Stock Market Declares Trump winner
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Time to make plays on falling stock prices I guess. Everything to do with mexico is going down and wall building material is going to be in high demand. Also paper products in large urban centers and colleges will be in high demand.


Ah yes "falling" market
They mean, imploded bit that can't be supported what so ever.

The market has been doomed for a while now. They put off the crash the entire year just so they could do it after Trump wins. In fact the only reason we haven't had financial threads constantly is because we're focused on Trump.

Can you buy stocks through your bank or is it better to find a provate brokerage firm? This is for like $200

Just use one of the apps like Betterment or Robinhood

t. FA

I've tried to throw a few up, but as you said they get buried pretty quickly under trump/happenings

So, aside from '68 and '80, when else was the stock market wrong?

I'll keep my eye out, I enjoy pol market insights.

Alright thanks

Im Canadian… One of my coworkers has good success with foreign exchange, but hes on a site that no longer allows Canadians to make accounts, which sucks. Ive heard its good for flipping things short term.

Reported for hatespeech. According to Canadian law, foreign means you are implying someone is not as good as a Canadian, and you're being a bigot. Enjoy jail.

t. Justin Trudeau

Sign up with Questrade you cuckold connoiseur, scrape 1000$ from your autismobux and start trading. You should probably listen to Ghost, just to be sure, if you're stocks illiterate
He does market analysis for a good 30m-45m every show plus tricks and shit

What site? I don't yet trust my understanding of forex enough to start playing, though I wish I'd been partaking in the rape of the peso of late.


You're better off putting your money on Trump or buying bitcoin in the near term though. Disclaimer: not a bitcoin fag, I just think it has the potential to run up to $1000 amidst election turmoil. Short term strategy. Bet on Trump.

What, you think you're Bruce Kovner or some shit?

When you buy stocks, make sure they put the stock in your legal name.
Many places, like Scottrade, for instance, put the stock in your account under a "street name" so they can lend it out & have other rights to it that should be yours.

Why we don't allow our brokers to use a "street name"”/

“Investors should avoid margin accounts and instruct their broker dealer to not register stock certificates in street name…99.9% of brokerage account investors have no idea what is being done to them when their stock certificates are registered in ‘Street Name‘. It allows their broker to lend their shares to short sellers, driving down the price of your investment.
Additionally, this method allows the broker to ‘re-hypothecate‘ your assets and borrow money against your shares so they can speculate in the derivatives market…
These hidden risks are the seeds of tomorrow’s ultimate collapse of broker dealers which could dissipate the assets of customer accounts as experienced in the MF Global fiasco.” -Jim Sinclair, April 5, 2012


Should've gotten in on it a few weeks ago when it was at 5:1

80 was only wrong because of stagflation which of course was caused by pumping money into the stock market, tons of immigration and things like that.


But did you properly pray his name into the triad kekkidy spirit of meme, the god emperor and the kek? Praising the lord KEK must be done correctly.

He seems to have approved of my praise by granting me doubles.

Interesting news OP. Thanks.