Why do rightists always have such big cocks? I never understood why they always called us cucks, but I get it now...

Why do rightists always have such big cocks? I never understood why they always called us cucks, but I get it now? What's going on, Holla Forums?(USER WAS GIVE A CUP OF TRUMP'S CUM FOR THIS POST)

They don't.

My penis is big and I'm right wing.

Most people think that's disgusting looking in public.

My wife and girlfriend don't.

Your mother and father don't count

You have a wife and a girlfriend?


My mother and father aren't my wife and girlfriend?


That's not me?


Run out of incest obsessed witticisms?

Women laugh at you for having a pants bulge, people think you look gross.

So that's a yes then.


Are you denying that? Women laugh at you for having a pants bulge, people think you look gross.

why do right wingers always have such fat asses?

I doubt the twelve year olds and eleven year olds Donald raped with Epstein think that

Mods come on it should be 'given'

And women walk up to me and openly touch my bulge. Does that offend you?

Why do right wingers always love to macho signal to lefties that they're so much more "manlier" than them, and then turn around and put a flabby old man pushing 70 on a pedestal as their ultimate "alpha male"?

But that's a lie.

No. In fact, it's disgusting how openly women are prepared to turn men into eye candy for expressing sexual desire.

So, again, does it offend you?

But that's a lie

You being offended or the other statement?

That's an insinuation.

That was the point.

That's also an insinuation.

If I knocked Trump out in a fistfight, which as we all know is the only real currency that rightists respect in spite of their pretenses of civil and intellectual seriousness, would you say that you would be fast or very fast to try to grope my bulge?

As is this.

Sugar, nobodies going near that thing no matter what you do.

Nobody is fucking you

That's a lie.

Nobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking youNobody is fucking you

It would be interesting to find out though, wouldn't it? I don't really have the influence to hook it up, but anytime you want to see how "alpha" the God-Emperor really is, I'm game to show you.

Here is a better question, why is the right-wing, especially online, so caught up about anything sex related. I see so many of them caught up about penis size, homosexuality and 'cucking' that it's always kind of bewildered me.

Seriously they care more about what people do in their private bedrooms than actual policy, it makes them seem like fucking idiots.

I have an eight inch dick and I've had more complaints about it hurting than compliments about it's size.

Whatever turns your wheel honey.

This hasn't worked out well for you, has it.

I don't sense much confidence in your stance here. Assuming you had the ability to arrange it, would you be willing to set up a fight between me and Trump in the complete confidence that you wouldn't be sexually attracted to me once I inevitably knock the 69 year old "supreme alpha male" out cold?

Here's the point at which you should've claimed victory.

idk how many you've sucked, most cocks ive seen are from apolitical folks

You are really committed to this fantasy, aren't you.

I've never failed to concede that the likelihood of arranging it is slim, so you're reaching with your "fantasy" accusations.

Unless you seriously think a 69 year old man has a chance in a fistfight with an average male in this board's main age demographic, that is.


Shit , im switching sides right fucking now.


Quit being so easily baited.