Regarding France

Is this real? I can't even tell any more.
Supposedly its an anti-islam protest in Paris organized by those GI guys.

Is France uncucking itself?
They are resisting more than Germany, I guess. If there are any frogs lurking, inform me. How is it all going to go to shit from here?

Other urls found in this thread:!kalooga-20590/pegida

It's a cultural thing, they need a revolution every 40 years or so

Correct once again Uncle Adolf.

Its from Jan.1, 2015:
"3.7 million march with world leaders in march through Paris to honor victims of terror attacks"
The picture is by AP.

Too bad these were not lynched by the people in this occasion.

Shortly after this attack a French Pegida type group called LUCIDE (Luttons Unis Contre l'Islamisation De l'Europe) had been created but they never reached more than maybe 150 participants and have stopped their activities a few months later in June 2015.

Not like tens of thousands have been marching in protests in Germany on every single monday for the last year or anything.

I figured it was too good to be true.

I'm referring more to the polls. For all the protests, AfG aren't doing particularly well. Maybe thats because they're a retarded party, though. I don't know enough about it.

yeah the ones not in english are going to be the honest ones

Monopoly of the flow of information is truly the most dangerous weapon (((humans))) have ever created
Never even heard of it

no European nation is "cucked". there is a huge difference between the political class and the average people. also consider

No need to be an angsty faggot about it, m8. Your country is going to shit, you should be using your time better.

Seriously this.
Can any german bro or someone in the loop fill me in?

When a government is destroying it's country while the populace don't do anything about it, they're cucked.
All western nations are cucked, its only a question of degrees.
The media are downplaying the reactions, but standing a street complaining does nothing. I'm honestly trying to think of a time when thats worked.

Actually the AfD performs pretty good considering that it is a fairly new party and is bashed by all sides.

Already the 3rd strongest party. If anything happens - like a terror attack on a french scale - it is easily moving to the top. The tension in germany is strong, but people that have something to lose dont protest (yet) or speak up, otherwise they could lose their job and/or be defamed by party-sponsored groups (Amadeu Antonis Stiftung, Antifa etc.) or the MSM.


PEGIDA. I think the picture is from Erfurt.

For some additional photos. Note Cars of protesters where burned by Antifa.!kalooga-20590/pegida

Uh no. France is very open to different cultures and races, more so than United States I believe. Having lived there for months I encountered a lot different people from all parts of the world. There is a little Japanese town. No lie. Best asian food I ever had. I even saw Olivia perform.


Now this song is stuck in my head. Thanks alot, OP.

thanks user

What polls?
The ones where the AfD is consistently the only party to make gains, coming in at least 3rd strongest in all the regional elections that were held (Berlin, Baden, and Meck-Pomm)?


I have no idea why it isnt common knowledge yet that the AfD is the 3rd strongest Party in almost every regional parlament.

They even beat Merkels Dogs in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern



So, are they called Berenstein or Stain in your universe?

Because in mine, the AfD are killing it.

off by one :(


Looking good, may Kek bless our French bros.

Between Hollande and Netanyahu… is that fucking Mugabe?

That particular picture is where a church refused to turn their lights on or something in solidarity with muslims, so PEGIDA (anti-islam protestors in pic) all shined flashlights at it to light it up.

Almost all of their revolutions for the past 200+ years have been utter shit though. It's like putting your faith that someday something is going to push the right wing Americans with everything to lose into actually doing something. Both seem almost far-fetched at this point.

I'll believe it when I see it at this point.

Where did you even get this sadly fake information?

I'm getting more and more surprised about how vague reports on France are. I mean, it's a country with 83% of internet coverage, record growth, record number of emails, calls and texts, record presence on social networks, some of the biggest news channels and websites of Europe and the world, and TF1 channel news being the most viewed of Europe before even the BBC… and the rest of the world still somehow has a completely distorted view of France.

I just don't get it. Reports are always so fucking wrong I barely know where to begin. And it's always been that way, for as long as I can recall, except I now view those old events under an entirely different (((light))). It seems France is always depicted as a chaotic country, the smallest reason is always used to pretend France is in full civil war, the most ridiculous strike or protest always gets epic proportions when viewed from afar with every single fact hugely exaggerated. Except the (((bad))) ones, like the protests against gay mariage in late 2012/early 2013, some the biggest protests in France in centuries, even bigger than those after the attacks last year, and which were hardly reported outside of France.

Everytime this happens, I'm reminded of the Arab spring, of Ukraine, of all this fabricated chaos through social network attacks. As I said above, the internet in France became as evident as breathing, and the country would be extremely sensitive to such a provoked revolution, and at the same time, I'm thinking it would also be extremely resilient because it'd be way harder to bullshit people.

Now who benefits from fabricating chaos in France?


No one speaks french.
It's hard to tell what's going on there.

The latest generations of French speak proper English, and don't just stick to French-language content, and as you can see, here I am. There are French-owned news media in other languages, like France24 which provides a website and channels in English and Arabic, French is spoken throughout the world, in Maghreb, sub-Saharian Africa, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Quebec, all over south America, in countless islands over the seas, and let's not forget Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and it's one of the official languages at the european parliament.

That's hardly a reason for such bullshit reports every single fucking time. We get more reliable reports from Burma, Ethiopia and Guatemala for fucks sake, and even more from Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Poland… but no, everything in France is always distorted, and that's certainly not a language issue.


Looks like painting of french revolution.

Explains the Norwegian flag someone just had to muh Breivik.

Thread theme.

Seconding this so fucking hard. It makes zero sense reality is always skewed far beyond what our own media do, it's happening at an increasing rate, there is more and more fake information circulating on social networks around every protest, not only to the outside world, but on the French side as well, and it's worrying me a lot.

At every protest there's already tons of people swarming in to claim they started it, whether obscure jewish-controlled orgs or SJW/LGBT ones, and that is annoying as all hell. So if now we have to deal with plain fake protests, it'll soon become very hard even for the French to figure what is going on. Fortunately we are indeed a very well networked society and bullshit is quickly identified and singled out, but I can't help thinking someone is testing theaters to see how well bullshit can fly in France, and there aren't too many that would try that aside from American alphabet soups who are now more than well known for that.

Actually the wayers. Interesting typo.



Fuck you.