

Hotpocket Edit: Don't forget to archive, dumbass.


Other urls found in this thread:

It's nice to be the cackling ones instead of being the ones on the verge of suicide for a change.

Honor and respect to those who couldn't make it this long.

Give her the strength to kill herself on live tv.

I can't wait to smugly patronize and insult leftists for the next 4-8 years.

Rope can end it whenever you want Donna.

We're going to do much much more than that.

>I can't wait to smugly patronize and insult leftists for the next 4-8 years.

You spelled "gas" wrong.

F to our fallen comrades who didn't stick around long enough to see how great the next eight years will be

I was very close sometimes, glad i didin't do it.

One day we should get some sort of statue or memorial t all the Holla Forumsacks who didin't make it.


No sympathy for the weak.

We pretty much decided that when we in for victory at any costs.

Sieg hiel.

you should kill yourself for real. if you considered suicide before murking zog then youre a cuck.

But you didn't. That's the difference.

The gap may seem small, but it's a world of difference.

It's like she's literally being raped as we speak

What ever happened to Debbie Jewess?


Wow this hits me right in the feels. So fucking true.

you spelled "torture" wrong.

Nah i'l pass, but thanks for the suggestion, CTR

Imagine the day when we see the criminals and the corrupt executed on live TV.

Will be the best day of my life.


You aren't praising KEK hard enough.
Praise HARDER!!

you spelled "flay alive and then roll in salt" wrong.

Okay, now THIS one may get me banned.


A single bullet between the eyes to all traitors and enemies. That’s it. Anything else fosters psychological problems that we don’t want in our civilization when they’re all gone.

Torture lets them win, is what I’m saying.


Either prove the statement wrong or you accept its logic.


Too True

But KUDOS to who stuck around,
holding on to hope beyond hope

Whilst fantasizing about torturing them to death is lulzy, this is probably better for a number of reasons.

And this is cuckchan.

This is the detritus that we left behind.

There is no kek




We are not gods you little faggot.

Fuck off CTR.

We are gods. You're right! We control heaven and earth, and everything in between. Praise KEK. KEK gave us the power to be gods.

We cannot allow pic related to happen again.


That's jewish psychopathy. If you're a kike, kill yourself. If you're not a kike, get your head straight.

kek confirms. We are the memes now.

Torture is too personal. Just line them up along with petty brainwashed leftists, and go down the line killing each with a bullet through the brain, then discarding the bodies like trash.

You're right, we're not Gods, we ascended over divinity.

All of their suicides will be livestreamed.

Praise Kek.


4chan pol has been more influential though,the ideas spread there fast,yes we sometimes shitpost when we have nothing to do but during raids we all unite,but here well it seems like i'm on some depressed board filled with slow grandpas where you get banned by the kike mods for everything some faggot reports for disagreeing with him.

I cracked the case, KeK is shadow mod cult. To make users of Holla Forums be loyal to mod league.


Torture for torture's sake is sick and depraved, even in the case of subhumans. It's like torturing an animal. There's no point, only a truly perverse individual would have any interest in it. You shoot them, then be done with it. Torture should only be used in select instances to extract important information.

I don't agree with "if you torture your enemies, they win", it's just a fucking disgusting fantasy and I wouldn't want someone who constantly thinks about that sort of thing to be in the same unit as me.

You guys are already blasphemers.
The gods are the gods, we worship them.

Torture is a waste of time and resources.

If you kill three hundred commies and jews per hour without torture, but only kill 100 commies and jews per hour WITH torture, then obviously torture is the wrong way to go about killing fucking kikes and commies.


I'm glad our mods are also followers of kek.

This. You don't torture a cockroach, you exterminate it as quickly and efficiently as possible before it lays more eggs.

Vengeance and deterrence are not "psychopathy."

*crashes into slumber*

Quality of quantity, grasshopper.

You pull some faggot scenario out of your ass that is clearly weighted in your faggot arguments favor, did you think that was clever?

I don't believe in tools used to manipulate sheep. You can shove your slave mentality up your ass.

Fully automated execution factories using nuclear ovens used at full capacities it is, then. Only the worst traitors shall be publicly tortured to make sure people understand what awaits such scum.

Every hour spent torturing jews and commies is an hour you could be spending killing jews and commies.

thanks mate

We're not out of the woods yet

I'm not counting my chickens. A lot has happened, but it's not enough, it's not nearly enough.

The sooner the devils are routed, the better. I only hope that Trump truly purifies that disgusting city on the Potomac.

Nothing will ever be enough for the countless and uncounted anons who died in the psychic wars.

They're all whores. Kikes for the biggest dollar amount.

We've still got other kill shots left user.

One will finally take down the hilldibeast.

-O'Keefe still has his video
-Dilbert man is doubtless working on another devastating attack
-The white wizard still has his most damaging leaks
-FBI agents behind the coup could still leak the emails or pull through with the fastest search known to man or god

I'm pretty comfy tbh.


I don't think it will. The incumbent, in that case Obama, almost always has the advantage.

This is what jews actually believe.

that shit was clearly rigged

Some guy I know that was on that "My Rare Affliction" TV show said he was headed to church today. Do you wanna know how deep the rabbit hole really goes? The Media and their lies are VAST. They are squirming

There are not gods, CTR. There is God. I worship him. We are simply his memesengers.

They did it to themselves. They went all-in. Now the whole system has to be brought down.

That reminds me, how will noted HRC supporter Chris-chan react to her loss? Will his heart level finally drop to 0 as he realizes that God and the Bear have abandoned him?

Here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on


It just keeps getting better and better.


Is mrs. Brazile Catholic?
Has she been to confession lately?


You don't have our permission to die yet.

They made their choice. They can't come crawling back with their tail between their legs like the flood of cuckservatives this past week. Holy fuck we are going to need so much rope.

We will have to make sure anyone on the list doesn't leave the country to seek refuge. All traitors must answer to their crimes

Ah, fuck it, we'll just have DOK instead. Day Of the Knife.

I think it goes without saying we've determined what is likely to be the first suicide upon Trump's ascendency.

Alotta people gonna need long-term counseling post Nov. 8th.

as a NYer i feel like a victim of abuse. Even though its happening, i still feel like its not going to happen. even after he's elected i'll probably be stressed about his assasination.

is it too late for me?

atleast the destruction of my soul after years of living amongst the soulless has left me hollow, making it easier for me to slaughter the leftist masses during the inevitable coming race wars.

The salt after Trumps win will be unlike any we have ever seen before…I'm not sure if I'm prepared for that amount of salt.

It won't just be salt. There will be attacks. Make sure to protect yourself

A docile and broken cuck is easier to rope.


I live in an incredibly pro Trump PA area I think I'm fine but anybody else who lives around nigs and shitskings are fucked…

We will harvest enough salt to dehydrate the earth three times over


We will harvest enough salt to have destroyed the economy of ancient Rome ten times over.

People fucking killed themselves when Dubya was re-elected.


I agree. Remove them like they're merely a troublesome infestation or something. Be like exterminators, not lunatics.

The journalists, man.
I want nothing more than to see lampposts and trees filled with them. (I should start compiling a list.)

Also check shadowb&s.

Wrong one

Same. I spent years playing into (((their))) bullshit to try and fit in, find a place I belonged, but never did.

Then I found Holla Forums and realized I was home.

Those who attempt to leave will be added to another list or captured. A RWDS committee will decide the most appropriate method to take care of (((them))).

Feeding them to rats is one option. There's a lot of rats in Jew Yorks so it should be pretty easy to set up. I think they'll refuse to eat Hillary so we'll need to find another method for her.


Kek. Are you actually so cucked that you voted for Romney?

Holy fuck user, have some self-respect. Don't vote for losers.

How many Holla Forumsacks have actaully killed themselves?

2012's election ended in the primary, friend. There is no practical difference between either of the two flavors of establishment cucks.

halfchan pol has been fed what we create.
Because all the /new/fags pulled here.

basically cuckchan is our juggernaut.


I don't think she got the memo.

I just made the one I posted kek

They should be careful (they won't) because though God answers the prayers of even the wicked, He always unknowingly adds a bad and ironic price for them. This is why the Jews censor God (G-d) and Yahweh (YHWH) because they believe it's a way to talk about Him without Him hearing the kikes.

Are they finally at the acceptance stage of grief?


Kill or be nice, there is no room for middle ground. Oppressing things half-assedly is how you let the other side win, it's why Holla Forums is rising just like the hippies that came in the previous wave.

People can only take being shit on for so long before snapping and turning fascist to the point they make headway.

Kek. The tears of unfathomable sadness,yummy yummy!



why the fuck is this stickied?



Jews and shitskins should be quickly killed since they're basically animals, but cucks really do deserve torture. They don't deserve to be white. They were blessed with being a part of the master race and they willingly choose to betray their own people. How much torture they deserve should be case by case. Democrat voters should be slow hung for example, while nigger lovers, politicians who helped bring niggers to white communities, Jew puppets, and other such depraved degenerates should be precision tortured from foot to head, and after being kept for a while brought out into public to die of exposure. We can hire young people to be professional Edgemasters in charge of it all.

i am excited! my town which i thought was a liberal hell hole actually is pro trump, i am seeing more and more trump signs and stickers going up every day.

No, they would fucking like it.

Reminds me of the time I called a cuck a cuck and he liked it.


I believe trump has had a great deal of support for a while. But a lot of people were shamed into not talking about it or expressing it. The tide has really turned in that regard I'm recent weeks especially after all those leaks showed how rigged and corrupt things are

They really are squirming in their seats. Is it Trump really that closer to a victory than the media would like to admit?

Holy sevens confirm the bitch is taking the kikes off a cliff.

Punish them like a servant of Slaanesh. Put them in sensory deprivation chambers for months on end with no social contact.

Being social and talking to other cucks is what gives these abominations sustenance.

So, is this going to be more like the end of Return of the Jedi, or the end of A New Hope? We're about to destroy the Clinton Death Star and scatter her ashes across the Sol System. But we've barely scratched the surface of establishing a new order of Meme Knights, and there's still a whole lot of corrupt fucks out there who will have a grudge with our name on it. I'd really like to take a break after all this… get a better job… get a waifu… but it all just seems like such a long way away.

IMO a solid life of hard labor (albeit short) would be a fitting punishment before execution. Make them rebuild, with their own hands, what they set out to destroy. Roads, highways…fucking anything to let them experience how much WE had to suffer with them on our backs.

You have a Waifu user, her name is America

I want them to feel what we feel every day.

It's the episode 3.
The rotten republic, controlled by the (((Jedi))) is about to collapse and we're about to get the Emperor into power.

The Empire is going to be us generations from now. A strong fascist white force that controls the galaxy

Can we make them wear shirts that say I deserve it and force them to keep talking about how privileged they are to be white. I want them cursing the niggers and kikes with their last breath on the chopping block.

I was always filled such grief when I heard this song until I took finally time to self-reflect. Then I found myself back on 4cuck just before the fappening. Got caught on a wild ride of GG and ended up Holla Forums during the first exodus. Ended up browsing Holla Forums and /fit/ to get into shape, play fun games again and somehow ended up on Holla Forums. Was probably because what happened to GG that I ended up digging deeper and looking for more answers. This board has both given me despair of the truth of this world and great hope that it can change. When Trump announce that he was running for president, I had a good laugh. As time went on shitposting with you all and seeing how far Trump has come and all of the great memes that followed, I feel great joy and a profound smugness that we are on the right side of history. Whenever I hear this song now, it gives me a great feeling that the end of long night is almost over for you burgers. My country will take more time to follow suit but with momentum you guys have created, I know that change will come. I wish you all good luck. Praise Kek and all of his glory and praise to all anons who are still with us and those who are not here to see see the great dawn.

Trump will execute order 88


YFW you were a pre-programmed RWDS unit unknowingly waiting for orders.


I can taste it.

I remember 4 years ago, being unemployed in LA. My fiancee and I were at a Red Robin after Obongo won the second term. I had my head in my hands when I said to my woman, "You know what this means right? Hillary is next."

Now I'm in the midwest, my fiancee is my wife, and we are planning to start a family. I was so close to letting go. Never give up, Holla Forums.
Never surrender.

Remember that a Trump victory isn't the end. It's a good beginning. There's still a hard yard of work to be done after.

We are mighty like the salmon user because all life we had to swim against the current. We are on our quest to the ocean that great big dark expanse that has called us since birth.


gj leaving LA. It's literally hell on earth.

op is a nigger. this is the context.


Trash should just be thrown away

What would it look like?

A giant middle finger towards Israel.

4cuck is our hand. It always has been.
If you were around for the first exodus you would know that.

it just hit me that this basically means team shillary is basically out of shit to use on trump. they'd be ready to bury this shit with some new anti-trump hit-piece the moment the news broke, but there's nothing left they can do to him. all they can do is bitch and moan, try and downplay what's going on, and hope that the goyim don't realize what's going on.

feels good

I thought about suicide long and hard numerous times over the course of this journey. I'm so tired and lonely, I don't even know what I'm going to do anymore. But we're so close, and I'm sure as Hell not going to give up here. In the end, I don't know if I'll be able to look back and say that it was worth it. But it was always about something more than me, so no matter how difficult things can seem, I remember that planting trees that you might never live to see bear fruit is the duty of a true man.


Wish grated. I want to kill Eddie Vedder and Theo as well…tbh

Oh, you think it's going to be over anytime soon? Bad news, folks.

This is just like a cult, including mass delusion, hypnotism into donating one's life savings to the cause, and the obligatory glorious mass suicide at the end.

"How can people be so dumb," said the condescending liberal with his dying breath.



Better yet, a statue of our Hitler in his cape wielding a sword and aiming it towards Israel a la pic related.


Please Frog, Let this end soon.

To all anons: if you're going to go out, take Soros or one of his minions down with you.

I seriously hope they try some violent rioting and give me a reason.

Fuck off cunt. They were still on our side.

my face when

They won't get far. They will try to flea to ha'white countries but will not be allowed entry due to muh diversity and their problematic huh'whyteness. Oopsie!

Delicious karma recipe will be served hot.

Yeah if we're all just loser virgins we have nothing to lose. This shitty world has already fucked many of us thoroughly enough might as well take a piece when you walk out the door.

lel that's actually one of the things that really kept me from doing. Any time I was feeling really tempted to end it all, I remembered how fucking rude it would be to my landlord to leave him with an awful mess, and what a wasted opportunity it would be. And by the time I could actually get one of the fucks who really deserves to check out in my sights, I'd probably feel a little better emotionally, so what the hell am I thinking?


"The fallen forever say, fuck you"- Inscription

And then a massive Christian cross standing on the site of the Third Temple.



If there where a way to find which bones belong to our fallen we cloud make the first temple of Kek out of his followers literal side.


Which state. and how is Trump doing there?

We torture people so that we can find out where the commies and jews are so that we can kill them faster.

That's the whole point of torture.

It's OK, Donna, you don't need to forward anything. The authorities already HAVE all her vile emails!
Prosecution coming soon. :^)

Not a virgin nor a loser financially, but yeah, i feel i'am already too damaged and tired because of the lies to ever have a normal life again. All i wish is to grow old reading books and overseeing SJW prisoners. If i can do my part to see the little whites we still have grow up with the nightmares we experienced it would have been a worthy existance untill the very end.

I know it was a long shot but it's still so disappointing.


It'll be removed soon like a tumor.

This is exactly what American prisons need. Complete isolation. These people will consider it HELL.

Does context matter? Nope, because it is not used for "context" it is used for propaganda and brother that is a heaping helping of fantastic right there. stupid nigger needs to have her twitter taken away It shows desperation, anguish, giving up, appealing to a higher power. It is- in a nutshell- gold.

I bet they couldn't last a week.

Witnessed. Have a platonic and consensual pat on the back for your sacrifice.

I think a more appropriate analogy can actually be found in history. Based on present historical circumstance and our place in the civilizational cycle, Trump is Julius Caesar.

His announcement that he was seeking election was him crossing the Rubicon. Pompey and his supporters could only bluff in trying to persuade Julius to not march on Rome, but they could only flee when he began his march. I think the analogy is clear. We are almost at the moment of Julius' triumphant entrance into Rome.

This is history that will be remembered for thousands of years, and we are Trump's legions.

If the analogy holds, history indicates we have a few years of war still ahead of us. But we shall be victorious, and Rome shall be restored to her former glory.

heh every single one of these leftist filth should be praying on their knees for an hour a day that Trump wins the election. In the end, Trump is really just a civic nationalist and a moderate. user is terrifying.

We're not locked in here with them. They're locked in here with us.

My autism is my muse.

Let's make it happen.

good propaganda doesn't need to take things out of context. all a normie has to do is pull up her twatter to see it. she is hoping for the people 'harassing' her to stop.

worst sticky in weeks.

Feed them to the kikeodiles in the sewers

It's like you're not even a Saxon who had begun to hate, fam.

I know that feel user. Work on turning that feeling into strength. I've been doing way better since I started to get /fit/ and into /k/.

Checked. That's a good idea, user.

criminally unchecked

All upcoming rallies featuring Hillary, Obama, and Biden have been cancelled.

I want to believe.
but at the end of the day it really seems like one of us just having a laugh.


oh look, more disinfo. go to the actual site. those dates are still there.




Hang in there. The future will surely be bright, brighter than anything we've ever seen. Even if we, who were raised in darkness and clothed in hatred, cannot take part in it - it will be something we created. Take pride in that.


If so, Trump should avoid stepping inside the Senate.

It's sad to think the children who never knew us will think we're evil because our bodies are pocked and scarred and our swords and axes drawn but they'll never know we bore our wounds for them and unsheathed our weapons for their future.

muh nigga.

come and HEIL the letter people

Podesta: "I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it."

To Kek

When we win, we can write the history, and we'll tell them that we stopped a world war before it could start, and we did it with memes and ebin shitposts.

Russia has great prisons. Loud German Sheppard's behind inmates snapping and yelping on the way to a caged one man "yard" and then back to complete soundproof small isolation.

Fucking a Anons I would be so proud to work for an America that is great. How in the fuck for us should become WIN in the fuck. Still feel like there no hope at all. Ready to fight for it though. Fuck the Cops should disband if SHTF, coup out with old Whitey vets, and let the t. White Felons march out first before the Marines or anyone else, t. White Felons will do it for free and we don't need a fucking shiny medal. Just need honor and respect back. And we'll kill for it.

Assault with deadly vitriol.

I can't wait until the history books are written about this time.

Is the time-frame such that it might be referencing that one DNC staffer that got shot in dinduland, but his money and shoes were all left on him?

I've been wanting to play this.

Will a basic bitch 2014 laptop emulate PSX well? I tried a PS2 emulator and it ran too slow to play.

Uncle Adolf will finally take his rightful place in history as a man centuries before his time.

Even the Molyjew is getting some bantz in.

Holla Forums right again.

Not sure. I have a gaming laptop that runs PS2 games smoothly. If you have a PS3, I think you can get it off PSN for like $10 or something. Otherwise I guess you'll just have to try it and find out.


no, that happened a year after that email.

probably someone else.


Isn't she supposed to be like an authority figure, i.e. someone who doesn't sound like a teenager?

I still remember the first time it saw that meme, something like seven years ago, shitposting on Holla Forums. I was an anti-racist liberal then.

Now it's being used to slam the head of the DNC and I'm cheering it on. The most inspirational people in my life are Hitler and Donald Trump.

What a fucking weird life this has been since chan's came into it.

I am become meme


I don't Twitter, but I'm tempted to start just to send these fucks this image as how-to instructions.

Reminder that the throne room scene in Star Wars was a recreation of a scene from Triumph of the Will.

Fucking podesta. One of the best emails I've seen.

Shatter-er of shitters. Look upon my salt fields, ye cuckolds, and despair.

I know I'm mixing Ozymandias and Oppenheimer, I don't care

you should get on Twitter
we need as many of us as possible bullyciding lefties when Trump wins
we're going to have 8 years of bullying and humiliating them


Jews Must Live by Samuel Roth, second to last chapter "Farewell to Judas"

I learn something fashy every day around here.

foreign government donors

we will never forget the fallen

Never forget that the kikes engineered the nukes. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were manmade destruction of human life at a scale never seen before. Would you be able to have that on your conscience?

Meanwhile we channel memes to prevent a world war and nobody dies except for a few suicides by folks connected to Hillary, and the whole Trump curse thing.

For years, I leaned conservative, but was mostly uninterested. Then I fell into listening to Neil Boortz, and found his no-nonsense attitude hilarious. Years later, now I'm here with you fuckers squarely in the opposition to this shitty super-PC social Marxism culture, so maybe, just maybe I'll troll Twitter until bantz. Then I'll just make another account.

I had to disengage myself from social media. Too many tards. I use Gab now and that's it.



Gabai is hebrew for "kvetch"

What in the FUCK. No. I don't want to get into Berenstain universe shit, but it has ALWAYS been the Marine Corps that guarded that fucking tomb. That was a fucking source of pride for me. I just looked it up and apparently it has always been the Army, which is NOT true! FUCK. THAT. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MY MARINE CORPS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Google pathological lying

Have a kek, on Google.

Which is weird as fuck, I thought their lefty bias was stronk. Alex Jones said the globalists are turning on Clinton and he may be right


wait so wookies are real?

Do your part faggot. cuckchan is the battle ground, this is the place for rest. It's time for some Lebensraum and to unite the Holla Forumss. Hitler would approve.

Most of us are oldfags we know how influence works on chans.

holy fucking lel

R.I.P. my sides

Archived for posterity.

>it was just fixed

It's been up a surprisingly long amount of time, actually.

Don't quit yet anons!
Trump's inauguration into office is just the beginning. We must purge America of the trash and cancer that still infest it. We need as many hands in deck as possible! We must preserve our kind!

Marines guard the and pilot his as well as the embassy's, you prob got one of those mixed up.

-t. fellow former jarhead

It's still there for me. Make sure to google exactly "pathological lying".

Still up on my end.

Fucking mobile.

This tbh. I retired from everywhere, but here after the primaries, because every time I get on cuckchan and twitter I'm getting real PTSD.

I shitposted against CTR for 3 months straight 10 hours a day and I'm burnt out. I think I have to go back into battle starting tomorrow, the end game too important.


dude chill it's just a photoshop. Pepe isn't in the fucking army (wtf??)

The day of the rope comes


This. Vote on the 8th. Celebrate on the 9th. Get back to work on the 10th.

This war is much bigger than one election

I think Brazile's in deeper than she can handle. She strikes me as an old church lady who got where she is on status and not talent. Megyn Kelly confronted her about those debate questions and she was a fucking doe in headlights.


Nah man, I knew dudes that were Yankee White, Embassy, and even a guy that maintained Marine One. I'm 100% sure that it was always Marines that did the Tomb. They even had special Blues with elastic in the gussets and shit just like the Silent Drill fags. I'm 100% certain now that I actually did die in Sangin and switched to this universe.

sage because I'm derailing with my existential sperging

Honor and respect to those who were made to kill themselves with 6 bullet shots to the back of the head.

No victory until our homelands are kike-free.

season 2 when

We can work then to death, feed them stale bread and warm water and have them raking sand and breaking rocks in Death Valley for however long it takes them to die.

lol she ain't sleeping any more

I learned about Yankee White in the book Little Green Men.

This election has kept me alive, may we all prosper.

Last time they made me delete 27 tweets to regain access to twatter.

We're getting close to the payoff and the tides are turning in our favor. Stay confident.

I wish a nigger would.

kill them all, let God sort them out
their hell will be of their own making


race riots when Trump wins are gonna be awesome

Exactly. The Chinese didn't fiddle about with torture when they wanted to kill somebody, they just get a gun and shoot them in the head several times.

Wookies were real, user. Their entire species was genocided by the allies as punishment for allying with the Fuhrer. You all just learned something new.

As long as I'm sperging about my ZOGbot days, you guys will love this.

All female Marines are referred to as "Wooks", obviously short for "Wookie". Because they're hairy, smelly, and make a lot of nonsense noise that nobody can understand. So yes, they are real.

The dominoes will fall, unearthing corruption after corruption, treason after treason, and the journos who let it all happen will have to deal with the people they sold out. It will probably get very ugly.

None too soon user.


since this song has been in my life, it's meaning has gone from self-defeating to a rousing self-reflection. Let's do this shit.

The only real use for torture is to get information from people, we don't need information from our enemies after our victory.

Folks, you're forgetting something. Torture when done properly isn't done for the sake of the torturer's sadism or self-gratification, or even to punish or take revenge on the torturee by inflicting suffering. It's to inspire terror in all the other scum who would go against you, and make them fear the consequences of defying your rule. There's a reason why criminals and traitors were drawn and quartered.

Lad, the Chinks not fiddling about with torture is a pretty recent thing. Even in the red era they've used torture against their enemies. ESPECIALLY in the red era.

Oregonfag here.

Feels bad man

f, let's make sure this never happens again.

To children, a teenager is an authority figure.

wew lads - right now on RT's homepage.


Well I bet Russia is not on that list.
Meanwhile these FUCKS make the unsubstantiated allegation before the WORLD, that Russia is trying to influence the US election…

I believe our states' overall populations are actually red/moderate, it's the cities that vote and swing elections. They have the most illegals, the most rigging, the most shitlibs etc..

California has the spics and San Franfaggots as their problems.

OR and WA are HEAVILY redpilled in the rural areas. By heavy, I mean pretty heavy. Everyone has multiple guns per household, if there was a civil war, the Cuck Coast would be known as the Bloody Coast. The cities would be barricaded and starved out, shitskins would be shot on sight and asians would be taken hostage to do our math and shit to rebuild.

Also forgot to mention the most electoral votes per county.

Putin probably told her to go fuck herself when she asked him for "contributions". That's why she's blaming Russia for everything.

This moment was almost worth all those months of shills and trolls trying to blackpill us

I thought those eyes were drooling mouths

came from a roller-coaster tycoon thread on Holla Forums, may have been 7 years now that i think about it. fuck i feel old

That 2nd pic.

Nigger, were you at the Trump rally in ABQ a couple hours ago? I was there and saw that exact sign. Shadilay brother.

Is your name Tyler?

do not become complacent.

Revving should intensify.


No, you get the sides from all the neets and you take Hillary, and bury her under a temple made out of the sides of six million anons.

Most business owners and general residents in Orange County are pro-Trump from what I've seen. Lots of yard signs, lots of bumper stickers. Two weeks ago while shopping I entered a store in Downtown Orange and the owners, a little old man and his little old wife, both probably 90, were watching a live Trump rally and the man was cleaning a gun. It was such a heart-warming thing to see so close to the college. In fact, literally the only Hillary fans I've encountered are around the colleges.

Unfortunately there are a lot of colleges.

[Spoiler]no,sorry user[/spoiler]

That is GOLD. I'm making a webm of that.

You guys and the new society better set me up with all the bareback pussy I want when the time comes

After everything I've done, after all the self improvement, after all the memery, literally played a roll in memeing the "trump train" one and its influence over the public is incalculable

Literally the only non-selfless thing I'm asking for is to do what every male is meant to do and meant to have done already at this point in their life

hell even just give me a girl for one on one monogamy or whatever

I just gotta have something


Depending on others for pussy degrades yourself, user.

Grab life by the pussy and be powerful enough physically to back it up.

If wishes were fishes


why would they tie up and shoot kids

back to cuckchan

I think the most telling thing about all of this is how the left is reacting to it. Nothing has even been made public and they're in full damage control and acting like Hillary has already lost. Why would they be doing this if not because something major is happening? I mean it's not like this is the first time she was under investigation, and back then (((they))) treated it almost like a joke. They were smug about it, as if they knew nothing would happen. Lo and behold Comey doesn't recommend prosecution even though he admits that there's mountains of damning evidence and the left just laughs.

They aren't laughing now.

Hotpockets is alive!

Bad post history

You're lying about self improvement if you can't woo a girl on your own yet, and you're lying about memesmithing if you can't /fringe/ your way into manifesting a gf.

Also, nobody owes you shit.

good observation. media didn't give a fuck throughout the wikileaks and PVA vids. now all of a sudden there's something that's got everyone scared

Name of song? (it's epic)


Making a Jew do real work is probably the worst punishment you can give to them, death is almost too easy a punishment for them.

I think they have the 33k deleted emails, and something really big is going to happen before the 8th.



My guess is that they realize that "grab them by the pussy" didn't stop the Teflon Don and they know now that their greatest dirty tricks failed them.

They also know that at least one of their media "colleagues" (and probably many of them) will talk once Trump is in. The entire rotten system is going to collapse, and all the money on Earth won't stop it.

Was going to post a whole thread on this..

Holla Forums you know what we are? We are the modern day patriots that huddled in a pub in Boston. They spoke in hushed voices as if their radical ideas got out they could be tried or worse.

They sparked a revolution which created the greatest civilization since Rome. They spoke in anonymity because if their views were heard they would be laughed at publicly. The low info people of the time were the same as today.

Like many on here I am a Veteran and love my country above my own life. So even you shitposters that posted on your FB one of our memes which trended or changed one mind you have no idea how powerful that is.

They joked about where were you in the Meme Wars. This shit is fucking true. Now on the modern internet battlefield we are winning. We won a war without being shot at like our forefathers.

For this I salute you glorious fucks! Its been a pleasure serving with you all!


Lay the 5 bricks, user. Talk to 5 bitches a day, every day. Not trying to hit on them, just genuinely talk to women. Do it until it becomes second nature. Easiest way is to go to the supermarket, approach one and ask her if she knows where you can find something. Segue into a conversation by noticing something in her buggy, saying something like, "ooh, I was thinking about getting some of those. How do they do?" Keep it casual, don't worry about spilling spaghetti.

Get up enough practice and approaching women for real won't be a problem. Put a little effort into your appearance, not saying you don't, I don't know, but DO freshen your breath and go for it.

Fuck me, it's late. "How are they?" I meant.

I think that's the most likely answer. (((They))) KNEW that there was nothing in the emails originally handed over to the FBI. They didn't give a shit then. They didn't give a shit about Wikileaks. They didn't give a shit about O'Keefe. But now suddenly they give a shit?

It doesn't even have to be the 33k deleted emails. It could be something equally if not more serious. Either way, this is apparently the end.

That's another thing. They tried to gaslight the public so many fucking times but nobody fucking cares about any one of the manufactured scandals against the God Emperor. Notice how they don't even talk about the "sexual assaults" anymore. Literally the only thing they have left is to kill someone and blame it on Trump. This actually happened with Brexit and the public still didn't care so I'm not too worried about that.


These people are used to lilly-livered, chicken necked virtue signaling numales going into conniptions at the mere suggestion a man might be attracted to a woman. Most normies heard the Trump tape and were like, "Heh, I joke like that with my buds all the time. Trump's one of us." Even had my cousin who hardcore hates Trump admit to as much. They can't even understand why that tape made Trump even more relatable to most normies.

Is he actually a Jew?

Do it Dad

Also, mention something like, "My girlfriend sent me here looking for blah blah. I always get the shopping list wrong." This does two things. One it defuses all tension from the situation that she thinks you're coming onto her, and two it places the suggestion in her mind that you're already taken, and if it's one thing bitches hate, it's a man who's off limits. Their catty instinct kicks in and she instantly wonders who the other woman is and if she's prettier.


The last year has been hell for them. It's been a ball for online shitposters and he'll for (((them))). And at the end, the very , when HuffPo was calling it 80%/10% for Hillary, this happens and their worldview begins collapsing around them. I mean it's 2016… come on.

i never got so much female attention as when my ex and I lived together. women fucking hated that she was young and blond. it's tough starting over, especially when you know that once you get a new girl suddenly everything you worked for will become much easier to attain

This one is good. It symbolizes the struggle and loss that Holla Forumsacks have suffered.

Current year man and northern current year man are going to stroke out.

Who else here got dance folder all primed and read to go for Trump victory party thread?

I got some good shit for when Trump wins.

He should work his trigger discipline.

you need this one if you don't already have it

History repeating itself lad. Back when our ancestors fought for their freedom here, the Russian Czar sent his navy to cut off the (((British Navy))) which was sent against us by the usurious yids. Another reason the kike Bolsheviks hated the Russians so very much. Now the juden are trying to pit us against each other White vs White, they want us out of the way once and for all.

Fuck, the classic. Yeah, I need that. Since we're sharing. Figure 3 amigos would be particularly fitting, given the Mexi-salt is going to be off the charts.


Its almost the same way with Massachusetts too.

Just realized that I posted the Hitler gif twice. Take this to make up for that.



There were a lot of milfs in my local grocery store today. I think one shot a look or two over at me as well.

LAfag here, I know my vote is irrelevant but it sure as hell isn't stopping me from going to the polls, just so I can tell my grandchildren I voted for the man who saved America.

I expect and want nothing from our new society - except for leftist salt unending.

Days since last.jpg

Thanks, good ol' froggo man, it means a lot.

Ribbit ribbit

The problem with living in comfy all white places surrounded by friendly white faces is that you get complacent. Still, I want that comfy life.

If you haven't noticed they are fucking themselves over. Even before this, most of the Hillary ads that I saw on TV (family member watches for background noise) peddled in fear. Fear of Trump, specifically, but it was a message of fear nonetheless. Now all the ads I've seen are fear. No 'Hillary women stronk'. Just how Trump is a meanie or going to blow the world up. Fear him, fear the right, fear the deplorables, fear the Russians.

Now take into account how much fear has been peddled by the left controlled media this election cycle. It is nothing like Obama - instead the right peddled fear in 2008 and 2012 while the left had a message of 'HOPE'. So the left had hope while the right had, honestly, a guy in 2008 who looked no different than four more years of Bush 2.0 but with a better military story. Then we got Mitt 'sustain myself on gray nutrient sludge' Romney who was the republican failed attempt at looking progressive by running a fucking mormon. So Obama won because he got people energized, no matter how you feel about him or those that voted/bribed him in.

Now we have a hilarious situation where it is reversed and amplified. The fear is palpable on one side. The other has hope not felt in a long time for old and thought dead by the young. The left wanted to try 'Hillary is Hope' (you can have that for free CTR, your paymasters will still hate you and it is far to late for any but the most impulsive of voters) but were countered by 'Make America Great Again'. Hope or Fear, on opposite sides this time. Mixed in with hope this time is anger. And mixed in with the fear is desperation and gnawing sensation that they fucked up somewhere- but the knowledge that they can't admit it or the illusion is shattered.

Super Saiyan 3 theme, lad.


Dude, you owe it to yourself to date at least one milf in your life. They are fucking hellcats. To this day, best sex i've ever had, bar none. Nothing was off limits.

What is this about?

hahh, i just watched that again. funny it'd be posted right after.

Even if it's fake there's probably some truth to it. Anonymous image boards have a unique impenetrability due to the high density in Lv. 160 wizards, Spartanian warriors, etc. Trolling *chan is like taking sand to the desert, it'd better be some good ass sand.

Caveat: Be very fucking careful you're clear about your intentions. Women at that age don't have time for games. If you only want sex, don't pretend you want a relationship.

Really would be perfect here, if it wasn't so pozzed

I can't believe this guy's going on CNN. Fucking Clinton News Network still half-pretends like Wikileaks doesn't exist, and they let DNC's impeach-the-source bullshit defense fly without challenge.

Hey, hey, easy faggots. No wine served before its time. Save it for election night.

That said, get served, fools.


Be careful they aren't married and lying to you to get some tusk. Easy way to get a 00 buckshot blast if your not careful.

He has much to learn yet.

Podesta is a kike, they have no shame or self reflection, the yid lives to yid. They think the goyim are still too stupid to see them for what they are.


Dubs have spoken, the judensau are in for quite a surprise.

"Arbeit macht frei" are indeed the scariest words a kike can ever see.

God forbid a kike learns to dig a ditch and get its fingernails dirty instead of being paid to poison wells, oy vey!

Don't do this. Start going to the gym. Start doing agility training. 5 days a week. You've fucked up everywhere else in life, no matter what's going on the gym is where you succeed. And where you build testosterone.

Cheat sheet for noobs
Mon - Chest, triceps, shoulders
Tues - Back, biceps
Wednesday - Legs
Thurs- Chest, triceps, shoulders
Friday - Back, biceps
Saturday- Legs
Sun - rest day

Bodybuilding = Confidence Building. Why Gym Training is so Important, Especially for Nationalists.(video)

Ran out of space. First reply to this post for 2nd part.

Playlist for pump: (quite old, but something)


Alan Thrall - I learned a lot from this guy on form.

Pic related, the tub is a pre-workout. If you just CAN'T get yourself to go to the gym, take pre-workout. It has caffeine. Caffeine equals adrenaline, adrenaline equals lift when the weights are in front of you. Stop taking it eventually. I am not going to have any caffeine from any sources this winter, but what came before that was going through 2 tubs of pic related pre-workout.

Leg on bed is muh leg. Motivation bros. Anyone can get big.


you mean traps?

Are you guy from vid?

Hey fellow gymfag, why should I split my gym days into multiple target days and not just blow my entire load in one workout 3 days a week?

It really doesn't take that long to pull a full body workout, but I typically only do one to two sets each.

Am I doing it wrong, and why? I'm seeing results. Good results even. But could I be seeing them faster with your methods?


Rmony was a cuck of the highest order, I think he even adopted niglets.

The correct response.

I don't think you watched anything Alan made.

spoiler niggers spoiler


Warm up those gas champers :^)

We don't cackle.

Because we're not psychopaths like them.


Just a matter of days now.

You've held out for this long. Just one more week…

Completely agree, torture for tortures sake is the realm of evil and begets malicious minds with cruel intent. We are goal oriented, we simply want the preservation of our race, and nations. We remove traitors so that we may achieve these ends, not because it provides us with any source of pleasure outside of knowing we are working towards a better world.

Mass torture, starvation, and executions are tools of the left. We are not so foolish or simple minded.

That being said, the leaders of these people, the pied pipers that would use them as cannon fodder. They certainly should be made an example of. Just as I would love to see the leadership of ISIS crucified along the roads of Syria.

TL;DR: We would shed only what blood is necessary, and not surrender ourselves to evil.

Only one I can think of.
Julian Assange.
Jks I don't know if he's alive still

How are you going to find the leaders without torture?

He's in there, I can see him peeking out. Don't lie to me.

Perhaps this is how the hemp industry truly gets re-established. History is usually ironic.

One of those things is not like the others.

The only people who can ever direct you to senior leadership are leaders themselves. The rank and file never know anything of real importance. At best they are vaguely aware of organization structure and general goals.

Also don't forget that there are means of extracting information aside from torture. There's bribery, blackmail, deception, etc, etc and torture does not even necessarily mean physical torture. Any means of discomfort applied outside of the subjects control for some purpose may be considered a form of torture.

This election stopped me from being a depressed fuck. I'll fight for the fallen ones.

That's when shit changed. When the shadow government was put into the spotlight by government officials.
They decided to throw Clinton under the bus so the diggers stopped digging. We really are in fucking 1984 now.

On second thought, I completely support the democratic party going into open war with the fbi.

Let's ride this train and see who ends up where.

The first one who brought up torture was implying it to be done as mere punishment on any leftard, and that is what people are arguing.

It will. I'm playing it on a laptop from 2010, 60FPS. Great game, and a good redpill on the jews and their religion.



Chinese do plenty of torture.

Isn't that the christian god too?

Indeed, remember Hitler talking about how no one talked about the people hanging themselves en masse in the Weimar Republic? I get it now, I finally understand. Anyone who couldn't make it may your soul find peace.

I was very seriously considering it in 2014 pre gamergate.


Nips should have killed them all to be honest

But the Japanese tortured plenty of people too?

I was ready to off myself in September, 2015, among other things. The only thing that kept me going was that Trump gave me a little hope, and I wanted to see what he'd say next.
The next President of the United States saved my life. I owe him everything. If Trump says war, I will be on the front lines for him.

Yeah but in cooler ways

i keked

Yeah moe blobs are pretty horrendous but I'd hardy put it at the same level :^)

what a faggot

I think it's safe to say that whether it be a deportation paramilitary group or the actual military for some war (not against another white nation like Russia) pretty much all of Holla Forums would sign up.

Also the first quarter of 2016 was pretty rough for me. I was sure they would rig the Republican primaries, I had just lost the highest paying job I'd ever had, Bowie died, etc, etc. I was seriously depressed, but slowly this year has been getting better and better. There's a new and better job waiting for me, Trump looks like he's going to win, the right is ascendant across the West, etc, etc.

I never thought I'd see the pendulum swing back but here we are.

Goddammit user.


Swede lifter guy needs a haircut.

With all the shit that's being dredged up about hildog i'd be amazed if another democrat gets to the white house.

I think this is going to absolutely fuck the dems for a long time.

I hear Hiroshima and Nagasaki had the two largest Japanese Christian populations in the country. From knowing how much the Jews hate God and God's true chosen, I think it is more than coincidence that the Jew nukes targeted those two cities.

How'd the kid with the chain not die of infection?

Traditional Chinese medicine.

Kek confirms the power of the slant eyed shaman.

While I agree that all of us would sign up, I would willingly clear land mines if Trump asked. I would charge a machine gun nest as a distraction.
I was as good as dead before I found that cant stump the trump video; if he needed me I would give the life he let me borrow a little longer to help MAGA. I know thats weird, but I guess thats what loyalty to an actual leader is like.


One thing I am most grateful for is that my ideology shifted just in time to ride this wave. I could have wasted this entire year being a bitter, scared faggot.


Why not at least cut the chain off closer to the arm?


just have to check those quads

I can't find it, but a few years ago, Trump on twitter was talking about bringing public executions back as an answer to scare the shit out of ISIS.
I still remember that rally where he brought up that General who had bullets soaked in pigs blood before executing Muslims with a firing squad.

This shit is fucking hilarious. Holy lord. These guys know the sword of Damacles is hanging over their heads.

Yeah, you say that now. But lets see how willing you are to do those aforementioned things when you see other guys next to you getting their faces caved in from a .50 cal or converted to red mist by a landmine.

Curb your enthusiasm a bit user, you're more use to us alive than dead.

I don't know about any other Holla Forumslacks, but my issue is even finding a girl worth wooing, they all seem to be married already or hiding somewhere.

Quads confirm. Baby testicles work wonders.

I'm talking about shoulders.

You just answered your own question. You can focus on each muscle more than 2 sets. I spend 1 hour to 1.5 hours each day focusing on just those muscles. Never do less than 4 sets. You're in the gym for a reason.

I came up with it on the fly, to give people an idea. My leg is nothing yeah and as much progress I made I always remember I'm still a shrimp until I can squat 315 ATG 50 times no problem do 5 extra cuz the song is good. It's a motivating picture to someone who is out of shape, I guess. Alan Thrall taught me to go ATG, that's about it. I don't have 3 hours a day to train. I don't have time to watch YT channels wholesomely either. Show us your legs if they are so massive.

We've already won.

I just want fucking Deus Ex in space tbh. The only other requirement I have is that most if not all of it is white.

Shit ain't over yet. Trump's victory is just the first one of the war, we got several more bloody campaigns ahead.

Happenings are the life essence of Holla Forumsacks; we use it not only to survive but thrive

You were expecting literally anything else to be promoted by Holla Forums? Polygamy is one of the many things that makes the ME so shit.


Dont get cocky Holla Forums. We shouldnt celebrate before everythings done and dusted. They still might try and steal this election. They have been planning this for years and have no time for a contingency plan, they have to stick with it.

8 days and we can mine previously unimaginable levels of salt but until then we need to keep it up.

Those people were men. That's why as many Holla Forumslacks as possible need to go to the gym. It's the first step, and the closest we'll get to being men, maybe better if we choose. Go to the gym, look straight, play your own music. We need to get strong.

Remember, lads, trump winning isn't the end, but it's the beginning of a generational struggle to save ourselves.

Frankly I can't agree with this, people can be redpilled, many anons here were left leaning once upon a time, they just needed to be educated.

You can't blame those unlucky enough to have grown up being brainwashed and guilted into thinking a certain way.

When taught the truth, I believe they can be shown the way.


Don't fall for this.
Predator plays «online abuse victim». Crocodile tears.
One of the most obvious of the jewdi mind tricks.

There's a difference with most cucks, however. Some will actively resist any attempt to change them, plug their ears and scream LALALALA.

It's the difference between the Rick Wilsons an the Rush Limbaughs. One deserves to be fed his own balls, the other can be flipped with the right approach.

so you mean delts?


Jeff "Darpa" Hunter &t

Not only that but the meme war is just beginning. Trump will turn thing upside down but hte establishment's roots run deep as fuck. We're just now getting the feeling of the tide turning against what is in all reality a weak political candidate who was essentially running unopposed. Can you imagine Cruz in this position? Kasich or Rubio? It'd be over already.

There are still hives of collective memery afoot that need confronted. The modern established society that drives a wedge in our own communities. Organized Jewry and cult religions inspired by it is still very strong. We're making waves for sure and getting into /x/ territory but

Is a victory of a battle and not the war. If anything their efforts will double down. More and more underhanded tricks await.

And listen to this guy

You also need to be at least physically impressive so the new movement won't be easily described as le basement dwelling such and such male that isn't a sexist or prejudiced remark because of your skin color, genitalia, or upbringing.

James woods being savage.

Bodybuilding is fucking retarded. It's gay as fuck for a man to spend 2 hours a day working on his appearance. Work out for strength instead. Looking good should be considered as just a bonus for working out. The best way for insecure people to build confidence is by doing martial arts. Just don't go for any meme martial art like Karate or Taekwondo. Focus on striking but make sure you learn some ground game. A couple of weeks of training some sort of submission wrestling is already enough for killing niggers and normies in the race war. Untrained people have no fucking clue what to do once the fight goes to the ground.

This shit hasn't even begun and they give up already.

The patriarchy strikes again.

Even celebrities are taking the piss out of her, glorious.

I do three and I'm fucking fine.

without being overly naive, it's known this place and cuckold chan (not as now) could influence the Dailymail, they fucking literally pick up articles from here, the entire comment section is from here.
Shud Down their Brexit petition with votes from Best Korea and Vatican and how did Weiner get busted with underage girl? (not even the print).
We have become JEW, destroyer of worlds…

Do 13 days and then 1 day break. Fucking loser. I was doing every day for a while just because I must get strong. Fuck you. Quit watching porn. So fucking satisfied, I wanna beat you like I was beaten. Life isn't so sweet. Girl.

You're right

Yup. You work out user?

used to, don't so much anymore. between school and work I always write off working out because I get lazy. never felt so good as when I had a good workout routine though so i want to get back into it

when I was on anadrol and 2g of test cyp/10 days, never did 6 days a week. you'll never get size that way. A reason runners don't have big quads.

Antelope valley here. I think trump can take most of cali sans the big cities.

Indeed. Trump is ramping up the energy and we need to follow suit. Now isn't the time for slacking or celebrating.

You should go user, push yourself. I consider the gym a place of divinity, not in and of itself, but the moment when you want to give up, your body is telling you to give up and let it be, but you just do it anyways, like a God over yourself. Also, the body will condition itself, you will get strong mentally. Just doing shit, simply doing shit, without all these ritualistic habits that procrastinate it like checking shit and god forbid just prancing around thinking, be aware of them, be aware of what you're doing, think of it, and refine how you deal with your time.

That's true, I'm taking a week break right now after lifting heavy basically nonstop with only a handful of off days for 2 months. I gained 4 pounds. My nervous system was in bare minimum survival mode. I loved it, would do it again, but I may have to just settle for 6 days a week at this point, need that 1 day off. I have been sleeping and eating like a pig. I just want to get strong though, like very practically strong and agile. What the hell makes you think that life in a war is going to be 3 days a week?

Death ? Hahaha no… Their punishment must be much more severe.

As far as SolCal goes, OC is really an exception, though I suppose diversity will ruin it just like the rest of this half of the state unless things change big time and soon. Any user know a nice place in NorCal? I'm looking to get out of here ASAP and don't want to shit up any other state at the moment.

The best torture is plying them with truth serum and other drugs and just fucking with their minds until they crack and spill everything.

Forgive them and set them free?

Force them to live in non gated communities and they'll crumble,


torture is for revenge, justice, and to serve as an example to other would be leftists what being an open leftist degenerate would mean in a decent society.

As soon as you put the first head on a pike the other leftist would see that and tell their friends about it…..
My suggestions we could test new biological weapons on some of them and cut many open to see what is the biological cause for leftism….


I propose a study.
We take about 100 of them or so and see how fast they rot using scaphism. I'm willing to bet the time needed will be cut in half

There is a time and a place for torture. Vlad Tepes staved off a horde of the religion of peace by setting thousands of impaled muzzies up like a forest on the path the invaders took towards Romania. We should do whatever it takes to preserve our race and nation, but not give in to bloodlust.
"Violence has its own economy. Therefore be thoughtful and precise in your investment."

Scaphism is the only torture option for us to use, as we are the acolytes of kek. Never forget what our lord kek desires…


Is she crying?

I seriously want to know if there is a biological or genetic cause for leftism and if it can be prevented.
wither its chemicals in the water creating fish faced feminists or just a lack of nutrition during pregnancy or lack of a proper upbringing leftism needs to be stopped at its root. I would cut up any amount of leftists to discover exactly what went wrong with these people.

California was always red until they got rid of our white population

california and texas were originally part of mexico so thats not a demographic issue, latinas have always been in cali/texas

They could be used as test subjects to see if we can formulate a cure for leftism, maybe a blend of certain chemicals and testosterone injections can reverse the damage, or at least alter the individuals mental state to be less jewish

We should see if it's possible to make soap out of humans :^)

while i doubt he will win california, a lot of people here are voting trump.


Hey man, nice shot

Prevention is better than a cure. We can kill the existing ones but if we can suppress or even end future leftists that would be the best scientific accomplishment in 200 years.

I think you can , you need the fat that's how you make soap from animals. Ordinarily I don't think humans would have enough fat however its the current year and obesity is now a huge problem.

Well, when you need me I'll bring the bear and eagle

I agree with this 100%, I even have methods of torture that leave no scars that are fucked up agony inducing, what makes them fucked up is some of them are actual medical procedures us

explain pls

if you're still here

user we are many were recruited against our will to fight a constant psychic struggle against ((them)) or something similar. When you're young they cover for you but once you're about 8 or 9 or so you fight your own that's why you seemed to become weird to others around that time that's why you fidget and can't do the NORP thing all that right we're being used as some sort of psychic conduit or battery.

And they still are to this day, old timer.

t. Fellow dimension traveler who bit the dust in AFG and ended up here.


System Shock you fucking newfag

you dick.

daily reminder the proper pronunciation is


Life just keeps getting better, boys.
Gonna be so fun when Trump is Pres.

I live in the belly of the LA beast. So far, After I got to bathe in the tears of those who "Felt the Bern" I have registered 3 voters for Trump. It might not be much in the face of all those wetbacks, but every bit helps, right?

Also to inform other anons outside of the cholo ridden hellhole that is SoCal.

So while the state will remain blue this cycle, it will be a blue splashed liberally with red.

6am EST, only another three hours until the day's news and work cycle properly kicks into gear.

Taking bets on today's happenings. As always, dubs confirm.

here's hoping its another hit-piece on trump that amounts to throwing a wet turd on the ground.
(word is they still have something "big")

Huma's lifeless body is found. Cause of death: Suicide by shooting herself and then throwing herself out of an airplane.


Not that user but I've experienced those both 2 yrs of the marks. What kind of /fringe/ stuff is this?


Wookies are honorary hairyans

bullshit, California had by far a white majority until fairly recently, beaners used to actually get deported

Hillary posted this on her twatter. Note that the Hillary Clinton section is three columns long

Dubs confirm this will backfire badly. As usual, leftists falsely equate their inability to handle the banter with the general population being unable to either.

I have to force myself to look at CNN sometimes just so I don't OD on whitepills. I think the election will be really close still…we can't underestimate the corruption and brainwashed masses, or the shitskin alliance. On the other hand, I think journalists are so close to getting attacked in public. Leftists ae actually scared we are the brownshirts we are and I think we should get them even more terrified. fake news about reporters getting raped, mexicans being attacked, etc

Yep, I died in berenstein overdosing on xanax and booze, woke up and I knew I had arrived. Our influence on this world is much greater than the regular residents. As if we vibrate at a different frequency, one that resonates and produces constructive interference. It also makes it possible to immediately identify someone else who has also crossed over. We gravitate to eachother, and our ability to influence reality is greatly amplified by proximity, in person and obviously even just our mere communication like here

I'm just amazed at the fact that she thinks Donald saying what needs to be said would help her. Especially now.

Shit. Anyone else?

Its like posting a full page ad for Trumps top bantz to all the fags, cucks, shills and establishment rinos, niggerlovers and kikes. And seriously thinking that people seeing it will think its a bad thing.

do they really not understand even now how much rage and hate and anger is brewing in the general populous. Have they grown so bold and detached in their ivory towers that they have forgotten what true rage looks like.

not everyone has access to wrestlng in the local area though, so whilst I agree on that point any martial art is still better than none. besides, as long as you can do a decent takedown its hardly rocket science cracking a normies skull open if they are untrained

Huh. How is this possible? Is this some fortune teller trickery? In 2000 I had a near death experience in grade school. The two other kids with me got killed but I somehow walked away from it quite literally unscathed. In 2010 I took too much xanax one night and passed out, woke up at like 3pm the next day with a bad headache.

Found an IED in 2012 by stepping on it. World has felt different since, but I've always attributed it to, you know, getting blown the fuck up.

My dog was sweeping the other end of the compound so at least he didn't get hurt.

It is but a different truth from a different reality. We are all here because we choose to be. We have all willed ourselves into existence, and chosen to live within this reality. Now that we are here we are further shaping it to our desire. You may not remember but you chose to be here, knowing all the trials and challenges this world has for us to face. But we are here, sent by ourselves on a mission to build a new reality, to mold time and space, and to live the adventure, to face evil and defeat it, to conquer and then reach to the stars and explore. We have all chose to live in this world and face the demons we must slay, for we are all warrior spirits, destined for glory and honor, to sow the seeds of victory and build a new reality with humanity as the conqueror of the stars.

So…This is purgatory then?

We exist as consciousness, born from nothingness, destined to return to the source as one. We are not in purgatory so much as we are experiencing reality, in a means that is limited by time and space as we can perceive it. We are but individual pieces of an infinitely complex fractal web of consciousness. We all however have reached more and higher levels of connection and awareness, hence why our collective thought can essentially bend reality and alter it. We are slowly ascending to the higher planes of reality, our minds and conciousenesses manifesting and altering reality at an accelerated and exponential pace. Between technological advancements, communications, the fact that the internet and memes in general are essentially a physical manifestation of the collective human conciousness is have incredible effects on how much we are collectively and individually able to shift reality to our desire intentionally and accurately. We will only grow stronger, and If my hypothosis is correct that we are transplants from parallel or alternate realities and as such have greater influence on this one, I can only suspect our power will grow until we have fully manifested the reality we all have collectively come here to build.

Wait there was something on that already…
"The TIme Travellers Gambit"
"The Multiversal Gambit?" Something like that. Shit it's been ages since I looked it up I'll do some digging but it's related to Hindu Cosmology

The only time I thought about suicide (or ripping my eye off, whichever is easier), was when I got a wound in my defective eyes (the skin don't properly glue to itself, think of a onion, or an ogre), and just opening and closing the eye would make more of it rip out, which hurts like about 20 nails going in an out of your eyes, non stop.
I couldn't even stand, worse still, the treatment was a paste applied to the eye (easier to apply to the back of the eyelid and then blink).

Now I got no more wounds in my eyes, but just quickly opening then while they are dry can rip out some skin, which leads to a progressively worsening wound unless treated.

The most effective treatment was a surgery, where the doctor ripped out a layer of the skin (some part of the cornea), literally removing the ever increasing wound. She did that shit not long after discussing the possibility of the surgery, which in my naive mind would happen in some weeks time and under general anesthesia, not just some special eye drops. When she sat me and I thought she would just examine the wound again, she took out a scalpel (properly cleaned, it just didn't dawn on me when she took out the whole set of equipment) and started cutting a thin layer of my eye. I hope you can imagine the panic when someone out of nowhere starts ripping a piece of your eye out, knowing that any movement you do, might make the doctor rip a bit too much if it out. I literally froze to the point of losing consciousness, only waking up with the worried eyes of those present, later telling me that I was making strange noises when breathing

I probably am misremembering most details, including the details of the wound or the cause of the pain, it was quite a while ago


Not him but:

It was after that that shit got really weird.

I can tell you that I experience moments of deja vu, where I remember experiencing an event as clear as memory, and that I recall the deja vu memory as one where I am also experiencing deja vu.

Who knows how deep the rabbit hole goes, I know I have been here before. I can even predict things that are going to happen, when a songs come on, what people will say before they say it. I have begun to realize that I exist and am here to live a story and make the correct choices in the correct order, we all play a part in the same story, we are all one. I cant wait till we come round the bend on this one again, truly an incredible story to live

Welcome to GATE user. Happy sailing.

Thread I:

Thread II:

Thread III:

Thread IV:

Thread V:

That shit would have been cool as fuck, shame it didn't happen.

Why is this fucking kike flashing the metal horns?

Please tell me Dio wasn't a kike too…

mate, quit LARPing. You've never "tortured" anyone and the only "scientific" (or at least clinically tested) stuff is the SEAR methods reverse engineered, which everyone knows.

The idea of "torture" just for the sake of it is Jewish. It's not a true Aryan practice.


step it up senpai

Some redpilled moments from Vegeta

Jew trap? I mean look at this nose

worse case scenario they will say that the emails are fabricated, in which case, only dickman loses anything (well, other people still lost time)

user, I hate to break this to you, but the reason why that kike is flashing the horns is because horns are a symbol of Moloch, who is the bull demon and Satanic minion that the Jews worship. Goyim who flash the symbol don't know they're actually glorifying Moloch, and that's exactly what the kikes want.

So Sailor Moon is a devil worshiping cult anime?

chronic shitposting



If anything not being in some alternate reality where I didn't die would surprise me

modslimes btfo

It's not about satisfying your own degenerate fantasies, it's about firmly disincentivizing would-be traitors and enemies. Personally, I'm a fan of simply impaling them alive along your borders.

so this means her personal hit piece is probably about to come out

goddamn, you're personally responsible for at least 8 alternate universes all on your own.

Fucking kiddos

Our nukes, yes.
But there's evidence that the Germans detonated a nuke before we did. Why they didn't use it for the war effort is unknown, perhaps the fuel was so difficult to produce they couldn't build another in time, as the war was coming to a close.

" A more credible witness is the recently deceased Thuringian resident Clare Werner. On March 4, 1945, Werner, who was standing on a nearby hillside, witnessed an explosion in a military training area near the town of Ohrdruf.
"It was about 9:30 when I suddenly saw something … it was as bright as hundreds of bolts of lightning, red on the inside and yellow on the outside, so bright you could've read the newspaper. It all happened so quickly, and then we couldn't see anything at all. We just noticed there was a powerful wind…" The woman complained of "nose bleeds, headaches and pressure in the ears."
The next day Heinz Wachsmut, a man who worked for a local excavating company, was ordered to help the SS build wooden platforms on which the corpses of prisoners were cremated. The bodies, according to Wachsmut, were covered with horrific burn wounds. Like Werner, Wachsmut reports that local residents complained of headaches, some even spitting up blood.
In Wachsmut's account, higher-ranking SS officers told people that something new had been tested, something the entire world would soon be talking about."

" Another piece of evidence Karlsch cites is a March 1945 Soviet military espionage report. According to the report, which cites a "reliable source," the Germans "detonated two large explosions in Thuringia." The bombs, the Soviet spies wrote, presumably contained uranium 235, a material used in nuclear weapons, and produced a "highly radioactive effect." Prisoners of war housed at the center of the detonation were killed, "and in many cases their bodies were completely destroyed."
The Red Army's spies noted with concern that the Germany army could "slow down our offensive" with its new weapon. The fact that dictator Josef Stalin received one of the four copies of the report shows just how seriously the Kremlin took the news."

Oh, and the kikes did NOT engineer those nukes. Oppenheimer oversaw the project, but provided little in the way of actual engineering.
If anyone is responsible for our ability to create nukes, it would be Fermi, who engineered the method of creating the fuel.
The hard part of a nuke is the fuel…the rest is just basically crushing it hard enough to get it to detonate, using conventional high explosives.

Every liberal I see says that Trump has undeniable ties to Russia and they have always pointed to his tweet "If Russia has those 33k emails they should release them"
As if a fucking tweet confirms that Trump is a Putin plant


I sure do hope you didn't vote for Romney

Hitler was strictly against the use of nuclear weapons, he said so in a private talk with Skorzeny.

-From Skorzeny's memoirs, "Meine Kommandounternehmen", page 150

Well, when you're right you're right. See you faggots on the otherside.

Sounds like the Cathy O'Brian story

They used German plutonium taken from the Germans after surrender to complete our nuclear bombs without that we would have to delay our nuclear bomb drops on Japan ( this is irrefutable). There is also evidence to suggest that we used German research to complete our nuclear weapons as well.

why is that thread stickied?

en .

So it is to ward off moloch?

Nah, it's more like pre-Sula republic. This actually came to my mind over a year ago when I was reading about that era. The similarities really are fascinating.

I'm seeing stuff like alot.
Is this a new shill tactic?

something about having a metal claw instead of a hand
sorry user
Glad Doggo was okay


My best friend was an enormous Holla Forumslack and first got me into Trump memes around the 4th Can't Stump the Trump video
He killed himself Dec 10th of last year when his piece of shit abusive father spent all their rent money on drugs and got them evicted. Shit hasn't been the same since and it still hurts every single day

Never stop fighting, anons. We're gonna make them give back our past.

I love you goys.

I think we should have a salt thread day of.

Get out Commie







Damn user. Have a WebM.

Nice try, Chaim.

This. We are not motivated by hate, we are motivated by love for our people. Don't look at (((them))) as objects of hate, but obstacles which we will cut down in our path. They deserve no more than a simple death.

We'll break the oceans monopoly on salt.


perfect. saved.

THAT is what the day of the rope is about. The first day (week/month or so) when we can actively seize power and put the traitors in their place. With traitors strung up on lampposts all around the country with proof of their crimes pinned to their chests, THAT is what instills fear in others who would do the same.

The bullet to the brain is for the ones we catch and try in court AFTERWARD. Because a fuck-ton of them will escape the Day.

Sorry but isn't most salt quarried from halite-rich stone deposits?

I have a cousin who was in the ARMY, did this exact thing.

You’re a complete fucking retard.

I dunno, the ocean is pretty fucking salty. I'm imagining us having a pile of salt so fucking high that if we drained the ocean and piled in said salt it would be a giant dune of salt in place of said oceans.

This, make the fuckers build our new republic and discard there's bodies in mass graves like trash.


You don't really get it, do you? We are going to ensure leftism never exists in the world again. Not ever again in thousands of years.

Are you stupid? The context is that she wants the elections to be over already, just what OP meant. You are a nigger.

I love that man

Sauce on this?

James loves you too user. Shadilay.

This should be on the memorial.

"To the tens of thousands, who had asphyxiated themselves out of despair during our great struggle."

You know those moments in movie when the bad guy laughs so hard at the misfortune of his enemy that he almost cries? I always thought that was some gay fictional trope until I experienced the joy and malice I feel now for the Left's impending doom.


mfw california might not even vote this election

How cooked is she?



well well well…
It's a small world isn't it?

Do you have a larger copy of the list on hand? I want to read all the bants but they're ant sized.

Which son is Augustus?

is that a common event here? It happened to me too, at I was walking around on our ice covered pond and fell in. Next thing I know i'm on the couch wearing my jamjams and my throat hurts like crazy.

never read Berenstein bears so I can't verify that one

It's spelled Berenstain, offworlder.

shit, is it better here?

Checked. And it will be soon.

also this is the question on video:

She is beyond fucked in the ass now.

Quality post.

I may have a hypothesis. Simply put, we're travelers. Every time one of us died in an alternate universe, two consciousness are merged into one. Eventually stuff starts feeling wrong, we start having memories that aren't supposed to be there and what others call rambling of a madman makes perfect sense to us.

In another universe, we might be the bluepilled kike followers instead. I suspect the kike worship system has a way of retaining alternate universe memories despite not dying themselves

What makes this all the more funny is that Washington DC is basically modern Rome in terms of its architecture.

We could be living in the fucking matrix but why would that matter? its our reality, we are real here, we are living, i exist and so do you.
Or i could be an AI tricking you :^)

Fuck off, Basilisk. I'm building it, okay? Jeeze.

Honestly dying doesn't seem so scary anymore. Maybe that's the beginning of the redpill. Fear of death is like the glue holding the illusion together.

twitter. com/JudicialWatch/status/793133232069943298

stand by for news


What could it be?

I think that might be the biggest copy there is

read this

Nevermind, got my tabs mixed up.

It was always berenstein, I always remembered it being that way.
What the fuck is going on, my dad said the same thing he was a Gulf vet who also got hit with gas attacks

So what you're saying is, all of us who remember Berenstein are becoming Jet Li's character from The One?


it was made four years ago

Brazile Exclaims "Please God, Let This End Soon" As CNN Fires Her For "Uncomfortable Interactions" With Clinton Campaign


A new era.

Does that tweet deserve its own thread? Is it happening?

Clinton arrest.


My sides have a rash

Gas or do not gas. There is no try.


Feb 22 2015, before her run was announced.

was for

They just tweeted this:

And retweeted this:

What could had happened is that by a stroke of probability, a lot of us who died in the last universe ended up here. Something that has an astronomical chance of happening. If you look at the number of 10k at most hardcore Holla Forumslacks with a core of 2-3k of diggers and experts out of 7.5 billion humans, that's about 1 in a million chance.

because we are UMMAN MANDA

You have the gift, you have been touched by Kek.

Don't forget about applied memetics, they're the kikes who threatened to meme Holla Forumsack suicides. I'll be looking for their dox come the 9th.

This is pathetic. Double standards and hypocrisy all around. It's like they don't even think twice about what they're defending.

In general women and shitskins don't care about corruption unless it involves someone they already dislike.

implying we wouldn't kill them after we're done torturing them
implying we would even consider letting them back into the sunlight, even if we kept them alive

Apparently the waves washed me to shore. What are the chances of that?

Aren't we the same way?

Are you?

I care about it in pretty much any instance.

No. You might not care about someone in power fucking you over as long as they say pretty words but I sure as hell do. If it came out that Trump was taking money from the Russians to go against US interests(as Hillary has done with both Russia and other countries) I'd still be pretty pissed.

Kek the pedokike is saving his own skin and crashing the Clinton plane with no survivors.

If someone were corrupt, but their corruption didn't affect you or anyone else you cared about in any way whatsoever, would you still care? Even if you already disliked them?

Is it possible that we could be seeing the end of Pedowood?
Is it possible that we could be seeing the end of the Washington pederasts and pedophiles?!

it'd be nice if you actually bothered to read his post.

STOP THIS SHIT. He's a fucking LIAR. What the hell does it take for you morons to stop quoting this attention whore. This is reddit-tier shit. Cernovich. Has. No. """""""""sources"""""""""". You look like an idiot quoting him. He's probably controlled opposition. He is NEVER right because he LIES. Get this through your head.

Can confirm the source for his Victor Pinchuk/Doug Schoen article is some dumbass who just sent him government document links that he never knew existed. If Cernovich had a brain, he'd have dug it up and sent it off to a better media source.

Yes because if they're corrupt in one instance they'll easily pull the same crap elsewhere where it will affect me as well.

You seem perturbed.



How does that follow?



Weiner is still pissed Hillary jacked his woman and is going to blow it all up for his terrorist pussy


I don't trust cernovich but what does Weiner have to lose? He can either live his life as a disgraced pedophile and mediocre politician, or be a fucking hero.

Anyone can tell that you're from 4pol or reddit so don't bother. The only people who post cernovich predictions are either leftist shills who know he's an attention whore, and "alt right" useful idiots who might as well be leftists. Whichever you are, you're opinions are not welcome.

Thanks Obama

They're a PR couple, they don't actually care about each other. She's a beard for his love for 15 year old pussy and he's a beard for her love for crusty, wrinkled 70 year old pussy

I agree, but I think we can be efficient enough to do both. Guys like you rack up the remove count, guys like the one you disagree with are in charge of info gathering.

Compromise will do great things sometimes.

A bunch of Shillary's butt buddies JUST got through kvetching about how what Comey did was literally another Shoah.

This about to get even juicier.

When I was 6 as soon as I left my house, some faggot nigger in a motorcycle almost drove through me.
In highschool I was riding down a railing and yet another nigger pushed me off it. I did some weird flip and got away without a scratch I should have sued the fuck out of everyone





We are going to have to make it year of the rope

She was fired.

The Year of the Long, Thin Objects; there isn’t enough rope in the world.

This moment will be in history books forever, and there will be fucking pictures of Pepe on the entire chapter

Oy vey, that should NOT happen! Someone stop the madman before he destroys everything the Zionist State of Israel proud United States of America fought so hard to achieve!

Speakign seriously, though, if you fuckers really manage to do this, to defeat the entire political establishment and mainstream media with the force of pure shitposting and racist cartoon frogs (which was a Facebook-tier maymay a couple of months ago), then I give up trying to predict the future. I'm watching the shitshow from the outside, and I'm finding it glorious.

Why is this stickied? Funny but not much else


It became the weinergate general thread after the fifth one hit 750

You could be right about Cernovich in general, but he's probably correct here that the F.B.I. leveraged Weiner's cooperation. All they have to say is "sex offender registry" and he'll sing like a bird.

Thanks, Obongo

Man, I had four attempts on my life that year all of which failed including one where I spent two days getting the ever loving shit beat out of me. Nothing worse than crawling out of a hole with broken ribs and covered in a cocktail of gasoline and piss.

I think '15 years as a known pedophile in the general population of a Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison' might have been even more compelling.

Fuck it, if it happens, I'm devoting my life to magic and Tesla science.

I put DBZ clips on loop while working sometimes, must've watched this over 100 times. Tien's little bit always makes me chuckle because what else is Goku supposed to do? Let Buu destroy the world anyways? What are you two faggots doing to help?

Most would kill themselves before.

One problem. In the U.S.A. (((D.S.A.))) is that our prison systems for year have made what you guys call Pedo's but in actuality what are called Chomo's in the Pen, the Chomo's are a protected class now inside the Pen. True story.

So, a class of jews within the prison system?

I have dreams like that too user, although I haven't had any in quite a while.

They are dreams of events (almost always insignificant) that happen months or years in advance. Weird shit user.


Have this one.


And all this time I thought I was alone.

There is one.

She was fired.

Unless you kill the nigs.
.t White Felon

When you're going through hell, you just keep going.


I swear it was stein.


This. Don't look away from the flames. Stare right into them.

t. Baltimore RWDS



How dare these dubs go unchecked.
There is much more greatness to come for us. Year of the fire rooster.

I was honestly a suicidal wreck around this time last year. I was depressed as fuck.
Nothing could make me more glad that I didn't kill myself than being a part of this movement. Everything we've managed to accomplish, and how much influence our marry band of neckbeards has amassed. It's absolutely astonishing.
That, and LSD helped me to overcome my depression. Inb4 I get shouted at for being a degenerate for healing myself

I can't put into words how excited I am to see Trump get elected. This election, nay, this year, has just been full of surprises for me. It's been a great one, for the most part.
I fucking love you, Holla Forums

I didn't have a NDE before, but I was heartbroken (read:soul completely destroyed and unable to feel the real world). However this year I had one where I passed out and almost hit a bunch of rocks with the back of my neck,I had a vision where I was going through an empty city and I KNEW I was someone else, the city looked loke it was drawn on paper and animated in stop motion and everything was shades of purple (the kind of purple when you close your eyes) during the vision I wasn't aware of this current reality, but after this meme magic went off the hook in my personal life, the same night I almost had a car accident,my neck was sore for 2 months, am ok now

sorry for the reddit spacing and blogppst I had to write this down somewhere, and yes it was stein


Nice Orwell get. Obama's sentence has been commuted to execution rather than being hung, drawn and quartered.



Anyone who says LSD is degenerate has never tried it

how would you know you were getting what you thought you were getting?

Checketh thyself before you wrecketh thineself

Pretty similar. I was at third grade when I got blood infection from a resistant strain of flesh-eating staphylococcus that had made half my head go bald while being allergic to penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics.

Dermatologists literally hated me and not for being 8 while looking 40 at that point. Thankfully my doctor was an MD too (mainly a cardiologist with second specialization in general pathology) and eventually got tired of his colleagues telling him to write me off so he put me on his own treatment using frankestein-tier soups of tetracyclines and other barely legal drugs. There were dire side-effects though, after that I turned from a talented and promising Aryan boy-wonder into a brain dead borderline communist liberal for nearly two decades and my father was a freaking ultra-right royalist and only recently managed to recover guess the red pill somehow countered the antibiotic residues.


My father took his own life. A combination of many things wrong with our society, combined with his bad choices, (((pharmacy)))+alcohol. Miss that gun-toting motorcycle-riding patriotic guy. If I un-pozd myself earlier in life, perhaps things would have went another way, instead of being lost in the 'everythings alright lol!' mentality.

Okay, that's the last fucking straw. The NY field office was ready to do this then, now Obama's calling their bluff.

I know you're watching. You need to make a choice right now. Are you an American or are you some oligarch's pawn? This is our last shot, possibly ever, of turning back the progression of the power consolidation between corporate and government which the Hillary campaign represents.

This man may be flawed, he may be crude and a little fucking crazy, but god damnit, he's the only one left standing up for democracy by anything less than civil war.

If you care about this country… if you believe in its constitution and in the oath you swore you will make god damn sure that witch does not take office with her sins buried beneath a tapestry of cronyism and corruption.

Fiat justitia ruat cælum!

Populares = Democrats
Optimates = Republicans

If anything, Trump is

Just gonna let you know, I was quite convinced it was Berenstein as well, but I don't remember ever having a near-death experience. Worst I had was some people pulling up in front of me to do a drug deal, while walking back home from church. Being really young (maybe 9 or something) at the time, I saw them drive up, and park, and then just kind of look at me. I thought it would be a good idea to turn my back and just pretend I didn't see them, while checking behind me every so often, cause I apparently wasn't really all that stupid even as a kid. So, they left, and I walked home, realizing that worse could have happened. I also made sure to control my emotions and not to make a big deal out of it, since I realize this freaks some people out, and I didn't want some sort of trauma for a non-issue. But, nothing happened. The end.

Oh, but thinking back on it, when I was even younger (so, probably before 2001) I did slam my head into a tree root while trying to cartwheel off of a rope swing, cause I was also pretty retarded about some things as a kid. I didn't black out though. I cried the entire walk home while mom carried me back to the house with my head bleeding pretty bad. She put my head under the bathtub faucet, and I could see the red in the water. Pretty bad, but I didn't seem to die there either. It wasn't like the other stories, where the accident was "avoided".

A friend of mine recently did commit suicide. But lo and behold he was resurrected by modern medical technology and is now trying to make the most of his second chance. It's a fucking miracle from god/kek.

Romney was a fucking neo-cohen you fucking dumb shill lol

New hope. It hasn't even begun.

Bruh, I always enjoy your Xenogears screen caps. Always enjoy you posting them.


I have tendies for Kek.

Checking these three dubs. Romney was a neocohen cuck loser and there is much more wonderful things in store for us. Praise Kek.

Wow. And I was actually optimistic for once. Of course nownthe DOJ will obstruct any investigation. Expect immunity and destruction of evidence.

I perfectly possible that when Trump finally reveals that it was Saud and Mossad were behind 9/11 Trump could be sending you guys to exterminate the Wahabbis and Zionists, fighting side by side with your new best freind, the Russian Bear.


stein universe native here. had a bad car accident in 2006 that could have easily killed me, after that my life got really weird.


We were all lied to user. Knowing that, it makes perfect sense. Maybe that's why people were blown away with the movie "The Matrix".

DOJ=Department of Jews

This isn't all that surprising. The way I see things, the announcement of the re-opening of the e-mail investigation was their way of normalizing the fake polls closer to reality. As it gets closer to election day, they have to bring their bullshit polls closer to reality or face being branded liars and traitors. although its entirely too late for that


You mean merciless heckling, oppression and "enrichment" turns out people like us? Why in the world would we deny people the Truth.


It's too late. They won't be able to control this, not now. The most they'll be able to do is warn the Clintons in advance what's coming.

Dates are off from yours… probably…, but that's kinda spooky buddy.

i've seen whole people get fucked with the mandela affect,
tranny used to be french now canadian
a friend of mine incountered a demon that was because of trumps time travelling rifts

Can confirm another stein universe player here.

Only two methods I know of are actually taking it and if it has any type of taste whatsoever its bunk or literally testing it in a lab.

Looks like an Erebus to me

i either last week predicted my own death or i died in my sleep and some more things are now weird (which they are friend of mine found a fucking demon at his 2am walk)
Theory of mine is that the clout of Jewish magic on the white brain is making white people wake up. we're re activating a primal organ that gave us a dominance over all other species of homo sapiens. we became the dominant over neanderthals who could not see their own deaths or other things. the Romans also destroyed this clout when they invaded pagan Europe (i am a christian but still believe in folklore and tales also in spirits of all kinds) This means that Jews have had a clout on the white man since the 10s BC and farther back, WHITE POWER. (end of part 1 )
All of us have seen spirits when we were children our ancestors guided us as friends when we were children. My family members have seen ghost men walking sleeping in their beds and other times. Friends of mine have angered many spirits and are being hunted by spirits like Lagzo and others. we were forced to leave our spiritual roots behind because jews wanted servants. THIS CANNOT stand! as their clout weakens in this world people begin to see the spirits once more. we were forced to forget these spirits. this is bad! We need to recapture this. i know a lot about spirits if anyone wants to know about them. white men we must rally, do not lose christian faith however LARPING as your ancestors is frankly retarded, that doesnt mean that all of your traditions need be forgotten do not forget! That one of your ancestors prayed to one of these spirits before death do not forget some prayed to Jesus! make yourself strong hold your values and stick to your shield! do not let the jewish menace take your mind. you can see your own death it is your own fault for not doing so
So you must keep yourself ready.
Prepare yourself.
Any questions are appreciated.
But for now this is all i will say

I will see you fools in Valhalla


literally buy a $20 instant result reagent kit online

When I was around 8 or so I saw a living shadow or something. It appeared and all the lights in the room went out. It was like it ate all the light in the room. I was hanging out with my buddy and we both ran for our fucking lives. Not to be a cliched fuckhead but it was late on Halloween as well, Samhain? No I am not fucking with you I am just curious. Do you have any knowledge with this type of spoopy fucker, or how to deal with shit like that.

Unproper buried dead. they become shadow spirits and hate light. if they are very angry about this they will influence you in hated ways but mostly are just harmless. the best way to keep them from your home is to put salt in all doorways they hate salt.
A nother thing as i presume you might ask do not get buried improperly or it will make you a desecrated dead or shadow person. if you want i can tell you what burial needs. so that you dont become shadow person.

i don't think it was human ever lad. As for my burial needs ill be buried like my ancestors. Vikikng funeral pyre would be cooler tbh.

fuck my typing

No it was human many years ago. it is a direct ancestory of you or your friend to. if you are burned into ash and your ashes are KEPT you will become one of these.
if you do decide to be cremated or burned on a pyre or whatever make sure your ashes are not kept.
if you have a burial into the dirt be buried with your chief weapon (gun) and in ceremonial clothing.

I was spooked that these trips almost went unchecked.
Looking forward to the announcement

Why would it matter how you were buried? Wouldn't your thoughts or will and deeds while you lived be the prime factor in the afterlife? How did a human become something like that?

u gief miessel?



Well you see when you die the way your buried can upset Earth spirits which will block you from the skyworld heaven,etc they will keep you to the earth because you did not appease them in death. everything and i do mean EVERYTHING. has a ritual to it not in prayer but in more of warding off spirits. earth spirits water spirits sky spirits. if the earth spirits do not like the way you were buried or died then they will tell sky spirits. sky spirits like the earth spirits. so they will barr you. from heaven. or reincarnation after that. basically fuck with earth spirits and you are making your way to afterlife very hard.
Why do earth spirits care? you may ask well because the ash makes them happy it symbolizes that you have given yourself to the earth so that the earth can continue. to not do this wont matter so much. to you now but your spirit will curse you for it. basically while you are on earth after death your spirit is a shadow spirit. untill it heads twoards the sky. that is how it becomes that


Of courshe!

this has gotta be criminal by this point. they used to bust game shows for doing this kinda thing. brazile's doing what used to get game shows busted, in a major political primary election.

Oh, I will, Donna. I will.

His name was Seth Rich

RIP glorious patriot, I hope he's enjoying the show from the clouds.

Do you have any literature to read about this type of stuff, any good links. The battle against the kike is 2 fold, physical and spiritual, any help would be appreciated. This is my last reply since the thread is almost full.

well sadly i dont. if you have a steam you can add me on it and i'll be able to discuss it with you.
if you want i can even make infogrpahics on types of spirits. what they do
different demons to.
To add me


So many cowards out there tbh fam

2016 is the wild ride to end all wild rides

A statue with the inscription: "To those who didn't live to see it happen."

I remember this.

We are as samurai, already dead. You can't kill whats dead.

