krillin is now canon stronger than Super saiyan 1

krillin is now canon stronger than Super saiyan 1
How does Holla Forums feel about this?


Lost to frost in 1 hit


These DBS threads are by far the worst threads on Holla Forums right now. Its like 2 or 3 spicweebs from facebook come here to talk about it, when they can just go back there or to /a/ instead.

Bound to happen sooner or later.

Great writing.

powerlevels are bullshit and meaningless

At least you posted this shit on Holla Forums. If you did so on /a/ their autism will compel them to shit on you for saying that, proceed to ask you how do you measure that exactly, and then autistically screech that DBshit is no longer a powerlevel shitshow anyway because it doesn't literally feature a Scouter device anymore, completely missing the point of the powerlevel meme.


So this is where that autist came from.

These GoT threads are by far the worst threads on Holla Forums right now. Its like 2 or 3 maisiefags from cuckchan come here to talk about it, when they can just go back there or to /waifuist/ instead.

These Drumpf threads are by far the worst threads on Holla Forums right now. Its like 2 or 3 drumpfsbergs from reddit come here to talk about it, when they can just go back there or to Holla Forums instead.

superman is still better than goku

I feel like /int*/ should try shitposting on Holla Forums for a change.

You have no evidence that this thread was started or populated by /int*/.

/a/ wouldn't do any of that because they are a bunch of homosexuals who only watch girly cartoons and wish they were little girls. They probably don't even know what dragonball is.

Anime is allowed to be discussed on any board. You don't like it then fuck off, normalfag.

honestly I would have thought it would be Tien who would have just trained his ass off until he could do a kaioken times 10k and then hold on to that power for an extended period of time effectively inventing a human version of super saiyan


fuck off user GoT is by far the worst



You retards are the only ones who use that stupid fucking term.

dragon ball is garbage

stop being a cuck and watching cuckime

Can't wait for next episode.
Goku fight will be interesting.