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hahaha, oh how the mighty has fallen, once the crown prince of the democratic party, now this 'prince' has become a pauper again. Heavy hangs the head that yesterday wore the crown and all because he is such a filthy degenerate.

Your nation on feminism. Cucks will defend this.

aaaand the pedophile is hidden and reported

there is a reason why you fuck little girls, weinie.

Reported for what?
Also, I don't think he's wrong. Pedophilia is degeneracy, but Weiner did actually physically do anything to her, the punishment doesn't fit the crime, I'd expect something more like up to 10 years for something like this.

Discussion of pedophilia always derails a thread into an absolute shitshow. Fuck this kike and I am laughing that his kike ass is getting fucked up by the laws he and his chosen brethren pushed into place.

I didn't know America was this cucked by feminists.

It's not pedophilia, it's ephebophilia.

You must be childless.

ITT: pedo D&C

Changing you IP doesn't fool anyone into thinking you are multiple people you pedophile sack of shit

low intelligence cuck.

did you know the younger the victim you rape the bigger the dumbfuck you are.

Kill yourself, feminist.

B-But user don't you want to MAGA with me?

What are they looking at Holla Forums?

I will never understand why pedos go that extra mile and wreck their lives when they can get get jollies up on their own TV's with shit like Disney and nickelodeon child prostitution shows and garbage like toddlers and tiaras?

I hope you die of rectal cancer.



Sexting a 15 year old is pedophilia, he should have waited a year. As soon as she turns 16 it's legal and fine.

He's going to sell them all out. This is great. You surround yourself with these kinds of people, and this is what you get. From weiner's end, 25 years in prison might as well be death. Trump MUST have NYPD connections so weiner won't worm his way out of this. He will take his chances and sell out all and everyone around him to avoid those 25 years. Hell, weiner probably tipped them off to the emails in the first place.

good lord who is that

Pedophilia is under 13 or 12. 13-17 is ephebophilia.

Now is not the time for AOC activism. Now is the time to revel in the disgrace of the enemy.

Kayla (((Spicer)))

16 is legal here in Canada. 15 is pedophilia. It's pedophilia to be attracted to a girl up to a minute before her 16th birthday, but as soon as that moment passes it's not pedophilia anymore.

Using VGA input on a TFT?

my loins just deflated

That's how you know that he's an exceptionally stupid jew.

He's not gonna get 25 years. The media always puts what the maximum penalty is in the headline for these kinds of crimes, it's clickbait.

He will plead out and get a year or two. They only gave Epstein a year's house arrest with his deal, and he was running a kiddy porn operation, but he was a bigger jew.

Depends on the state. In some states you are a minor until 18, period. In others it's 16 only if the two people involved are within so many years of each, and so on.


Glad I wasn't the only one triggered by that pleb tier behavior.

So they're gonna kill weiner and use this as an excuse to say "He was depressed! It was suicide!"

Don't pretend for a fucking second that the degenerate was looking for anything other than a quick fuck. I have no sympathy for anyone doing that.

You're an absolute blue-pilled faggot. Go kill yourself immediately.

A bit late to start now Weiner

There will always be someone calling a person jewish regardless of any facts.

He was never going to do 25 years. Not when he's got the goods on Hillary Clinton.

He'll probably do witness protection.

He's probably using a laptop with it.

Where did i ever imply that you cum guzzling niggerape?

No, being attracted to pre-pubescent children is paedophilia. Not sexting a young woman.

Everything that's under 18 years old is pedophilia! Get out from my board filthy pedos!

One shall marry virgin 18-20 years old!

Before she became a fridge.

Reminder anyone willing to fuck a 15 year old is Islamic and must be sent back!

It's always time for AOC activision. The war on heterosexuality must be stooped!

They thought Hillary had sexted InHuma a picture of her twat, but it turned out to be the Grand Canyon.


Fuck off, kike.

Toddlers & Tiaras is a good show.

If I'm going to watch the electric jew I'd rather watch cute girls than niggeregg or something.

Within ten years, computer algorithms will be able to reconstruct the image from the light scattering on the back wall.

Then we will see a picture of Hillary Clinton eating the pussy of a thirteen year old girl.



You're talking about Weiner, who sexted a 15 year old girl, and called him a pedo and said he should get his jollies from among other things Toddlers And Tiaras. Being attracted to 15 year old girls is called normal heterosexuality, being attracted to toddlers is paedophilia. Learn the difference faggot.

Nice joke mate.

I don't think those exist outside of worst Korea.

The name of the show is misleading. Most of the pageant girls are not actually toddlers, they are over 5.

And is 100% normal.

They're still prepubescent.

They would have to be well over 5 to compare to a 15 year old.

They exist, you just believe lies people tell on the internet, who sit in their mom's basements. Go outside, you damn douches.

The thumbnail looks like a tranny.


You are truly degenerate.


One of those times when "on suicide watch" really probably is true.

Also why is this thread being slid by pedoshits.

Nice B8 M8. )

Maybe she's only been with lesbos and that's not real sex so she's technically a virgin.

I swear, this pedophilia/ephebophilia topic never ceases to trigger the blue pilled faggots who actually think girls at 18 arent well on their way to being used up.

In a world that is sexed up by kikes? Good dream user.

Which is exactly what a jew would say.


What's with the bandaid on his phone?

He won't get 25 yrs. He will make a deal and sell everyone down the river with him. The issue with Weiner is he is a dead man walking and he knows it. No matter what amount of time he does, or where he serves it, he will end up "suiciding", care of the Clinton establishment.

Burgers get out reeeeeeeeee

make the rope around his neck, make eyes red too

I've been wondering the same……

Also, the magic dubs here.

Come on,give me a dead beaner


No one here actually believes 15 is pedophilia, right? It's illegal, but that's not pedophilia. I mean, surely you jest, right?

Isn't it Pedo prepubescent, Hebe early pubescent, and Ephebo late pubescent?

Huma: "What's that?"
Weiner: "It's a USB cord. I'll tell you later."

When I got together with my gf, we were both 17 and virgins. That was nearly 10 years ago.

You guys either need to move out of the hood or whatever degenerate liberal shit hole you live in.

Tbh never understood liberals. If a child is old enough to have a sex change at 12 then they are old enough to who they can have sex with.

She's not jewish, dipshit. And her last name isn't Spicer, either.

All that "hebe" etc crap is bullshit. Every normal guy is biologically hardwired to be attracted to girls from the start of puberty, whether they admit it or not.

Chris Hansen has seriously aged. I guess getting fired for having an affair affected him.

Fug, that meme. Takes me back to my underage b& days


check out the jewfro

horse breeding

Lmao, I don't know what the most jewish about this pic, the fro or the turtle neck.

His face looks like a jewish woman in that pic. I can't remember who though.

That bitch with the blue dress and white hair I seen on a meme who was openly talking about wiping out the white race.

Its sort of an older pic, maybe 80's or 70's.



OMG So the Fema camps are for the PEDO kikes
For the Military Industrial complex at the same time!!??

Holy shit these old shit bag kikes are finished lol!!!

So Chris Hansen was part of the real PEDO team. Oh my fucking gosh. Cops involved too and they are (((Masonic))) ???


It's about time this state got a kick in the ass. Too bad will never vote red here. Fucking NYC kikes.

I saw that image and all I could think was "at that point why not just use an onahole? It's not like you could see a 7 year old under that gut anyway"

I've reached a special level of jaded.

No, it's not them. It's an actress I think. I'm picking my brain trying to remember.

He's a Jew though, so any excuse to jail him for 25 years is fine by me, I don't care about your tenn girl fucking principles tbh lad, I care about my Jews getting rekt principles.

Not long ago people didn't generally live past 40.
A thousand years ago you had to procreate younger simply because you or your wife will die very soon. As a result of this need, evolution gave us the desire to procreate with younger women. They *were* more healthy and capable of raising children. However, with the advancement of science and society, the need to procreate younger has disappeared. We live to be 80+ now and no longer need to have kids young. Therefore, the sexual attraction to children no longer serves any purpose. It has been reduced to a mere fetish. So heres what you can do:

Go back and watch his smug libtard highlights now, try not grinning ear to ear.

What a retarded namefag. Stop spewing kike misinterpretations of statistics. Things like "people used to live to their 20s x years ago" stems from the fact of complete lack of basic hygiene and understanding of cleanliness back then. People didn't deliver births with gloves, masks and sterile tools in a sterile room. They delivered them with their hands, which caused high infant mortality. Then you had very primitive cures for basic ailments like flu or infections or childhood diseases, which hardly helped an underdeveloped immune system. If you were to take into account full lives of people over 5 years old, you'd realize that they lived well into their 50s and 60s since Ancient Greece. Exception comes when the young died in massive wars in Medieval ages. People do not live that much longer now than they did back then, provided the sample does take into account just people over 5 years old. Stop justifying your pedo shit and gas yourself.

white supremacist here.
I gotta admit, maybe he's done some mistakes, but he seems like he's passionate about the political ideas..

you're contradicting yourself. so which is it? did people 1000 years ago live shorter lives because of hygiene and a lack of medicine, or did people 1000 years ago NOT live much shorter lives as compared to now?



Sexting dic pic is a crime, it's not fucking 25 years a crime, the 15 years old can't be traumatized at all.

Am I the only one who always reads 'Wiener'?

Also: his face looks damn pinched.

Auschwitz mode.

is it midnight of the day of her birthday, or is it what ever time she was born?
I'm not as well informed on these details as you.

Yeah some of those clips he was actually on point. Better watching something like this where he's shilling for obamacare.

Not to defend The Wiener, but pedophilia is sexual attraction to pre-pubescent girls (generally 12/under). The definition doesn't apply here.

Being sexually attracted to that girl could be classified as pedophilia. She's like 10?

I agree. 25 years would be excessive (in my opinion) but the law is the law.

Reminder, the Wiener could have been mayor of NYC, if he wanted. He would have won easily.

You're a fucking idiot. He's saying life expectancy was dragged down by high infant mortality. Those who survived their first couple years experienced lifespans very much like ours. People didn't just die at 40. They procreated younger because that's what's natural and produces the most children.

SJWs are right about one thing: correcting the record when someone uses 'pedophile' when 'ephebophile' would be more appropriate is cringy and fedora as fuck.

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard but it did. Agree completely and thanks for the kek.

I don't know about the girl in that video, but if a female is able to breed, it's not pedophilia. That's the bottom line here. If she's per-pubescent, then yeah, it's pedo shit and completely degenerate. If her eggs have started dropping, it's just biologically sound. Females were created to breed with. Being attracted to one who is fertile and able to procreate with is completely natural. Am I saying it would be totally ethical to fuck a 13 year old the day after she got her period? No. Unless she's your wife. I'm just saying that being attracted to her isn't some abomination, it's just simple biological imperative.

There's no way he doesn't flip, roll over, cooperate completely. He'd die in normal prison.

I bet he sings like a bird in exchange for protection and a cushy jail cell.

If he really has a "life insurance" blackmail file then it better be god damn flawless. They are already trying to jew out of it with their DOJ pick being Podesta Pals.

"You photoshopped it to look even bigger? Don't you know that's just going you scare the teen girls off?"

Gold stars they're called.


Never ceases to amaze me how heterosexual men here profess to want to completely take over society by force and remodel it, and in their next post bend the knee to a conniving, unchallenged feminist diktat. It's a bullshit sexual strategy by older females and you all know it.

It's the final redpill man. For some it's simply too big to swallow. :^)))

It's simply unmitigated sexual gibsmedat for women above 30.

Always take a step back and really examine the situation if you find yourself saying something like this. Then remember

No, they are not. Ever.

While "ephebophile" is bullshit in same way "cis" is bullshit - we shouldn't need additional words for "normal" - it's also a line of defense against SJW dogma. SJWs are trying to do two things: Raise the price on cat lady, and normalize pedophilia. Dragging normal men down with the term "pedophile" is convenient for both goals.

P.S. I should clarify before someone points out the contradiction: 1. SJWs always contradict themselves. 2. They want to normalize pedophilia for (((some people))) in certain situations. Remember that they are generally opposed to punishments for degeneracy. So they want to have pedo as a shaming tactic against undesirables, and at the same time they don't want anyone going to jail for actual pedophilia. Make sense? No, of course not, it's SJWs.

Someone wrote this and you believe it because you can't think for yourself and don't have insight into SJWs. SJWs are trying to normalise pedophilia as an illness to which compassionate (cruel) treatment can make pedophiles more equal.

The other side of the coin is that the sexual attraction to women over ~45 serves no purpose because they are incapable of bearing children.

In that regard, hebe attraction makes more sense because there is potential. Budding flower > wilting flower.

That's normalizing pedophilia. It's like you're unaware of the slippery slope. Fags didn't dare demand adoption rights when they were still considered criminals. Degeneracy moves slowly, one step at a time. For now it's

Then soon it'll be

The slippery slope is real when it comes to the decline of a civilization. Simply look at history, no pozzed society ever become LESS degenerate. All empires fell. They didn't stagnate forever or recover, they all fell. We are falling, too, and the best we can do is delay the impact and, when that's no longer an option, escape.

We became a pozzed society the day they stopped enforcing anti-miscegenation laws. Pedophilia is the least of our problems when subhumans are shitting in our gene pool with impunity.

Ashley Edner was born on December 17th 1989 ( ), Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star started filming on July 15th 2002 ( ), so she was at least 12 in that clip. Also, there are actually some 10 year olds who have started puberty and become sexually attractive.

BINGO! Once cultural marxists think they've convinced enough normal people that they're actually paedophiles the cultural marxists will push for the legalisation of paedophilia knowing that enough of those normal people will cave-in and support them.

If we can red-pill enough people so that they know that the real scientifically correct definition of paedophilia is only sexual attraction to pre-pubescents then we can push for the law to be changed to simply pre-pubescent = illegal. If successful then there will be no chance that paedophilia will ever be legalised since only a tiny percentage of people would ever support legalising sex with pre-pubescents.

This would also have the benefit of freeing up police resources so that they can focus on catching actual paedophiles, not entrapping normal men who simply want a younger girlfriend.

The change in the law should include marriage too of course.

I'm not an SJW and paedophlia is an illness, just like homosexuality and transexuality. If people act on it they should be punished but given treatment in prison and when they're released since if they're cured then they're no longer a danger to children. There should also be encouragement for paedophiles who haven't acted on it to seek treatment to cure themselves too. It's better to actually try to cure the problem than just wait until children are abused then try to catch the abuser and jail them for a few years. Even if you say "They should be executed!" that's still at least 1 abused child per paedophile.