Reminder that the one true religion is Zoroastrianism and that the Jew and the Arabs stole from Zoroastrianism...

Reminder that the one true religion is Zoroastrianism and that the Jew and the Arabs stole from Zoroastrianism. Jesus was a con artist as well, praise Zoroaster.

This is the truth.

Try telling cuckstians to read about zorastrianism. They immediately call you a heaten and go back to their jewish tough-bubble.


Zorastrianism is based and dovetails well with gnostic christianity or mystic christianity. The only problem is with literalist (shitskin brain tier) Christians.

Zoroastrianism is better than the Desert Trilogy, but I still like my pantheon of gods and goddesses.

Provide reading material please.


The bible predates any extant zoroastrian text



reported for Holla Forums


Kek has abandoned me

Hell doesn't scare me. Now what, christcuck? What do you have to coerce me with when your threats don't scare me and your promises don't entice me? As far as I'm concerned, what you're peddling is no more appealing than Islam.

This is a get thread now

lol no

I smell a kike from (((Texas))) in this thread

He offers you his condoublesolences

Only 1500 miles and an entire race off, m80

King of the JUTES.

He can never die.

Die Nigger

nice, but not as good as this

I'm convinced that anti-Christian astroturfing (read: shilling) worked wonders on Holla Forums.
I remember when Holla Forums and /christian/ (pre-pozz and shilling) were buddy-buddy.
But with Kek larpers and butthurt athiests/pagans on the rise on Holla Forums (and not to mention the already boatloads of shills we already have working overtime D&Cing through religion), it seems Christianity didn't stand a chance staying a proper topic on Holla Forums.
Even now, we can have pretty much any thread we want about any religion except maybe Islam and of course Christianity.
And you'll have fags say "We don't like Christianity because it isn't pro-white enough", which is a red herring in and of itself. Religions weren't meant to be racial guidelines anyway. The shills haven't turned Holla Forums any more pro-white than they were. The shills haven't turned Holla Forums anymore anti-religious than they once were. The shills have just turned Holla Forums anti-Christian.
And what (((group))) of people hate Christians more than anything? :^)

Nah fuck it all. I'll concede that the shills and kikes actually won something for once.
Guess Holla Forums isn't impervious or impregnable to Jewish attacks.
