What would you do if you could make one amendment to the constitution of the US effective today?
/usa/ only of course
What would you do if you could make one amendment to the constitution of the US effective today?
/usa/ only of course
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ban dynasties, by not allowing relatives either blood or marital to run for the president.
I would strike down the 13th, 15th, and 19th amendments and criminalize Judaism in one amendment
Revoke the 15th and 19th Amendment effective immediately
Ban fractional reserve banking
Only whites can become citizens and vote
Amendment to make sure only people who pay at least %15 income tax can vote or lobby
or rather just make Jews or atheist jews unable to give loans at interest or have surrogates give loans at interest.
Only good post in this thread
Make it so nonwhites can't be citizens obv
And the 16th. And the 17th.
Someone has to give out the loans though.
This is a problem we have to solve eventually. We have to figure out how to create value from nothing in a reasonable way that doesn't destroy the host nation.
False premise. You need more than that if you’re going to be intellectually honest.
Bill Content Amendment
All bills submitted to Congress shall pertain to one matter and one matter alone, as outlined in the title of the bill. All bills must be read, in full, vocally, within the chamber, before presentation to either the House or the Senate for a vote.
Foreign Powers Amendment
No treaty or executive agreement shall be made abridging or prohibiting the free exercise of the rights of citizens of the United States protected by this Constitution. No treaty or executive agreement shall vest in any international organization or in any foreign power any of the legislative, executive, or judicial powers vested by this Constitution in the Congress, the President, and in the courts of the United States, respectively. No treaty or executive agreement shall alter or abridge the laws of the United States or the Constitution of laws of the several unless, and then only to the extent that, Congress shall so provide by joint resolution.
Executive agreements shall not be made in lieu of treaties. Executive agreements shall, if not sooner terminated, expire automatically one year after the end of the term of office for which the President making the agreement shall have been elected, but the Congress may, at the request of any President, extend for the duration of the term of such President the life of any such agreement made or extended during the next preceding Presidential term. The President shall publish all executive agreements except that those which in his judgment require secrecy shall be submitted to appropriate committees of the Congress in lieu of publication.
Congressional District Amendment
No longer shall Congressional districts be redrawn by sitting state representatives, nor shall they be redrawn under any circumstance other than an official change in population–as defined by the United States Census–of the corresponding districts in the respective states. Congressional districts shall henceforth be redrawn in a manner according to the mathematical Golden Ratio, where physically applicable within the bounds of state geometry.
The center of the smallest district shall be situated in the center of the most populous city in the state at time of ratification and henceforth from the time of finalization of the most recent census. Expansion outward from the first district follows the mathematical Golden Ratio accordingly. New districts formed due to a change in population shall be created by halving the size of the district in which said population has changed.
Senate Restoration Amendment
The Seventeenth Amendment is hereby repealed. All Senators shall be chosen by their state legislatures as prescribed by Article I. This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution. When vacancies occur in the representation of any State in the Senate for more than ninety days, the governor of the State shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. A Senator may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the state legislature.
Federal Spending Amendment
The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed. Congress shall adopt a preliminary fiscal year budget no later than the first Monday in May for the following fiscal year, and submit said budget to the President for consideration. Shall Congress fail to adopt a final fiscal year budget prior to the start of each fiscal year, which shall commence on October 1 of each year, and shall the President fail to sign said budget into law, an automatic, across-the-board, 5 percent reduction in expenditures from the prior year's fiscal budget shall be imposed for the fiscal year in which a budget has not been adopted.
Total outlays of the federal government for any fiscal year shall not exceed its receipts for the fiscal year. Total outlays of the federal government for each fiscal year shall not exceed 17.5 percent of the nation's gross domestic product for the previous calendar year. Congress may provide for a one-year suspension of one or more of the preceding sections in this Article by a three-fifths vote of both Houses of Congress, provided the vote is conducted by roll call and sets forth the specific excess of outlays over receipts or outlays over 17.5 percent of the Nation's gross domestic product.
The limit on the debt of the United States held by the public shall not be increased unless three-fifths of both Houses of Congress shall provide for such an increase by roll call vote. This Amendment shall take effect in the fourth fiscal year after its ratification.
Financial Institution Amendment
In the elucidation of Constitution Article 1, Section 8, regarding the power of the United States Congress to coin money, regulate its value, and standardize this valuation against foreign coin, the United States Congress’ power to perform the aforementioned tasks is to be understood as being indelegable. No institution save for the United States government is to be tasked with the coinage and supply of the money of the United States.
Regulation of Congressional Activity Amendment
Congress may not regulate–nor have authority over, save where actions run in contradiction to existing federal law or the Constitution–activities that occur wholly within one state.
Regulation of Executive Activity Amendment
Federal administrative agencies of may not act in such a way that preempts the laws of a state where such action is not already federal law.
Modification of Judicial Powers Amendment
A decision made by the Supreme Court of the United States may be overruled with a two-thirds majority vote held by the people or congresses of the states.
Modification of Judicial Review Amendment
In order to overturn a law enacted through a vote, the Supreme Court of the United States must vote with a seven justice supermajority.
Modification of Congressional Powers Amendment
A two-thirds majority of the states may override any federal law or regulation.
And I see I don’t have one for term limits for Congress, so I’ll write one up. Not that we won’t have one from Trump, though.
Yes, non-jews
It's already unconstitutional.
Repeal universal suffrage.
Eligible voters are citizens who paid more in taxes in a given year than they received in pay, benefits, or services.
well user, I'd like to make an amendment calling for the immediate gassing of all semites
but in all seriousness, has it down
Fuck usury, and everyone who practices it.
No, then you become the jews user. There is a reason Christians are barred from giving out loans.
No semites allowed on American soil.
No semites allowed to own American property.
Not allowed to lobby for or affiliate yourself with semites on American soil.
I'm sure a lawyer could do it better, but basically outlaw semites and semitic influence.
Punishable by death.
All kikes that step on American soil gassed by law.
Jokes on you faggot.
Good? Whites generally promote moral, patriarchal, high living-standard societies. If we can Jew everyone else to own own benefit like leftists already think we do that'd be great.
Reverse women's suffrage.
No you filthy Kike Enabler, Christians are forbidden from giving out Loans at INTEREST. Which everyone should be barred from.
It is a quality that does not exist in any natural terms, so it is incredibly destructive and so Usury is a problem older than Yaweh himself.
Also Christians who refuse to kill Kikes and think race mixing is okay are worse than useless and need to be gassed too.
only wites aloud
my real ammendment would ban slide threads
Hi newfag.
"This nation, strcticly composed of legally approved white Europeans of non-Semitic ancestry, has the duty to administer all banks in its juridiction. Usury shall be inexistant, to insure the protection of the American people from economic slavery."
Found the Anglokike. Acting like a Jew makes you an honorary kike, no matter your ancestry. Jews made their useful idiots think kikes are the same as white Europeans, if you act like them you're no better than a member of the tribe.
amendment 1488
race war now gas the kikes
Now we're getting somewhere.
Usury isn't interest. It's EXCESSIVE interest.
So we have to determine how to determine what is excessive in terms of interest.
You're as retarded as the newfag. Servers are in the US and subject to US law. Admin is living in the Philippines with the tech but nothing more.
Anything over 0% is kike filth. Being a money lender should never be a way of life. Otherwise you end up with the same mess that created kike controlling most of finance in the long term. If you're too individualist to help your fellow man (in an homogenous society) start something and improve his life and society in the long run then keep your shekels for yourself. You should have the right ro have him pay back in a reasonable time or face debtor's prison though.
Usury is explicitly the act of charging interest on loans, all interest on loans is bad, period.
There are other ways to give investors their earnings, like agreed fixed returns.
Interest does not corroborate with reality in any way shape or form, so cannot be constrained by any reasonable methodology because the act itself is unreasonable.
There is no basis for 'excessive' when concerning relative phenomena.
Repealing the 19th amendment would be a great start.
I'm down with getting rid of the jews and all but the first set of quotes in that book is totally false.
Isaiah 60:10-16 says nothing about goyim in any edition of the bible.
you could say it's implied, but I don't think it's strong enough to fake a damn quote.
No corporate entity can lobby government or produce speech intended to affect politics in any way. Private citizens with interests in corporate wellbeing can lobby the government on there behalf using personal funds only.
Moratorium on serving consecutive terms. Politicians spend the majority of there time fund raising or entertaining lobbyists so they can build up war chests to win the next election, this must stop. By enforcing an off season they can do that to there hearts content on there own time not on public time.
No net immigration, immigration must not exceed the level of expatriation. Priority will be given to wiafus and the super intelligent. End birthright citazenshit.
Fucking federal government is banned from exercising any power not expressly granted it in the constitution. Ok so fine they can regulate interstate commerce but they gotta leave there grubby paws off all intrastate comers. Federal drug laws and even the FDA regulations only apply when buying or selling out of state. States could voluntarily with out being pressured by the feds accept feral over site if they wish. Feds are not allowed to own public land, it must all be handed off to the states, the states can choose to allow federal management but the land itself is the state's.
A mandate to spend 1% of gdp on genetically engineered cat girls.
Abolish the fed, create a new digital public ledger block chain currency that all federal spending will go through. All welfare will be in this digital currency all goverment contractors and suppliers as well. The currency will be peged to the dollar but only individuals can legally convert it to dollars after they are paid for wages or services. This way the public can in real time audit all government spending down to the individuals receiving the money. A bounty of 10% will be given to anyone who finds waste fraud or abuse. Welfare recipients cannot convert welfare gibs into dollars they have to spend the dibs digitally and all spending will be tracked.
Oh and before you think this is all larping or pipe dreams realize this, the constitution lays out two paths to generate amendments, one is through congress, the other is through a convention made up of delegates from the individual states. We can amend this shit without the fucking politicians getting involved.
Amendment XXVIII:
For every budgetary expense added to the Federal budget, an equivalent budgetary cut must be paired with it. For every year that Federal spending exceeds revenue, members of Congress shall not be paid.
So… The house of representatives? Wait. Could we make our own house of reps that overtakes the official one?
Read the damn book.
Gee I fucking wonder why.
Journalists caught lying or aiming to subvert the population should punished.
Repealing the 19A would be a great start.
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.
Yes this is entirely separate from the house of representatives. But it requires action from state legislatures.
Why use fake quotes that discredit your right at the start of the book when you could just use real ones from the talmud?
The Old Testament is Jewish, did you read the Old Testament in Hebrew?
The Dude is a scholar, read the fucking book you waste of space.
In order to qualify to vote, you must be legally married, marriage defined as a man and a woman, terms defined by being born of one of the two sexes, and have, through natural conception, and natural birth, caesarian included for the purposes thereof, at minimum two children through that same marriage. You are awarded voting rights as soon as the birth of the second child, but these rights may be stripped away if your marriage ends before the final day of the required ten years. You may then receive your rights returned to you on your 45th birthday. Children born out of wedlock do not count, and neither do marriages shorter than 3 years. At the age of 70, if you have been gainfully employed for the majority of your adult life, you receive the right to vote if have not already.
Bam. Done. Political system fixed forever.
No Jewish person* may be a Citizen of the United States of America, nor may they enter, nor reside in, for any period, for any reason, the territories of the United States of America.
*For the purposes set forth, a "Jewish person" is defined as a person with more than 10% Jewish ancestry (ie, anyone who had a Jewish parent [min. 50% Jewish ancestry], grandparent [min. 25%], or great-grandparent [min. 12.5%]).
Make it a govt position. Bureaucrats are already leeches.
You want Jews to all move to Israel and destroy and prepare to run the world from there? You realize that's already part of their plan, right?
Easyer to nuke if you get em in one place.
Im shit at legal speak.
Basically, Hetero, married, with children.
And only children born in marriage count.
Maybe i should add mandatory no child born out of wedlock may ever receive voting rights.
Back money with employment, simple.
This, what did Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson and Hitler all have in common?
They fought for Public Fiat.
The Declaration of Independence says we have the right to abolish the government, institute a new one, and a duty to do so when the government is fucking over the people. So if I could I'd tear up the constitution and compose a new one after a revolution. But all this, and your question, is pointless because the New World Order is going to do away with the constitution very soon. The Washington Monument has been recently closed "indefinitely" because of a broken elevator. Why did they say "indefinitely"? I think that on November 11th they will probably detonate a nuclear bomb from inside that obelisk and destroy the federal government. They will then begin the last phase of their take over of the globe.
Add only one word to the 2nd to make it: the right of the people to openly bear arms shall not be infringed.
All this is right. Someone really should bring this stuff up to people that actually want to make change.
normally i'd agree with you but this "what does Holla Forums think? thread is actually stimulating some nice discussion.
Expel the jewry.
Everything else will take care of itself following that.
Ban on extra-constitutional interpretations in the Judicial branch.
Do that and most of the pozz can be disassembled by destroying the faulty precedents they're based on. End to judicial activism which is a key part of the mechanism by which the left took power.
Women and non-whites would still be able to vote, America would still be 60% white and falling.
If you remove the cancer the rest of the body can stabilize.
why the fuck would banks give out loans if there is no financial incentive to do so?
people would be forced to pay out of pocket for everything meaning less people with houses, cars, etc
interest rates allow people to purchase things now and pay for them later when they have acquired the resources to pay for those things
try taking an economics 101 class you dipshit before you start spouting off nonsense on the internet
Stopped reading there, you are under the impression that Banks are a necessity when the state could give out those loans interest free without a need for profit.
You know absolutely nothing about the History of banking or loan making if you believe that they are economically generative.
Banks have always historically been a drain on economies, and every truly great person in History has recognized this.
They provide no function that the state can't easily handle without the adverse negative effects.
Banks were originally supposed to keep your money SAFE, not loan it out so they can further increase the value of their own treasuries by dispossessing the people they claim they are supposed to help.
Stop enabling Kikes you jewish fuck toy.
Also it would be no surprise that a template tier thread would be made by a complete faggot who is unable to think for himself.
criminalize the usury.
You forgot the part where the kikes get gassed.
Close the "regulate interstate commerce" loophole by rewording it to say the feds can regulate interstate commerce DISPUTES between individual states. That will cut them off at the knees.
There doesn't seem to be any explanation for why the stairs are also closed.
separation of industry and state. no person may be elected to office of any kind who is employed by or stands to profit from a corporate entity.
or something like that.
Which specific thread or topic are you trying to slide today?
The 16th Amendment is hereby repealed and no court, administrative body, tribunal or other dispute-resolving entity may hear any case involving interest on loans or fees for money-related services.
Ban people representing or being employed by, or receiving donations by, or in any way but as a customer related to, any company or institution, either for profit or non profit, to receive commissioned positions.
Or ban commissioned positions, only those selected by the people can represent the people in any possible position, which would probably result in too much bureaucracy disfunction
That's dumb, everyone have parents, thus everyone is related by blood or marriage to someone. BE MORE SPECIFIC
I assume you mean relatives of a president to run for presidency, but in the long run, you will end up banning almost everyone after 1000 years, you need to specify a time limit for this too
Can you remake the election in one amendment? because i would implement a system that is not shit, and forbid any electronic device like soros machines
In Murica mexicans and arabs are falling under "white" in statistics. You need to do better than that.
"Jews may not enter the United States."
7 words solving 2/3 of US's current problems.
In most laws I've read it would just be clauses 1 and 2.
I'd make an amendment to outlaw usury and make interest on loans illegal.
What about the jews already living in USA? I think it need to be reword.
Jews and Judaism shall not be allow nor will they be treat as the people and citizen in USA and abroad.
Is this good?
That will make houses unaffordable for young families
1. Jews may not enter the United States.
2. Jews in the United States must leave.
3. No one may practise the Jewish religion.
here you go 3 neat little 7 word sentences.
You didn't mention about the deprived personhood of jews. The Americans don't need to be prosecuted because they mistreat the jews. American need something like legal immunity specifically against the jews.
Usury is already illegal.
Outlawing reasonable interest rates would utterly collapse the global economy over night.
Cancer detected.
Again….America would still be 60% white and falling….non-whites and women would still be able to vote.
Wanna fix America? Return us to a patriarchy. Repeal the 19th amendment. That alone would solve the jewish problem (and many other problems, as well.)
Citizen is revoked for non-whites effectively immediately.
I'd change all amendments which limit the power of the military to also limit the power of police forces.
Your bluepill ass is cancer.
Get out of here you faggots.
Literally gas the kikes.
America has enormous social and demographic issues that won't be fixed overnight, but if we remove the primary source of subversion and degeneracy, I think there will no longer be a perverse influence driving whites to destroy their own country. Kind of like the body repairing itself once you've removed a cancer.
You don't know what redpill means if you're so blind as to think all people are the same depending on their race and gender. My refusal to tolerate slavery and to treat individuals as inferior without knowing their actual abilities does not mean I don't recognize the inferiority of blacks as a whole, or that women tend to be less rational.
I bet you're in denial that asians have a higher IQ on average. Or jews. That one always makes me laughs: People calling themselves "redpilled" because they don't deny that blacks have a lower IQ, but then when the higher IQ of jews is shown, the same excuses used by globalists to explain why blacks have a lower IQ are brought up to explain away why whites have a lower IQ than jews.
It don't matter though. None of this matters. In barely more than a week, the US election comes along. With luck, Trump will win. Regardless of what happens, shit will hit the fan. Our disagreement will be meaningless then.
Most people shouldn't be allowed to vote. Democracy is a fucking idiotic system. In a proper republic, the restrictions would prevent almost all blacks and most women from voting.
You're the only one focusing on ethnic superiority.
When I see the constant chimpouts in American cities like Baltimore and Ferguson, and spics showing up to block highways and shut down Trump rallies while waving Mexican flags, I realize that I will never be welcome in a country with a significant shitskin population. These races hate us and attribute their underachievement to our "white privilege", and as our numbers decline into a minority they won't suddenly start sympathizing with us but rather use their greater influence to further punish us.
Diversity is a sham and only creates conflict in societies. Division along racial lines is a natural, immutable aspect of human nature and its foolish to go against that for the sake of a social experiment. There must exist nations exclusively for white people so that we can live in peace and harmony amongst members of our own blood and away from violent shitskins.
If jews and asians are so damn smart then their homogeneous nations should surely prosper more than our whites one. For some reason though, I doubt Israel will be so successful if they didn't parasitize the US for billions in aid every single year.
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States Number 1488: No niggers, No Jews.
Every alteration to the constitution post 1900 has been a fucking disaster. I wouldn't change anything. It was as good as it was going to get it just after it was originally written.
That might be because IQ is a piss poor measurement of intelligence, but it doesn't stop the average Holla Forumsack from using it to prove blacks are inferior.
Either way, my opinion is that democracy is a stupid system. My opinion is that I've met enough people in my life to know that having a dick swinging between your legs and having white skin isn't proof of competence or intelligence. And slavery is only acceptable when slaves can earn their freedom, like they could in Rome.
You're preaching to the choir on Holla Forums. You'll find very few people advocating for democracy or even a republican form of government.
I'm not a huge proponent of slavery but mainly because I agree with Hitler when he said in Mein Kampf that often the conquerors become the conquered and begin race-mixing and then they no longer remain the powerful race that enslaved their captives.
However, if we lived in a time when whites were more powerful I would have few qualms about using spics or niggers to perform our menial labor. Ancient societies like Greece flourished because their intellectuals could devote their energies to more urbane pursuits since they weren't burdened with cooking and farming.
Find me a genius (that is, they made some great discovery) who has a two digit IQ.
Any person who is not white or is ethnically jewish is denied citizenship
so hard
So, you think that asians and jews are smarter than whites.
Reading through your posts….you're either legitimately dumb as dogshit or you're a bored, fatass goon trying to derail another thread with bullshit.
My number one rule would be no non whites allowed to become or be a u.s. citizen. That's it. Most Important decision ever.
So you're going to go with ad hominem now.
Stop with the cognitive dissonance bullshit. Either IQ is a piss poor measure of intelligence and thus can't be used as a claim of the superiority of whites to blacks, or it is a good measure of intelligence, thus jews and asians are superior to whites.
IQ does relate to intelligence. But not entirely.
Jews hate us and emphatically promote open borders and multiculturalism in our countries.
Even if you showed me that jews had an average IQ of 200 and that their farts cured cancer, I wouldn't tolerate a single one in my country. If they're such geniuses they can go be brilliant in their own nations, but to restate what I said earlier their must remain exclusively white nations so that we can live in peace and safety with our own.
There is nothing you can do with the constitution to improve it. Once that bunch of freemasons got together to produce it, you got a document talking about 'equality' and 'universal brotherhood.' Therefore it was inevitable that it would eventually lead to all the ills of modern society, including mass immigration. Once the ink was dry on the paper it was only a matter of time before the US was doomed. It should have as much relevance now as the Code of Hammerabi or some other such dusty museum relic.
Jews? Not on average. They have had a few geniuses, but not as many as we did. The problem with them isn't that they're dumb like niggers but that they're evil.
As for Asians, maybe their average Joe is smarter than ours. Since we made more progress than they did, I'd guess we have more geniuses than they do. Regardless, they did build a civilization too and the averages are less than a standard deviation away. Now if you take any African country you can see they have had zero progress and have an IQ close to your average ape, two deviations from ours. There have also been many studies correlating IQ with different measures of success, you're free to google them but I won't do it for you.
Make it legal for law enforcement to lynch nonwhites on the street if they chimp out
East asians could be white allies tbh
They hate nignogs and sandapes too and they have shown to possess the ability for building impressive civilizations
I was hoping to have you guys reach this conclusion yourself, but I'll guess I'll spoonfeed it to you. Or rather, remind you/structure what you already know.
As said, if IQ was the sole measure of intelligence, jews and asians would have built the greatest nations of the world. They haven't. But clearly IQ relates to intelligence. So what are asians and jews missing?
It's called foresight. Plain and simple.
Go read those horror stories about mission workers and social workers working with blacks. The same pattern returns every time: They seem to be incapable of thinking ahead. If you give them a million dollars, they'll burn through it in a week and go back to needing handouts soon after. In African countries, the few who don't get shit on by their community. If you have enough foresight to produce something worthwhile, you're made to give it all away for the family/tribe.
In this regard, jews and asians are the same. They're MUCH smarter than blacks, especially African blacks. But they have the same issue: No foresight. Jews in particular always think in terms of short term profit. They always fuck themselves in the long run because they can't fathom giving up short term profit for long term. But what brought this difference?
Simple: Seasonal agriculture.
When you rely on agriculture for subsistence and nothing can be produced for a third of the year, you're forced to think ahead. You're forced to make preparations. You need to produce enough to make sure to last through winter, and you can't burn through your reserves for fun. If you do, you die. Do or die. And whites did. They had to. Those who didn't, died.
You'll find no other race on the planet which had to adapt to this. All other places either didn't need agriculture and thus didn't develop it, preventing the development of advanced nations, or they did have agriculture, but the climate and land were good enough that they could produce year round, thus never forcing the people to adapt. Only one non-white nation also had seasonal agriculture, and they're the only non-shit non-white country right now. PRO-TIP: It's fucking Japan.
So there you have it. You probably already knew all this. Thinking ahead is what makes whites superior. More than mere IQ.
Ban usury and establish a currency based on the people and the land.
Simple as that. All of our problems stem from christcucks giving kikes that power. It's almost designed into the religion.
(((They))) have no power anymore.
Which is why nips are honorary aryans.
Justices of the Supreme Court no longer serve for life, and are eligible to be removed by Congress with a 2/3 vote in the beginning of Congressional session immediately following each presidential cycle. To call a vote to remove a justice this way requires a 1/3 majority to invoke the right to review.
or maybe thats too generous. 1/2 to call vote, 3/4 to remove?
How would you go about replicating these selection pressures under a modern economic system?
I suppose you could simply remove welfare and let the business cycle mimic the seasons, though it basically is hard mode compared to seasonal agriculture and doesn't select as strongly for empathy beyond the extended family. The latter may not necessarily be a bad thing, considering our current situation.
Evolutionary pressure only happens when a condition presents itself where individuals with a specific trait are far more likely to successfully reproduce than those without it. Eugenics was an attempt at artificially recreating this. Right now, the opposite is happening: People who have no business reproducing are popping ten to fifteen kids in their lifetime, and they all survive. And what is the trait allowing them to survive? Their ability to receive handouts.
I want you to see "ability to receive handouts" as the main pressure factor right now, and you'll see why shit is hitting the fan. Funny thing is, as the population of people capable of giving handouts becomes proportionally smaller, the "ability" to receive handouts in the populations specializing in this trait will diminish. It's a self-correcting system, in a way.
Didn't Norway explicitly ban Jews in thier constitution? They always manage to kike thier way back in after a while.
wew lad
thank fuck im an even split of Western European, and the British Isles. only a little finnish and med, Feels amazing man
I have no idea about that. When did that happen?
1814 they were banned. 1851 the ban was lifted. JEW'D
youre missing quite a few main points of Holla Forums
blacks and nonwhites for that matter shouldnt be in white countries in the first place, so discussing their eligibility or lack thereof to vote is a non sequitur
And republics always always always start of as a group of white males with noble intentions, certain that only their descendants of white males will inherit the right to have a say in the government and eventually turn into a disgusting pit of mongrels, corruption, degeneracy, jews and overall faggotry.
A ruling class based on the concept of strength and wisdom leading the people as defined by their blood suited for Europeans worked before we became only Europeans as well extremely well for thousands of years. Republics rarely last for more than a few hundred.
Get rid of all ammendments except bill of rights and then make citizenship only by heritage not geography of birth.
Who lifted the ban on the jews?
A fucking poet convinced parliament of course.
I'd amend the "natural born citizen" clause of the 14th Amendment so that only children of legal immigrants and US Citizens could gain citizenship status.
US citizenship is not something that should be so carelessly given away and would end all this globalist rhetoric that the US Constitution applies to everyone.
Realistically the rest would follow after accomplishing this necessary legal precedent.
Hahahahah. What?? Don't mess with me m8.
I agree with the premise of your proposal user, but according to the US Constitution only Congress has the authority to coin and regulate money, and the value thereof.
The globalist owned Congress didn't care about the Cobstitution 100 years ago and they sure as hell don't anymore.
If anything blatant violations of the Constitution should be punishable by death.
Any person with the globalist attitudes except the future planetary colonists (I don't know the proper word for that type) should be executed. Globalists are hazardous to everyone on Earth.