Holla Forums vs freech


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Spread the awareness and mock their poor imitations.

always archive op

Remind me again why they're a problem.

I love how they think the beastislity porn is effective. There are tons of newfags around nowadays, but there are enough old fags who cut their Internet teeth on sites like ogrish, stile project, and old Holla Forums. How many anons saw mr. hands 10-15 years ago? The faggot was literally fucked to death by a horse. It isn't even an effective derailing tactic. How do faggoty leftists not recognize faux outrage? It's all they have.

dob geg

You can pry my smug from my cold dead hands.

They think the memes are their ally, they merely adopted the memes. We were born in them, molded by them.

The only thing these autists do is spam. They don't have the creativity for anything else, all the have is a lot of free time and nothing better to do

I just have to get this off my chest, I really fucking despise anime, bless your little hearts for trolling Rick Wilson and everything but I can't watch that shit

These people will never get it. They view memes as a tool that can be manipulated. Memes are only memes when there is truth to them. It's less about creation than it is about discovery. Taking our truthful memes and spinning them into hillary untruths would never work. It would be (and is) obvious every single time they try.

I don't understand their motives, what's the point? The only thing I can see coming from it is maybe, MAYBE someone actually takes the bait and they get a quick 5 second validation for their efforts. Truly pathetic people.

Kind of sad how much they see themselves as evil masterminds. All I picture when I think of /freech/ is that 15 year old kid who saw The Dark Knight and Fight Club, and thought anarchy was super cool.

Sticky this.

goonery. goons fucked with everyone during the long, long ago. Before sa was taken over by sjws/tumblr/etc. They were kind of like a proto Holla Forums, but they got made fun of because you had to pay $10/a month to be a member ofor the forum. /freech/ is what they've become and what they created.


So freech doesn't understand how real memes work. I am not surprised.

They tried this on cuck/pol/ and it failed miserably.

If these guys are the original Goons, they must be at least in their thirties, right? And they're still doing the kind of shit I grew out of when I stopped being a teenager. Jesus, I thought I was a loser.


That would be giving them too much attention for the minor annoyance they've been reduced to

every goon I've even seen get doxed turns out to be a massive lolcow.

Is it the new thing for freech to talk about themselves overtly? Because that's pretty fucking pathetic. Must be tried of people ignoring their pathetic asses.

Because they organize in an irc.

They aren't a problem. freech has been irrelevant for almost a year. They still try to fuck things up here sometimes, but their post model is very characteristic and different from leftypol and CTR.

I fucking hate Holla Forums.



If you want to help out, start posting in Holla Forums, because they think that's where they have a foothold now after CodeMonkey took /n/ away from them.

Why should would we bother about a board that has 50 visits monthly?

I hate this country

Holla Forums's wise to them. Whenever someone acts like they actually care about the quality of the board, it's a dead giveaway that they're outisiders.

They can have it


I see freech is already in damage control ITT.
Sorry, but any oldfag knows anime has always been foreign culture worship that isn't allowed on white boards.

Fuck off, freech.

Heh I just came from freech to check out Holla Forums


wtf I hate smug anime girls now

there's no damage control to be had, we know what they've said, you're accusation is inaccurate. and any user who's been a consistent lurker on this board during this election cycle would know what the reaction to rick wilson is.

You could be posting images of great European architecture, art, or American persona, old American cartoons that aren't pozzed.
But no. Instead you chose to shitpost with images made by a foreign culture.

And that's why weebs will always be an enemy of whites.
Please continue jacking off to images drawn by slant-eyes so that you can bless us with the promise that your shitty genes will never find their way into the rest of our pool.

I don't watch anime, never have outside of DBZ when I was a kid. I think weebs are degenerate for holding nip culture up on a pedestal. Race mixing is not okay, and being more into Jap culture than your own white culture is traitorous.

That said, I still love smug anime girl reaction images, though I never post them myself. They do a very specific job, and they do it very fucking well. Anyone who gets shitter shattered over posting them is a cunt.

Ignore them. By giving the any attention, you're validating their fat, nihilistic asses.

They are just a bunch of useful idiots, who have nothing in their lives to live for than "lulz". Except they are lefties, so their ideologies prevent them from actually trolling any real targets. Thus, they try to troll us, the evil white supremacists.

Don't take the bait, and they will die in their own obscurity.

You've been trying to D&C over this subject for years. It's not going to happen.

I'm not a lefty and almost all reactions I've seen to Trump posting are tacitly positive. I've only been lurking there for about a year though. It's kind of comfy degenerates aside.

I actually feel kinda bad for them.

anime posting has always been a firewall for normies, calling yourself an oldfag doesn't make it so

never, ever feel bad for a goon, not even ironically.

get back in the hole you crawled out off

obsessing over anime is pretty degenerate but having an appreciation for other nationalistic cultures that strive for greatness and place value on virtue and aesthetics is pretty healthy


Fails miserably every time, just a matter of how long it takes the mods to erase it and permaban those responsible.

Tried it, and it failed miserably, was just rather pathetic

Have these people ever actually been to Holla Forums?

These people are just sad.
They tried this already, and it was just rather pitiful - I legitimately felt bad for them.

This is our enemy?
This is who stands against us?

Holla Forums of old was actually disruptive, these are people playing around in the ashes of what was once a truly annoying group of people

freech is dead as fuck. they probably posted this thread to increase their UIDs tenfold

Why? Everyone in the picture is white, and trying to stop a baseball bat from bashing their face in.

Neither of these are arguments.

Most of Holla Forums moved back to cuckchan.

Your ID says it all.

Hello SA goon.

I've been on Holla Forums for a whole lotta years now, and I still have no clue wtf a freech is.

I want to see them all get a life sentence for the pedo stash they share with each other. If only we could have had congress subpoena lowtax and have feds raid all his servers, we'd get rid of a bunch of retards who shit up the internet.


This is exactly the vibe I get. It's embarrassing to see.