Hello Holla Forums. Have you been experiencing heightened sensitivity to light or sound lately?
Perhaps you are more laissez-faire lately? Or can't remember stuff like you used to?
I just want to know…
For anyone who doesn't know. They governments of the world are admitting geoengineering in the clouds – this point is not in contention – what they are contending is that this is good for us all because of global warming. We all remember how global warming was launched in the media and we all know that WHEN THE MEDIA TALKS LIKE THIS!! OHMYGOD! they are bullshitting just like always. And of course it is business as usual when it comes to governments to introduce problem then introduce "solution". The solution in this case is apparently to create a layer of metals(aluminium, barium, etc) in order to "reflect" sunlight to avoid this apparent global warming that is so dangerous.
Non-redpilled people that know the jews are evil, that know they control our government but somehow chemtrails are too impossible "because who would be so evil" need to start THINKING. Just like any other topic you of course also have the people paid to call anyone who thinks this a kook.
I suppose young folks don't know, but the skies used to look like pic related. Fuck, i used to think this was crazy myself. Most people did. But then we investigated it and became convinced. The ONLY thing that's stopping these bastards from continuing this course is this mentality that i know it all… Don't speak if you haven't investigated, taken a break and think soundly & calmly & rationally about the topic. The TRUTH community needs to stop this holier-than-thou attitude or the "only stupid people believe that" myth if we are to ever fix the world! Don't you understand? THEY'VE BEEN LYING SINCE WE WERE KIDS! "YOU" are partly a result of THEM
Nice dubs but Chemtrails are a false pill don't swallow.
Michael Reed
Jaxon Cooper
Yes, it called fallen off the wagon and dealing with detox from the booz (72 hours passed so I`ll live) and dealing with the furious masturbating that comes with it.
Brandon Barnes
What? What about it is different? I do feel like something is off, but can you explain it more concisely?
Gabriel Morales
me too. I NEVER had this problem before.
It's called aluminium poisoning. Independent labs and good ol youtubers are finding extreme amounts of aluminium and other metals in soil samples and water supplies. They must have ramped it up a lot lately though because so many people are starting to have these issues. It might be a response to the truth movement: they don't want us to find out.
I haven't jerked off in 2 weeks and haven't drunk alcohol in 2 months.
Josiah Hill
Is this bait, or is OP really this tucking stupid?
Jaxon Martinez
shill by association thread, flat earther tier
you piss excess aluminum out, no ill effects unless you're eating chunks of the shit
i handle aluminum on a daily basis fabbing heat exchangers for years, the only thing that's got me down is if hillary kills coal excavation and i get laid off
Isaiah Mitchell
Josiah Price
You must be young since you are using that cartoon image. People who believe in conspiracies are not stupid, just realistic. The notion that people in power doesn't conspire is naive at best and definitively historically false.
Your government told you that people that believe in conspiracy theories are stupid and mad – they did this to keep you from investigating things for yourself because they are afraid of you and others that can think for themselves and don't kowtow to media and governmental authority.
Isaac Foster
another pseudoscience slide thread.
Joseph Peterson
I recently became a gay frog.
Andrew Stewart
learn to think. Im sure if you check out the rothschild compound theres no chemtrails above. Seriously, don't let easy arguments like that sway you.
Levi Kelly
Robert Hall
It's not just aluminium. This is really basic. What is your argument now?
A condensation trail is what is being made when you breath out in the cold. It's water vapour. It disappears fast. Airplanes also make this and it disappears fast. Sometimes it doesn't disappear but stay and make clouds fast though. What is the reason for this? Did you know that nasa, the corporation, invented some new clouds the last decade that are now commonplace?
You people think youre fucking redpilled… but you don't investigate anything, just kneejerk "because surely that is impossible" or whatever you tell yourself. Well, you don't really have any data do you, all you have is your belief. It's as if i thought i knew more about mining gold than a goldminer because "i believe something and therefore all you know is moot".
Scientists, neurologists, all kinds of people are coming forth and speaking about this. It's in the fucking clouds ffs, it SHOULD be obvious, but since your definition of truth is "i have to read it in the washington post or see it on cnn" you refuse to USE YOUR HEAD.
There is so much proof out there that i couldn't possibly post it all and you should really use that magical thing known as a search engine but here is just a little: youtube.com/watch?v=O4WhYKP83zo&feature=youtu.be
Andrew Flores
what goes in all fields
Jason Fisher
Take your meds and get off the internet, OP.
Tyler Torres
If flat earth isn't real why, when you measure the earth, does it not seem to be round?
Why can we see objects we shouldnt be able to see on the globe model?
Wyatt Allen
Give us some real evidence op or fuck off
Colton Price
>>>/x/ >>>/x/ >>>/x/ >>>/x/
go back to your board
Hudson Lopez
Geoengineering: Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering
Chemtrails are the most retarded fucking conspiracy theory next to faked moon landings and flat earth, and here's why: if they wanted to douse people with chemicals, there are far far FAR more efficient ways than spraying them around at 30,000ft. Like putting them into city water supplies, or putting them into processed food, or putting them into plastic packaging to leech into the processed food. All of these methods guarantee that someone will properly come into contact with the substance, as opposed to wasting what must be millions of gallons of the shit by spraying it from a plane.
Thomas Rivera
Maybe (((they)) are simply using the man made global warming theory as the cover story?
Landon Thompson
This is most lulzworthy cuckspiracy theory.
Jackson Morales
So is climate change man made or not faggot, answer the question
pic related it's you
Zachary Gomez
except that there is zero evidence of climate change being anything but natural
read up on it faggot
Carson Wood
Did you know that sagetrails are boardengineering your shitty slide thread?
Luke Parker
Jacob Wright
Liam Turner
Nice pseudoscience there
Robert Johnson
Your theories are nothing but kike driven bullshit from kike funded think tanks so faggot goys will literally give up access to natural resources to "save the planet".
If you don't see the entire carbon tax credit exchange shit as yet another giant fucking kike scam to enslave the world you deserve to hang from a fucking rope you faggot.
Benjamin Ross
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little goyim? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Harvard, and I've been involved in numerous secret pyramid schemes in the USA, and I have over 300 million dollars. I am trained in economics and I'm the top jew in the entire society of intellectual hebrews. You are nothing to me but just another customer. I will bankrupt you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of bankers across the USA and your bank account is being drained right now so you better prepare for the eviction, maggot. The eviction that kicks out the pathetic little thing you call your ass. You're fucking broke, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can extort money from you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my holocaust stories. Not only am I extensively trained in ripping you off, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the JIDF and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable trolling off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking goyim tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the unreasonable price of 10% above market value, you goddamn idiot. I will overprice items all around you and you will drown in them. Oy vey, kiddo.
Sebastian James
Reported. AGW doesn’t exist.
Luis Smith
Guys, everyone thought these things were retarded at first. Then we started to think, hmm, all these people, all these arguments. It actually makes sense.
Kneejerking is detrimental to the truth movement. We need to look into our claims before we simply handwave them away. Intellectual laziness will mean that (((they))) win.
I used to think the moonlanding was faked thing was retarded /until i investigated/, i used to think the flat earth thing was retarded /until i investigated/. Conjecture simply holds no value. The only thing that is of value are ARGUMENTS. How many people here know how fast the earth is supposed to spin off the top of their heads? How many people here can scientifically accurately explain the seasons, tides, solstice, the movement of the stars of the top off your head?
See? No one. All you know is what youve been told but if you do know *some* kind of answer then if you were asked to scientifically PROVE it, you would fail. Our educations were absolute sheit and the only reason you hold to your views is because THAT'S WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TOLD YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.
Jace Lewis
fuck off jew
Carson Green
REPORTED. AGW doesn’t exist.
Aiden Reed
it isn't worth it on this board, dude. as you can see, anything that isn't related to being a nazi or the american presidential election is shilled/shitposted into oblivion
Leo Parker
I'm a physician Chemtrails does not exist Sage for jew disinfo
Camden Roberts
Oliver Reyes
Blow your brains out, kike.
Joshua Mitchell
you first goy
Colton Sanchez
reroll for >>>/furry/
Brody Jackson
reroll for >>>Holla Forums
Jacob Richardson
Jaxon Lee
reroll >>>/cuckchan/
James Ross
Fuck off. I work on aircraft for a living, there's no chemicals hidden inside. Those lines are called contrails, and they're literally just water vapor that appears because of the temperature difference between exhaust and surrounding air. It's literally just cloud.
And if someone calls me a shill, they can eat my ass with a side of whipped cream.
Adam Baker
cuckchan it is
Henry Ross
be careful, one of the kikeshills might take you up on that
also sage you faggot
Daniel Sanders
1. Most contrails are not chemtrails. Some chemtrails are real. Signs are slow dispersal of the trail and metal dust/residue hours to days after spraying. 2. Weather engineering is a known science 3. There are images and testimonies from airforce personnel proving USAF is involved in high altitude spraying. 4. Global warming deterrence serves as cover story for USAF personnel. They believe they are saving planet. 5. Content of the spray are actually metallic monofiliments intended to be ingested by human populace 6. Monofilaments make human severely more susceptible to ELF 7. ELF waves can then be used as weapon of mass mind suppression or to stir of mass feelings of anxiety etc.
Austin White
Youre a fucking shill. EVERYONE nowadays are conveniently in some job or position to "debunk" things. Iv'e seen it a lot more on this board.
Just goes to say RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. Truth is on our side!
And theyve already admitted to spraying in the clouds. The *only* thing in contention is if it's good or not, and anyone with half a braincell can figure out that it's not good.
I say we just shoot at these fucking planes. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
Kayden Williams
Check my trips.
Austin Diaz
I have researched it faggot, this whole argument boils down to whether you believe global warming is man made or not
Even Trump himself pointed out this bullshit, and if you don't stand with Trump then why the fuck are you here
pic related, it's you shill
Jace Ward
Secretly Exposing Americans To Chemicals - Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, Massachussets School of Law
Asher Young
Nicholas Jenkins
Xavier Young
you have to understand most of the people on here are just as completely brainwashed as everyone else, just with a different flavor. all to the same end
Ryan Thomas
Thats why its our job to wake them up, don't be a defeatist dubs. The shit the kikes are spraying on us is just another weapon in the (((globalist))) arsenal. They dump shit on us, fuck up the environment, then its our fault and its time for carbon taxes, megacities,etc. Agenda 30 and PNAC.
Carson Cooper
I agree. This place has incredible meme-potential. What is true on 8ch eventually becomes true for the entire world. I used to scoff at certain conspiracy theories, now i mostly ask myself which /aren't/ true??
Henry Sullivan
i just think a person has to seek it themselves. they have to ask questions and be willing to critically look at what they "know"
remember that you can't hypnotize someone unless they agree to the hypnosis
Elijah Baker
They do seek it, they just don't realize it. They search for the truth but limit themselves based on their beliefs thus not making much progress beyond set lines.
Those set lines are mostly created by society i think. If you're lied to your entire life, everything that goes against "something obvious", "that everyone knows" will just be brushed aside. They haven't learned how dark the world is yet, perhaps.
Ian Roberts
the thing all true Holla Forumsacks have in common is the pursuit of truth. Seek and ye shall find!