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Saw it a few days ago. Hilarious.
"real men adopt black babies"
Go kiss more jews with nigger semen in their mouth ay Gavin you corrupt maggot.
She didnt redpill him either Op. He's a cuck puppet for the jew and she exposed him. Theres no saving this traitor.
Also note how he was trying to invite her along to his multicultural election party in jew york. Room would be filled with niggers and jews. Trying to get her raped tbh
She's qt as fuck, my type too. It's almost unsettling to hear someone not hide their power level in real life, I'm not used to it at all. Her speech patterns are another thing, she's not awkward but she almost comes off that way. That's not a bad thing, I think it's cute. Also she's so fucking smug, Jesus Christ.
Hearing Gavin say "the people with me are relatively diverse" is cringeworthy, and his fucking face after he realizes the direction she's taking this interview is priceless.
"When a white family adopts a black baby, I know their values are good." What a fucking cuck. Her face literally twitched when he said this.
I don't think this is anything to sing praises about. Gavin McInnes comes off as a cuck, but albiet a more reasonable one than usual. While this girl with her sporadic movements, sweeping statements, dogmatic responses and general sperging comes off as an autist. Look, sure she is cute, sure she may be closer to the truth, but in terms of articulation Gavin just came out on the winning end.
One of the biggest problems with the Alt-right is that most of it's leaders aren't articulate and come off as sperging autists. In addition, to having some fags at the upper echelons of it subverting the whole damn thing.
She was smart enough to see through his jew trickery and even tell him she feared for her safety.
She's even going to have him go full cuck and play her video without her showing up.
We need to wake more white women up. Too many useless cumdumpsters that think taking a load of nigger semen is the greatest thing they can do for this country.
There, I couldn't put her behavior into words because It's 3 am and I'm autistic. Basically yeah, she's sperging all over the place. I personally like that though.
I will disagree though that Gavin came out on the winning end. He created a red herring argument out of false premise. Also, your biggest problem with the alt-right should be that they're kikes, not that they're sperglords. We aren't the alt-right, we are the right.
Stop worshipping the "muh godly nigger".
Every fucking time. Germany YES!
sage for off-topic
There is no such thing as redpilled women. Women are the true enemy. The Jews are just a side show they use to distract you from that fact..
=Stop ruining Holla Forums!==
These alt-right sperglords are a chaos. They have no sense of discipline, order or unity. They are a chaos. Now, this chaos on the whole is not completely a bad thing because this can chaos (although shown to be no longer under the control of those who founded the early conceptions of the modern alt-right) is creating a fury that is being released on its foes. The problem with the current movement as it is. Is that it represents unity, cohesion, discipline, family etc. while in practice acting like a complete storm. That women in that video although briefly speaking about saving the white race seems to be an awful example of traditional female mother and this brings us to the prime issue the whole movement is not grounded or representative of any of these values and only has them in so far as in name. I have no doubt that it will be largely triumphant against its foes. What worries me more and more is what comes after.
It seems to me that it has is this (((revolutionary element))) and all it does is try to facilitate the collapse of what is at all costs and in doing so every group that makes up the "alt-right" expects something else being born out of this chaos. It is very reminiscent of marxist doctrine. It reminds me very much so of the Legionary state in Romania after Corenliu Codreanu was assassinated and all his successors. The whole movement became dedicated to vengeance and revolution at all costs.In its chaos it succeeded and when all things were said and done they lacked the actual tools to make their state a reality and then were subsequently ousted. In their obsession with destroying all that was they made the same mistakes the Marxists made ironically and were generally unprepared for what came after their take over of society.
These 3 sound like traitors.
Hang them all tbh
My, what a big nose you have user!
White woman are the enemy goy, find yaself a nice black, jewish, arab, woman and get meshuggad a phaklemt ad have some mixed babies.
White knight cucks.
I agreed with a nigger that hates niggers
fuckin string me up then
Anyone remember when she was just a flash animator from Newgrounds giving eccentric interviews? Here's one of them, there are a few more.
Woman are the most important source we have you fucking kike.
Is this Emily Youcis completely white? Something about her is setting off the residual redskin admixture alarm.
Faggot Jew ALERT.
I was thinking some bean.
Autism confirmed.
looks czech tbh, they get squinty like that
Richard "gayness is implicitly white" Spencer
Richard Spencer is of the same pro-racemixing lot as Gavin.
I hear this year's mensroom scene is even going to be better than last. Just bring your own poppers though, Jack Donovan charges way too much.
Gavin's cuckiness aside, my bullshit detector is pinging. There's something fishy about this. Emily comes off as super ironic to me. I get the same feeling everytime that larping kike weev goes on a rant. It's like they're reading from a script. So I check out her Twitter and lo and behold, she's been talking to weev and that ugly drama queen Sinead "Trump molests his daughters" McCarthy.
Nothing at all suspicious about that. Though, I'm sure I'll be called a kike for pointing all of this out.
You're not wrong
I'm an Americuck, but from my extremely limited view of videos on the internet (especially thanks to porn), it looks like West Slavs look 10/10 bretty European, but the men are often much hairier than Western Europeans; ample body hair being a thing that only happens to meds and sometimes brits for whatever reason. Czechs look pretty Germanic, even though they're Slavs, probably because they were (I'm guessing) a Slavic base who mixed with Germanic tribes.
I have seen some Estonians, and they do look like they have some Asiatic features. For whatever reason, Baltic features look okay-ish and friendly enough, but Russian Asiatic features are too over the top and agitates me.
Stupid cucks I was just trying to mock the self hating nigger lover. I was lazy so linked the whole video but heres the clip
Nice ID. Nice post.
They brought Pierce back to save the day and shame them.
tbh I dont trust them either
I bet you use that pro white nigger to redpill white women huh? Show them how much black men care for them. fucking cuckold scum. hang yourself.
great logic
Your redpill was a suppository wasn't it?
and I bet you took a BUNCH more
Didn't this faggot once hate niggers? I swear I watched something and he was just bashing on them. I could be wrong.
Already had a thread on this whore that was thankfully bumplocked due to our based mods.
all ecelebs are cancer
If you go to this whore's channel you can see she's either bi-polar or a narcissistic semon-demon trying to get popularity online through spamming what ever niche she can.
just end it
Yes, that's why we call them controlled opposition.
wow this bitch is an attention whore.
can't believe gavin gave her an 8.4
if he had any shred of credibility before this interview, it's gone now.
she's a solid 5.6
Maybe if you're gay
Generally, but she got some jew truth out to McCuck's audience.
So these liberal degenerates are admitting that black people are just their pets kek.
she looks like a dude and has awful hygiene.
i think it's relevant. she's giving the alt-right a bad name.
That beautiful moment he realized the mistake of inviting an actual redpill autist onto his show.
Don't you know alt-right is kike friendly, goy?
she has that weird looking eyes,i feel she has some asian ancestory.
yeah, kinda squinty.
her mouth is what really brings her rating down,
and that she dresses like a dude.
i did a little investigation and found out she has a pretty nice rack. so im gonna have to boost her from a 5.4 to a 6.2.
Nice kike logic. That's the same argument kikes use against NatSocs when they point to stupid drug-addicted skinheads.
Hitler wasn't a skinhead, but Dicky Spencer, who could be considered the Alt-Right's Hitler, is a closeted homosexual.
Damn, maybe I'm the gay one then.
We may be a movement but we have no name, trying to define our movement and boiling it down to a few people is however extremely beneficial for us in the real movement.
It directs attention away from what's actually happening.
Hail kek.
The alt-right is decentralized. The only reason dickheads like you think he's the leader is because you consume kike media.
You adopted his label, he's either your literal leader, or your ideological leader. Kinda like how most people who call themselves National Socialists like Hitler.
Trump is the alt-right's Hitler.
But you do have a point, between Milo and Spencer, the alt-right's representation is looking awfully degenerate.
That's why we shouldn't give degenerates like Emily Youcis any more attention.
What exactly is degenerate about her?
She just BTFO an infiltrator on his own show.
I'd agree that Trump is the Hitler of a movement, but not that that movement is the alt-right. The Alt-Right is Strasserism (at best) to Trump's national Socialism.
She names the jew, that's better than 99% of the Alt-Right.
*National Socialism
Google her. She dresses like a man. It also looks as though she doesn't shower often. And lastly, she's just an alt-right version of your typical attention-starved fake gamer girl.
Gods, don't tell me this is going to be the new fetish icon of the whiteknight brigade here on Holla Forums? I'm still tired from that last loli clusterfuck.
What is it with you guys and your twisted need to imagine there exists redpilled women?
Why is it that when someone who is redpilled is in the public eye or on a program like this they never just state the real fucking basic issue right then and there so that the person they're saying it to has no other way to respond…
There… It's so fucking simple. There is no other way people can respond to that without ousting themselves as a traitor.
The nigger you love goes after White females.
bill cosby called out niggers too while being a serial rapist of White women.
Bumping with Bobby.
Met this girl at the DNC, was a solid chick. Was yelling a cucks and selling memes.
How much do memes cost?
One shekel a pop.
Damn. I guess I'm out of luck then. I only have Petrodollar Warbux.
She's female.
She'll always be an attention-seeker and driven by emotional arguments.
Doesn't mean shit.
Redpilled females don't act all that different than bluepilled females. The "pills" are for men, and the women will follow. She's doing her part to push the overton window regardless of if it's geniune or not (of course it's not, women just aren't geniune creatures– everything they do is for social approval).
Every woman who talks about this stuff is a useful ally. Don't be the faggot who punches to the right.
I think that's the honorary 4 shekel bill.
No, women speaking on behalf of you does more damage than good, even if she's saying exactly what you would have her say.
The whole problem today is that men is weak and cowardly. Every young girl who goes on her attentions spergout in your name, and gets it, makes things worse.
No woman is redpilled and no man is redpilled by a "redpilled" woman. If he takes her redpill, he's a bluepill and if he doesn't take it he's a bluepill. It's a paradox like those Greek fuckers loved so much, but that's how it is.
I see what you mean, but at the same time it's worth mentioning the importance of females for normies to orbit around. A cute girl that can parrot Holla Forums buzzwords is doing her part, in a way. If it has to happen then it might as well be some fashy qt. An expectation for a normie to ever be more than a normie read: dogshit stupid is unrealistic even if they are in a sense "redpilled." Any movement that demands every member to be thoroughly educated is bound to fail.
Who is this thot? Should I care? It doesn't take a mental giant to make Gavin McButtplug look like a retard.
Real waifu coming through.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
rare Youcis