I know there's a thread but I can't fined it. I want to backslap this bitch so hard.
I know there's a thread but I can't fined it. I want to backslap this bitch so hard.
I'm fcking supid okay. I can't remember where I found the tweet. Point me in the right direction. That's me xxxxxxxsx. I'm pissed off at the system and I'm about to go apeshit on the establishment.
im running out of drunkeness
your shit sounds retarded
And it was disproven before she said it.
my dormant account is there for one purpose
FBI concluded that the communications between Trump and any Russian bank was spam and junk mail.
They are assblasted because they were BTFO again by the FBI, but they know if they repeat the lie, it may stick.
I don't even care who wins to be honest. I know the CFR and Trilateral commission decides the fate of the world, along with the CIA. the president is just merely there for show. It doesn't matter who wins.
I'm here for one reason. To disrupt the liberals way of life. To give them a reason to doubt their so called existence. To show them that they are the biggest hypocrites on this planet. The biggest degenerates, evil soul-less beings.
I've swallowed the biggest red pill in existence. I know all about the Fed, the Ashkenazi jews and the jesuits.
I'm here to help disrupt and maybe enlighten the naive.
Holy fucking shit, how new are you?
Not sure you do…
use your rage for something helpful to the cause
The CFR has infiltrated our government for many decades.
How new am I? How asleep are you? How can you even ask that question without being asleep.
This, but I'm motivated by revenge, also, for the attempted destruction of my cultural heritage and teaching niggers to keep bitching no matter how good they have it.
These newfags think Donald Trump gave them a wakeup pill. People in the truther movement knew all about every single facet of corruption you're witnessing being exposed for decades. DECADES, son. Researches have been talking about this shit for years.
It's like drawing a chart. On one side you have hillary supporters, on the other side you have trump supporters. Doesn't this mean something or am I a shill. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
We all know who is at the top. Zionists. fake jews. asheknazi jews. synogogue of satan
I don't think it matters to them who wins. The country is under the control of a much higher power and it's not some douchebag on floor 7.
Fact is Mossad carried out 9/11 for their own agenda of war against their enemies. Wahhabism is a jewish concept. these are facts.
if you're going to larp as a schizo, at least sage your posts
still sleeping. it's okay. you think hitler funded his own war.
What about the drug companies, the railroads. Who paid for all of that during world war 2.
I'll give you a hint. They were the same ones funding the coalition. The same greedy cocksuckers were making money from both sides. The fake jews who aren't even from the promised land (palestinians) the ones that god warns us about, are the cocksucking leeches who profited off of war and death.
These same cocksuckers live and tell tales in 2016
Dude what the fuck are you on? Have some milk, sleep this off and sober up.
I'm just here to spread displeasure, resentment, unhappy feelings to liberals. This whole CFR arguement is neither here nor there. Believe what you will.
I can't put up with such blatant hypocrisy, lies and viciousness. In that sense I'm on your side.
I am kinda drunk but shiiit bro. I'm sick of the lies. I literally want to punch people
Reported for obviously cuckchan.
Right but posting like this right now is bringing down the average quality of the board for everyone. There's a lot of shit going on and this thread is being bumped because you keep missing the sage in the email field. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, you sound pretty upset but this isn't the sort of thread to bump right now. If you need to vent you could do it completely inconsequentially on Holla Forums. Try not to get soused alone like this, it's not healthy. Look after yourself man.
thank you to a true patriot. i will find another way.
Stay strong man. With everything going on I've felt pretty disoriented and won't pretend I haven't also been tempted to reach for the bottle. You need your wits about you if you're going to convince people of anything. Punching people just makes you look bad and if you shout something wrong it can make a whole viewpoint look bad when the news suddenly has something to report that isn't Hillary's downfall. We're all in this together.
that shit is dank. full retard is best meme. video that shit to her. what you gonna do accept for tell all your relatives about how hard you laughed.
> the Ashkenazi jews
Fed is run by ashkenazi jews. These are the people god talked about being fake jews. The zionists in control right now
This is all fkcing retarded anyways. Why would I post on an a chinese paper mache board about who really runs the world.
I'm not that stupid.
No credibility whatsoever, easy as fuck to troll too. Just ask for any proof. Instant triggering.
Sage because there's already a thread.
she means that they don't have any proof but still like to participate in the twatter bantz.
thats what i thought. i asked the bitch for proof but he's busy sucking boyfriend cock.
She meant she wants to trick normalfags into thinking Putin controls Trump and we should nuke Russia instead.
i will prove im real. give me some direction. i swear i will do it. i have this account for 1 reason. fuck liberals.
Yeah. It's really fucking me up tho. Clinton Foundation biggest ponzi scheme of all-time, treason, obstruction of justice, perjury, pay to play, rigged debates, perjury, and these fuckers still wonder what Trump did on a Saturday.
It makes me sick. I don't even like Trump but I hate Clinton. I am an anarchist against fascism. The american people won't stand for this shit. My relatives will be like what the fuck? They are normal people. Normal people have to be like what the fuck, amirite
I'm just saying. Here in Michigan, the militia doesnt want anything to do with Clinton and her crimes. The military hopefully doesn't want anything to do with her. The ultimate redpill in this scenario is the military going full revolution on the government.
Someone said I needed to sober up, and that's true. I will not be some beta male cocksucker tho. My dad is the most legit white person i ever met. If I can't be like him then fuck you. I will do what is necessary.
I meant we will post signs and host rallies for feelings, and post about it on an estonian biological underwater scuba excavation site.
You drunk nigga