I expect us all to be pulling an all-nighter to watch this important piece of history unfold, but what result do you think will happen?
The polls are biased and unreliable to add. Is Trump leading? Will the Republicans hold the Senate?
I expect us all to be pulling an all-nighter to watch this important piece of history unfold, but what result do you think will happen?
The polls are biased and unreliable to add. Is Trump leading? Will the Republicans hold the Senate?
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I almost want to rest that night just so I can be ready for the chaos that will occur after Trumps ascension to the throne.
I've been pouring over history, but I'm no scholar, I'm not good at this stuff. I can't find any historical analogue that seems to match this presidential election barring uncle Adolf. I don't think anyone rightly knows what's going to happen, but if Trump wins it's going to be beautiful.
Total victory.
'news' stations exasperated.
Salt overload
Niggers burning their neighbourhood
I can't wait for the day after when all the twitter liberals are crying about how the polls had her winning.
Dutchfag here. Will the results from states like Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan come in first? Because I'm not planning on staying up until Alaska is announced.
Depends very much by what the states decide. They close the polls at different times. But for the most part the east coast will get results in first.
Although, sometimes it takes days because they still need to count every single vote if it gets super close.
The indictment was thrown out of court a few weeks later, but the Clintons gained access to the White House and were able to get rich selling out the US – because of a last-minute politically motivated indictment.
Yeah, I am going to be mysteriously "sick" Nov 9th for work.
Probably due to partying all night long, but my boss doesn't need to know that.
I can already see it now
I think Trump is going to BTFO Hillary on election day, but nothing is certain due to electoral fraud.
I'm still not sure what I'll be doing on the 8th. I'll be really fucking nervous the entire day and through the night, but I'm wondering if I should be watching the news all night or if I should just get my mind off it, and hopefully wake up the next morning to find out that Trump won, like it's christmas morning. On one hand, I kinda don't want to sit there sweating the entire time biting my nails. But on the otherhand, it'd be absolutely priceless to see Wolf Blitzer's face and all the other kikes' faces when PA goes for Trump and they all know that it's over. I want to watch all these pieces of shit break down in tears on live TV.
>Results come in, Hillary "wins" in a landslide
At this point I suspect all hell will break loose.
Sounds legit.
But I think if it got to that level of voilence then martial law would be implemented.
You should expect a formality at best, since Hillary will be in ruins by then
Expect it to be the single best day to be on Holla Forums in its storied history.
We know exactly what's going to go down, OP. The old Cunton charm is running fucking dry and the normal every day folk ain't buying it any more.
I think I'll still be nervous even on election day about a Clinton win it's not over until we hear CNN have to admit Trump won.
The end or a new beginning.
Italy here, so i don't really know how tense the situation in the US is, but from my point of view Trump is just USA's Berlusconi, he's the american Putin, a man with money and power that sometimes fucks lots of women.
Can you explain to me what's gonna change beside "build a wall"? I don't see any major happening coming, for certain not a race war. Niggers will be pissed at best.
1. Trump wins. Hillary and (((friends))) might try to stall out and oppose this as long as they can. Chimpout imminent.
1.a. Trump starts his presidency, later the jews generate an economical crash. They put the blame on Brexit, Trump etc. basically those people who would be considered conservatives and/or favoring national socialism. How well the people will take this is up to Trump and his followers.
1.b. Trump is assassinated like Kennedy.
1.c. A combination of the options above.
2. Hillary wins. The election was rigged.
It all comes tumbling down.
Honestly I can't tell you. I think you're going to be hearing media outlets like CNN saying that Russia hacked the election in favor of Trump. You'll see an incredible amount of salt on social media, leftists will literally be bawling. The poor Cucknadians will have to deal with their own refugee crisis. You may see some niggers chimping out as well.
It's gonna be one hell of a night.
However, as said, there'll probably be consequences later on.
Is that real?
Can webm's be posted to facebook?
more shitposting than usual most likely
what a great thread
I honestly doubt there will be a winner declared on the 8th. Whoever wins, the other side will declare fraud and a suit will be filed. We'll prpbably be looking at another Bush v Gore situation and not have a final result until after Thanksgiving.
Even if/when Trump wins, they will not stop. They will not rest. They will not cease until (((they))) reclaim their "rightful place". All in vain however should it come to pass.
Whether we win or lose, this is only the beginning. People are slowly but surely waking up. (((Their))) agenda and narrative will not last much longer. They will become desperate, but we've proven time and time again how stubborn and determined we are when it comes to fighting for truth and justice when push comes to shove, or die trying.
Still amazed they thought this would make Trump look bad, it make Hitler look great, especially the "proved your loyalty a thousand fold" part. I still get goosebumps every once in a while
My biggest concern is morale in the event of a loss. A victory is nothing to be concerned about.
Be ready for lots of trolls from two angles: liberals saying 'POL BTFO' and 'dude wait for hitler' fags being blackpill shitheads. Cuckservatives will start recriminatiions immediately.
Realize now that Trump is a hail mary pass into heavy coverage. The ENTIRE system of two parties and global governance is against him. Every single powerful entity on earth wants him to lose.
Vote, dammit. Don't be demoralized. But go into this ready for any outcome.
Black Pill?
Please write my clickbait article for me because I'll be eating Ramen otherwise.
The pill of Nihilism.
This makes me want to vote for Trump even more.
we can stop pretending to not be racist and expel nonwhites from trumps ranks
Berlusconi truly was our best PM since Mussolini
Muh Italians
I thought about that as well.
At the end of the day, no matter the outcome of the election, the fight goes on. We do not lower our guard ("Trump is elected, everything is fine again"), we do not fall for demoralization propaganda, we double down instead.
If Killary is elected then she'll probably shit all over the niggers anyway.
Trump has said he wants to audit the Federal Reserve. If he actually does it remains to be seen, but no recent president has ever been that bad of a goy.
and bringing jobs back, making health insurance affordable, not throwing us into war with russia, not losing a shitload of money by protecting other countries like SA for free.
I could go on and on but bottom line is, if he executes even 10% of what he promised it will be the best presidency in the last 60 years.
Oh. That's not mutually exclusive with the red pill though. If you give up on higher meaning beyond that which is observed and measurable, then you leave a void that can be filled with whatever meaning you assign it. Liberals fill it with trash ideas, of course.
But red pilled nihilists can extrapolate from the natural order to find meaning there. For natsoc the connection is obvious, given how much of the believe system is based on genetic selection and strength.
More like just reality. There's a very high chance Trump will get over 60% of the popular vote, however there's also a very high chance Hillary wins to either rigging, or some utah and new mexico electoral college bullshit.
We can only hope
Civil War 2.0, butt lolberals edition. They will claim Poo-tin rigged the ballot machines and Trump is not legitimate. Someone will legit try to kill Trump and may even succeed. The shooting will start soon thereafter.
My original idea was that Clinton would look like the winner for a few days before enough evidence of tampering came out/enough ersatz militias began to form to force the SC to declare Trump the winner, but with all that's going on now who the fuck knows.
You can't shoot an emperor with plebian bullets like the left has.
Hillary wins, but there's blatant evidence of vote rigging, meanwhile the GOP and Democrats both side with her overwhelmingly
Trump takes it to court, but it gets shut down
Escalating political violence+huge spike in illegal immigration
Civil War starts after the economy implodes sometime in the next 10 months
Do we really think tptb are that stupid to risk it? Better to just let Trump in and start an economic meltdown in February.
In such case, pull Uncle's Bezmenov trick of pulling enemy until he crashes into the wall rather than opposing.
I mean all the evils of the world will be blameable on women.
But I really doubt it will be necessary by this point.
there isn't a monolithic ruling bloc, it's multiple currents pushing and pulling against each other, hence why Clinton got the nomination, despite being the worst possible candidate the democrats could choose, just as there's multiple currents on the election. If they were smart, they'd let trump win then JFK him, afterwards Pence would assume command and the boat would keep sailing to demographic destruction.
People aren't rational, it's a mistake to assume the ruling powers are rational considering they're composed of people as well, often times people who are a hell of a lot more unstable than the average joe off the street given their desire for power and shekels above all. If you look at jewish history, it's full of them overreaching and making huge mistakes as soon as something doesn't go according to plan.
I doubt it, the GOP has fucked up enormously over the last several years and blatantly played their cards showing that they and the Dems are the same party.
Non-burger here, please explain how the process of electing a winner is done, how long it takes, and where should I look at.
Is all of it happening on Nov. 8th? At what hour?
All the votes will be cast/counted on Nov 8th, different closing times depending on the state
At which point they start calling them as soon as it's clear who won which state
they'll probably have a good guess as to who won by late night EST on Nov 8th given that Trump has some key states he has to win or else it's over
United States presidential election
We'll know the night of Nov. 8. He doesn't swear in until January.
Do they announce a time or some shit, or is the time fluid depending on when they end counting votes?
Also, the major state to watch will be Pennsylvania
If Trump can't flip it then you're probably looking at a Clinton win and keeping your powder dry
The votes close in the key states at 8pm, so give maybe 2 or 3 hours for the results to roll in
The counting of votes will end sometime on the evening of November 8th. Probably close to 0000 on November 9th.
I guess an hour or two after they find out how many votes they need to stuff in the ballot box to rig the vote
Why PA? I thought THE swing state to watch was Ohio?
Trump could win both Ohio and Florida and still lose, the Democrats have a fuckhuge electoral college advantage
He has to flip PA to negate that advantage
For example, assuming traditional voting patterns hold and PA and Colorado go blue, the Dems would hold 274 votes with their safe states alone
The entire system is a shitshow tbh
I honestly think the left will try to assassinate Trump. They literally think he's Hitler, they will never accept him as president. Also expect rioting, mass protests etc which will force Trump to declare martial law. Then shit will go down big time.
Prepare for the greatest happening of our time.
Is there any way Trump can win without Pennsylvania?
Not without a flip of another blue state and even then PA is the best candidate to flip given how they've been economically hurt and the fact that they're worth 20 votes
either way, I suspect this is going to be really fucking close, like one or two electoral votes close
I just hope the Mormons don't fuck up
I think if Trump wins uh…bama will reach down into his enlightened melanin enhanced brain and pull out his inner self becoming a stereotypical african dictator. He's already shown himself to be a petulant child when things don't go his way. See his comments on TPP
Of course. This map is what things look like right now. And my e-mail regards 270towin’s obvious propaganda.
And then there’s this article: archive.is
honestly almost everyone in PA is on board with Trump. The only parts that aren't are Philly and Pittsburgh. The only problem there is thats were majority of the population lives
Extra points for working in "Hegelian dynamic" without sounding pretentious, but you're shouting at an entry-level Pajeet to go fuck himself. The poor street pooper will not know how to comply, and he may power-cycle his girlfriend's dildo in front of the bathroom mirror in confusion.
I have the day off, so I'll be voting early, then watching as the preceding time zones count their votes.
We still need them for his re-election though.
Yes, but it'll be pretty narrow. He'll have to win the same states as Romney did + Florida, Ohio, Iowa and Nevada. From there he'll have 265 EC votes and can only get 270 votes if he turns Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin or Michigan red, or New Hampshire + Maine's second congressional district.
Got it, thanks for the explanation.
Anything to hurt their feelings is fine by me.
Honestly, a narrow Trump victory would be the best for libtard salt and general butthurt.
Yes, and it would also motivate the GOP to work on turning states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Rhode Island and New Jersey into red states (at least for the 2020 election).
Election night is going to be a fucking nail biter.
This will be difficult due to demography. The only way non whites will vote Republican is if/when they pander to them even more than the Democrats already do.
It's a shit sandwich.
Get on my level. I'm literally going to be partying with by boss and some of my co-workers when Trump wins.
Most of them will be too busy trying to keep their jobs to worry about winning the next election.
All those states still have electorates that are 75-85% white. Pandering to them is much more important (for the time being) than pandering to muds with >muh DemsRx3.
hilldawg already has nevada. early voting has begun. wikileaks dropped the fucking ball.
That makes the oval office look cozy as fuck. Can't wait for 1980s Part 2 to begin.
Imagine what will happen when trumpwave becomes a legitimate music genre and sonic magic infused music hits the radio, generating energy for Kek many orders of magnitude above the energy we've generated with our humble repeating digits and weaponized shitposts.
The ride hasn't even begun yet.
Expect riots in Los Angeles and Chicago and perhaps a few other cities too. Because Donald Trump will win the election.
If you live near a large mexican / latino population in an urban area you should be aware that simply being white could make you the target of racial attacks. And if you have a store try to install some kind of fence in the windows to prevent looting. I hope nobody dies or gets seriously injured but don't be caught by surprise. And be ready to document the anti-white violence with photos and videos because the media will probably try to sweep that under the rug.
No she fucking doesn't. Fuck you for spreading misinformation.
lol roast in hell
Go away CTR
Daily reminder that Michigan, a state known for its Regan Democrats, has a coin-flip chance of going to Trump! I'll be proud when the God Emperor takes our 16 points to victory.
What are the chances it won't be rigged?
Nope, going to go to bed early. I'm off the day after and going to see what happens and deal with it if shit arises.
Considering that the only people arrested for trying to vote rig have been Trump supporters, I think you can answer your own question.
Extra comfy
I just gotta do it for him.
Slow and Steady wins the race
Hello CTR
give it a rest ¡Jeb!, we know it's you
If Killary tries rigging it, I hope Trump fights it.
If everyone can get super fucking cynical about the media and government, that would be the best.
She should see the signs and give up now, because her presidency would be one disaster after another.
The police would have handled it sooner. Donald trump would have restored order and used some millitary to kill most guerrila style and then leaving some of the good niggers. And then reconstruction begins and the American economy and civilization becomes great
I'm even almost sure Trump will win Cali.
Jimmy carter didn't rig the election though
according to (((history)))
Watch the music industry. Something might be happening there to support (((them)))
this always gets me hyped up.
Cant wait for the election
Nothing new under the sun.
That Hillary's head explodes in a shower of gore when Trump wins.
If FBI user is to be believed, she goes full Samson Option and tries to bring down everyone and everything around her. She seems like enough of an egotist to do this - her entire life spent as Empress-In-Waiting, now only at the end to have it snatched from her. She would be spiteful enough to do it. This outcome assumes she allows the Clinton Foundation stuff to go public and it doesn't just destabilize the country, but also damages the US permanently among our allies and other nations.
Parts 1 and 2:
Other possibilities include civil unrest, martial law, riots, (actual) domestic terrorism with people blowing up roads and infrastructure, etc…etc…
I have 2 weeks of food and water and about 1,000 rounds for the AK stuck back (plenty of other rounds for pistol / shotgun / boltgun). Assuming shit does hit the fan, I'm bugging in and waiting for niggers to starve before I'm opening my door. Going to the hardware store next week for final supplies - plywood, fasteners, and 2x4s to barricade the windows and reinforce the door.
If the power goes out, the net goes down, and you hear the sound of distant gunfire…you'll know it's time. #MAGA brothers, I hope we meet as brothers in arms in the coming Civil War.