White Identity & Nationalism Rising Experts Find

Experts agree: White identity politics is on the rise, and it’s driven by diversity and expressed through Donald Trump. That’s what a study by two psychology academics found


Here's a very interesting quote as well

This prediction gains credence from work by political scientist Ryan Enos, who finds that everyday exposure to Latinos can increase support for restrictive immigration policies.

Why do white people who actually have to live around non-whites always end up the most racist? It just doesn't make sense.

Other urls found in this thread:


user, if you can figure out how to run Tor you can archive sites, no?

But all the reddit shit eaters tell me that proximity to diversity increases tolerance and love of diversity?

Gee I wonder.


their lack of self-awareness is pretty hilarious considering that they are now officially a minority living in their own reality bubble. Can't wait for DOTR.

Gee guys I wonder why whites are suddenly against us??????

I hope everyone sees that overall the people controlling the left are not that dumb, and in order to break a country you need a really big crisis. Race war is that crisis.

They want the revolution to be about race politics (which it is) but what its REALLY about is the NWO and global government.

This is divide an conquer.

They think we don't know who the true enemy is?

Oh but they must be.

Yeah but they are using old school tactics that almost worked in mostly disarmed countries. The problem is that they are trying to do that shit in a country that has more guns than citizen and most of those guns are in the hands of the ones who will oppose that takeover. Their American commie revolution will brutally fail because of that.

They run google super computers to predict mass movements.

You always have to consider this whole election is about creating the condition for a coup to draw out people in the government that are good people.

Hillary already suggested that Trump is going to issue a coup and that she may have to stop him.

Then need to blame the economic crash on someone other than themselves or their pet niggers.

They also need to cover for their population reduction programs.

The only thing stopping them from full commie dictatorship is public opinion and good people in the government.

If a bunch of rednecks start blasting nogs, its the perfect excuse for all the things they want to do.

It really hard to see where we all stand anymore.

And (((they))) only have themselves to blame. They got greedy and overreached.

4 words: Weak electrical grid protection. Have a handful of moderately smart insurgents strategically strike the electrical grid and their technology is shut down long enough for them to fail at their communist takeover.

I went to a highschool that was literally surrounded on all sides by housing projects. I didn't hate blacks going in, but after years of seeing the few white kids there get kicked into urinals for trying to take a leak, racism (besides being common sense) was the only practical option.

There is no reason to dissect generalities when there are practically no outliers in the group. I didn't understand IQ differences between ethnic groups then, but there was no denying that they were only as intelligent as slightly evolved animals. Anyone who doesn't hate the vast majority of them, simply doesn't know first hand what they are like.

I'm sure someone has that ancient screencap of the posts by that guy who taught in a black school and had pretty much the same experience I did, but from the faculty perspective.

Racism is a defense mechanism in that circumstance.

That would kill mostly older whites who need their meds.

Bad idea.

The day they go for guns is the day bullets fly everywhere. You have such a foolish belief that people will go with their plan without unloading lead. The US is far from historically respecting authority as much as Europeans.

You don't need super computers to predict mass movements. Human beings are stupid, and in groups they act very predictably.

If a fight is necessary, if armed revolution is necessary, it would be a waste of time to go after the government. We know who the true enemy is. Use their tactics against them. Fake their suicides. Destroy their families.

Trump is not a foolish man. He will not be silent but he won't act in such a manner. But regardless, Hillary already plans to take away the peoples rights. So what difference does it make?

Fuck old people who need meds if you have to fight against communst takeover. Kill yourself, fucking government cuck.

I don't think Trump would openly call for a coup, but the man is anything but predictable. I thougt his Gettysburg speech was just loaded with revolutionary dogwhistles.

You have to think 4D chess. They are playing it.

All this may just be theater either because good guys in the government know Obama and such are evil, and need to create the narrative as such. They can't just coup without the people behind them.

Or the Left is egging us on. It would make sense as they have been quite brazen in their activities lately. They are greenies that really want to collapse the USA so we use less resources.

BLM and such were obvious attempts to collapse the country. Yet they failed. Why not force the rednecks to go ape shit buy openly stealing an election. It all gets the same job done.

They are the only one who still vote GOP lol.

It's almost like borders and nations existed for a reason.

The sad thing is in these imbeciles heads they actually believe that proximity should make people more tolerant because they'll better know and understand the foreigner.

Marxism is the complete opposite of common sense, logic, and knowledge in general.

I can;t argue with that, but still Trump could be some kinda crazy plant. I personally don't think so, but this seems all to clean for me.

I mean we have a split supreme court, so if he contests it, its guaranteed to be deadlocked. That seems all to convenient to me.

There is a saying, "Nothing in politics is by chance."



Trump namedropped the second amendment a few times after talking about what coul
d happen if his "movement" failed in some rallies.

Go back to reddit. You either know jack shit about the current elections or are a retarded shill who think anyone will believe your bullshit.

people over 55 vote like 60% or more GOP, they are holding this shit together by a thread.

It's from an American Renaissance article.


Wow thanks for the sauce. I guess I always assumed that came from an user, though that seems rediculous as I am typing it.

I just read through it again for the fifth or so time. It's truly brutal.

I did the same, and I swear he must have been teaching at my school.

In short: calling an invasion by another name doesn't stop it from being an invasion.

The only time throughout history people found themselves surrounded by foreigners in their own lands was because they had been overrun. There's a deep evolutionary reason for what we're feeling and it's so strong that kike brainwashing can't cover it. It was inevitable that diversity would be resisted when it became overwhelming, and the internet really helped.

So cultural marxism?


That's a fucking big gamble to make that they can restore order, I mean who is going to do it? Our own military and law enforcement will be divided and there's no outside force they can bring in that can even match the might of the armed civilian population. That's a really dumb gamble for them to make.

Do you know how vulnerable the US electric and telecom grid is? The whole country can except Texas be cut off just by striking a few key points.

I bet most of them live in white neighborhoods and only see niggers in movies and tv

This comes as a surprise to these (((psychology))) fags?


Would you believe they can do more than that?


But Salon said that they weren't anti-white!

Oh well nevermind then. Nothing to see here goyim.


Not if you're white, stupid.

Traitors are the worst kind of anti-white,T.B.H.

I agree. Blacks et al are behaving in their rational self-interest. White liberals and cuckservatives are destroying their children's birthright for nothing of value. Sick.

It's been said that Political Correctness is a religion.

It is for sure. You have a bevy of original sins being White, male, straight, cis (sane) and the supplication for these sins are virtue signaling. The flaw in the religion of Progressivism is that supplication brings no salvation. You can be aware of your racism, but you can never overcome it. The damned are forever damned. This is good for us though because Whites stop playing nice when they can't win.

This is inevitable, because the whole purpose of leftism was to push a set of ethics and underlying heuristic assumptions about the nature of reality that is so completely wrong that it causes disfunction and weakness within any society that adopts these beliefs. An the reason why it was pushed in white societies was to weaken white societies enough to be push under by other ethnic groups.

It wasn't just particularly progressivism/SJW cultural marxism, the whole of leftism was set for this purpose. Liberalism, Democratic Socialism, Jacobinism… any early form of leftism was built to bait white people into this false system of beliefs. It sold itself a call for liberation from illegitimate, oppressive controls from the naturally hierarchical systems of Monarchy and Aristocracies. When it came to universal suffrage and democracy, it sold itself as a corrective shift in balance for the people, to manage their life as much as they can.

They used Emancipation and Civil Rights (especially in America) as a call to end the strife within the society via racial lines, and they sold it as a corrective shift towards a racially neutral, peaceful society. And the major component to that is being racially blind. Whites adopted it because they have been so thoroughly transformed intellectually by leftism. Other minorities, on the whole, were spared this indoctrination in which they kept a strong racial identity and where kept the ability to openly organize politically for the purpose of serving their own racial interests. This was kept somewhat subvertly for a long while, while white people were taught further to distance themselves from their white identity as they were continued to be sold this lie of a transformation into a racially neutral egalitarian ideal society. Its to the point where white Americans have lost all ethnic identity and connected with the greater cultural sphere of Europe overall (through public schools). Similar thing happened to Europeans as well through their own indoctrination via public schools.

As we come up to the millennium, left "liberalism" begins to die away, and the underlying festering infection has grown to be a overtly Progressive and Marxist driven left. The peaceful, cooperative, racial blind, and egalitarian society that the left liberals promised was a lie, a trap for white people to let their guard down for. The rise in anti-white marxism (which started its gradual progress since the 60's as least) has reached critical mass within the last decade, and white people see it as that moment where the trap is sprung and the long knifes are being unsheathed. SJWs are the malicious face underneath the mask of good natured egalitarianism and they now openly call for the extermination of white people and white culture.

Since white people are now seeing that the racially neutral, equal and fair promise as bullshit, and that they see these minorities coming in their country, using the democratic system put into place by leftists, to vote for their own racial interests over the interests of the native whites, whites are starting to wonder "why not us too?…". You see white people showing interests again in their history, their philosophy, their traditions as a way of pushing back against degenerate modern culture. You see white people question the nature of society, away from leftists virtues, and towards ideas of what benefits them and their people in the short and long run. You see white people organizing politically and not being afraid by the shame of leftists by their false system of morals. White people are waking up to the trap that they fell for, and are mobilizing to hit back, and hard.

They also tried to push a study which says if you actually have contact with homosexuals you will grow to tolerate them.

Close contact with reality just makes you redpilled

But will they realize the enemy of coordinator of these dangers is the jew? Took me a decade to come to terms with it. It's so alien to how I thought the world worked. Racial unity permits them to rule.

The more you interact with niggers, the more you hate them. This is why the south is generally looked at as more racist than the north.

That is a complication we do need to overcome. We don't want to end up fighting with their golem and letting them sneak away.

One thing is when we learn about European history and tradition without the pozzed marxist lenses, we begin to naturally and subconsciously contrast those noble values and virtues against modern jewish ideas. It helps that notable jewish figures virtue signal hard and out themselves with their cries of "x is anti-semitic".

The biggest factor is obviously the internet and what places like Holla Forums are doing. By spreading the truth at the speed and distances we can, without the immediate repercussion of doing this in a public sphere, we make large inroads. The coincidence detector, before chrome blacklisted it from its appstore, was one of the most effective tools in redpilling those who gave it a try. Just by letting people know who is jewish in the press and media, and what those people were promoting, was so powerful that the media panicked and google shut it down.

There was a PSA, in my neck of the woods, that boldly stated that "You are not born with hatred; hatred is learned." The gist of it was to be a good goy and not listen to Gramps when he talked about the good ol' days in the land o' cotton. I remember thinking "Yes, that's exactly right. Hatred IS learned." The problem with the commercial was that it had misidentified the teachers. It wasn't Gramps who taught me to loathe the presence of the invader. It was the INVADER who taught me to loathe the presence of the invader.

Women are the biggest fag-enablers. It's irritating as shit when one's woman sticks up for them, even in the abstract.

a lot of people are starting to understand that.

Exactly. I grew up in a nearly all white township. My parents had moved there from the edge of a nigger infested city. One that went through a violent race riot in the late 60s. I always thought my father's and uncle's racism was stupid. The one black kid who went to my elementary school was cool, so why did my dad comment "there goes the neighborhood" to the random third who had joined us for a round of golf when we saw a black family moving in across the street? I could dismiss my grandparents because lol, old people amirite.

Then I got to high school. They'd begun busing in spics from a neighboring school to ours a year or two before due to overcrowding. Didn't take long for me to hate them all and put me on the path that ended up at Holla Forums. I'm convinced it's why some Northern states that are still overwhelmingly White like Maine can still vote blue. Some of it has to do with fags from jew york and ct settling up there in recent times, etc but that's not all of it.

Yeah, one of my friends had their fag friend over. By listening to the stories it sounded like the wife hauled ass when she realized he was going to start fucking the boys.


How retarded are you?

This. My first real red pill on race was watching footage of the LA riots. I could not for the life of me possibly come up with a rational reason why white people would ever react in the same way.


stealing our jobs and trips, reported.

Sorry user, even I get CURRENT YEAR'ed out of a job when they realize the minority they want to hire sounds whiter than most white people around here and I tell them "Why would I learn Spanish? I thought English was the national language :^)

Reported also for being non-white.>>8031999

A bit late to the punch. You should have reported the non whites back before '65.

Question: what race/ethnicity are you?


What are you? :^)


I'll be sure not to post ass and hips near you then.
I'm kidding of course, i'm a spanard that has been in the US since my lineage came from Santa Anna's solders who defected to the US when that round faced fuck when full Napoleon. They defected when they abandoned their squad to warn the Alamo.

Certainly not hard to do now that we have all of their names, addresses, and contact information.

Reported for not archiving.

Will I get lynched on the day of the rope if I'm a pajeet? I hate niggers and jews, but I don't think that will matter when things start getting out of hand.

if dubs, I assume I'll be fine

So long as you help us hang niggers and jews, you might just wind up an honorary Aryan.

Sorry pajeet. The pecking order seems to be kikes, niggers, sandniggers/pajeets, and spics and leftycucks in general.




Clarify what you mean by "too clean"? I mean yeah, could this have been some crazy plot to draw out Right wing Nationalists to get rid of white people? I mean yeah, possibly, but why gamble like that when their plans where going so well? they could have had Jeb and Hillary and just had things be business as usual, no one would wake up and we would be looking at an inevitable WW3 and endless immigration. After looking at Trump's history and beliefs I think he's genuine honestly, he wants to be one of the greats of history.

Damn, that's pretty bold for a children's capeshit. I guess the meddling execs are more interested in the big movies than daytime tv.

While you were asking the question ironically, no, whites (like most races, especially Asians) are naturally racist. For example, there are no niggers in Eastern Europe yet they are the voice of reason right now.

Without massive propaganda and brainwashing going on anyone would love their own people and not give much of a fuck about others.

By the way, how often do you see different races in your dreams? I always dream of only my own people. Even if the dream involved another nation, the people in the dream look like me. I don't give a single fuck about shitskins.

The character in a pic is a race of notJews that were created to be literal golems for an ancient race that died out from fucking with everyone's shit via subversion to the point the rest of the world fought back.

I would rank problems as such:

Without the cunning of Jews, the violence of Muslims, or the denial and forgiveness of Cucks the other groups would be manageable.

I don't mind Castizos, high caste Pajeets, or non-Muzzie Persians. They're semi-Aryan so they can have it together.


If your lineage story is true, then you're white.

But it's probably bs and you're just a mestizo.

Didn't we redpill him?


Just looking at these numbers pisses me off. It's a constant and intensifying effort by minorities to team up against Whites. None of these groups have anything in common except that they're all willing to put aside their differences to ruin our lives.

If you're like the based Pajeet in Camp of the Saints you'll be fine.

This is what the left has done EVERYWHERE! That's their narrative. That's how Cultural Marxism works. Everything they touch turns to dust. During the French Revolution, it spawned the Great Terror, where the left had turned Peasants vs Aristocrats. Then the Bolshevik revolution, where it turned Proletarians versus Bourgeois. Then came feminism where Women were turned against Men. Then Blacks and other Non-Whites vs Whites. It is ingrained in the leftist narrative to turn a group (of idiots) against another so that a hand of "enlightened" leaders can come to power.

It was never about peasants during the French Revolution (they didn't want a Revolution, just bread), nor was it about the Proletarians during the Bolshevik revolution (since many of them had to be "re-educated"), nor is it about women (since a conservative woman will never be accepted) or blacks (Sowell and Carson are "Uncle Toms", remember?).

It's just about a handful of useful idiots that think they are smart and a group of manipulative cunts that think that once they get into power nobody will take arms against it.

In the case of the French Revolution you had a civil war. The Bolshevik Revolution was followed by a civil war too. Expect a new civil war. This time it will be a RaHoWa.

Remember, the group that doesn't stick together is the group that gets wiped out.

No electricity and every city with a big enough chaos people population would become a permanent riot.