ot the New Elites." Let me see if the embed issue is fixed…

For what purpose?

Please someone photoshop in some lightsabers from Star Wars.


Exactly…no fucking answer when called out on why he is wrong, and why the Judiciary Police, BRI along with ANY law enforcement with any chance to photographed in connection to Sand nigger terror (whether you believe Mossad and the Gulf states are behind it, or just Mossad) and now wearing masks– perhaps to do with the ongoing "state of emergency," but far more likely, they don't want to make themselves and their families a target for Islamists (supported directly by ISRAEL in the cases of IS or Al-Nursa (aka "Conquest of Syria Front") or whatever whatever "moderate freedom freighters" (read: be-headers)" the Jewish neocons are using to drain US/French coffers now.
What has this to do with France? Simply that had Sarkozy not taken $50 million of Gaddafi's cash, if Hollande had stopped his political pandering bullshit about "going to war with IS" and then dropping a total of 10 bombs and fucking off and doing nothing–no deportations, no truly strict laws, no real and serious prison consequences, no deportations– why would these fucking savages fear France, since it's almost impossible tor rack up enough viloence to get any serious prison time, and even then the time is a joke compared to their home countries, where doing what hey they do to French girls gets them a slap on the wrists, since they are of course "infidel girls."

tldr; The irregularity surrounding different French LEAs using/not using the Balaclava randomly are systematic of a confusion within French law enforcement and intel agencies (both domestic and foreign) that has already reaped a bloody harvest and I fear is only the beginning….

picture did not take the first time…let's try again…these are the crime scene investigator people who are hiding from camera/public exposure, so when they next have to deal with a riot they are not singled out by my islamic scum for payback in they have to give a kebab an especially harsh lesson in "the discipline of the baton." through any means they can find.

Note photos– both are "Judiciary Police." Why do you suppose some are masked and some are not? Because as soon as they touch islamic shit they need to start worrying about they are families being targeted– SEE PICS– before/after

eish..I don't know if your insinuation is that people are LARPing, you are just posting this randoming because you don't understand what's happening and have never been to Europe, or so combination of the above.
to paraphrase Dr. Pierce, "Since the chains that bind us were forged slowly, one link at a time, no one added link ever seemed enough that it was worthy of rebellion."
Try to step back ~50 years and look at it differently. Even right after The Berlin Olympics ("Black September" and "Baader Meinhof" times, when the Jews brought their war to the streets of Paris, as when they were Mossad was murdering out in the open to try to prevent any Arab nation from getting a nuke), the streets of Europe were NOTHING like this, and this was at height of Cold War, Abu Nidal, and before the PLOO became cuckolds.
To be clear– I hate both muslims and Jews, and I strongly believe that nether (ESPECIALLY Jews) should be able to live in US or Europe. For Christ's sake, look at the "First Gulf War" and that scam with the Jew Tom Lantos (may he rest in piss) and the niece of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US spinning tales about Iranian soldiers "taking babies off incubators."
If you look now, the Kuwaitis are buying up entire towns in places like Bosnia where they keep their 3rd and 4th wives and families (since some of the children of the traitors look White).
Right now, in Western Europe at least, you only have fringe girls with personality disorders who "convert" to Islam. As the West becomes more degenerate, even females eventually will be able to sense something is off so much that even "normal" girls will start converting to that insane cult that is Islam.
This is what many here never understand– for the vast majority of people, religion is a necessity to help them cope with everyday life. With no Church there (look at the falling numbers in Catholicism and various forms of Protestantism in the West), a vacuum is going to left that will be filled by Islam.
And it's going to be out worst nightmare, and I suspect converts will be gladly used as cannon fodder by the Mohammedian demon to damage out buildings, artwork, you name it (besides killing a lot of people).
We are going to be fucked at all levels lads unless we change something DRASTICALLY. Alternatively, is there enough room in Australia for all of us.

*IRaqi soldiers I've been taking too many adderall to try to keep my myself awake to go through Podesta emails since our Controlled media doesn't rank it as important enough to even merit the front page in most papers so– unless NEETS like myself and others find this shit and then raise enough hell over them via twater– they will never see the light of day.

It's up to literally a few of the hardcore, devoted NEETS who have been here since gamergate and trying to take the cunt down…

They nail it.

Nog on the right of the thumbnail.