0hour1__ Account Suspended

Not seeing any threads on this.

I don't get who some of these people are, or what their significance is. But, like any of you who understand why Martha Stewart went to jail, I do understand that insider trading is wrong and illegal.

Can we please discuss what's going on to give retard Holla Forumslucks like me a better understanding?

Other urls found in this thread:


self bumpin for awareness

where's the archive


is this okay

new account?

sorry yeah that was the wrong one. I am new/bad at this and didn't count the number of underscores by his name

archive.is/s2NGq this is/was his actual account that got suspended and it's also not that great.

This is worse than insider trading since that usually involves insiders who already have a stake at the company doing well selling right before or after bad financial results.

Conversely Hillary & the Clinton Foundation CAN CHANGE the situations and outcomes of trade deals and negotiations while having access to CLASSIFIED INFORMATION provided by our intelligence services. This gives them a huge advantage at trading since they can get reports of bad or favorable economic news months ahead from the source.

An example would be Exxon trying to get a lybia oil deal and the NSA reads Exxon's emails and determins there are huge supplies in lybia and the price of oil will fall by winter. That means Clinton and her cronies can short oil and make a mint. And if it looks like oil will rise Clinton may be able to get the Saudis to pump oil for a few months. Basically it's regulatory capture combined with spying used not for tyranny & oppression, but personal profit.

clears up a lot

but who/what is CGI? Digicel? And how is this related to Haiti?

I wish I could get ahold of that url from the right picture.

I have this going on halfchan also and one user said "I think he means that they set up LLCs that invested in e.g. DIGICEL, funnelling money through CGI. Something like that."

Reading through the texts again after looking up some of the acronyms I think his is a fair assessment.

Digel = Haitian telecom with (?) Dutch ties, if I'm remembering right

It's late, can't sleep, so forgive me if this isn't perfectly accurate. They bought shares in companies they gave EXCLUSIVE access to Haiti. So they bought low, artificially raised the price, and sold high.
Text book inside trading, proven by his (podestra's) emails to be hidden behind shell companies.

Bump for interest


not really.. i mean use the archive loads.. but the level of cancer is not ok.

bump for justice

You should make a new thread with a better title than this one. Something like The Clinton Foundation – worse than insider trading.

CGI = Clinton Global Initiative

Digicel = telecommunications company (cell phones, etc.) owned by Denis O’Brien an Irish billionaire who has contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation and probably other Clinton projects too

Haiti: Lessons for the Future

Commitment Workshop

Since 2009, under the leadership of Denis O'Brien and CGI's Haiti Action Network, CGI members have devoted considerable resources to Haiti, most significantly following the 2010 earthquake. The challenges members face and the lessons learned from their work can help improve ongoing projects in Haiti, as well as inform future efforts when responding to natural disasters around the globe. This session will provide a unique opportunity for the Haiti Action Network and the broader CGI community to explore commitments in various stages of success. Participants will engage in a candid discussion about the challenges of working in a complex setting such as Haiti.

-David Crane, President and CEO, NRG Energy, Inc.
-Duquesne Fednard, Chief Executive Officer, D & E Green Enterprises, Inc.
-Anne H. Hastings, Chief Executive Officer, Fonkoze Financial Services
-Sasha Kramer, Co-founder and Executive Director, Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL)
-Denis O'Brien, Chairman and Founder, Digicel Group

We need a new thread with a better title.

And don't forget the story of Hillary Clinton's brother and his gold mining permit:

Gold Mine: Hillary Clinton’s Brother Granted Super-Rare Mining Permit from Haiti After State Dept. Sent Country Billions



Hillary Clinton’s Brother Defends Haiti Gold Mine Deal: ‘I Raise Money for a Lot of People’





"One of the most famous traditional Irish families are the O'Briens. Denis O'Brien is a powerful public figure within the business, sporting and philanthropy communities in Ireland. Forbes has listed him as Ireland's second-richest billionaire in 2011. O'Brien, owner of mobile phone company Digicel Group, that operates in 32 countries. He is also the largest shareholder in Independent News and Media (INM), a stable which includes this newspaper as well as the Irish Independent, the Evening Herald and the Irish Daily Star."

Visibility bump.

This is a nice glimpse to what would happen if that filthy fucking cunt were to get into the White House.

Expect massive privatization in the name of reducing debt and efficiency as a cover for selling off PRICELESS and as such, irreplacable state assets and at sweetheart prices to their buddies. Many of whom will just be proxies for them. Just like what happen in Russia! Oh and it was Rothschild who gave all those stooges the money to buy the stuff. These Ivan and Boris motherfuckers who got a factory worth 2b for 100m were nobodies and as such, still didn't have that. Former KGB guy, a university professor etc didn't even have 1m USD. The Yukos situation reveal it all.

washingtontimes dot com/news/2003/nov/2/20031102-111400-3720r/

No CTR in this thread and it still didn't get any attention?

I was wondering what happened to this.

Bump for justice.

This is also a nice glimpse into the media structure that is trying to silence this MASSIVE scale corruption.

wuz he a gud boi?