Trump-or-Treat Thread

Are any of you making plans to redpill your neighborhood's children/parents? Or, if not redpill, how will you trigger the local hillshills?

absolutely weak effort.

Although.. I gotta almost admire your pathetic capacity to keep doing this shit when its obvious 1) we beat you and 2) you will be punished for your actions

Halloween is not the same as it used to be, man.

Around here, there's no kids. Every year I buy candy and nobody ever comes. I go trick or treating with my little brother and most people don't answer their doors and nobody's even around. Not many decorations or anything either.

The only place to go trick or treating these days is like organized church events and shit like that.

RIP neighborhoods.

feels bad man

I'm just going to snack on this shit


I miss the days when me and all my neighbors had a familial-like relationship. We used to meet every day and do something, but those days are gone, user.

same here

growing up in the late 90's everybody and their kids were out trick or treating

now I don't see ANYONE doing it anymore, it's like society just fucking died after the intertet



My neighborhood used to be all Irish and Italian. We had the best parades and events and shit. Every year, there used to be a big Halloween party for all the elementary school kids at the dining hall in the neighborhood, where there used to be costume contests and music; that shit's all gone, all the old people are dying off, and the place is getting hit hard with der multikulti.

Someone got shot and died while I was away for the summer. That would have never, ever happened when I was younger. Rest in Peace, Giovanni Ninn.

*Not the guy who got shot, but the only example of how bad things have become on me right now


except for the few kids that do live in our neighborhood, it's been the nigger and spic single moms pumping their kids around while driving their smoking, rusty heeps of shit around to watch them for gibs.
I kept at it last year just to see the kids reactions, white kids were always thankful and happy for a complement, niglets and taquitos always had shit outfits and most were extremely rude.
fucking 85% white area and +75% of the kids that came by were nigs or taco. it's bullshit, there's only one fucking nigger family in our neighborhood and no spics that I know of. I'm not even 23 and this was the sort of area I could go out on my own or with a couple friends as a kid every Halloween and come back at midnight and no one would bat an eye.

I might just walk around with my MAGA hat and open carry, maybe it'll scare of the spics and liberals.

Happy Halloween you faggots

nice digits user

RIP the days when we would just go off all day with the neighborhood kids playing outside and our parents wouldn't have to worry

if you go to a halloween party:



Dress up as hillary and say you're a serial killer

Halloween came from Europe, though.

Last year I got no trick-or-treaters at all. It started around 2012 where I live.
Hopefully this year goes better.

Your parents are idiots, mate.


they're christ-cuck christians, not deus-vult christians.

harry potter also was not allowed, i was able to watch the movies finally in 2013. never read the books.

fuggg that's way better than my jack-o'-lantern.
You ever seen the original jack-o'-lanterns the Irish made?
They're creepy as fuck.

Shit, I knew I was lucky to live in a 99% white town but damn, I had no idea kikes ruined Halloween (not surprised though).

Might carve some Holla Forums pumpkins and post em here.

I know Halloween came from Ireland, but Jesus Christ. What is wrong with that face? That's not the "playful scary"-style of Halloween you'd see in America, that shit would outright terrify a child.

Have a look at it from a better angle.
The Irish had fucking problems.

These are great

They were made to scare away bad spirits, so they were intentionally made to be 2spooky.