Let me Start of by saying I'm not a Natsoc and you would definitely call me a Racecuck...

Let me Start of by saying I'm not a Natsoc and you would definitely call me a Racecuck. I'm a user with libertarian leanings who only still lurks on this board because often times Holla Forums has some good information that globalists would like to keep secret. And I did cheer on Gex when he made his videos showing some of the truth to the world. And although I do it for different reasons I pray that Trump is elected.

Trump will win in an absolute landslide that much is clear from the actions of the media in recent days. Comey released the information that he was investigating Hillary as a scrape-coat. The media is trying to set the narrative as they always do. They can now blame the entire election on Comey. "Trump didn't win because he was bringing up good points. Trump won because the FBI gave him the election."
here are some headlines from the media about this

"Comey's Blunder Could Make Trump President"
"Comey's Actions Are Deeply Disturbing"
"James Comey and the Destruction of Norms"
"Will FBI Email Probe Cost Clinton the White House?"

Know that the polls were and still are rigged and that the elites are dying off. Do not be fooled by the polls. Do not be fooled by the tactics of the elites.

Also keep doing everything you can to get Trump elected including influencing Berniebros to vote for Stein and others tactics that can sway voters. It is unwise to not do everything possible to get Trump elected.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shameless self bump

Started off a bit shaky but got better and finished strong. 8/10 post.


No one gives a shit, you open borders race mixing Globalist scum

meta-shilling for the whole first paragraph. If you want to say something, say it, we're kinda tired of the endless introductions

100% agree OP. Alex Jones is too far out there and the media knows they can control the narrative because 95% of people are ignorant cucks. It is our sworn duty as individuals enlightened with the freedom of information currently provided to us by our governments that we safeguard our democracies.

The media is definitely turning against Hillary, mainly because we have spread our memes amongst the masses to great effect. It's all over for Hillary. Chaos will still come though.

What do you want user? Yes, mostly accurate. Comey can do what he wants, he could quit tomorrow and write and book and the Jews would fight for the rights. He can put his kids through college and feed himself.
He's also a 7 foot tall Catholic, so no tribal pressure on him and no social isolation. I don't know if she loses, if she wins we get a long dirty investigation taking her down. Either way sounds good.

Oh yes I must love getting raped by mudslime refugees that's why I love Gexhunter and his video that exposed all of it

that doesn't matter, it's all lip service if you don't support the policies that allow freedom of segregation.

Reported for kindling getting mouthy again

Fair enough It's just with all the "record correcting" that goes on around hear I feel like it's a good idea to be honest

If race theory is incorrect, which I would argue that it is, it shouldn't matter who you live by or interact with


It wasn't surprising to learn that the Jewish filmmaker Aaron Russo wasn't merely a libertarian but was a libertarian activist who was once a presidential candidate.
Why wasn't it surprising? Because libertarianism is a Jewish movement posing as a freedom movement. Libertarianism consists of conflicting, race-denying, individualistic ideas.

It was designed to attract and brainwash certain gentiles who wouldn't follow other political movements, such as the Jewish-led "liberal" a.k.a. "progressive" movement.
Do you think it's just a coincidence that people such as Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, Ludwig Von Mises, Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick, Frank Chodorov, Aaron Director, Julian Simon, Ron Paul - i.e., most of the big names in the libertarian movement - were Jews?

Even today, many of the top people in libertarianism are Jewish. The ones who aren't Jewish simply don't understand the nature of it.
Sadly, libertarianism has crept into conservative circles, further Jewing an already-too-Jewed movement (i.e., "neoconservatism" and "Judeo-Christianity"). Libertarianism was created to prevent gentiles from thinking and acting in a collective manner. Like communism and feminism, it's another Jewish "-ism."

As I said, mouthy kindling needs to shut the fuck up until its time to make the fire rise higher.

If you're not for open borders you are not a Libertarian

and you don't care how many people are sacrificed to find out. disgusting socipaths, all of you.

Ron Paul isn't a jew.

not a bad OP though, just be anonymous next time.

Lurk more, post less. You're making progress, but you're not even close to finished being redpilled yet.

Yup. Typical autistic liberal.

"Borders are just another government scam"
youtube.com/watch?v=kszdc0vqIng (Borders are just another government scam)

"Libertarian Viewpoints on Immigration, Gay Marriage and Abortion"
youtube.com/watch?v=zA4XyRcqIpc (Libertarian Viewpoints on Immigration, Gay Marriage and Abortion)

Ron Paul: "Libertarianism is the enemy of all racism"
youtube.com/watch?v=XnPnAJeVuvw (Ron Paul: "Libertarianism is the enemy of all racism")
"Libertarian is the enemy of all racism, because racism is a collectivist idea. Its that, you put people in category, you say "Well blacks belong here, and whites here, and women here", but we don't see people in forms, or, uh, or gays, you don't have rights because you're gays or women or minority, you have rights because you're an individual. So we see people strictly as individuals, and we get these individuals in a natural way, so its exactly opposite of all collectivism, and its absolutely anti-racism, because we don't see it in those terms."

"What to Do about Immigration: Full Debate" | LearnLiberty
youtube.com/watch?v=6_a2lCTq70A ("What to Do about Immigration: Full Debate" | LearnLiberty)

Ron Paul: Immigration not solved by barbed wire, guns

Ron Paul is Anti-Racist

> Ron Paul: I have always made it clear, and will continue to do so, that my message is based on the rights of all people to be treated equally.
> Any type of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy.
> Ludwig von Mises, the great economist whose writing helped inspire my political career, was a Jew who was forced to leave his native Austria to escape the Nazis.

> Therefore, for me to advance anti-Semitism in any way would be a betrayal of my own intellectual heritage.

- Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State, and Economy, page 10

- Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, page 87

- Ludwig von Mises, The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science, page 81

- Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism, page 139

- Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, page 263

- Tom Woods, Liberty and Immigration

- Official Libertarian Political Platform, 2004 election cycle

He sure isn't buddy, and your dog is really having a great time on that farm. Your goldfish and grandma too.


Go away and come back when you are a paleolibertarian like Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

what the fuck do you mean? do you deny theres major differences between the races which leads to social strife and disharmony?

FFS read the thread

I noticed that the the news media has turned 720 degrees in the past three days.
Bias is less obvious
Abrupt change in tine makes me suspicious
Actually covered the Comey situation and interviewed Joe Biden
I had thought about starting a thread about this but I had no hypothesis and I lurk moar because Holla Forums is all flame

You could also say that if you are right-wing, you are not libertarian at all, as the term "libertarian" was originally created describe left-wing anarchists.

but it's not incorrect

just ignore it

Yeah, well… Libertarians.
The other pale Jew.

i can't.

You forget to switch proxies or are you just a newfag who doesn't understand IDs yet?


underrated post

I'll give you a bump. A lot of people here aren't "race realists" or retarded 1488ers. We just don't talk about it much because there's autists who will use it to derail. It's why Trump having Jewish ties isn't a big deal. Holla Forums isn't actually a mind hive.

the funny things are:
1) the dems were the first to criticize the republicans for how they have gone against comey after he gave a free pass to the witch cunt
2) the dems were the first to criticize trump as paranoid for his claims about "the election is rigged", and now they're pushing an even worse narrative

you literally can't make this shit up, this sounds like orwell's wet dream

You should watch this video.

If you're a libertarian, it's in your best interest to have a white society because non-whites consistently vote left-wing, especially on govt. intervention and size.

Do you realize that since 1980, if each election had the same demographics as today, Republicans would have only won once?


btw, I think that moderate race realism can be separated from 1488-tier retards. There are some Holla Forums shitposters who seem to be fine if they'd live in a boxcage without any immigration flow. I totally disagree with that, I find immigration to have a very positive impact on a country as long as:
1) the migrants belong to civilized cultures
2) the immigration flow does not affect in any meaningful way the cultural heritage of the country
So of course I'm against immigration from niggers and sandniggers countries, their so called "culture" is shit based upon superstition, uncivilized traditions and pseudoscience, however I'm perfectly fine with european immigration and even japanese-chinese immigration flow. Just see the example of hungary. They do not allow residence to any (((refugee))) but they welcome migrants from other european countries. That's the model I aim for.

, while i like some of the things you say, you are ignoring that there are proven significant differences in the behaviour, intelligence, physical traits between races. Ignoring that is ignoring basic science.

From there on, you should reevaluate some of your ideas.