Glenn Beck Says Comey Letter ‘One of the Most Irresponsible Things to Ever Happen’
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If you didn't want the FBI interfering with elections, you shouldn't have nominated someone under investigation by the FBI.
Holy fuck. I hope to God in heaven that the cuckservatives and the liberals attempt an armed revolt to stop Trump from ascending to the presidency. We need to prune a few million people from the nation.
Any full grown man that willingly dresses himself like this should just hurry up and kill himself already. Anybody have that webm where he's on his gay little show bragging about being a "disruptor" and showing off his gay hammer trophy?
Who are these faggots who can't appreciate a good salt thread and where did they come from?
Glenn Cuck will hang
The word "cuckservative" is so fucking apt. Liberals have spent the last half century shrieking "RACISM SEXISM HOMOPHOBIA INTOLERANCE BIGOTRY MUH FEELINGS" at anybody to the right of Leon Trotsky, and that includes wankers like Glenn Beck. Instead of being filled with righteous indignation and fighting back or at least standing his ground, Beck goes, "Sorry guys, don't be mad at me, I'm not racist ;_;" and bows down to Hillary-fucking-Clinton.
For as much as he likes to cuddle with the Constitution under a blanket on a rainy day, he acts suspiciously like someone who would have told the Founding Fathers that the King really isn't that bad and they should just pay the tea tax.
Why so defensive faggot?
Those anons are reacting as expected to a statement from Glenn Beck. Put your ego aside and enjoy the ridicule.
Your thread isn't special and Glenn Beck deserves rape.
He wants to LARP so badly as a founding father. He has been going on and on about a constitutional convention for a week, he even interviewed some fag that held a mock one! They spent time pretending to have one instead of working towards one! Everything he wants hinges on the US turning turd world so he can prove the constitution is magic. He would sacrifice your families to do this while he has an escape route.
Ball bat this guy too. Crow bar his fucking knee caps.
if this dude was in a foxhole with you, he'd probably go insane and try to kill you, forcing you to act in self defense blow his fucking brains out
What is it with cuckservatives and being so fucking over-dramatic?
This is the same asshole who built a fake oval office to broadcast in and continues to lay off his staff. He has to host his content on 3rd party sites even though he owns a failing media company.
He is a mentally ill con man.
This. This faggot literally has a bunker up in the mountains somewhere. He knows none of this bullshit is going to effect him or his family.
Beck is nothing but an ultra concern troll now. Remember when he meekly tried to dissuade Cruz from endorsing Trump during that call into his show?
For a second, I couldn't see that he was wearing glasses in the thumbnail. Thought he was given the JUST treatment.
You're overreacting pretty fucking hard because you were over defensive when somebody attacked Beck and you took as an assault on your thread and now your pissing and moaning like a retard at the person who told you that. You're either massively underage or a bitch on her period, but you've derailed your own thread by being an overly sensitive faggot.
So what's his master plan? Accelerate the US into nuclear war then emerge from the bunker and establish a new Mormon nation like some cheeto-smeared Joshua Graham?
Once again, why so defensive? If you are confident in your content and positions, stop being such a pissy bitch in your own thread.
threadly reminder the sight of trump caused this cuck to wet his pants.
Stay mad cucks.
LOL… I thought the same thing. Did a double take and had to enlarge.
Glenn Cuck needs a train set and a couple dicks to suck on while he thinks about Israel, and he'll be just fine.
kill yourself
They gonna break out the pitchforks?
I say bring it.
this failed televangelist turns politics into another kind of evangelism. What a freak.
they use dead and forced memes, in that order. obviously from cuckchan.
He also says Russia is arming the Alt-Right with guns.
Immediately after you read these words, spend 5-10 seconds focusing on the mental image of Glenn Beck, crying, holding a gun to his own temple, while sitting on a toilet in a poorly-lit room.
Praise Kek
Didn't he promise to kill himself if Trump won the primaries? Why is he still alive? The FBI needs to fix this. Nobody, right or left, will miss Glenn Beck.
I imagined he did it with a gaudy engraved revolver that he spent too much money on because he's such a pathetic larper.
Holy shit the way this retard constructs his sentences is an eyesore.
I can't wait for this fat piece of shit to kill himself.
My dad works in psych and whenever the topic of Glenn Beck comes up, he says the whole Hospital wants to admit him.
This guy is a HORRIBLE ACTOR. How fucking stupid you must be to make a thread about this cunt. Your mother's last fart is more interesting.
If you were HIGH, it wouldn't be a good enough excuse for posting this cunt. Being a nigger, wouldn't be a good enough excuse for posting this cunt.
You stupid, fucking drooling cunt. KILL YOURSELF.
Where have you been? You're not from around here. This fag has cried ever since Trump blasted his ass out of town. He is crying again and people are laughing about it, but you are yelling at them for laughing about it. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Shill post everytime.
Go back to reddit.
I cringed.
The No Fun squad is out on patrol.
Glenn Beck is one to talk Mr. I Play Dressup While Connecting Dots Lost My Jobs At Fox And CUCKED MYSELF WITH CHEETOS
>Marxists have spent the last century shrieking "RACISM SEXISM HOMOPHOBIA INTOLERANCE BIGOTRY MUH FEELINGS" at anybody to the right of Leon Trotsky
Fixed. Read Mein Kampf, you might be surprised that what you're decribing has been the MO of Social Democrats since they were established.
Also worth noting that when they're trying to squeeze the real threat (i.e. Trump) out of acceptable discourse, they heap praise on the softer elements on the right simultaneously, to assure the soft-rightists in their security after the purges and to encourage to commit further to moderation.
So is this guy just anti-Trump or just a full-on leftist now? Was his whole plan to siphon off the evangelical right and turn them into cucks?
The evangelicals have been cucks for a long time.
What an idiot.
His one way trip into the forest is coming soon my brother
Blithering vagina Glenn Cuck sez through tears: "Boohoo! Comey's letter is stuuuupid!"
exactly what was irresponsible about what Comey did, according to the establishment?
they'll just get their niggerspicasoid shock troopers to do the job for them while they flee.
How far we have strayed. They certainly don't teach us this in schools anymore.
He's trying to stop Trump via Utah, these fucking cryptosporidium are going to pay dearly if mcmuffin wins there
I was taught that in school ~10 years ago but they kept hammering home that he was wrong and we shouldn't listen to what he said.
Firstly the future hasnt happened yet so you cant really say you changed the course until it happened. Secondly the doublethink is immense
This is just red pilling his cuck audience the fool
Always the first post. Always.
Same audio in .webm
*tips fedora*
Strange, the audio works on my PC. I'll attempt to fix it.
We should send Glenn Beck bottles of whiskey. I want to see that drunk freak fall off the wagon and kill himself on the air.
The weak fear the strong.jpg
I hope this works.
Almost like he wanted to alert somebody
Done. Even used the rest of the 10 seconds to image him pulling it and painting the walls.
Wanting to see Glenn we're one of them Beck.
kill me
I imagine you would be praising his bold and heroic action in courageously helping to take down that meanie Trump who stole your pet rat.
Ya fuckin ponce.
Something different to you.
How much dick does this guy suck?
I know that edge, bro.
He's a fucking white male of course he was wrong.
Such a fucking joke.
Why do we still care about beck?
I missed this little bit of the debate.
Our memes aren't exaggerations, folks.
Listen to how even Ron Paul starts stammering when mentioning cutting aid to Israel. Shows just how far outside of normally acceptable political discourse it is in this country.
An awful lot, according to Alex Jones.
Remember when Glen Beck was giving a speech to Ted Cruz supporters in Nevada and then Trump unexpectedly walked into the venue? Beck went into a confused meltdown "…the constitution…uh….em…
constitution…constitution…" The whole crowd turned away from him and surged towards Trump, mobbing him.
Meanwhile Beck let the microphone drop,
hugged his wife, and started crying.
We need to unleash the internet hate machine on Beck after the elections. This motherfucker needs to fucking PAY for his crimes of Treason.
This cocksucker is jsut praying for shillary to win to raise revenue for his failing broadcast company. Fuck glenn beck. fuck him right in his faggot ass.
Glenn Cuck needs to go back to fucking a barrel full of butter and stop being such a bad mormom by using modern day radio equipment.
Did he not receive money from the DNC according to one of the podesta emails or other leaks?
He's not alone, he's just the worst at hiding it.
Do you really think people like Jonestein actually want Trump to be elected? Of course not, a candidate he endorsed in the White House would be horrible for the sales of Gold and Penis Juice.
"Let me tell you all about my replacements." – Glenn Beck, El Grande Cheeto
Hes right in the sense that implicating a politician in a felony, without good evidence, shortly before an election, would be incredibly unethical.
Hes wrong in the sense that everyone in the FBI knows that there is plenty of evidence against shillary and that she has always been guilty.
I can really see why you call these people cuckservatives. Anger is a damn important emotion if you want to change things, he's a christ fag why doesn't he see that even Jesus was one to come to anger at times? His constant capitulation to the left so as not to come across as a big meanie head has let the left do what they want for the past few decades.
What is this goy's problem?
If anything, the most ethically sound thing to do when confronted with evidence like that is to move forward, even if it's the very day before the election.
It's a critical process that involves the most fundamental legitimacy of Clinton's participation as a presidential candidate, and should be addressed as soon as possible, BEFORE the election proceeds any further.
He endorsed Ryan and then Hillary and he has the audacity to talk about "we". A greedy, globalists, right wing gatekeeper without any credibility left.
What is new?
Of course
I was refering to
That is technically correct, but yes we all know that there is plenty of incriminating stuff in those emails
BEck also pissed his pants
Putin, gib AK 12. Plz gib me ='(
He will probably take a dozen neocohen friends with him and run out of food because he couldn't tell them no.
Because he's an avatar of cuckservativism, and his continued downfall only serves us functionally and emotionally.
Infotards in 2016 are pretty much the same kind of people that Beck fans were in 2009-2010. Everybody showed them how full of she he was, but they stuck by him…
And lest we forget, they were both "attacked" in the same ADL article that Jonestein fans use to prove he's legit.
fuck off with your D+C, goon. infowars has done more to redpill people than nearly any other website or outlet.
The best part about Trump's ascension has been watching halfwits like him Kristol digging their own graves. The post election salt will be glorious.
"The Glenn Beck Program has been replaced by Sam Hyde Live."
Thanks for proving my point, you sound exactly like Beck fans did when people would call him on his shit.
Jonestein and infowars have done more than any other outlet to harm the movement and run cover for the jews. And his current rhetoric - Saudis did 9/11, Iran has nukes, etc. - is almost identical to what Beck's was during the period I described. Who do you think popularized the "Soros was a Nazi collaborator" myth?
When Filter King was allowed a MSM platform (around the time of the Piers Morgan thing) you could tell he was starting to walk on two legs.
Why is there always some stupid that wants to points out what a shill Alex Jones is. Are you doing it when other outlets and links and linked or when other people have met a Jew? Just attack the message and stop attacking the messenger. I read whatever I want and that includes sporadically infowars. And I am not even a big fan of him but would defend his right to do what he does.
This is a thread about Glenn Beck, and Jonestein has taken on his old role - a role used brag about being offered by the powers that be (kikes).
Why would you defend a traitor's right to mislead the people? Would you do the same for FOX, MSNBC, Breitbart, Beck, etc.?
*he used
*he used to
Even in a blurry id pic she's beautiful.
I listened to Alex Jones the first time on 9/11/2001 and had a phase from 2005-2007 when I listened to him daily and read everything he wrote. The thing is we are all adults here. I know everything I need to know about him and do not need somebody pointing out every time what he thinks he is. I DO SIMPLY NOT TRUST ANY SOURCE AT ALL JUST BECAUSE I READ IT. We are here because we have critical thinking of our own and want to listen to controversy. I invite you to point out all the fallacies you find in that open letter and I am glad to follow your though process, but there is nothing new to the Jostein meme to me. I trust Alex Jones more than Breitbart, CNN, MSNBC or MSM, but I know when not to trust him and know we should never trust anything without critical thinking.
The difference is when somebody posts something out of the big propaganda outlets like CNN, we know how shit it is. And when something of Alex Jones is posted then somebody has to point out his supposed ties or whatever. When was the last time he did a disservice to the Americans? I you look back to what happened then you will see that AJ said it will happen and had sourced the material 7 years ago and that is most of the time six years before Wikileaks or Snowden were saying it and MSM did not even started to pick it up. In that reasoning I rather prefer AJ. The things he does not cover I get from other sources, because I am not a fanboy.
That's because it should go without saying for outlets like CNN, Kikebart, and FOX (although it doesn't always), while there are still a handful of retards who think Jonestein is legit.
Three hours ago, or whenever he was last on the air lying to his audience.
None of that was exclusive to him or even broken by him, but instead all over the alternative media - the alternative media that he subverted and misled.
Going back to Beck, you can find some good materiel he covered when he played the role currently occupied by Jones. Doesn't make him any less an enemy.
If you've really listened to him when you claimed to, and currently view him as anything other than a judas goat, how do you rationalize his recent lie that the 9/11 truth movement was "always about how the Saudis did 9/11 to take out non-Wahabbist countries"?
Do you actually think I was defending Jones with that post?
That guy has sunk his own ship and gone full mental.
Glenn Beck Says Comey's Letter Might Be 'One Of The Most Irresponsible Things To Ever Happen'
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