Commies vs. Infowars Reporter

Commies vs. Infowars Reporter

Would you hang out with these guys? Are they good representatives of the leftist movement? Would you be able to debate better than them?

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I felt the same way. He looks decent, so he left a good impression. He didn't scream and sperg. We need some normal people being filmed.

Being in shape and talking like a normal human being is important when trying to convince people

Most communists look like normal people.

Am i missing a meme?

i don't see any confrontation, i see a bunch of right wingers spouting memes while actual commies try to explain basic facts

When will you understand that memes > facts

Is there any hope for America lads?

These comrades seem nice an all, but the average American seems to stupid to argue in terms of actual arguments and will continue living in willful ignorance.

Most of the "socialists" that go out to protest look like bratty lunatics and the public usually gets that impression.

The jonesites are so brainwashed and triggered it's amazing. If they don;t like it they should go protest worker coops, but won't because they think it's the 'free marget'.

Subhumans are the downfall of every movement. It's just like le naked fat man of non-agression for ayncraps, except it's nigh-omnipresent for communism.

I'm almost willing to make a "leftists back then - leftists now - what the fuck happened?" image.

yeah, and most act like spineless social liberals.

Do one, but give it a positive note at the end suggesting a course of action or change of attitude.

sorry I can't watch this, it's too cringey, and I'm afraid I might accidentally look at the comments and get transformed into an eldritch abomination

what's it about?

How do you know its cringey if you haven't watched it?

Info wars retards try and scope out their nefarious red menace opposition and find themselves faced by some decent, generic looking union-enthusiast commies who with truly outstanding patience try to explain some really basic info to them. The infowars guy goes into full
in a meme-worthy fashion of reciting the same oft-repeated non-arguments.

Commies mock the infowars crew for their evident ignorance and keep trying to explain terms to them to which the morons end up leaving after not knowing what capital is.

Also the comments deserve orbital bombardment. Equal part McCarthyists and Holla Forumsyps.

Couldn't watch any more! These revisionists make me sick

These guys actually did a good job and for once were not SJW asspies. Too bad for half the videothe were doing the "you use capitalism!"meme

Yeah, but can you imagine defending the USSR to liberals?

Why didn't they say that they took Russia that was a shithole and brought it into space? Why don't these anarkiddies bring up Yugoslavia or something else.

I suppose so - I've tried it too many times.

As soon as you talk about any positive aspect of life there you start getting "WHAT ABOUT THE HUNDRED BILLION DEAD?" screamed in your face.

I can do it with liberals in the UK but if I was in the US, on camera, talking to fucking infowars I would do everything in my ability to distance myself from the ussr. It's too risky to let them pull out a 130 trillion from their ass and knock me down. Better denounce it as not communism/socialism and hope they don't go full 'no true scotsman'.

I think that's because we already are in the post-collapse stage. There's only the dead body and the maggots.

So, is this good for wembs?

They did fairly well.

And don't speak to me until you can pass my commie test

The related videos

H-hey guys. I'm going to protest at the Dem Convention… sh-should I come out as a commie? Should I direct people to Holla Forums?

am I alone in thinking that the bearded one is pretty qt?

as an anarchist, I do bring this up. The USSR deserves credit here.


How does one man fail this much?

Why are there so many gays on this board

what are you a faggot

Roleplaying is hard I guess
Besides, have you seen the swastikas people like this draw? They aren't exactly the most competent fellows…

They did alright considering they were under pressure and wasn't expecting a confrontation

Have you been listening to Holla Forums memes again Holla Forums?

Do you think that's a problem?

probably drawn by this proud ayran warrior


It isn't true of course, but on the internet and youtube when you see the shit that happens on college campuses with the "socialists", you see idiot-sounding, stupid-looking social liberals or social democrats dressed as socialists who give us a horrible look.

More interesting I suppose

I just want there to be qt commie girls

There are, I've got one as a gf. Course I made her a commie, so it might be easier to convert a qt.

There's probably more fags on Holla Forums because they're more honest about their sexual desires instead of spouting duhgwenacy at anything that ain't two pump missionary.

Nah, I know guys who are straight and say shit like that. It's because ppl are relaxed and don't really care about these sorts of things. When a guy looks "good" ppl say that. It doesn't mean much.

There are more fags on image boards in general. Not sure why, but I guess gay people like this discussion format.

Imageboards in general are very good with finding rare drawn porn.

I didn't think about that. Sadpanda threads and the porn boards on 4chan were fantastic. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't fap to traps a few times during my years on Holla Forums.

the rightist doing these videos are always such meme-tier garbage that they thrown at people like this.

The leftist dude should have asked him if he liked Pinochet, Leopold or Stroessener

America's long tradition of Libertarianism is too embedded within the national psyche for any Far-Left movement to ever be successful in that country.

thats actually a pretty dank point

Nice Jew beard, gommie :D:D:D

he would probably say yes to pinochet though

Thank you.

Like a fool he would appear as then.


Why can't we find an intelligent, well-read and respectful right-wing and left-wing individual to debate one another? It's always these asymmetrical dialogues where one person as an idiot or the other just wants to joke around. Sad.

lmao the joke made itself sorry fam

I had no idea the amazing atheist was antifa

Because Infowars doesn't seek out intelligent leftists, they scrape the bottom of the barrel to find strawman jackasses. Same goes for left-wing publications
Besides, it all comes down to not being able to have a debate in the first place since neither side can agree on the drawn lines that define success or what is good.

Absolute cancer

I know, I set myself up for that one. I actually really enjoy debating with Leftists but it's very rare that I meet them in real life. On the few occasions that I have they haven't been very articulate and have jumped out of the conversation very quickly.

We're opposites, both in what we believe to be true, and how things should be. No amount of civility can reconcile that. You'd get rid of all of us if you had the option, and we'd get rid of all of you if we could. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is, fam.

Just join us fam.

The only rightist I find to be smart or well read is the libertarians honestly. And even then they usually know nothing about leftism other than socdem policies and muh 100 million dead.

Also this.

To me a respectful right-winger would be an european social-democrat lite/liberal. Not nazi scum

Yes, but neither of us control the State, nor do we hold any amount of political power and influence. Therefore I see no reason why we can't have a civil discussion prior to any bloody revolution period.

I probably wouldn't purge Leftists, I would just legally restrict their ability to organise or distribute their propaganda publicly. I might purge small popular high profile groups just to send the message to others that their ideology will no longer be tolerated.

Nah, the propertarians aren't the most intelligent.


The social democrats or social liberals are despite their cancer.

I don't know if you're a tankie or not, but I definitely consider eliminating them to be a grim last resort. Maybe not a very distant last resort, but one that comes after reasonable outreach and reform nonetheless.

Well Libertarianism is a very complex ideology with a great deal of economic and political literature behind it whereas Not Socialism is fairly simple by comparison. It doesn't help that most neo-nazi groups seem to attract the worst of the worst in society (skin heads, drug addicts, ex-criminals ect) who haven't even read Mein Kampf, let alone any political philosophy.

Propertarianism really isn't as complex or in depth as you assume.

Neoclassical economics is however.

lel, how many literal nazis do you think would willingly agree to that?

I was speaking about Libertarianism in general though, not Propertarianism specifically. You need to have a good grasp on Austrian economics, liberal political philosophy and several other areas to argue for Libertarianism persuasively I think. At the very least it isn't nearly as simple and intuitive as something like Nationalism or Racialism which is fairly obvious and clear to an outsider.

Libertarianism = propertarianism

Really? I thought Propertariansm was something within Libertarianism. Wikipedia says:

Libertarianism used to be a lefty thing, then revisionism happened.

I don't think you get what is saying.
We distinguish traditional school of non-state socialism (libertarianism) from American "libertarianism" by calling the latter propertarianism.

The U.S. has a very snowflakey political language indeed…

It still is a leftist thing. It just refers to something completely ahistorical in the Anglosphere. Come here to Spain, people will tell you what libertarianism is and it won't have anything to do with capitalism.

I'd say on average they are smarter than a socdem. Problem is they are often quite arrogant, similar to new atheist, a group that circle jerk of over how reasonable they are but never really took the time to question their beliefs so they often uses poor assumptions and facts (muh 100 million dead, dismissing Marx because they were told to)

You'd be surprised, not all nazis comport themselves the way the Holla Forumsyp breed does online. A lot are just dumb confused young men who latched onto the first thing giving them purpose and dignity, or at least the illusion thereof.

Anyways, giving the benefit of the doubt is important on principle, and because an inflexible purge is probably bad public relations.

well it depends. Propertarians are extremely naive and idealist. Social democrats are pure shit with their idpol, but they're okay (compared to liberals more on the right) with economics.

Aren't these guys Avakianites? I remember seeing revcom posters with Bobs fucking face on them when they burned a flag in front of the RNC

praise the new synthesis

Never mind they are just people from the local IWW branch

i say you should

there cool

there very clearly not the same people

any other fellow workers from the iww here? LAGMB representing.

God knows I've tried.

So they are actually anarkids?

theyre embarrassing tbh

I always find them to be the most illiterate of the lot. Even the nazis are better.

oh yeah the comments they still found a way to strawman in to sjws.

but i had i nice disscussing

I like the IWW shirt. Even if the IWW is kinda neutered these days.

I like you Mr. Polite Nazi. If you ever get tired of hearing cuck and shill on your board, you can always join us.

I find lolberts are well read in terms of lolbert literature/propaganda but outside of that don't know shit. Which is why they double down on idealism when criticized, like telling poorfags to start a business.

Was this really a good display of leftists interacting with the public? They didn't really seem that convincing. They spit a lot of rhetoric but never actually engaged the other party.

how the fuck does one engage an infowars employee.
You would have to dig through 37 layers of ideology before they could understand anything you say

It's Alex Jones, that's as futile as effort gets.

I feel you. But while most people don't think the moon is hollow you'll still have to cut through layers of ideology with the majority of people you'll interact with.

I don't give a fuck about the interviewer. You can speak to the people who'll see the video.

it wasn't convincing but they finally give off an aura of "normalness"
they laugh, they smile, they joke. That's what we need more of.

go support your comrades in the comment section guys. they deserve it. it wasn't the best interview but it was decent at least. that stupid "reporter" was lucky enough to save his ass like that. a more confident militant could whoop his ass in same situation. that guy was really illiterate.

It's InfoWars m8, the only ones watching are drones.

Kinda agree with this. The whole 'No point speaking to you cause you've not read muh theory' is kinda weird. Like he had a captive audience. But the left seems unable to form a coherent plan of action and seems only active in protesting shit instead of offering an alternative. Bit of contextual awareness and he could have done a much better job. Start on common ground (Interviewer was infowars so start on TTIP and the issues here, then blame porky).