Holla Forumsmfy

Post the comfiest cartoons you can think of… However, there's a few rules I'd like to point out so these can be as wholly comfy as possible:

1. Cartoons with focused, overt satire try too hard to qualify as comfy. So no Simpsons or Family Guy, not even the earliest of seasons.
2. The humor needs to be restrained to enough of a degree that the overall feel of the show is still comfy. Anything piss-your-pants funny is a little too extreme in comedy to be comfy, but unique quirkiness in its comedy is just fine- in fact, it's great, giving it more of a personal identity.
3. If you're going to post MLP FiM, only the first season is allowed, since every other season beyond it amps their effort. Comfy shows are self-aware of what they're doing and don't need to try to one-up themselves.

I'll start with three cartoons I can certify to be the comfiest I know.


Fuck, I couldn't find any alt-right cartoons to counteract your worshiping the mainstream liberal media.

pick one faggot

feel free to leave

Translation: "Shut up and get out of my safe space!"

aren't you clever

Not trying to be, nigger.


These three are way too far from comfy. You got shit taste, OP.

Nothing beats classic Looney Tunes

Prove me wrong.

But those first two cartoons are garbage.

Fuck you, Holla Forums

And the third is mostly garbage

we really need to get some id on this board.

We've tried but the shitposters always cry about how it takes away their free speech and the mods always listen.

Just email the specific posts, they usually take care of it, just say they're derailing the thread. But dont bitch about IDs.


Not that guy, really I'm not, but holy fuck that's stupid. Other boards have IDs because of shitposters. IDs don't take away free speech, it just makes weeding out the idiots easier.

Doesn't get any comfier than that. It's a shame that American intro for Rupert was a complete disgrace that misrepresented the show. Why do Americans keep doing that to foreign cartoons?

(((Bob)))'s Burgers is fucking terrible though

Most of the cartoons I associate with comfiness are children's cartoons.

More.. Astro Boy and Fables of the Green Forest are technically anime but I didn't know the difference as a kid.





Not technically a cartoon but Fraggle Rock was pretty damn comfy.


Yeah I shitpost pretty regularly and IDs would hamper my ability to start imaginary debates with myself to start fake controversy.



I dunno, I'm kinda iffy on qualifying it as comfy if it has action in it. Any justification for this inclusion, user?

Just that remembering it gives me the same warm fuzzy feeling as the others.

God that was awful. I happy Canada got the proper one.

I just remembered something I long forgot.

Me too I like arguing with myself.

Yeah fuck me.


I need context.