French cops can't remove the migrants

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Someone please make a webm with sound. They're literally screaming like monkeys at the zoo KEK.

of course, touching them is a 20 year jail sentence goy

it has sound tho?

crazy shit, though. they really do look like animals scrambling


Lazy fucks

Strange I just switched browsers to find out that OP's vid has sound with chrome but no sound with firefox.

Most of them seem to have Quechua pop up tents.


You can't fix this problem without killing millions of these animals.
France doesn't have the Leader or will to do it, they are pretty much done ATM


Another video from the same event.

Present proof of citizen ship or get in the back of a truck, its fucking simple isnt it?

Well done, user.

It's doable. Buy some land in a country like Liberia and ship them there. Or, for fun, ship sunnis to a shia country and shias to a sunni country.

I prefer genocide

I'm pretty sure you can, see Operation Wetback. For every illegal that got deported, several more left on their own, out of fear. Hence why so few Border Patrol agents could get rid of so many illegals in such a short amount of time.

All men. Every fucking one of them.

I don't think that will work very well with the African and Muslim (Arab) populations in Europe, they will go bat shit and allahu akbar everywhere.

Be realistic, we got no choice other than ignite a civil war. Doesn't matter if you have Adolf Hitler back in power, civil war is ahead and we must be brutal and feared by the enemy.

"For every illegal that got deported, several more left on their own"
Would work much better for the mongoloid races I think.

yep cause you seem them in Calias vids being, "Im going to meet my family" which means someones cousin is there, so they bring another cousin and so on…whilst pandering to the sympathies of the naive

Why not? Mexicans are far more aggressive, tough and ruthless than Africans and Kebabs are. If it can be done with Mexicans it sure as hell can be done with Africans and Kebabs.

But I agree with you that civil war is a more likely outcome of this whole ordeal, given that politicians don't have the balls to enact mass deportations.

I happen to live near Arabs and Africans and may have been friends with them in my earlier years (forgive me). They are violent in nature and they won't simply go back without fucking as much up they can and more of them now are turning more and more to their religion and identity because more and more of us Whites in Europe, keeping it real and short: hate them more and more.

But whatever, we will see won't we?

come on, since when lazy beaners are as aggressive as animals who strap explosives to their own bodies?

You don't seem to know much about Mexico, to put it lightly.

I dont mind multi culturalism but this is an invasion of people taking the piss. Also I feel bad for well established immigrants who have worked hard and are generally accepted by western society now risk the tide turning against them because of this mess


Why do people still look to the authorities to achieve positive change, when those authorities are responsible for their enemies residence in the first place?


Wtf is wrong with you?
Do you read the news goyim? the people are loving their migrants so much they ask for more now.
Your complaints make no sense stop being such heartless bigots.

Confirmed for turbocuck.

Only fire can cure this disease.

How about webm related as a solution.

Give me twenty good men and I can remove them.

GTFO Moishe.

Multiculturalism is good if it happens in the context of Euvopa.
Bongs in Bongistan
Swamp Germans in the swamp
Big tittied Norwigian girls everywhere
Clock makers in the Swiss mountains

That's not really multiculturalism though since Europe shares a common culture with just variations on a theme. Besides we should still want to preserve the unique aspects of the various European cultures.

but the kebabs already fear us user.
look at who they prefer attacking. unarmed civilians, women, children and elderly.
look at the unnecessary display of overkill and brutality. beheadings, burnings, mass shootings (civilians or captured/neutralized enemies)
that isn't the behaviour of someone who really wants to fight or thinks he can win. it's the behaviour of someone who is scared shit(skin)less and pretends to be dangerous by making himself bigger and screaming in order to intimidate the (perceived) threat.

off topic but what are velocious and tempestous threads?

tell me more about norwegian grills

It's not going to get better before it gets even worse, is it?

go back to cuckchan, you are not welcome here!


it's only going to get worse. it might even never get better, but we should take chances no matter how slim.


And, newfags who stumble upon Holla Forums and always wonder why it's full of accelerationsts


There mostly women and children, mostly…

Soylent Green, right?

Man…I don't know. I'm not a big fan of spicy food with shit rubbed on it.

Here's my prediction: There will be a cop who will round the corner and find a muz gang-rape in progress on some little blonde girl. He will close his eyes a French gendarme and open his eyes a French patriot. And then he will calmly start shooting them all in the face and his freres in bleu will follow suit.

When do things ever get better before getting worse? Once things get better, there isn't any going back. Its back to our nations and securing our future or NWO slavery.

I'm pretty sure they've got armed police in France - I've seen them. How hard is it to get some people with guns to tell them to get the fuck out?

No, user, and when it gets "better," we'll be hosing blood off the walls.

Well yes, that is what I was pushing at.From my location I can drive to the Alps in a day and see a very different culture than at home. A day drive north (Two days to make it nice) and suddenly I`m in Stockholm which has…DID have it`s very distinct culture.

They are getting raped by shitskins user.
They are being used and abused by subhumans.
They are going the way of Zweden
They are the most beautiful examples that humankind has to offer
but their wombs are being infected by subhuman DNA
Their daughters will not be beautiful
Their daughters will be half-breed
Their sons will be ugly mongrels
That is unless we keep the fire going and purge the heretic
burn the mutant and kill the Xenon.
And eat your goddamn vegetables.

Comme les porcs Britbongs d'ailleurs…

How is that multiculturalism you retard. Europe is not one country.

After all that's happened Portuguese are pleading for refugees, that they have tens of thousands of apartments waiting for them. Insanity.

No, that is a racist conspiracy theorist.

There isnt anything wrong with migrants or taking on displaced victims. The problem is when there are mass amounts, the country cant support them, or (((certain people))) weaponize migrants to push social policies

kinda funny that I and a few m8s used the same tactic to crush about a dozen browswer based MMOs.

even funnier that our lil goon squad fractured when we met a bigger meaner squad when looking for a new victim.

sage for irrelevant blogpost


Whoops, i forgot the most important thing. They can bring some of their cukture with them but they absolutely must integrate into the host country and be beneficial to it, otherwise we end up at current year+1

there is no problem if those migrants or diplaced victims come from a similar cultural background and are allies.

everything else is stupidity and treason

You mean the country that the American Colonization Society bought and founded with the specific intent of shipping the niggers back after the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect? The country that the kikes absolutely fucking hate and spent billions of dollars to prevent their pet niggers from going to in order to play perpetual D&C on We The People?

Fuck jews. Fuck mudslimes. Fuck niggers.

And this right here is why "White Nationalism" is just globalism lite

To be fair, they both ocuppy the same niche, impressive when they are alone in their own backyard. The only people who ever gave whites trouble were nips when they had dug themselves in good.


you took a wrong turn m8.

turn left a few times and you are back to reddit in no time

tbh once we kill off all the the subhumans we`ll probably see a lot of US style white nationalism to fill the void.
The world minus EU will be White Nationalism.


Sure. Why don't you round up some kids for them to rape while you're at it?

Integrate or die.

not going home tho is kinda like asking for genocide tho?

i guess thats the goal of jihadism tho

Im sorry but the hardline kill everyone who isnt Celtic/Nordic/Anglo isnt going to gain mass appeal. Cities are always going to be multi cultural areas. Everyone loves eating at international restaurants (and whatever other fucking benefits foreigners may bring). The point is the minority need to remain the minority so the host culture and peoples of a country are respected. If they dont want to be a minority or work they can leave. People have confused welcoming foreigners with welcoming the entire developing world.


They will be deported. If you try to stop it you can go to Monkey Island with them.

The problem is when the minorities come in with the explicit intention of benefiting from the citizens in a parasitical fashion and taking over the fucking country, and are aided by a corrupt government which the people hate.
Whatever attempt to compare it to regular immigration is bound to reach wrong conclusions and fallacies, because this isn't immigration, it's an invasion.

i wonder where they got those. supplied by the govt perhaps.

Cool. So.. people receive what the've voted for during the last few decades. I don't see any problems.

99% of normies chose to engulf themselves in hedonism and live the #YOLO. Now when SHTF the normie apologetics start crawling out of the woodwork

My guess would be NGO's or volunteers, IMO the govt would supply less "flashy" tents.

They have a metro called "Stalingrad"



Refugees not welcome here.

Fuck off to whatever shithole you came crawled out of.

[shekel counting intensifies]

all nonwhites must die

All scandinavians are basically the same. All anglo-germanics are basically the same. All northern slavs are basically the same. All southern slavs are basically the same. Pure ethnonationalism based on arbitrary borders is as silly as universal pan-white nationalism. Deal with it, fatty.

you lot are so easily triggered. Multi culturalism isnt the same as the rapefugee invasion. Stop being so extreme black and white in your thinking. Your autism is showing

The webbum of that has been posted now.

So have a screeching bonus from Germany.

[5 cent for each post]

But seriously, fuck off and die. When the rope day comes (((YOU))) will be deported into africa with the rest of them.

youre not good at this kid. Holla Forums's only job is to be the most black and white place on the internet. if not us, nobody else will. so fuck off and all nonwhites must die.

Wow, who could have possible known this was going to happen?

I, for one, am shocked

Like they say, karma is a bitch.
Mere fact that hedonism clouds your vision/judgment that the world will always keep on spinning, lack of mid/long term vision.
The kikes were good at exploiting this huge blind spot, normalfags didnt care to be exploited as long they could have pleasure.
Now they have to admit how wrong they were for not listening and how they contributed to the destruction of civilization(counting with indirect help to institute NWO) to all the virgins, "tinfoil", conservative, right-wing whistleblowers

that's not multiculturalism you tard, that's having different nations in different countries, which has been the normality for most of europe's history and it shall be again once we get rid of this infamous dystopian devilry that is the EU

99% of normies haven't been exposed to genuine information and instead are bombarded with talmudvision and social media filth. i dont know what your green text is trying to imply but it was definitely the jews taking advantage of aryan altruism.

I work at festivals and these type of tents are commonly left behind and collected up by lefties and then sent on to "good" causes.

This year I saw a pretty blond woman scream "this is boomtown" at a security guard whilst giving him the finger and doing a massive shit

Cataluña is in Spain.

In 1983, during the Dreux’s local election, the National Front (French: Front National (FN)) won the first round of the elections, with 16.72% of votes. So far, the National Front was electorally marginal (only 0.35% of votes during the legislative election of 1981). For the second round, the list of the political party of Jacques Chirac, the Rally for the Republic (French: Rassemblement Pour la République (RPR)) decided to merge with the FN list.

In 1984, a second march was organised, led by Farida Belghoul. That same year, the socialist government helped to create SOS Racisme, a more moderate anti-racist organisation, without the main leaders of the two marches, who denounced a "hijacking" of the movement by the Socialist Party.

SOS Racisme benefitted from open support from the PS in the 1980s, and many members of SOS Racisme became high-level PS politicians: Harlem Désir, president of SOS Racisme from 1984 to 1992, is today a Member of the European Parliament for the PS; Fodé Sylla, president of SOS Racisme from 1992 to 1999 was at that time a member of the PS (and later a Member of the European Parliament for the Communist Party, PCF); his successor, Malek Boutih, was national secretary of the PS in charge of social issues (including immigration-related issues); another president of SOS Racisme, Dominique Sopo (fr), started political activism in the UNEF-ID socialist student trade-union, before taking membership in the youth organisation of the PS.

The UEJF, a Jewish student organisation, also played an important part in the creation of SOS Racisme.

At the turn of the century, SOS Racisme declared support for the peace process in Israel that was interrupted by the Second Intifada. It also denounced a resurgence of antisemitism in a book jointly published in 2002 with the UEJF, a Jewish student organization. Since then, the two organizations have continued to collaborate. Their Rire contre le racisme event (Laughing against racism) is held annually since 2004 at the Zenith concert hall in Paris, where it has featured performances by comedians such as Michel Boujenah, Dany Boon, Jean-Marie Bigard and Gad Elmaleh. In 2003, they also founded a joint student association called FEDER (Fédération des Enfants de la République) which runs for office in university elections.

In February 2006, during the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, SOS Racisme organized public meetings to defend their publication.

(common list RPR-FN) In the right-wing parties, only two leaders disagreed with this alliance: Simone Veil and Bernard Stasi, both from the centre-right Union for French Democracy (French: Union pour la Démocratie française, UDF), a traditional ally of RPR.

Simone Veil,
A survivor from the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp where she lost part of her family,

Bernard Stasi's grandparents and relatives are born in different countries
But his strong support for immigration expressed in his book L'immmigation, une chance pour la France (Imagration, an opportunity for France),

Tell us more

All these women with kids.

There is a surrender joke in there somewhere…

Spics are practically Arab anyway, it makes no difference to them to bring in migrants.

Don't want to get in the truck?

Now my baton has ruptured your knee. Jacques and I are now going to toss you into the truck like a sack of beef.

What's that? Your friends want to try and stop us? No problem. Erique is on the M2. Please, Erique, teach these monkeys the error of their ways and the new fundamental truth of today's France.


The only solution here is force. If I lived in Paris, I'd be setting fire to these camps at night.

What about all the wars??????? European multi culti did not work up until just the last 60 years.

Mudslimes are gonna mudslime I suppose.

Interesting get


I like the way you think. Let the rats off themselves. The same must be done with Kikes and Palestinians. These sandpests have been meddling with the aryan races long enough, time to put them back into the oven.

ever heard of the shit cortez and the conquistadors saw going on?

Niggers were already a lost cause. t. Spaniard.


They're are the Religion of Peace. Why would cops need to remove them OP?

woman detected

Infrastructure got so expensive to build and rebuild that nobody wants to risk war.

Nukes keep people from risking big wars, instead choosing to play in the sandbox.

I fear, though, that this multicult shit is going to drive us to the fucking edge.

B-but muh humanitarianism! Muh freedoms!

The greatest enemy is the enemy within, i.e. the liberals and (((liberals))) who will fight tooth and nail to prevent mass deportations.


It's lost… After Nice… what's it going to take? A fucking nuke? haha.

Let's speculate on what these genuises forsaw. End game is mud people right? Ok, so before that, you have bankruptcy then civil war? So they lose everything and you either end up with the French taking control again, or it's just being Akmed's.

If police all quit and it's a normie rape fest… you probably won't even hear about it. France really needs their cops to become RWDS. But the state won't endorse that. So yeah again, it's civil war at some point.

Who the fuck would travel there now? Even the Asians are getting a clue about what it's really like. The debts across the board are massive. This shit costs tens of millions of Euros A DAY. The few people with money all left and went to London because of the insane taxes. No one is hiring because it's impossible to fire anyone there.

Just what are these fuckers thinking? Who wants to get rid of French culture? That's nuts. But to then have shit tier people? Instead of French food you want to eat goat kebabs??? I don't know.

What's wrong with multiculturalism? The USA has always been relatively multicultural, it was just successful because they were all European cultures. The problem is multiracialism.

JIDF wants the Burger VS Europoor times back.